
Oct 25, 2017
I'm no legal scholar, but going after Amazon on the grounds that they took action to benefit Twitter seems, uh, tenuous.
Feb 22, 2018
I can see it now, tomorrow, Twitter is gonna announce that they are merging with Amazon because they've realized that Amazon are their bros for booting Parler off their servers like twitter booted Trump off their own platform.

I hope no later than 10 minutes into the actual trail, Parler's CEO realizes "Oh shit, I messed up."
Nov 18, 2020
disgusting but seriously though, anyone...

how many actual "fighting men" do we really think there are that would actually participate in an armed war? 200k? 2 million? 20 million?

do we have any idea? how many daily active Parler users were there?

There were 4 million active Parler users, unfortunately. Even if only 1% of them were that violent, that's still 40,000 potential domestic terrorists willing to kill in the name of Trump.

Version 3.0

Oct 27, 2017
I can't believe they beat Trump's lawsuit against Twitter to court. I mean, I presume there's one forthcoming. Probably with some hair dye spots on it.


Oct 25, 2017
I thought the CEO of Parler said they were prepared for this and there were many other providers that were looking to work with them. Can't claim that and then file a TRO saying your service will be dead. Which is it?

Found it:

We prepared for events like this by never relying on amazons proprietary infrastructure and building bare metal products.

We will try our best to move to a new provider right now as we have many competing for our business...

AWS cuts off Parler, CEO aims to rebuild infrastructure

"There is the possibility Parler will be unavailable on the internet for up to a week as we rebuild from scratch," says CEO John Matze.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
The timing of Kara Swisher's interview with all of this, like... she was interviewing the CEO of Parler *right as the mob* was taking over the Capitol and he was completely flummoxed, couldn't answer any quesstions, and when trying to sound clear basically gave up the crown jewels that Parler doesn't care about violence on its platform unless it's about doxing.

And then within like 24 hours of the interview airing Google, Apple, and Amazon killed the app... and they all cited the Sway interview.

This moment definitely unseats "ZUCKERBERG SWEAT INCREASING" as Kara's most influential moment.



The GIFs of Us
Jun 25, 2020
the wilderness
From The Verge article about this:

The lawsuit sheds some light on Amazon's rationale for banning Parler. In an email, Amazon's moderation team says it is "troubled" by repeated policy violations. The email cites 98 posts that incite violence. It includes screenshots of a call to hang "traitors," as well as an exhortation to "start systematicly assasinating [sic]" liberal leaders, supporters of the Black Lives Matter movement, and others in January — with a note that "I already have a news worthy event planned." Amazon said publicly that it "cannot provide services to a customer that is unable to effectively identify and remove content that encourages or incites violence against others."

Here's the email they're talking about.

It's very interesting how this email is referred to in the complaint document:

21. Yesterday evening, at 6:07 pm PST, web news site BuzzFeed posted an article with screenshots of a letter from AWS to Parler, informing Parler that its account would be suspended at 11:59 pm PST on Sunday, less than thirty hours later. See John Paczkowski, Amazon Is Booting Parler Off of Its Web Hosting Service, BuzzFeed (Jan. 9, 2021), Strangely, the article with the letter was posted before Parler itself received the letter in an email, received at 7:19 pm PST, over an hour after the BuzzFeed article went online, meaning AWS leaked the letter to BuzzFeed before sending it to Parler. See Exhibit A.
26. What is more, by pulling the plug on Parler but leaving Twitter alone despite identical conduct by users on both sites, AWS reveals that its expressed reasons for suspending Parler's account are but pretext. In its note announcing the pending termination of Parler's service, AWS alleged that "[o]ver the past several weeks, we've reported 98 examples to Parler of posts that clearly encourage and incite violence." Exhibit A. AWS provide a few examples, including one that stated, "How bout make them hang?", followed by a series of hashtags, including "#fu-- mikepence."
43. Further, while AWS used the term "suspension" in its notice to Parler, it stated that it would "ensure that all of your data is preserved for you to migrate to your own servers, and will work with you as best as we can to help your migration." Exhibit A. This is not action AWS would take for a temporary suspension, but rather for a permanent termination. Thus, whatever words AWS used, it was terminating the Agreement with Parler.

I don't see this going well for Parler at all... But we'll see.


The GIFs of Us
Jun 25, 2020
the wilderness
Twitter aren't using AWS, are they?

Reportedly, they are since December:

Twitter taps AWS cloud to deliver Twitter timelines

Twitter will use AWS infrastructure and products across compute, containers, storage, and security, marking the first time Twitter has leveraged the public cloud to deliver its real-time service.
Amazon Web Services said Tuesday that Twitter has signed on to use AWS for its global cloud infrastructure to deliver Twitter timelines. Under the multi-year deal, Twitter will use AWS infrastructure and products across compute, containers, storage, and security, marking the first time Twitter has leveraged the public cloud to deliver its real-time service.


