
Oct 31, 2017
Won't happen but would be nice if we got two characters instead of one soon. One tank and one healer.


Oct 28, 2017
I like this change. If they bring this to QP as well, I hope they give something extra for queuing for the least popular role, like extra XP.

Also this might actually make me watch OWL more.


Oct 25, 2017
Really glad they're finally implementing this.

It won't change the core problem with a lot of solo queue ranked matches, which is players acting as individuals rather than as a team. But it will mean that I'll never have to waste another rotten match solo tanking/healing for 3 snipers and a useless Genji.
Oct 28, 2017
Why are so many people glad about this? It's not something when less is more, it's something when less is less. For four years Overwatch was the game about free team compositions leading to many interesting tactics. One year later Blizzard even defeated GOATS more or less, because there were no GOATS in OWL Stage 3 Finals. You cant be serious about forced 2-2-2 will be more interesting to watch. It will be just as stale as GOATS.


Chicken Photographer
Oct 25, 2017
Why are so many people glad about this? It's not something when less is more, it's something when less is less. For four years Overwatch was the game about free team compositions leading to many interesting tactics. One year later Blizzard even defeated GOATS more or less, because there were no GOATS in OWL Stage 3 Finals. You cant be serious about forced 2-2-2 will be more interesting to watch. It will be just as stale as GOATS.

nah, that died when hero limit was introduced


Oct 27, 2017
Why are so many people glad about this? It's not something when less is more, it's something when less is less. For four years Overwatch was the game about free team compositions leading to many interesting tactics. One year later Blizzard even defeated GOATS more or less, because there were no GOATS in OWL Stage 3 Finals. You cant be serious about forced 2-2-2 will be more interesting to watch. It will be just as stale as GOATS.
Because for one, this will result in me never ever having to play competitive without supports or with 5 DPS, resulting in matches with higher quality on average. As for the other, it might become just as stale as GOATS, metas usually are, but at least we won't have an entire class of characters become obsolete and nonexistant. People didn't like GOATS because there were no fancy plays from hitscan mains (we want to see Pine, SBB and many many more) and you could have fights with 12 ults without deaths. That's bad. 2/2/2 Role Lock will also make balancing much easier for Blizzard, which should help because they struggle with it greatly.

There are of course negatives, like you said: you give up some freedom and possible creativity, but for many we at least want to experience this as the positives outweigh the negatives.

Also there was GOATS in OWL Stage 3 Finals, Shock played a bunch of it.

EDIT: Small disclaimer I guess, I'm not a fan of introducing 2/2/2 into OWL at this point (rather they did it either last stage or for season 3) and I would've liked to start with a 1/1/1 requirement first, as I personally feel that would improve ranked tremendously already.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
bring it back


6 dva hanamura point 2 baby bring it back


Oct 28, 2017
Auckland, New Zealand
As someone who just played quickplay for fun, the hero limit was when I started playing less and as a classic Symmetry main the most recent rework was when I basically stopped playing almost entirely. If this gets put on quickplay, I'm frigging done with this game. Too much of the casual fun of this game has been sacrificed on the alter of competitive play.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm still only playing Moira
same tbh

Why are so many people glad about this? It's not something when less is more, it's something when less is less. For four years Overwatch was the game about free team compositions leading to many interesting tactics. One year later Blizzard even defeated GOATS more or less, because there were no GOATS in OWL Stage 3 Finals. You cant be serious about forced 2-2-2 will be more interesting to watch. It will be just as stale as GOATS.
I'm not interested in the watching, I'm interested in the playing. It's good for solo queue. Just from my personal experience, I've found the game to be at its most fun when both teams have balanced 2-2-2 comps. I started thinking it might be a good idea around the time of Ana/Triple Tank meta in Fall 2016 and was sure of it by 2017, just took a few more years after that for the devs to agree.
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Deleted member 8861

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I'm still only playing Moira
Probably same lmao

I don't know what to think about this, I'm bad at OW like any other competitive game but it feels like this will get rid of some creative team compositions. Then again it'll also take care of matches where I had to play a bad healer because nobody else would and stuff so...
Feb 24, 2018
Will this mean as someone's who always plays as Healer or tanks because teammates nearly always play 2-4 DPS (current season, 15 hours support, 9 hours tank, less then an 1 hour damage), will I finally be able to pick a damage once in a with like Symmetra, Mei, Tracer, Junkrat, Reaper, Ashe and WM?


