
Oct 25, 2017
Is there a thread discussing Microsoft Mixed VR? Had a look at the other VR Hardware threads and unless i blind or lazy i cant see many comments? Not talking about hololens but the recent batch of headsets that came out Dell, HP etc.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Started playing Serious Sam first encounter last night. I think I'm about halfway now (just reached the Oasis). Playing it with full locomotion + 45 degree snap turning.
I've played serious sam games a few times in the past but I'd still consider myself a new player to the series (I used to prefer playing doom + unreal growing up).

The game does feel really dated though so I'm hoping that each sequel is a significant improvement from this. I'm enjoying it but I find myself wanting to rush through 1st encounter so I can play serious sam 3.
I don't like how some of the guns just feel like they've replaced my hands instead of feeling like I'm holding them.

There were plenty of times where the enemies spawning acted as jump scares though so I swore a lot when being surprised XD That aspect was fun. I fought the first boss fight too (giant alien reptile race with multi arms and the size and scale of it was really cool.


Oct 25, 2017
Cheers guys - interested in picking one up for the family to use as an entry into VR and wondered how they compared to other VR products and likely compatibility with currently released steam games.

Laser Man

Oct 26, 2017
There were plenty of times where the enemies spawning acted as jump scares though so I swore a lot when being surprised XD That aspect was fun. I fought the first boss fight too (giant alien reptile race with multi arms and the size and scale of it was really cool.

That's standard Serious Sam behaviour, you trigger waves and enemies will always spawn behind you too, a constant back and forth sometimes. I didn't like the frog-things at first because they are so hard to hit and so many at once but retreating into a corner and holding the chainsaw in front of you made short work of them.
Midway through the first game I used cheats because it was getting too wild for my taste, still looking forward to playing the third game but if things are the way they were in 1 and 2, I will also not hesitate activating some cheats!


Oct 27, 2017
Started playing Serious Sam first encounter last night. I think I'm about halfway now (just reached the Oasis). Playing it with full locomotion + 45 degree snap turning.
I've played serious sam games a few times in the past but I'd still consider myself a new player to the series (I used to prefer playing doom + unreal growing up).

The game does feel really dated though so I'm hoping that each sequel is a significant improvement from this. I'm enjoying it but I find myself wanting to rush through 1st encounter so I can play serious sam 3.
I don't like how some of the guns just feel like they've replaced my hands instead of feeling like I'm holding them.

There were plenty of times where the enemies spawning acted as jump scares though so I swore a lot when being surprised XD That aspect was fun. I fought the first boss fight too (giant alien reptile race with multi arms and the size and scale of it was really cool.
They definitely look much better, especially 3.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
That's standard Serious Sam behaviour, you trigger waves and enemies will always spawn behind you too, a constant back and forth sometimes. I didn't like the frog-things at first because they are so hard to hit and so many at once but retreating into a corner and holding the chainsaw in front of you made short work of them.
Midway through the first game I used cheats because it was getting too wild for my taste, still looking forward to playing the third game but if things are the way they were in 1 and 2, I will also not hesitate activating some cheats!
The combat itself isn't hard where I'm at, I'm jumping around alot using a pistol in my main hand and a shotgun in my other and its making short work of everything so I haven't died during combat yet (closest I got was like 60 health and no armor) but I have died to environmental traps (like the troll boulders at the start and that one silver ankh in the water with the spike trap up above).

Whenever the scorpion things with the gatling guns appear I usually just switch to my rocket launcher.


Oct 27, 2017
I beat Arizona Sunshine yesterday. Was a lot better game than I expected from what I saw. Really a lot of fun.

Are there other games similar to Arizona Sunshine in the campaign department?

Lucky Forward

Oct 27, 2017
The HP headset is nice now that i know it's supposed to rest ON my cheeks. While i didn't notice any SDE before, or even the low FOV... My growing comfort with it is making me see things i didn't before. I have to look for it, but i definitely can see the SDE, and I'm finding myself noticing the tunnel view from the FOV as i feel more comfortable moving my eyes and not just moving my head (a necessity to maintain non blurry vision before)

The SDE is something we'll have to live with this generation, but there are replacements for the foam liner available that are supposed to hold the headset closer to your face to give you a wider FOV (and I assume you already have the lens distance knobs at the closest setting.) Also, they are more hygienic and easily wipeable unlike the included foam, something to keep in mind if you sweat a lot and will be sharing the headset. Disclaimer: I haven't tried these yet but I'll probably order them soon, just letting you know they're available as an option.



