
Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
Oct 26, 2017
Hey, it's the small critter in a big mech archetype.

Paladins and Battleborn had that, so now I guess it's time for Overwatch to get one too.


Oct 28, 2017
It gives her mobility but It's easy to predict where a Symmetra will show up because the location of the exit is telegraph by a big hulking thing. I've encountered good Widows and Hanzos punish me for using the tele as a translocator in plain sight.

Yea, It was stupid of me to include the symmetra part. I have played like one match against new sym, and i remember that we tried her out last night and what first felt super annoying seems easier to counter. I haven't slept in like two days, my mistake.

No. Tracer can shoot turrets out of the air and Symmetra's beam cannot reach Tracer. Symm cannot touch Tracer.

Yea, as said above. Limited experience, faulty memory because of lack of sleep.
Still, While new sym won't affect tracer, my original post still stands. Tracer's bottom tier right now. Not sure how to balance it though. I considered maybe decrease her spread. My SO said, jokingly, that they should give her more blinks or reduce the CD on them, lol. Not the right way to go.
Anyways, i was wrong.
Excited for the new hero though!

I, for one, am glad there isn't a Tracer in every single Master's game I am in. I think it was time for some other heroes to have their time in the limelight, because Tracer didn't have any reliable counters for nearly 2 years, and that allowed her to always be at the top of the food chain.

I'm sure she'll come back into play once deathball is nerfed lol

Aww, why you gotta be like that, lol. But yea, i totally understand non tracer players frustration. And introducing Brigette was fine as a counter to dive. I just felt it was stupid to introduce a super hard counter to Tracer AND nerf her at the same time. The hanzo rework and Brigette would've been fine.
It's so fucking boring right now. Grav + boosted dragon, team counters with zen, rinse and repeat.


Oct 25, 2017
I love him. The little HamHam is cute! I cant wait to see his interactions with everyone.


Uncle Beerus
Oct 25, 2017
We already have a talking genius gorilla. A hamster who probably has a similar level of intellect isn't too far off.
That's a huge leap in logic, gorillas are much closer to sapience than hamsters, there is many magnitudes of separation here.
Something like a crow would have been much more believable.


#1 Waluigi Fan! Current Status: Crying
Oct 25, 2017
I'm glad it isn't another monkey/gorilla/ape. While I'm not huge on "intelligent animals" being another team/set/group in this universe I'm happy it isn't a monkey. Though I feel we still need more Omnic characters, they are this supposedly big deal in the story and we have, what? 3 of them?

1000% H

Oct 25, 2017
And so the trope of having cute little characters riding mechs in MOBA and MOBA-like games continues.

Weird, Overwatch already had that covered with D.Va, but i welcome this rodent menace into my heart.
Now I kinda wish this new hero was a bunny instead of a hamster just for the sake of having a really irrational rivalry with DVa.


Oct 25, 2017
Haven't touched OW in awhile, but this will get me back. Glad to see another non-humanoid character being added.


Oct 27, 2017
Have to admit that seeing the posts about Hammond being a hamster was a head scratcher. Now that it has happened though, I can't help but laugh. I can't even be angry about this since technically speaking, they never did say that Hammond was a primate and that those who really did pay attention actually did decipher the mystery of Hammond the Hamster considering that his holding cage was small than an ape's for a reason, carrots, and the vent system that obviously was smaller than a chimp can move through.

Now I just want to see Hammond's origin story so that we can confirm if he is indeed evil or if he really is like the Junkrat in the sense of not really being evil, but just a chaotic little guy who unleashed genetically modified gorillas that went on a murder spree on a lunar colony and somehow was able to trick a whole bunch of scientists into the airlock to launch them into space while also somehow crippling Dr. Winston somehow.

I feel like Hammond really is an evil mastermind, or is one of those characters have inflicts death on others indirectly because it enjoys chaos.


Oct 27, 2017
.... I mean we have Winston so.... yeah.

I thought we were supposed to be getting another monkey he flew off with Winston? Or was it the hamster all along since the sphere mech he's riding sort of looks like the pod attached to Winston's evacuation pod.


Oct 25, 2017
That's a huge leap in logic, gorillas are much closer to sapience than hamsters, there is many magnitudes of separation here.
Something like a crow would have been much more believable.

Yes, because a modified hamster just breaks my immersion in the game with the time bending brit, phantom edgy mexican, cyborg dwarf, Hacker who can magically hack people, Blue skinned french assassin and Dragon summoning yakuzas.


Oct 25, 2017
Fort Lauderdale
The tweet says champion, not hero.
So maybe it's not the real hero after all?
I am thinking this hamester is a companion but everything thinks its a THE hero 28. the websites report it as a hero too.. I dunno.

They never reveal a hero like this, confusing



Honest Work
Oct 27, 2017
He is the champion of Junkertown.

