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Banned for use of an alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Dishonored 2 @ 4K




Oct 29, 2017
Lime your shots convinced me to start playing Dishonored 2 again after I got super annoyed by the story, also great screens too!
Call of Duty WWII


R.T Straker

Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
While we're at this disscusion I'll give my 2 cents too.

I think HUD shots are fine as long as the game doesn't have a option to turn them off or is it a total pain to do so like the Darksiders games.

However I'm against the low effort shots like the Shadow of War mentioned above. There shoud be a rule that prohibits dumping random screenshots with no effort to them whatsoever.

Anyhow here's Batman AO. Some of my older shots.




Self-Requested Ban
Oct 30, 2017
Marvel Vs Capcom: Infinite
4K (with Mods, because shitty port) - No Photo Mode/Camera Tools - Cropped (No way to remove HUD) - ReShade

Can I post these? jk :P
I do some of the stuff that people don't like (cropping, cutscenes, reshade, etc...) , so I'll stay out of the discussion :)



Oct 27, 2017
Trying to find logic in anything people do is your first mistake.
Some people just prefer posting shots on how the game actually looks when you play it and some people want to see those shots, and that's fine.
If there's a shot that I don't particularly care about, I scroll past it. Problem solved.
That's too simple: just scroll past it (besides scrolling in the hokey interface on this forum is already a pain ;)). You can also say: if you want to see just gameplay shots, open a thread where shots are posted from people who are too lazy, just low effort gameplay cruft and be done with it. No rules, no whining about compression, AA and other crap, no debates about HUDs in the way of the gameplay, no souped up bullshots with SRWE and reshade, just the hardcore plain framebuffer.jpg.

Everyone knows this thread is known for the list of shots which look awesome, which make people say "whoa!". You and others make it look like it's simply a thread where you can post whatever is copied when you pressed F12.

What annoys me is that apparently we, the people who do care about putting effort in a shot, have to accept any low effort crap that's posted in this thread (of course, no compression! that's evil. Full hud crap: no problem!), even though we all know this thread isn't known for those shots, but for the shots which take serious effort.

Obviously, there's something to be said about the "Thinking: Think before you post. Is the screenshot worth posting?" rule, and everyone should certainly take a beat and think about if they personally think the shot is worth something. If they think so, I'm not going to argue against that or try to backseat mod the thread. I'm not the screenshot police. It may not be worth anything to me, but it may be worth something to someone else.
The intend of that rule is very clear: to avoid debates like this. It was added to the rules at GAF after yet another debate about hud and low effort shitshots (I recall someone posted a shot from outrun. Funny how the crappiest shots are always posted by people who post just one shot and never return. If only there was a name for behavior like that... )

This thread is here because of the effort a lot of people put into posting high quality shots. I admire others coming in and give it a try, by all means do continue. But at least make an effort. I prefer having shots from people who try at least than people who are simply too lazy or don't give a crap about what others think.

One might make the argument that well done hudless super duper mega shots stand out more when there's something else in between.
Not really. They more look out of place or aren't appreciated as much as most shots are crap. And not 'crap' as in: 'gee, Jake, you really tried, but it still looks like a turd', but crap as in low-effort 'mhahaha let's troll those losers in the pc thread'-crap. If you put in effort, if you tried, just post it, we've all been there, we've all been beginners.
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Oct 25, 2017
However I'm against the low effort shots like the Shadow of War mentioned above. There shoud be a rule that prohibits dumping random screenshots with no effort to them whatsoever.
How do you define effort? Some people spend several hours making just one screenshot - ok, that's effort. I personally make screenshots when I play and if removing HUD is anything more complex than pushing a button or typing a console var - I won't bother. I wouldn't use CE when I play either since this can in fact lead to game breaking bugs and crashes. So I rarely spend more than several minutes on a screenshot - is that effort? There are even more nuances when you play from a gamepad - it's usually impossible to use any non-standard no-HUDs in such environment without running up to the keyboard which may be in a different room for all we know.

