
Prophet of Truth
Mar 13, 2019
So the physical OWL merch shop shut down on monday, and while there is no update on what's going to happen to the in-game OWL shop, I hope when they eventually do shut it down that they take all those recolors and just strip the OWL logos off them and re-use them as basic recolors for a shitload of "free"(from Blizz POV) content.

Ideally they'd just be dumped into the hero gallery for credits(or coins if you lack credits), but even if they made them paid-only you could surely charge like 400-600 coins and it'd be an interesting option since some of the colors look really good and some people would easily pay that for the hangzhou spark colors(as example), plus being a cheaper skin option than paying $10/20 for an epic/legendary skin. Hell you could do "buy this color on every hero" bundles for like $50 and I'm sure some people would bite on that...but if the colorways just go away entirely I will be so sad :(
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Young Liar

Nov 30, 2017
Wow, the deflect on Widow at the end was clean

God, Genji needs to be my next pickup. The times I pick him I absolutely run it down. I understand theoretically how to play him, and to not dive in unless I can secure a kill, but I just get blasted. I gotta put in the time.

learning genji when ow2 came out was the breath of fresh air i needed since i'd been playing all the way back in 2016 without really spending any time using him and mostly playing tank and support. now i 100% understand why people insta-lock him! he's just peak overwatch hero design with how dynamic, kinetic, mechanically intensive, and unique his playstyle is, not to mention his iconic look and voice lines. not a hero you can switch your brain off with how many decisions you have to be making and how fast you have to make them. he's also the one dps that's cursed like tanks to get most if not the entire enemy team to counterswap him, so it can be extra hard to keep playing him when all the beam and cc heroes start showing up.

of course, i end my session (and my four game losing streak) with this silly forced c9 on numbani where i manage to eke out one kill with the desperation dragonblade on the kiriko pushing the payload while the rest of her team kills the rest of my team and me eventually lol


fucking hilarious seeing the enemy moira leave the payload while the enemy cass and soldier frantically try to get back to it


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
Not sure what argument you're expecting from me, I don't they they should have been. Stuff like this is why the game can't escape bad press and reviews. People in game don't even chat or use coms anymore because of how toxic the players are, or because of how frivolous the bans have been. Game on steam has been doing pretty well, but to me it's just a echo of what it could have been.

It's like they just decided to triple down on skin development.

OW will forever be a franchise living below it's potential. If a skin mill is the game's currently ceiling then they're killing that. Good for them. Sell those skins and make those higher ups happy. But for many of the reasons you listed, people who want to love the franchise will always resent it or stay away because of the blatant red flags.

The only people who will stick around are those who like the skins, those who like the gameplay, characters, and world enough despite the blatant mismanagement. As well as the new players that have never experienced the gameplay before.

With Rivals and the Valve game more direct competition might be ahead. So maybe we see more inspired ideas from the IP that inspired some this competition in the first place. Or they'll just keep on putting out more skins and finding reasons to fire people after releasing poorly scoped and managed projects.

Funny thing is they are apparently all in on PvP now but its never been more boring to me personally. Haven't touched it in a hot minute aside from some matches at the start of the season. OW2 is one of the few games I know that actively gets worse the better you get at it.

Because the one time the community had a chance to show Blizzard we truly wanted PvE, only ten people bought it.

I was one of the ten, btw. 😭
To be fair, what they put out was laughably bad.

Of course no one is going to buy something that came out of the oven half baked after years of work. The reviews and streamer impressions decimated it and compared it to the 2019 demo that looked largely the same.

I bought it and thought it was underbaked but as usual with OW I saw what could've been instead of what it was.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Goddamn tank is feeling like the best it's been since launch. I'm just not picking anything else.

Frustrated when JQ doesn't work because she's so fun being able to shout while axing, but feel my Zarya is picking up the rest of the flack with very occasional Hog when it's just a really good Doom that needs his block constantly hooked. After Marvel and XDefiant back to back, I'm glad to be playing this daily again.


