Nov 1, 2017
Man I wonder how much enbezzelment these guys are doing on a daily with the US taxpayers money. Fuckin bullshit man..

meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
Ike once told former Marvel Editor Bob Harras that if his kids turn out to be gay, he should murder them. For the record at the time Eric Ellebogen was an executive for Marvel and also happens to be openly gay. If you're wondering what happened, nothing happened to Ike. But, Bob Harras soon left Marvel for Wildstorm and eventually DC. Eric Ellebogen left and worked in several companies before settling in nicely for Dreamworks
Three black women sued him and Marvel in 2012 because in addition to being super homophobic, he's a fucking racist. The suit claimed that despite the three women all being long time Marvel executives he always referred to them as "The Help." Other claims listed were things such as telling one woman she had a bullet with her name on it. For the record, Ike is a strong supporter of open carry and often carries his gun to the office. Marvel quietly settled
I've always loved how society is set up to insulate genuine sociopaths if they're rich and influential enough.

Oh, and I don't give a crap about anything MCU or Disney, so another easy boycott for me.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
Yeah, Perlmutter is a grade-A asshole. Him holding back diversity in the MCU was already mentioned here. Though to use an example, Feige was only able to make Captain Marvel happen by also making Inhumans happen (the latter of which was scrapped after Feige got away from Perlmutter). But if I'm remembering correctly, Perlmutter was also responsible for the infamous Fox ban across almost every form of media outside of the comics (including video games, which impacted games like MvCI & Lego Marvel 2).

With that said, I think he's just the chairman of Marvel Entertainment now, so I'm not sure how much influence he has nowadays (even putting aside the fact that Marvel Studios is now directly under Disney & completely separate from Marvel Entertainment). I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Disney ousts him in the not-too-distant future, but I guess rich & powerful assholes are hard to get rid of.
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Oct 25, 2017
I'd suggest boycotting the comics, but then they really don't need to be boycotted to be a gigantic trash fire that is slowly dying lol


Oct 25, 2017
Disney needs to give this guy the boot. Marvel Studios is a separate entity, it's no longer related to Marvel Entertainment. And considering that, Marvel Entertainment isn't really lighting the world on fire. There's no reason to allow an albatross like Perlmutter to hang around your nec


Oct 27, 2017
Don't boycott Marvel Comics. It's not going to affect this fucker one bit. He'll be fine. It will make artists' and writers' lives hell.


Jun 10, 2018
Yeah, aside from being a huge piece of shit, he's also extremely weird... apparently there are a VERY limited number of photos of him. Like on the whole internet maybe six or eight (including a couple that are decades old). He really really doesn't like having his picture taken, and has managed to keep it limited to that number despite being CEO of a couple of things.

Robert Mercer is the same way. Billionaire sociopaths share a lot of traits.


Oct 25, 2017
Everyone who shamed people for still watching the NFL is going to have a fun time trying to weasel their way out of still supporting Marvel.


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
Everyone who shamed people for still watching the NFL is going to have a fun time trying to weasel their way out of still supporting Marvel.
Two big differences....

In the NFL's case, it was the organization that was being a dick. And it was people in actual power that were establishing dickery.

In Marvel's case, this is one guy who's had his power stripped from him. He doesn't control anything or have final say in anything anymore, not since the Disney purchase. And his dickery doesn't permeate the rest of the organization, and certainly not a department that he has absolutely no foot in (the movies).


Nov 2, 2017

Art Spiegelman, the legendary graphic novelist behind Maus, has claimed that he was asked to remove criticism of Donald Trump from his introduction to a forthcoming Marvel book, because the comics publisher – whose chairman has donated to Trump's campaign – is trying to stay "apolitical".

Spiegelman, who won a Pulitzer prize for Maus, his story of the Holocaust, has written for Saturday's Guardian that he was approached by publisher the Folio Society to write an introduction to Marvel: The Golden Age 1939–1949, a collection ranging from Captain America to the Human Torch.

Tracing how "the young Jewish creators of the first superheroes conjured up mythic – almost godlike – secular saviours" to address political issues such as the Great Depression and the second world war, Spiegelman finishes his essay by saying: "In today's all too real world, Captain America's most nefarious villain, the Red Skull, is alive on screen and an Orange Skull haunts America."

After submitting the essay in June, Spiegelman says he was told by the Folio Society that Marvel Comics was trying to stay apolitical, "and is not allowing its publications to take a political stance". Neither publisher responded to requests for comment from the Guardian, but Spiegelman claims he was asked to remove the sentence referring to the Red Skull or his introduction would not be published. He pulled the essay, placing it instead with the Guardian.

Ike trying to protect his orange friend's feelings.