In all honesty, if you don't like some screenshot - just fucking scroll past it with your mouse and look at you cropped portraits below (which I personally hate since I don't even consider them "screenshots" and I need to open them in separate tabs to properly see them but I don't say anything on this since, well, I have a scroll wheel which works).
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Oct 27, 2017
Always funny that the people who really make this thread, who put in a lot of effort, have to obey the wishes of the people who barely post any shots, but have apparently a strong opinion about what's allowed.


Oct 28, 2017
USER WARNED FOR: Topic derailment / Insulting other users
What happened to this thread? Nobody even bothers to disable HUD anymore, now we get bench score pic's, subs, and games almost as old as i am..yikes!

K I'm only gonna post games older than 2005 now, thanks.

What obnoxious elitist windbaggery. It says nothing of the sort in the rules at the top.

And this is on the first page, this is exactly what I'd post in this thread.

Doom (GZDoom 8x MSAA + 8x SSAA

http:///pO7c.png http:///nO7c.png
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory


Not only are these games "Old As Shit, OAS (tm)", but they both contain HUD. Where are your complaints there? I am fine seeing such beautiful games.

If you have such a problem use your mouse and scroll down, that's what the scroll option is for.

And no, I don't have time to figure out how to take the HUD off my screenshots, and frankly I don't care. I prefer gameplay shots because I like to see what I actually see when I play the game.

Will continue to post old games with HUD, k thanks bye.

Nowhere in the rules does it say you can't take a screenshot with a HUD

Limits: 2 screenshots per post. If you have more than 2, make more posts or use thumbnails.
Spamming: No more than 3 consecutive posts of the same game. Link to an album of your collection.
Naming: Always include the name of the game with the screenshots. Not everyone is a game encyclopedia.
Compression: Don't compress your screens or use a host that compresses them (Steam, Imgur).
Emulators: Emulator screens are fine. However, you should list the emulator used.
Stretching: Do not post stretched screenshots. Do not take 2.35 screens unless you know what you are doing.
Spoilers: Please do not post major plot points from games released in the last 2 months.
Thinking: Think before you post. Is the screenshot worth posting? Does anyone care about some ugly texture you found? No.

I selected my pictures, but I sure as hell don't have time to figure out how to take out the HUD out of ever one of my games and I ain't gonna waste time on that shit.
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Oct 27, 2017
This is madness! We all have a chance to start something special here, hence the name. Reset your old habits, and put some effort in taking these screenshots. Almost every new game either has a photo-mode built in, or Otis and few others have one made for the game! Now, if he or Jim, Hatti can spend multiple hours/days to make camera tools and some people don't even bother using it....then that's bunch of BS if you ask me.

R.T Straker

Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
How do you define effort?

Booting up the game and loading into it and pressing the screenshot key then proceeding to post them here isn't effort. That takes less then 30 seconds.

Specially when most of the games today come with Nvidia Ansel or with a integrated photomode like Shadow of War. There's no excuse. Like I said I don't mind screenshots with HUD myself but atleast make your game look presentable.

It's easy, it's free and it's not complicated at all.


Oct 28, 2017
This is madness! We all have a chance to start something special here, hence the name. Reset your old habits, and put some effort in taking these screenshots. Almost every new game either has a photo-mode built in, or Otis and few others have one made for the game! Now, if he or Jim, Hatti can spend multiple hours/days to make camera tools and some people don't even bother using it....then that's bunch of BS if you ask me.
I'm sorry I'm a doctor and don't have as much time on my hands working 80+ hours a week. But good for you you can take this time to complain about some screenshots and how they aren't special enough for your special screenshot thread. Fantastic bro.

How about starting something special like "live and let live" and "don't be elitist." I'd rather start there. If it's such a big deal use the ignore button and let other people have their fun.


Oct 25, 2017
Booting up the game and loading into it and pressing the screenshot key then proceeding to post them here isn't effort. That takes less then 30 seconds.
I dunno, it took me a week to play through Wolf3D again. I'd call this an effort even though I gave up in SoD and activated God Mode.
Point is - you don't know what is effort for others so you really can't say which of the screenshots posted here required some effort or not. Just scroll past those which you don't like.
And to give you an example - your screenshots from this page are both ugly and from OAS™ game IMO. But I don't mind, feel free to post more of them, I'll just scroll down.