Oct 27, 2017
Parler would still be up if they got their shit together and took care of the flood of extremist rhetoric.

They only have themselves to blame.

Tap In

Oct 28, 2017
Gilbert AZ
There were 4 million active Parler users, unfortunately. Even if only 1% of them were that violent, that's still 40,000 potential domestic terrorists willing to kill in the name of Trump.

ok thanks yes that's a good estimate, sounds like, of actual people who would possibly take up arms.

not as bad as "20 million" as claimed but damn


Oct 25, 2017
What do they expect a lawsuit to do... if they go to court they have to defend the accusation they have been allowing violent posts against the government and in support of the coup to go unmoderated... and they know they are guilty of that. So their approach is what... allow that to be part of the court process?

Admiral Woofington

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
It looks like unless groups like FOX decide and other republican groups can create their own servers to host this vile content they might be fucked sir.
Oct 26, 2017
The timing of Kara Swisher's interview with all of this, like... she was interviewing the CEO of Parler *right as the mob* was taking over the Capitol and he was completely flummoxed, couldn't answer any quesstions, and when trying to sound clear basically gave up the crown jewels that Parler doesn't care about violence on its platform unless it's about doxing.

And then within like 24 hours of the interview airing Google, Apple, and Amazon killed the app... and they all cited the Sway interview.

This moment definitely unseats "ZUCKERBERG SWEAT INCREASING" as Kara's most influential moment.

JFC, what a slimeball piece of shit is this "neutral" ass-hole.
These people have zero sense of accountability and self-awareness, isn't it? Nothing is their fault, their resposability, ever.

P.S. And his takes on censorship. Liar or stupid? I am not an American and understand how it works in the USA. But not mister "neutral" app ceo guy.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Like someone else said in this thread, you don't pick a fight with daddy capitalism and expect to win lol. Also, they obviously have no case and I doubt they even have resources/money to even properly prepare for a trial.
Oct 25, 2017
The amount of 1st amendment posts I'm seeing on my feed within the past 24 hours tells me people are pissed, royally pissed.
Oct 25, 2017
Racoon City
Amazon: "Hey start doing a modicum of moderation on your site man."
Parler: "Nah, we all about free speech round here!"
Amazon: "No, seriously this is like the 8th warning...didn't you read our TOS?'"
Parler: "TOS are for liberal fucktards!"
Amazon: " sure you wanna do this?"
Parler: "We the people!!"
Amazon: "Aight"
*Amazon has ended friendship with Parler*


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
Parler broke Amazon's rules, and as a private company, Amazon is entitled to kicking people off their service for breaking their rules. Seems pretty open and shut to me.

That's why I haven't been swayed by the "this is a slippery slope to communist China!!!!!!!!" arguments. The reason this hasn't happened to other apps is because other apps aren't more or less designed to incite riots against the government. Yes, the fact that Amazon/Google/Apple have so much control over what gets surfaced online is upsetting, but this has been a problem for a decade and for some reason no one was taking it seriously until now.
Yup, no court in the world is gonna rule against amazon in a case like this. Parler is entirely at their mercy using their servers.

Ocean Panda

Oct 25, 2020
Can someone with legal expertise weigh in on the purpose of this lawsuit?

Obviously they don't have a solid case or the resources to sustain it, so what's the end game here?

Is it simply a formality to put on a show of strength for investors or is there a strategy at play?


Oct 25, 2017
Parler would still be up if they got their shit together and took care of the flood of extremist rhetoric.

They only have themselves to blame.

Apple: Fix your shit Parler
Parler: No!
Apple: You are no longer welcome here.
Google: You are no longer welcome here.
Amazon: You are no longer welcome here.
Microsoft: You are no longer welcome here.


Oct 27, 2017
Amazon will settle with the owner out of court, send him off with a nice pat in the back.
No way. The lawyer that suggests that is going to get fired. They'll simply showcase SEC230, part2. This allows any provider to remove any content they deem "obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, harassing, or otherwise objectionable, whether or not such material is constitutionally protected", as long as they act "in good faith" in this action.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
Taking legal action against Amazon when you host content that condones rape, nazism, violence and execution of people.
They are going to be destroyed and get bankrupt, love to see it!


Oct 27, 2017
The Netherlands
Reportedly, they are since December:

Twitter taps AWS cloud to deliver Twitter timelines

Twitter will use AWS infrastructure and products across compute, containers, storage, and security, marking the first time Twitter has leveraged the public cloud to deliver its real-time service.

To be fair, thats just the announcement of a multi-year deal. Could be months (if not more than a year) before they actually transition.