Oct 25, 2017
Is there a thread discussing Microsoft Mixed VR? Had a look at the other VR Hardware threads and unless i blind or lazy i cant see many comments? Not talking about hololens but the recent batch of headsets that came out Dell, HP etc.

The Micosoft headsets are decent hardware. Very close to roomscale Vive with better displays.

However, they have serious issues playing SteamVR games. I'm hoping it's just an issue with the SteamVR implementation, but they are a framerate stuttering nightmare right now. This is my experience with the HP headset with a 1060. A box that runs the same games great on both my Vive and Rift.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Sorry for being a bit off topic on this one but this thread seems to be a pretty active VR thread. Is there much in the way of video content or anything recommended? My OH is hoping to see some more videos and I was just gonna grab the app on the Oculus store but reviews kinda imply it was made almost solely for GearVR and the videos are very low quality as a result. It's a shame because there was some kinda cool content in there when I checked it out in GearVR but if it all looks like crap on the Oculus I get the feeling it won't feel as impressive for her.


Oct 25, 2017
The Micosoft headsets are decent hardware. Very close to roomscale Vive with better displays.

However, they have serious issues playing SteamVR games. I'm hoping it's just an issue with the SteamVR implementation, but they are a framerate stuttering nightmare right now. This is my experience with the HP headset with a 1060. A box that runs the same games great on both my Vive and Rift.
The latest WVR patch helped me quite a bit, but it's still not perfect. It's also clunky to get into steam vr right now (you can't load it directly, you have to load the windows home, take off the headset or load your desktop and load steam vr from there)

That said, steamvr support is only 2 weeks old officially so I'm hoping/expecting more.


Oct 25, 2017
The Micosoft headsets are decent hardware. Very close to roomscale Vive with better displays.

However, they have serious issues playing SteamVR games. I'm hoping it's just an issue with the SteamVR implementation, but they are a framerate stuttering nightmare right now. This is my experience with the HP headset with a 1060. A box that runs the same games great on both my Vive and Rift.

Cheers thats good to know - my pc is at the lower end of the spec but passes MS mixed reality app(well the gpu is borderline)

The latest WVR patch helped me quite a bit, but it's still not perfect. It's also clunky to get into steam vr right now (you can't load it directly, you have to load the windows home, take off the headset or load your desktop and load steam vr from there)

That said, steamvr support is only 2 weeks old officially so I'm hoping/expecting more.

Edit also good to know - was thinking that too its still early so hopefully it will improve.

I'm still not sure whether to jump in so early or wait a year for the next phase of headsets.


Oct 25, 2017
Cheers thats good to know - my pc is at the lower end of the spec but passes MS mixed reality app(well the gpu is borderline)

Edit also good to know - was thinking that too its still early so hopefully it will improve.

I'm still not sure whether to jump in so early or wait a year for the next phase of headsets.

This is very important:

The MS Mixed Reality "minimum requirements" are pretty much bullshit.

What they mean by those requirements is anything sold in the Windows MR store has to run on that hardware. And as of now there is almost zero content in that store.

All other VR games need much better hardware. Almost 80% of the games on Steam and pretty much all the games on the Oculus store need their min spec, which is a 980/1060 equivalent.

I might even think that the WMR headsets might need even better specs than the Vive and Rift minimum spec to run Steam/Oculus games as the displays in them are higher resolution.


Oct 25, 2017
flyinj thanks man - i might need to replace my gpu anyway due to hardware issues so might kill two birds n all that.


Oct 25, 2017
My resolve around not buying Doom VFR out of purely quality reasons is weakening. Kinda keen to play a visually refined VR game.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Just a heads up that oculus home 2.0 is out on 6th December so opt in for oculus beta to use it:

Laser Man

Oct 26, 2017

I just beat The Talos Principle VR, I didn't play the non VR version before this.