Oct 27, 2017

K I'm only gonna post games older than 2005 now, thanks.
What obnoxious elitist windbaggery. It says nothing of the sort in the rules at the top.
Is it?

Will continue to post old games with HUD, k thanks bye.
Ok, so how do these shots match this rule then:

* Thinking:
Think before you post. Is the screenshot worth posting? Does anyone care about some ugly texture you found? No.

And don't play dumb, you were there too when that rule was added at GAF.

I selected my pictures, but I sure as hell don't have time to figure out how to take out the HUD out of ever one of my games and I ain't gonna waste time on that shit.
Hmm, but you do expect people to spend their time on looking at them? OK...

I'm sorry I'm a doctor and don't have as much time on my hands working 80+ hours a week. But good for you you can take this time to complain about some screenshots and how they aren't special enough for your special screenshot thread. Fantastic bro.
How about starting something special like "live and let live" and "don't be elitist." I'd rather start there. If it's such a big deal use the ignore button and let other people have their fun.
Oh dear... the "I'm actually special and therefore deserve privileges" rebuttal. You apparently find it OK to post whatever you want to post, if someone complaints it's their elitist problem as you don't have time and what an obnoxious assholes to complain about the stuff you could create with the little time you had!

But hey wait a minute... you said in another post you were actually too lazy to make an effort. It wasn't about time constraints, you just couldn't be bothered. Sorry, parsnip would not be proud, but I can't resist putting logic into that and conclude they can't be true at the same time.

ps: the "I'm special and deserve privileges" rebuttal only works if others in this thread actually don't fit the profile you describe yourself with. I know for a fact there are people here who work perhaps even more hours than you state you do and do create beautiful shots and yes with a lot of effort.


Restless Insomniac
Oct 25, 2017
Let's get this thread back on the rails, people. Please follow the community rules in the original post. Please do not attack or insult other users. Thank you!

Deleted member 1594

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
i myself prefer shots more representative of what games actually look like
I'm fine with all types of screenshots. But removing the HUD or using a photo mode isn't exactly misrepresenting the game. I'd just consider it a way of maximizing your ability to show off what the game looks like. But yeah, I still don't think there should be a "no HUD" rule. This is a screenshot thread on a (mostly) public forum with ~30,000 members after all. There is an emphasis on quality (that's what the rules are for) but I don't think this thread should just be a collection of a few people's Flickr accounts. If that's all it is then I'll just back out. I'm already on Flickr and following who I want to follow.

R.T Straker

Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
And to give you an example - your screenshots from this page are both ugly and from OAS™ game IMO. But I don't mind, feel free to post more of them, I'll just scroll down.


They were made in 2013 when I started getting into screenshotting. None my screenshots in this thread are new.

Still I managed to put a little bit of effort in them even without photomode or ansel. Anyhow here's MW2 LE edition!




Self-Requested Ban
Oct 30, 2017
I personally prefer to see what people can come up with, using mods, shaders, tools, Photo Modes, etc... I like to see talent and creativity.

That said, I'm fine with all types of shots being posted on here. I just ignore the stuff that I don't like. People are free to do the same if they don't like what I put out.

Assassin's Creed Origins



Oct 25, 2017
As far as I recall, the High-Res PC screenshot thread has always welcomed gameplay shots with or without huds and was in fact originally against artistic shots back in 2011. That rule was removed in 2012, but I figured some of you might want to know that little piece of thread history.

There is an emphasis on quality (that's what the rules are for) but I don't think this thread should just be a collection of a few people's Flickr accounts. If that's all it is then I'll just back out. I'm already on Flickr and following who I want to follow.
This is a good way to put it.


Oct 27, 2017
i feel if the game makes it simple to remove hud, it can only make your shots look better.

either way it's not a problem for me, i like a mix of actual gameplay screens and ones that put more effort in framing.


