Ploid 6.0

Oct 25, 2017
That end was brutal, he nearly didn't make it it seem.

And yeah, no drops. I think POE twitch drops are super rare or something, especially compared to others like Wareframe.

Edit: Oh cool, I still have a chance. If I'm still unlucky there's always the twitch prime stuff soon. 3.9 update too!! Looking forward to that.


Oct 30, 2017
Just gonna say that POE 2 looks awesome. Definitely looked much better than I had anticipated. The environment, models, and animation are just so much more fluid and graphically impressive than the first game. POE 2 seems to definitely improve on the looks, while still retaining the atmosphere that made POE so enjoyable. I also loved the music from the footage I saw. Totally hearkened back to D2 in my opinion. Gonna be a long wait, but I'm stoked for it to be my next ARPG.


Jul 8, 2018
Going to review the Ties performance tomorrow. Had no idea about the smoke mine trick they all did. The inventory management is crazy.

Seems like that only applies to people who have received the message, but no in-game drop yet. So if you didn't get the message, you're out luck.

EDIT: In terms of P2W, i wouldn't completely agree that there's no P2W. The currency tab and a sales tab (with how integral trading is) is almost a requirement if you want to get anywhere in the game after beating the campaign.


Oct 28, 2017
Just gonna say that POE 2 looks awesome. Definitely looked much better than I had anticipated. The environment, models, and animation are just so much more fluid and graphically impressive than the first game. POE 2 seems to definitely improve on the looks, while still retaining the atmosphere that made POE so enjoyable. I also loved the music from the footage I saw. Totally hearkened back to D2 in my opinion. Gonna be a long wait, but I'm stoked for it to be my next ARPG.

It's the same engine massively upgraded over the years. They have had the intentions of over hauling the game for quite sometime and they have left posts in the forums if you dig around about various improvements you've talked about. Since they introduced Global Illuimination they have been biting at the chops to show us the polish. More devs should take heed cause it's gotten immensely better the last 2 years alone.

Pyros Eien

Oct 31, 2017
Seems like that only applies to people who have received the message, but no in-game drop yet. So if you didn't get the message, you're out luck.

EDIT: In terms of P2W, i wouldn't completely agree that there's no P2W. The currency tab and a sales tab (with how integral trading is) is almost a requirement if you want to get anywhere in the game after beating the campaign.
It's still P2convenience, although it is A LOT of convenience, but you can technically use mules like it's '98 and you can use forum posts to list your items for sale(or use a 3rd party like Acquisition to automate the process like before they added the API to custom tabs). I'd agree that the game requires some money investment to feel comfortable. If you buy the first blood pack then use the currency to buy tabs you can generally get there(if you wait for tab sales, which you should always do), although adding another 10bucks or so was really where it feels comfy to play for a while. You can instead buy a 30$ pack with a bunch of cosmetics and then use the currency to buy the tabs too.

So yeah overall, while it's free to test and check out, you should expect to pay about 20 to 30bucks to play properly long term. Which is still a very good amount, it's about what you pay for D3 on sale iirc(with the expansion but without Necromancer) but you get to play a fair bit for free first if you want to check it out, while the D3 demo is a joke.


Jul 18, 2019
That 2 trailer got me hyped. Is it worth getting into POE right now? Will what I do now carry into 2 in any way, or is it a fresh start?


Oct 25, 2017
That 2 trailer got me hyped. Is it worth getting into POE right now? Will what I do now carry into 2 in any way, or is it a fresh start?

The game is definitely fun enough if you like ARPG's in general, albeit pretty overwhelming due to the complexity of a lot of it's systems.

As for if it's worth getting into right now, it depends. Most people that play PoE, play in the quarterly leagues, which is basically like seasons in D3, where everyone starts over. The current PoE league is in it's later third and will be replaced with the next league on December 13th, meaning that if you wanted to play in the leagues, you'd have a little less than a month to play in the current league before you'd have to start over. I personally just started playing a week ago, and plan to also play in the new league, I'm mainly using this later stage of the current league to get used to the game and it's systems so I don't have to figure all that stuff out during the start of a new league

However you could also just play in the permanent standard mode if you wanted to. Which is also where all the characters and items from all the previous leagues are moved to at the end of their leagues.

I don't know if they've said that current PoE1 characters and items will still be available when PoE2 is released. However seeing how they want to make both PoE1 and PoE2 work together within the same overall game, I would personally assume that everything in standard mode is going to carry over and still be available. They've also confirmed that all mtx content is going to carry over, so you're not gonna lose access to any skins or other things you buy
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Oct 27, 2017
That end was brutal, he nearly didn't make it it seem.

And yeah, no drops. I think POE twitch drops are super rare or something, especially compared to others like Wareframe.

Edit: Oh cool, I still have a chance. If I'm still unlucky there's always the twitch prime stuff soon. 3.9 update too!! Looking forward to that.

I never got a notification during any of the live stream about a drop on twitch or the POE site, but I checked this morning and there was a message (from 3.5hrs ago) that I did get a drop. So there can definitely be a delay. I would check the poe messages if you havent yet.

Ploid 6.0

Oct 25, 2017
I never got a notification during any of the live stream about a drop on twitch or the POE site, but I checked this morning and there was a message (from 3.5hrs ago) that I did get a drop. So there can definitely be a delay. I would check the poe messages if you havent yet.
Looks like the twitch link on POE is a bit weird. Some people had to unlink and relink to be eligible. I was already linked because that's the only way I could get my twitch prime POE loot, and I didn't want to unlink and relink because I didn't want to lose a chance of a drop in the split second it would have taken to reenable the link. I should have just done it.

Link to a GGG responce that 12k people were eligible for drops.

I just found out there was red text on my POE connections tab saying my account wasn't eligible for twitch drops and to send a email to POE Support. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat, man the bad luck. Turns out because my other Twitch account, which I used a amazon prime trial on, was still linked to POE on the twitch side. I had to make a new twitch account because my real Amazon account now has prime but I couldn't activate twitch prime with that amazo... it's a mess. But yeah, the new twitch account was able to link for Prime Rewards but not twitch drops. I'm going to imagine I would have gotten the weakest of cosmetics, or no drop at all.
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Oct 27, 2017
Really struggling using storm blast mines. What do people normally use as their keybinds to mines? I'm using Ties keybinds right now, but not sure I'll keep it. Don't think I like shift to detonate. Also, using smoke mine + flame dash is a little trickier then I thought. The racers made that shit look easy, and made it look like it was up all the time. Just crazy good management.


Oct 25, 2017
I use Right click to throw mines and one of my side buttons to detonate; Q and R also work fine for me.