When I started the game I thought that the lightbeam and box puzzles were neat, nice Portal esque/innovative gameplay but I feared they would grow stale over time, luckily this never happened. Every single one of them I was all in, no boredom, no fatigue. It was surprisingly entertaining all the way through and the difficulty of the puzzles hit the mark for me, some headscratchers but nothing frustrating, it was often a revelation when I finally managed to get it done.
This is the perfect gameplay for VR and I wish there was more of this kind of gameplay around!

Storywise I thought in the beginning that I would see through it and know what was going on. Not that it was making a big secret out of it in the first place. But the way it plays with the expectations and the anticipation and then you actually finding out, progressing through the game, is absolutely perfect. I loved every second of it because while I had an idea how it all would play out in the end, I didn't know 100% and I was very surprised how it was presented. And then in the end I wasn't right on the mark wiith my own prediction and also started to doubt myself a few times along the way. I really love how this was presented, the music is great, the graphics are great (though a bit too much for my 980ti). I'm a bit lazy when it comes to reading text in games so I didn't read every message on the monitors in the game with care, sometimes I blinked over it but I've read most of them and was enjoying most of them too.

I still have to play the add-on Road to Gehenna, I'm looking forward to it.

Easily one of my favorite VR games! Croteam outdid themselves with The Talos Principle!
Nov 20, 2017
Finally got my Vive set up. Damn, walls really just melt away. After being inside that massive space and the grid popping up around the borders of my area, I naturally began to get a feeling for where things were in my real space when I was having trouble combining the two at first. My 5 year old began stepping around the cord with a natural ability after about 10 minutes of drawing in tilt. He keeps asking to play. Hahaha. He doesn't like video games all that much typically. He'll play for an hour here or there, but usually sets the controller down to play with other toys. This thing tracks very convincingly. It seems to pick up every unintended shake from my hands.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017

I just beat The Talos Principle VR, I didn't play the non VR version before this.

When I started the game I thought that the lightbeam and box puzzles were neat, nice Portal esque/innovative gameplay but I feared they would grow stale over time, luckily this never happened. Every single one of them I was all in, no boredom, no fatigue. It was surprisingly entertaining all the way through and the difficulty of the puzzles hit the mark for me, some headscratchers but nothing frustrating, it was often a revelation when I finally managed to get it done.
This is the perfect gameplay for VR and I wish there was more of this kind of gameplay around!

Storywise I thought in the beginning that I would see through it and know what was going on. Not that it was making a big secret out of it in the first place. But the way it plays with the expectations and the anticipation and then you actually finding out, progressing through the game, is absolutely perfect. I loved every second of it because while I had an idea how it all would play out in the end, I didn't know 100% and I was very surprised how it was presented. And then in the end I wasn't right on the mark wiith my own prediction and also started to doubt myself a few times along the way. I really love how this was presented, the music is great, the graphics are great (though a bit too much for my 980ti). I'm a bit lazy when it comes to reading text in games so I didn't read every message on the monitors in the game with care, sometimes I blinked over it but I've read most of them and was enjoying most of them too.

I still have to play the add-on Road to Gehenna, I'm looking forward to it.

Easily one of my favorite VR games! Croteam outdid themselves with The Talos Principle!
Good review :D
Looking forward to playing this, focusing on the serious sam games first before I jump into Talos :)

Finally got my Vive set up. Damn, walls really just melt away. After being inside that massive space and the grid popping up around the borders of my area, I naturally began to get a feeling for where things were in my real space when I was having trouble combining the two at first. My 5 year old began stepping around the cord with a natural ability after about 10 minutes of drawing in tilt. He keeps asking to play. Hahaha. He doesn't like video games all that much typically. He'll play for an hour here or there, but usually sets the controller down to play with other toys. This thing tracks very convincingly. It seems to pick up every unintended shake from my hands.

Just be a little careful with your son, its not recommended to let kids younger than 8 (i think its 8 but someone can correct me) to play in vr since their eyes are still developing, so don't let him play for long sessions.


Oct 27, 2017
Does Doom VFR have fairly regular straight up stalls for you while you're playing?