Nov 6, 2017
Assassin's Creed Origins I Photomode merged with Otis tools I ReShade.

The lod in this game is so weird, it looks great at times, then all of a sudden you notice the horrid low res textures reminiscent of No Man's Sky.
Decent looking game i guess, just one of the most boring games i've played all year.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
Nowhere in the rules does it say you can't take a screenshot with a HUD

Limits: 2 screenshots per post. If you have more than 2, make more posts or use thumbnails.
FYI, you broke that rule, at least. So do be considerate of what you post.

However I'm against the low effort shots like the Shadow of War mentioned above. There shoud be a rule that prohibits dumping random screenshots with no effort to them whatsoever.
It would be impossible to enforce because it's subjective. That said I think the "think before you post" rule does cover it somewhat.


Oct 25, 2017
Bioshock Infinite
it's a bit magical to come back to this game and just be able to run it at 4k just fine(GTX 1070)



Nov 6, 2017
Sweden / US
I personally prefer to see what people can come up with, using mods, shaders, tools, Photo Modes, etc... I like to see talent and creativity.

That said, I'm fine with all types of shots being posted on here. I just ignore the stuff that I don't like. People are free to do the same if they don't like what I put out.

Assassin's Creed Origins

I like the cinematic feeling in your shots and ReShade, keep them up :)


Oct 28, 2017
User was suspended (3 days): ignoring moderation warnings, continues to pick fights and post insults
FYI, you broke that rule, at least. So do be considerate of what you post.

It would be impossible to enforce because it's subjective. That said I think the "think before you post" rule does cover it somewhat.
I posted 2 screenshots per post as per the guidelines. I only happened to put an extra or 2 posts in a row because it was the first time I posted screenshots in a while. That wasn't trying to be inconsiderate. I was just having fun.

Apparently some people are against fun and don't like people having fun in a way that is not fun to them though.
Is it?

Ok, so how do these shots match this rule then:

* Thinking:
Think before you post. Is the screenshot worth posting? Does anyone care about some ugly texture you found? No.

And don't play dumb, you were there too when that rule was added at GAF.

Hmm, but you do expect people to spend their time on looking at them? OK...

Oh dear... the "I'm actually special and therefore deserve privileges" rebuttal. You apparently find it OK to post whatever you want to post, if someone complaints it's their elitist problem as you don't have time and what an obnoxious assholes to complain about the stuff you could create with the little time you had!

But hey wait a minute... you said in another post you were actually too lazy to make an effort. It wasn't about time constraints, you just couldn't be bothered. Sorry, parsnip would not be proud, but I can't resist putting logic into that and conclude they can't be true at the same time.

ps: the "I'm special and deserve privileges" rebuttal only works if others in this thread actually don't fit the profile you describe yourself with. I know for a fact there are people here who work perhaps even more hours than you state you do and do create beautiful shots and yes with a lot of effort.
Your complaint is just you don't like screenshots with HUDs. Don't dance around and claim it is anything beyond that. How obnoxious.

And no I don't have a special amount of time to take special screenshots in the special way you demand I have to take screenshots. I'm not going to justify it any more than I already did. None of the rules say I have to take off the HUD, use Reshade, or do any other fuckwittery to my screenshots to be able to post in here.

I actually don't like these camera manipulation non-screenshot type shots but I don't be a dick about it and tell people not to post them.

There is no requirement that I have to spend hours taking a screenshot to be "eligible" to post a picture in here. How ridiculous.

You could easily, easily just scroll past screenshots you don't like and just let others post whatever they want. Clearly I am not the only one with this opinion.

Pure elitist windbaggery. Not all of us like Reshade, HUD-less, camera manipulated shots. I don't. So I don't make them. That doesn't make my screenshots "low effort". Subjective AF. Which just means I'm going to keep posting my completely guideline conforming screenshots until you guys get over yourselves and your elitism :)
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Self-Requested Ban
Oct 30, 2017
"non-screenshot" lol
Almost as bad as "I don't consider cropped portraits screenshots"
This is getting ridiculous now.

Thanks HodgeDogs! I like your shots as well :)
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