Oct 29, 2017
Irvine, CA
OW will forever be a franchise living below it's potential. If a skin mill is the game's currently ceiling then they're killing that. Good for them. Sell those skins and make those higher ups happy. But for many of the reasons you listed, people who want to love the franchise will always resent it or stay away because of the blatant red flags.

The only people who will stick around are those who like the skins, those who like the gameplay, characters, and world enough despite the blatant mismanagement. As well as the new players that have never experienced the gameplay before.

With Rivals and the Valve game more direct competition might be ahead. So maybe we see more inspired ideas from the IP that inspired some this competition in the first place. Or they'll just keep on putting out more skins and finding reasons to fire people after releasing poorly scoped and managed projects.

Funny thing is they are apparently all in on PvP now but its never been more boring to me personally. Haven't touched it in a hot minute aside from some matches at the start of the season. OW2 is one of the few games I know that actively gets worse the better you get at it.

To be fair, what they put out was laughably bad.

Of course no one is going to buy something that came out of the oven half baked after years of work. The reviews and streamer impressions decimated it and compared it to the 2019 demo that looked largely the same.

I bought it and thought it was underbaked but as usual with OW I saw what could've been instead of what it was.

I don't always post but your level headed takes are always refreshing, when I have the chance to see them.


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
To be fair, what they put out was laughably bad.

Of course no one is going to buy something that came out of the oven half baked after years of work. The reviews and streamer impressions decimated it and compared it to the 2019 demo that looked largely the same.

I bought it and thought it was underbaked but as usual with OW I saw what could've been instead of what it was.
Oh, I'm aware it was underwhelming given the amount of time that was spent on it (although to be fair, the amount of time was spent on systems that they ended up scrapping and repurposing.) I'm just saying, people cannot be surprised that the PvE aspects are being scaled back when the big PvE event wasn't engaged with and most of the team responsible for it got fired. Like, not sure what anyone wants Team Four to do.


Oct 25, 2017
Is there supposed to be some anniversary skins this year(even some old shop ones available for white coins)? Or is that more likely next week?


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
I don't always post but your level headed takes are always refreshing, when I have the chance to see them.

OW is my favorite MP shooter of all time so all of this cuts especially deep. Some will be content others won't, I'm just glad more alternatives are on the horizon.

Oh, I'm aware it was underwhelming given the amount of time that was spent on it (although to be fair, the amount of time was spent on systems that they ended up scrapping and repurposing.) I'm just saying, people cannot be surprised that the PvE aspects are being scaled back when the big PvE event wasn't engaged with and most of the team responsible for it got fired. Like, not sure what anyone wants Team Four to do.
Yeah I've largely moved on from the PvE stuff. I just don't think it's fair to the playerbase, former or present, to spin it like we weren't interested enough. A ton of players were interested and hopeful that it would be good but it wasn't.

The amount of interest in OW2 was freakin massive initially until people saw what it was and more was revealed. So it being a casualty makes sense because they sent it out to die lol.

Wii Tank

Oct 27, 2017
Still can't believe they don't have so much as a single daily challenge or anything to encourage people to play the paid PvE content. It doesn't even have a prominent spot on the menu anymore. Then they put out this hero mastery gauntlet mode on what is very clearly a single low effort unfinished map and when it unsurprisingly underperforms I'm sure affirms their belief that nobody wants PvE. It's a shame to me as I've actually enjoyed their PvE content in events, but a lot of it comes out extremely undercooked and then they really don't encourage anyone to actually return to the content. Of course it's not going to have much staying power when there isn't much there with poor rewards. Even something like Overwatch 1's look for group functionality would do a lot in helping to find people who want to play these modes.