I just got done playing on a 1080ti and i7 7800 and probably once every 3 to 5 minutes i'd get a 4+ second stall. Less common, i'll Get a straight up fade to "Loading..." screen that Steam VR does if somethings loading for a while and after like a minute it doesn't exit that so I just closed it out.

Anyone else have any insight?


Oct 25, 2017
Lone Echo being one of the first games I finished on my Vive has been one of my downfalls. Haven't really had a full game match up to it since.

Yeah it's certainly up there. Not only technically amazing but the art is so intricate - it services the immersion highly. VR should certainly be that dev's domain, if they can make it work economically.

Does Doom VFR have fairly regular straight up stalls for you while you're playing?

I just got done playing on a 1080ti and i7 7800 and probably once every 3 to 5 minutes i'd get a 4+ second stall. Less common, i'll Get a straight up fade to "Loading..." screen that Steam VR does if somethings loading for a while and after like a minute it doesn't exit that so I just closed it out.

Anyone else have any insight?

I have heard numerous complaints of this. I haven't tried Doom and I'm not sure that I will, but I think the hitches a flaw with the game.

Finally got my Vive set up. Damn, walls really just melt away. After being inside that massive space and the grid popping up around the borders of my area, I naturally began to get a feeling for where things were in my real space when I was having trouble combining the two at first. My 5 year old began stepping around the cord with a natural ability after about 10 minutes of drawing in tilt. He keeps asking to play. Hahaha. He doesn't like video games all that much typically. He'll play for an hour here or there, but usually sets the controller down to play with other toys. This thing tracks very convincingly. It seems to pick up every unintended shake from my hands.

It will be so long before my daughter is old enough to try VR, but I know it's going to remake her world just as video games remade mine. Heh. Just have to wait long enough for not only physiological safety but to make sure it doesn't become too important in her world.


Oct 30, 2017
I know this is off topic but I am already having sound issues with my Rift.

The audio was cutting out on either side depending on how the straps were adjusted. I was able to get them working each time but now the left earpiece is completely dead.

I guess this is known to happen (Google search) so I now have to do a return/exchange.

This does not seem good.

Deleted member 22585

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Jumped into Tilt Brush again. After my first attempt where my volcano looked like a burning tree, I tried something else. It's still really sloppy but I'm making slow progress every saturday.



The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I know this is off topic but I am already having sound issues with my Rift.

The audio was cutting out on either side depending on how the straps were adjusted. I was able to get them working each time but now the left earpiece is completely dead.

I guess this is known to happen (Google search) so I now have to do a return/exchange.

This does not seem good.
That doesn't fill me with too much confindence. I'm in the process of getting mine replaced for a yellow line through the left screen. :/

Hopefully we have better luck with the next one. Also hopefully I get a response Monday as it seems they may not be working weekends. They were fast to respond on Friday at least though
Nov 20, 2017
Good review :D
Looking forward to playing this, focusing on the serious sam games first before I jump into Talos :)

Just be a little careful with your son, its not recommended to let kids younger than 8 (i think its 8 but someone can correct me) to play in vr since their eyes are still developing, so don't let him play for long sessions.

I was reading about it. Seems like I can let him do it for about an hour then let his eyes rest.


Oct 25, 2017
I was reading about it. Seems like I can let him do it for about an hour then let his eyes rest.
To thing to remember is we don't really know... We don't even have short term studies, let alone long term ones on VR usage... Especially on kids. As adults we understand and accept that, children can't.

Not saying don't, just be careful and be aware. As a father of a 4 and 7 year old I'm also aware of this.
Nov 20, 2017
To thing to remember is we don't really know... We don't even have short term studies, let alone long term ones on VR usage... Especially on kids. As adults we understand and accept that, children can't.

Not saying don't, just be careful and be aware. As a father of a 4 and 7 year old I'm also aware of this.

From what I've read, they say the damage comes from eye strain. Adults can recognize eye strain whereas children cannot. They said that the 3DS can cause the same type of damage for young children. Limiting viewing times to under an hour allows the eyes to rest preventing damage. 3D movies have the same impact.

