Real or Fake?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 6.5%
  • No

    Votes: 36 33.3%
  • Real

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Fake

    Votes: 64 59.3%

  • Total voters


Oct 25, 2017
I have fallen hard down the rabbit hole of the Patterson/Gimli film. It started with the podcast Astonishing Legends and it's five part series on this film. I have watched countless YouTube videos, articles, pretty much every source of this to try and find any scrutiny that truly answers this not being real.

I can't. I think I'm leaning on Team Real.

Mainly due to the time period. At this time, to pull off this effect, Hollywood budgets couldn't do this. Then you count at the time, the shakiness of the footage. Well....that's been answered as well with stabilization. Now you can see it in 4K, which is even more astonishing, because you can see the muscle ripple on the creature as it walks. Then the bright spots on the fur, and that's because of years and years of the arms and legs rubbing in those areas as it walked. These are details that, at the time, would easily be overlooked because of the resolution of the footage. Then there's the gait. Videos that go into this essentially point out, the motion is unnatural. Not that it can't be reproduced, but to reproduce it with someone that would have to be on stilts due to the height, on rough terrain, while looking back and controlling the gait that long is really, really hard to do, especially at the time.

Also, in this day and age, footage like this with the advancements of practical effects, we still can't get close to this, not even on the suit.

Oh, and did you know the creature is female?! Never realized this until I saw the stabilized footage.

You can YouTube thousands of videos on this, a few that I watched was this:




So, what say you, ERA? Real......or Fake?


Feb 17, 2022
I thought this was about some rumor of Robert Pattinson doing a standalone Gimli film, and you were asking us "Real or Fake"

Also voting in that poll could mean both Real and Fake. So I'm not gonna vote either.

just kidding I voted No


May 23, 2018
I recall years ago the dudes who did it admitted it was all a hoax , but even that could have been for clout back in the day lol.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
OP promised us the crossover of a lifetime and never delivered.

Always thought it was a dude in a suit but I try to keep an open mind.


Oct 25, 2017
Show me another mammalian land-dwelling creature with soles like that. Fake as hell.



One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Patterson was a known conman, had faked bigfoot sightings and artifacts in the past, and almost certainly set the whole thing up. Not 100% convinced either way if Gimlin was in on it or not.

It looks good, but I think that turned out to be 10% skill and 90% good luck.
Oct 26, 2017
Well I totally misread the thread title...

..and oh, yes it's fake.

When you watch it at regular speed it just looks like a regular human man walking in a planet of the apes outfit. But if you stare at grainy footage for too long, then yeah you'll start to think a man in a monkey suit is from outer space.
Oct 28, 2017
youtube videos like in the OP are the reason why there are so many conspiracy loons and QAnons running around. any old uninformed idiot can make a video and present "scientific" evidence as fact and there are always a percentage of people who will buy into it

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
this pool is utter chaos

yes it's what? no it's what??

shameful, unseemly, and probably illegal