It's just especially sad for someone who actually bought and initially even enjoyed the PvE to be treated to an unplayable mode now. I tried a month or so back to find a lobby for the second mission and left it for over 40 minutes before giving up. I think they would be more popular if they tied a daily or weekly challenge to it with a generous XP payout and maybe even a unique difficult achievement each season. Just something if they really insist on keeping it paid.


Oct 25, 2017
Really weird how the old Archive events haven't returned. so many OW2 players never experienced them. I wonder if new engine screwed up something.


Oct 25, 2017
OW devs: we've taken the steps to balance matchmaking further and prevent losing streaks

* Looks at 1 win to 9 losses in my last 10 games *

Are you sure about that?
Oct 25, 2017
OW devs: we've taken the steps to balance matchmaking further and prevent losing streaks

* Looks at 1 win to 9 losses in my last 10 games *

Are you sure about that?

All it does is place you on the advantaged team. If a team has a 51% chance to win, it's still saying half the time you lose. It's not to prevent streaks, not really. It's a tiny advantage most of the time.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Man I struggle as Reinhardt. I don't think I play at a level where he's 'bad', but I especially find I just don't like him in most comps. I still have this OW1 mindset that he should be protecting other heroes with his shield (rather than just himself), and quite often heroes like Widow, Hanzo, Tracer, Sombra, and Ana will rarely be in a position to benefit from it, and even Mercy has little use for the shield if you're not also blocking someone else that she's boosting.

He spends so long slowly creeping up to the fray with his shield up or trying to charge in at a safe moment, and then it feels like too many heroes can just get right back away from him. I'm also trash at getting pins with his charge. But that one's definitely on me and I can work on it.

Orisa, Ramattra, Sigma, and even Zarya have always just kinda gelled with my playstyle, but I'm trying to expand my tank repertoire.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I've largely moved on from the PvE stuff. I just don't think it's fair to the playerbase, former or present, to spin it like we weren't interested enough. A ton of players were interested and hopeful that it would be good but it wasn't.

The amount of interest in OW2 was freakin massive initially until people saw what it was and more was revealed. So it being a casualty makes sense because they sent it out to die lol.
They only decided to sell it to us after they announced it was already being strip mined for parts, in the midst of their f2p or paid subscription competition doing events for free or at least given you the content after you already bought in for the season. A paid premium event after a conga line of free events that were mid with no attempt to shore up good will or show how this would be different without the talents. Even the most gung-ho, Blizzard worshiping of the content creators were just kinda shrugging their shoulders at it with almost no attempts to spin it. the faith was lost. i was surprised they had the nerve to be pissed off at how it did to the point where they thought bonuses should be withheld with how little went into dealing with the poison well the higher ups created.
Oct 25, 2017
I think there are many unanswerable questions about PVE, but what I feel certain of (and to be clear this is my opinion) is that the PVE has never been better than those missions they put out. Frankly, the missions are better than I expected based on all the PVE content I've played before. Part of me was like, yeah there is something here. But I do not really like any of the PVE before it.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Sigh... another match with two sniper DPS on our team and a tank who sabotages the game by switching every time he dies (thus never getting an ult once) on Push.


Oct 25, 2017
Comp can be cruel. Took 11 matches to rank up a tier. I bounced back and forth from just under 50% to 99% twice. Whoever set the values to ever give just enough to hit 99%, let alone twice in one night is a jerk.


Feb 7, 2018
Just noticed that they extended this season by additional two days and moved to Thursday release again for S11. Pain…

Kyle Cross

Oct 25, 2017
T-bagging is one of those gaming things I've just never enjoyed. I sometimes wish the game just didn't have a crouch.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Comp can be cruel. Took 11 matches to rank up a tier. I bounced back and forth from just under 50% to 99% twice. Whoever set the values to ever give just enough to hit 99%, let alone twice in one night is a jerk.
Whoever decided wins and losses are the main determining factors to your own personal rank are the true jerks.

Yeah yeah, I'm not interested in retreading the arguments I'm favor or against this system, I'm just tired of being beholden to shitty teammates in games, but it is what it is.