It's pretty incredible watching him just wonder around in that world. Of course, I'm concerned about his eyes. I spent a few hours reading up on it one night. He will only be able to play in that space a couple times a week.


Oct 25, 2017
So I decided to give Doom VFR a shot. Really just buggy, poor VR implementation. Nothing feels good. There are a few free VR ports (Quake 2 especially), and a lot of indie titles that have better implemented VR. It's not terrible. They did still pretty much get Doom up and running in VR (although these levels are quite reduced and flattened). It's also neat to see how large Cacodemons are - that'll fit into a revised headcanon... Probably the worst thing is the hit detection. Besides what's already been mentioned, when enemies spawn in they're invulnerable. Bad hit response animations...

Also I don't know if it's because I'm on Oculus but it seems they have lens matched to Vive and there's no way to turn it off, because I feel there is a distortion pattern of pixel density. Also - there's a sort of feeling that the game is rotating and moving on a coarse snap-to-grid that I haven't really felt in any other game. Finally, when I turn my head I feel there's a temporal effect even with all AA is turned off. It's not reprojection. I wonder if it's some engine optimization...

I could ignore all the things in the 2nd paragraph if not for all the things in the first paragraph. Will be refunding.

Does Doom VFR have fairly regular straight up stalls for you while you're playing?

I just got done playing on a 1080ti and i7 7800 and probably once every 3 to 5 minutes i'd get a 4+ second stall. Less common, i'll Get a straight up fade to "Loading..." screen that Steam VR does if somethings loading for a while and after like a minute it doesn't exit that so I just closed it out.

Anyone else have any insight?

I also experienced a half second freeze every few minutes. Just another bug.


Oct 25, 2017
The VR party feel apart (sick child caused a cancellation) me and my wife are playing around right now. I think we found a winner in the Google blocks. My wife loves playing with clay, do this kind of experience is right up her alley.

Still got more to test throughout the night.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The VR party feel apart (sick child caused a cancellation) me and my wife are playing around right now. I think we found a winner in the Google blocks. My wife loves playing with clay, do this kind of experience is right up her alley.

Still got more to test throughout the night.
Try Oculus Medium. It's an even better version in many ways.

Deleted member 22585

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
The winner for the night between me and my wife was don't stop talking. I know that was one of the earliest vr games, but damn if it doesn't still work great. I absolutely hate/love it. My wife makes for the calmer tech, while i handle the manual better.

I think i was sweating more than she was.


Oct 25, 2017
Tried 3-4 minutes of gamepad free movement in doom vfr and had to throw the headset off my head. Woof.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
The winner for the night between me and my wife was don't stop talking. I know that was one of the earliest vr games, but damn if it doesn't still work great. I absolutely hate/love it. My wife makes for the calmer tech, while i handle the manual better.

I think i was sweating more than she was.

This is one of the games that I keep meaning to buy at some point (ever since I had the gear vr), hear so many good things about it.

Jumped into Tilt Brush again. After my first attempt where my volcano looked like a burning tree, I tried something else. It's still really sloppy but I'm making slow progress every saturday.


Thats awesome :) Can imagine yharnam being drawn out too so you get some bloodborne vr :P

I know this is off topic but I am already having sound issues with my Rift.

The audio was cutting out on either side depending on how the straps were adjusted. I was able to get them working each time but now the left earpiece is completely dead.

I guess this is known to happen (Google search) so I now have to do a return/exchange.

This does not seem good.

I had a similar issue with my right headphone but its been working perfectly ever since I tightened the screw where it attaches to the headstrap.
It is a common issue apparently for the one of the headphones to stop working, some have fixed it by swapping the headphones but I have no idea how easy that is. I got lucky that mine was a simple fix.


Oct 25, 2017
This is one of the games that I keep meaning to buy at some point (ever since I had the gear vr), hear so many good things about it.

Not sure how well it'd work as a party game, (you either have everyone jumping in and making the directions confusing, or you have one person who dominates the tech manual) but as a 1 on 1 co-op experience it's pretty great and frustrating. More great.

I'm already starting to crave meatier experiences and my wife is so sold she's wearing the set while playing regular old solitaire. (She was watching videos and just never took the set off)