Oct 25, 2017
Fort Lauderdale
Is this eventually coming to competitive play?

We only know that it is coming to competitive and OWL, there was no info about it coming to quick play or any other mode.

Will this mean as someone's who always plays as Healer or tanks because teammates nearly always play 2-4 DPS (current season, 15 hours support, 9 hours tank, less then an 1 hour damage), will I finally be able to pick a damage once in a with like Symmetra, Mei, Tracer, Junkrat, Reaper, Ashe and WM?

Yep you'll just have to queue as a dps player


Oct 27, 2017
Will this mean as someone's who always plays as Healer or tanks because teammates nearly always play 2-4 DPS (current season, 15 hours support, 9 hours tank, less then an 1 hour damage), will I finally be able to pick a damage once in a with like Symmetra, Mei, Tracer, Junkrat, Reaper, Ashe and WM?
Yes, just queue as Damage and you'll be on of two damage players on the team. Do note that, according to Jeff, you'll most likely will have to wait much longer to find a match than the other two roles.
Oct 28, 2017
Always felt like it was really stupid that you could just change up role mid-game. Disrupted any semblance of balance and led to people picking characters to goof off with if they felt they were walking into a loss. Glad to see them make the change.


Oct 27, 2017
13,881 it's like FFXIV --- dps only queuers are going to be waiting longer I take it.
In an interview in February Jeff stated that with the current system, DPS wait times would increase from 1-2 minutes to anywhere from 13 to 26. It's part of the reason why they didn't flip the switch yet.


Oct 28, 2017
In an interview in February Jeff stated that with the current system, DPS wait times would increase from 1-2 minutes to anywhere from 13 to 26. It's part of the reason why they didn't flip the switch yet.
Shit. What to stop them from queueing as flex players only to instalock dps then?


Oct 26, 2017
I don't mind the change, but there are some things I'm concerned about:
First off, what happens when there's eventually a dominant 2-2-2 team? This is solving a recent issue, but there's obviously going to be something just as problematic with this system.

Secondly, what about switching sides? On Kings Row, I always play Sym on defense, and a healer on attack. So I'm just screwed now basically.

Finally, healers are gonna get a hell of a hard time in regular competitive play. If you get stuck with two healers who are playing Ana and Mercy like Soldier, there's absolutely nothing you can do about it now.


Oct 27, 2017
Shit. What to stop them from queueing as flex players only to instalock dps then?
I don't think you'll be able to queue as flex, only Tank/Support/DPS.

I don't mind the change, but there are some things I'm concerned about:
First off, what happens when there's eventually a dominant 2-2-2 team? This is solving a recent issue, but there's obviously going to be something just as problematic with this system.

Secondly, what about switching sides? On Kings Row, I always play Sym on defense, and a healer on attack. So I'm just screwed now basically.

Finally, healers are gonna get a hell of a hard time in regular competitive play. If you get stuck with two healers who are playing Ana and Mercy like Soldier, there's absolutely nothing you can do about it now.
- There will always be a meta and it will always change in the same way: new heroes, map dependent, balance changes.

- In theory yes. You're 'screwed'.

- That's not really different than now to be honest. This change won't fix bad players, it will fix bad team comps.


Nov 28, 2017
I'll finally go back to my main lol. The changes mean I don't need to learn dps on another account.


Honest Work
Oct 27, 2017
I don't mind the change, but there are some things I'm concerned about:
First off, what happens when there's eventually a dominant 2-2-2 team? This is solving a recent issue, but there's obviously going to be something just as problematic with this system.

