Deleted member 9746

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Oct 26, 2017
Hi! Finally going to see some Brigitte in OWL. I didn't watch much of Stage 3 so can anyone tell me why people are upset over the patch they chose for Stage 4?


Oct 27, 2017
Hi! Finally going to see some Brigitte in OWL. I didn't watch much of Stage 3 so can anyone tell me why people are upset over the patch they chose for Stage 4?
The patch for stage 4 has unnerfed Brigitte which lasted for only 3 days. People don't like that. It also means no new Hanzo.


Oct 26, 2017
It's not the current live match, but from what players and casters have said it allows for more variety so its probably for the better.
Damage bosted hanzo storm arrows can do oneshots kills, so i believe it was a reasonable choice D: he is basically the only viable dps right now(for higher ranks as far as overbuff tells)


Oct 25, 2017
Blizzard also said that the New Hanzo patch has a bug that means the game may not resume properly after pauses. Since that's unacceptable in a tournament situation, they decided to play Stage 4 on the previous patch instead.


Apr 25, 2018
While I don't like Stage 4 using an old patch, I do think it will play better than the live patch in this current instance.

Live patch of Rein/Zarya/Brigitte/Hanzo/Mercy/Zenyatta, and basically nothing else, would have gotten boring very quickly. Basically just one team grav bomb+dragon strike team wipe followed up by the other team doing the exact same thing. Rinse and repeat.

Think watching NASCAR "He's making a left turn! He's making another left turn!". "Grav bomb into dragon strike team kill! Look, a grav bomb dragon strike team kill right back at them!"

Deleted member 9746

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
While I don't like Stage 4 using an old patch, I do think it will play better than the live patch in this current instance.

Live patch of Rein/Zarya/Brigitte/Hanzo/Mercy/Zenyatta, and basically nothing else, would have gotten boring very quickly. Basically just one team grav bomb+dragon strike team wipe followed up by the other team doing the exact same thing. Rinse and repeat.

Think watching NASCAR "He's making a left turn! He's making another left turn!". "Grav bomb into dragon strike team kill! Look, a grav bomb dragon strike team kill right back at them!"
That's pretty much what Stage 1 was like, with OP Mercy.

"This team got a pick here, and here comes the res for him. Now the other team got a pick, and here comes the res for that. Okay, now this Mercy popped their Valk and getting another few resses in and OH MY GOD A RIPTIRE KILLED THE OTHER MERCY and that means the other team is going to win the fight."


Oct 25, 2017
the offtank will brig if they're not a good zarya, if they are then one of the dps will take her probably. kyky said in the oversight video that mickie's playing her for fuel.

That makes sense, Tracer tracking skills translate pretty well to Zarya and a lot of offtanks were Zarya players before DVa was basically required. I'm really curious what Houston is going to do since Spree is on the team for his Zarya, so what is Linkzr going to do? They're seemingly banking on Jakerat and Jake does also play Hanzo. Pre-rework Hanzo isn't quite the same threat against Widow so maybe she could still work despite the Rein/Tank heavy build?

Seoul: Probably Ryujehong
Dallas: Maybe Cocco?
Houston: Jake?

I wonder who Shanghai would put on Brigitte. I know Geguri's good with her, but I don't see Shanghai benching her Zarya in favor for her Brigitte.

Geguri Zarya is what we all want need but on their Oasis game against Fusion, I think it was Diya on Zarya. It's a different situation, they needed a DVa back then but both Ado and Diya are kinda left out on this meta and Geguri going Brigitte gives them more flexibility.

Deleted member 15440

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Oct 27, 2017
That makes sense, Tracer tracking skills translate pretty well to Zarya and a lot of offtanks were Zarya players before DVa was basically required. I'm really curious what Houston is going to do since Spree is on the team for his Zarya, so what is Linkzr going to do? They're seemingly banking on Jakerat and Jake does also play Hanzo. Pre-rework Hanzo isn't quite the same threat against Widow so maybe she could still work despite the Rein/Tank heavy build?
i think linkzr is supposed to be a really good hanzo so i'm sure they'll run it on some maps. he's more versatile than jake too, if they're doing single-dps comps then flexibility could be a big plus.


Oct 25, 2017
i think linkzr is supposed to be a really good hanzo so i'm sure they'll run it on some maps. he's more versatile than jake too, if they're doing single-dps comps then flexibility could be a big plus.

Linkzr does have a better Hanzo, they ran him on Kings Row in previous stages but other than that Linkzr's hero pool doesn't really work in this meta. Genji gets duffed harder than Tracer and McCree/Widow means sacrificing shield breaking in the hopes of getting a pick. Jake can play Junkrat, which admittedly could be a toss up of whether or not it's a liability with Zarya in play and Pharah against pre-rework Hanzo. Both of those also have better synergy with Rein and Zarya.

Brigitte shield bash coordination with Widows would be some hype shit though.


Mar 28, 2018
Can't believe it's a few minutes until the Final stage starts.

It sure has flown by.
It really has, huh. Funny how still kind of feels like it just started and people were questioning just how successful it would be. I mean, I love Overwatch and I didn't expect to become as invested in the league as I am. What a ride this has been so far.


Oct 28, 2017
The first week or so of this Stage should be wild given how much Brigitte changed the meta.

I'm cautiously optimistic the neutering of dive will be good for my Outlaws.


Oct 25, 2017
Wow, I was expecting Hydration. He seems like the best person on the team for this meta with his hero pool.