Oct 27, 2017
On Hanzo

Hanzo is still an effective mid-range burst damage hero even without the one-shot kills. Post season 9 with the projectile size changes actually saw an increase in Hanzo's performance on the stat side. I do hear you on the loss of how good the one shot kills felt, but an overarching goal of season 9 was to reduce a lot of those burst damage frustrations for players on the receiving end of it. Armor changes in season 10 have also been a benefit to his damage.

Still very early but we've been experimenting with adjusting health pools for some of the more evasive or high damage heroes which would also put them back into the range of lethal Hanzo headshots and some other hero combos at 225 HP, but while it would bring some interesting texture to hero interactions overall there are also a bunch of other problems to solve if we want to go through with it.



Oct 25, 2017
Hanzo as a hero has better direction now than back when one shot kills were a thing imo. Now you know, you poke and spam until your Storm Arrows are up and you kill with Storm Arrows. You play around Storm Arrows. Storm Arrows feel fucking great.

Lamenting loss of random ass one shots is so strange to me.
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Oct 25, 2017

Honestly people really cling on to their preconceived notions about this kinda stuff. We knew Hanzo was losing the 1 hit headshot, people already decided he sucked. Didn't really consider all he gained, such as his spam shot being megabuffed and the accuracy buff is still a bigger buff to him then some other characters received. Most people weren't headshot masters anyway, so in most people's hands I think he is just flat out stronger now than he was before.

Speaking of headshots, I heard from a streamer that characters who headshot for less than x2 damage (illari for example), don't get their damage reduced by the new tank role of reducing headshot damage by 25%. Can anyone confirm?


Oct 25, 2017
Hanzo as a hero has better direction now than back when one shot kills were a thing imo. Now you know, you poke and spam until your Storm Arrows are up and you kill with Storm Arrows. You play around Storm Arrows. Storm Arrows feel fucking great.

Lamenting loss of random ass one shots is so strange to me.
Well, I liked it for being an accuracy based character, now its all about spamming a skill. I don't enjoy the gameplay at all anymore. In that regard, I felt they changed him way too much from what he used to be for all these years.


Feb 7, 2018
Biggest surprise for many was probably one of the devs confirming that Overbuff stats are accurate and very close to the reality.


Oct 25, 2017
Well, I liked it for being an accuracy based character, now its all about spamming a skill. I don't enjoy the gameplay at all anymore. In that regard, I felt they changed him way too much from what he used to be for all these years.
I'll openly admit I'm likely biased when I say this, but Hanzo imo was never an "accuracy" hero. Like objectively sure he is by virtue of being a projectile hero but he was rarely played that way in all my years playing this game. Hanzo players were almost always spamming their asses off hoping for a lucky shot. I just can't reconcile that with accuracy, even if I know players who were Hanzo gods. I think he's much more accessible and honest now that he ever was before.
Oct 25, 2017
  1. I think we are more happy in the 20% DPS Passive world than the 15% (it cuts through a lot better, helps mitigate the healing more effectively) so Mercy is more worth a look when that world is permanent. There are some questions of how far we can push her movement and know that is one of the most requested changes.
  2. Mercy is still a top-picked 3/4 Support and even higher on console until you hit GM/Top 500. Her performance follows a similar trend, where she's in the top grouping for most ranks and remains above average at the highest ranks. Doesn't mean that she wont receive changes but that is where she is at currently.

Mercy is above average at highest ranks. Kinda relevant to Mercy discussion that pops up about how she is just bad/weaker/whatever at higher ranks.

Kyle Cross

Oct 25, 2017
I don't really get why they're just getting rid of Gauntlet. No longer develop more for it, sure. But it isn't like it's bothering anything being a card tucked away in the Hero Mastery card for any stack of friends who want to play it. I guess if people didn't pay money for Invasion they would've just removed that from the game too.