Secondly, what about switching sides? On Kings Row, I always play Sym on defense, and a healer on attack. So I'm just screwed now basically.

Finally, healers are gonna get a hell of a hard time in regular competitive play. If you get stuck with two healers who are playing Ana and Mercy like Soldier, there's absolutely nothing you can do about it now.

1- Bunker is most likely gonna be the meta at least on ladder and maybe double snipers for the pros. It's gonna be boring but I reckon Blizzard can have easier time tunning 2-2-2 rather than random metas.

2- You are screwed here and gotta trust your dps to do their job unless Blizzard is more flexible about it.

Deleted member 1627

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
They shoulda gone pick/ban phase. Cowards!

I'm kidding (ish), this will make Comp a much better place overall to play.


Oct 28, 2017
I don't think you'll be able to queue as flex, only Tank/Support/DPS.
That can't be right. It would mean locking out players from ever accessing the full pool of heroes.
If it's anything like MMO, you're queueing for the role and you'll only get that role
Then that present other sets of problem. What if the "dps only" queuer isn't working quite well and willing to switch to either tank/healer, does he has to request permission from the flex players?


Jan 31, 2018
I've waited so long for this. No more 3 - 4 people insta locking DPS in comp play. I quit ranked because of that. You can be the best DPS, people don't care and insta lock.

Balancing around 2-2-2 should also be easier. What the hell of a disaster goats was. None of the 20 DPS heroes was viable at a time and most balance changes didn't hell at all.


Nov 3, 2017
Then that present other sets of problem. What if the "dps only" queuer isn't working quite well and willing to switch to either tank/healer, does he has to request permission from the flex players?

Then he loses the match and has to learn from that experience.

How long is an Overwatch match? 5mins? That's nothing.


Oct 26, 2017
I don't think you'll be able to queue as flex, only Tank/Support/DPS.

- There will always be a meta and it will always change in the same way: new heroes, map dependent, balance changes.

- In theory yes. You're 'screwed'.

- That's not really different than now to be honest. This change won't fix bad players, it will fix bad team comps.

I just feel like it's a fix for something that isn't as big a problem now, and we'll be in this same situation in the future.

I play flex, with a priority on healers. Currently, if healers aren't pulling their weight, I'm happy to swap over and help out. Now I'll either have to play a healer so then I only have one other person to worry about, or take a gamble that at least one of them will actually heal the team.


Oct 25, 2017
Phoenix, AZ
I think they said a while ago on the Blizzard forums that they would like to implement separate queues if they did a role lock. I also hope that there's a separate SR/MMR for each role.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm clearly not an expert, but I still think this is a bad idea. Forcing people to play a single role in a game that was clearly initially designed around team compositions, counters and switching... I fear this will have an adverse effect. Either through increased queue times or people dropping mid-game. Hopefully this is just for competitive, which I steer clear from anyway.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm clearly not an expert, but I still think this is a bad idea. Forcing people to play a single role in a game that was clearly initially designed around team compositions, counters and switching... I fear this will have an adverse effect. Either through increased queue times or people dropping mid-game. Hopefully this is just for competitive, which I steer clear from anyway.
When your initial design has been proven flawed and unsustainable, you need to step away from your initial design. They already did with the hero limit, this is the next step.

Deleted member 56580

User requested account closure
May 8, 2019
2:2:2 locked is not a good idea without huge character changes in the more specialized DPS roles that do less damage but have a lot of utility like Sombra. Also forced 2:2:2 will make pirate ships harder to deal with since those tend to be countered by a bunch of tanks.

Not having the option to clutch out a random team composition might mean Overwatch is over for people like me who like to be flexible given what's happening in a match.

pirate ship always has been about either dva + discord + genji dive (a little harder to execute now thanks to immortality field) OR lifting bastion up with a Mei wall, in order to hook him up with roadhog

That one almost never fails tbh