He is neither human or omnic.

He is a goddsmn hamster in a mecha.

No more racism!


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Nov 17, 2017
You know who I want as a hero?

Gérard Lacroix

Yes he's dead. But guess what? People tend to somehow cheat death in Overwatch. So give me Gérard so that I can troll Widowmaker!

Heck, I even have a theme for him!

Sure it sounds like a mix of Talon and Widowmaker' theme but I honestly think it could work for him because I envision a Gérard that isn't heroic anymore but rather disillusioned and bitter. A third party.
Last edited:


Uncle Beerus
Oct 25, 2017
Yes, because a modified hamster just breaks my immersion in the game with the time bending brit, phantom edgy mexican, cyborg dwarf, Hacker who can magically hack people, Blue skinned french assassin and Dragon summoning yakuzas.
Yes, because those things work in the world they set up, also some of that is just gameplay.
There is a massive difference between a gorilla and a hamster.
A world being fantastical does not mean anything goes.


Oct 27, 2017
The tweet says champion, not hero.
So maybe it's not the real hero after all?

Kind of have my doubts about that. Mind you for all we know, maybe we have another "Efi" case where someone who isn't going to be playable has a Hamster fighting on their behalf, but that seems like a stretch in its own right. I can't imagine someone doing this:

???: FINALLY! I have created this genetically modified hamster and a death mech for it to use! Go little one and do my bidding! CRUSH OVERWATCH AND CONQUER THE WORLD!!!

Or hell, imagine if a Junker made Hammond.

Junker: DESTROY THE OMNICS LITTLE HAMSTER! Do what you were made to do after destroying the other mechs in the Scrapyard!


Oct 25, 2017
Yes, because those things work in the world they set up, also some of that is just gameplay.
There is a massive difference between a gorilla and a hamster.
A world being fantastical does not mean anything goes.

None of the things i described are more plausible than giving a hamster sapient intelligence, specially with the precedent of Winston, and it has been long canon that animals other than Gorillas had been enhanced, hell the first animal Hammond was theorized to be was a Cat and it's what paved the way for the whole "Jetpack Cat" running gag.

You're allowed to not like that he's a hamster, but just because you don't like it you don't get to declare it doesn't fit into the sci-fi fantasy world of OW.

Yep. Blizzard is behind Paladins and Battleborn on this archetype!

D.Va has been in the game since launch tho. They just have decided to go even smaller.

Yeah. Oldest example I can recall is from Mace on the N64.


Baby Head from Captain Commando predates him, heheh.

It's actually a trope i quite enjoy that is also prevalent in fighting games.

You got Bowser Jr., Tron Bonne, Pac-man on Mokujin, Mechanica, Cyber Woo in Battle Collosseum, PoliTank-Z, etc.


Uncle Beerus
Oct 25, 2017
None of the things i described are more plausible than giving a hamster sapient intelligence, specially with the precedent of Winston, and it has been long canon that animals other than Gorillas had been enhanced, hell the first animal Hammond was theorized to be was a Cat and it's what paved the way for the whole "Jetpack Cat" running gag.

You're allowed to not like that he's a hamster, but just because you don't like it you don't get to declare it doesn't fit into the sci-fi fantasy world of OW.
Most of the things you described aren't even out there for sci-fi.
Again, there is a MASSIVE difference between a gorilla and a hamster, Winston works because of how close gorillas are to humans.
Also as far as I remember the first animal Hammond was speculated to be was a chimp.


Oct 25, 2017
Most of the things you described aren't even out there for sci-fi.
Again, there is a MASSIVE difference between a gorilla and a hamster, Winston works because of how close gorillas are to humans.
Also as far as I remember the first animal Hammond was speculated to be was a chimp.

Regardless of the closeness of Gorillas to Humans, the degree of the intelligence Winston has puts him in the realm of fantasy, it's not hard to think if they can create Winston, all bets are off. Technology in OW is so poorly explained, it's basically magic, there is a reason why there is no explanation to how the hell Reaper works.

And if i recall correctly, it was first Cat then Chimp as people began to entertain the idea that it could be possible only primates were on the colony.


Oct 25, 2017
That's a huge leap in logic, gorillas are much closer to sapience than hamsters, there is many magnitudes of separation here.
Something like a crow would have been much more believable.
They are lab animals. It makes sense that a hamster, rat or something small would be the first ones they test whatever serum they gave Winston. Lab rats and Guinea pigs have become an adjective describing human test subjects for a reason :p


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
Winston works because of how close gorillas are to humans.

Winston works because this game is set in a universe that allows him to make sense. Same with everything else. Your real world perceptions and this game aren't supposed to line up. There is no reason that Winston shouldn't open the door for other super genius animals in this universe.

How about we at least wait for the character's story before even complaining about this because he's not an robot or human character.