Tommy Showbiz

Jul 20, 2022
I don't really get why they're just getting rid of Gauntlet. No longer develop more for it, sure. But it isn't like it's bothering anything being a card tucked away in the Hero Mastery card for any stack of friends who want to play it. I guess if people didn't pay money for Invasion they would've just removed that from the game too.

Wouldn't be surprised if its just an optics thing where it looks bad for the game if they have queues for modes that can go 30+ minutes without a hit.

But I think it's more likely that it's the kind of thing that needs to be updated or tweaked every single time they make a change to a hero that is usable in the mode and they just don't have the resources for that kind of upkeep for a mode literally no one plays.


Oct 25, 2017
It sounds like it was getting so little engagement it's not worth hosting/accounting for every time they update the game.


Oct 28, 2017

Mercy is above average at highest ranks. Kinda relevant to Mercy discussion that pops up about how she is just bad/weaker/whatever at higher ranks.
Looking at her stats on Overbuff yeah she seems to be doing pretty good, a lot better than I expected going by how people talk about her everywhere. She's above Kiriko and Ana at every rank it seems like, in fact most ranks bottom 3 seem to be a mix of Kiriko/Ana/Lifeweaver with Baptiste popping up a surprising amount in there among them or just above.

Hog is way up there though, so that nerf they're throwing his way makes sense too.


Prophet of Truth
Mar 13, 2019
Biggest surprise for many was probably one of the devs confirming that Overbuff stats are accurate and very close to the reality.
I dont think it's that surprising if you knew where Overbuff gets the data from, but it's nice to have first-party confirmation that it's similar to what they see internally instead of just assuming


May 3, 2022


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017

Mercy is above average at highest ranks. Kinda relevant to Mercy discussion that pops up about how she is just bad/weaker/whatever at higher ranks.
Yeah, Mercy is not a "BAD/WEAK" character. She's really good, especially in the right hands.

She's too easy to get so much value from. Soooooooo much value with minimal skills and effort, you have to actually try to die with Mercy unless your team is an automatic L to begin with.
Oct 25, 2017
So I am on Hollywood on defense. And we're creaming them. 30 seconds left. Their Ash ults and it's completely out of line of sight. And then suddenly it jumps into line of sight and basically turns the fight and they cap. I thought somehow the enemy team moved it and that maybe that was possible. They got the POTG and I saw someone run behind it and looked like they moved it.

Upon review it turns out my team's junker queen threw a knife at it and pulled it into the open.

We still ended up winning but that was... something else.

Yeah, Mercy is not a "BAD/WEAK" character. She's really good, especially in the right hands.

She's too easy to get so much value from. Soooooooo much value with minimal skills and effort, you have to actually try to die with Mercy unless your team is an automatic L to begin with.

Sometimes I find her extremely frustrating to play against. But overall I feel like she is fine balance-wise.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
So I am on Hollywood on defense. And we're creaming them. 30 seconds left. Their Ash ults and it's completely out of line of sight. And then suddenly it jumps into line of sight and basically turns the fight and they cap. I thought somehow the enemy team moved it and that maybe that was possible. They got the POTG and I saw someone run behind it and looked like they moved it.

Upon review it turns out my team's junker queen threw a knife at it and pulled it into the open.

We still ended up winning but that was... something else.

Still one of my favourite POTGs is an enemy Queen assist


And bonus Hog on my team assisting the D.Va to a triple kill

Sep 14, 2018
I love Mercy, she's who I pull out when I really want to win. A lot of times your teammates just need to be enabled (a lot) and they will do their jobs. I alternate between her, Kiriko and Moira in high diamond, with some Ana thrown in when Hog/Mauga are running away with the game.

Tommy Showbiz

Jul 20, 2022
Kinda bummed that they confirmed that Mirrorwatch wasn't secretly testing any new heroes!

I thought for sure that Echo's flight was what they were planning for Space Ranger and that they were making some kind of necromancer hero.