Bor Gullet

Oct 27, 2017
Why does this keep happening? It literally makes no sense. The worst is when people take a fat dump, don't flush and stank up the whole stall. Pisses me off to no end.


Oct 25, 2017
yea that plus along with their turd leaving half a roll of toilet paper in there. Never is it just the turd, by itself.

the worst though:
At my first job the building was older so every mens room only had 1 stall to use for taking a dump. I would always go in there because its the closest and almost always found someone pissed all over the toilet. So i put in huge type face STOP PISSING ON THE TOILET SET and said something about how disrespectful it was to everyone else and the housekeeping staff that has to clean it up, I taped it to the wall above the toilet seat. A day or two later someone had wrote "thank you" on it.


Oct 27, 2017
United States
No flushing in public bathrooms should be an capital offense. Right up there with anti-handwashers and people who unroll the entire thing of bathroom tissue and leave it on the floor.


Oct 25, 2017
See this far too often and I don't get it. Like, do they not want to touch the handle? Okay, use your damn feet. My Dad use to do this, he'd pee and never flush, we got into an argument about it once. I hot grounded, but he never did it again.


user requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
People can be incredibly gross.

I recall a Neogaf thread that discussed washing hands after going to the bathroom and somebody actually claimed that people were being elitist snobs for expecting others to wash their hands after taking a shit.


Gunny T Highway

Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I agree. When I used to work at a Movie Theatre and had to check the washrooms on a regular basis during my shift, people rarely ever flushed. Like C'Mon do you not flush your own toilets at home?


Dec 18, 2017
One of my brother's friends stayed over at our house once and didn't flush.

I was floored. And it wasn't like this guy was a disgusting slob or something, which is what made it even more stunning.

GoldenEye 007

Roll Tide, Y'all!
Oct 25, 2017
No flushing in public bathrooms should be an capital offense. Right up there with anti-handwashers and people who unroll the entire thing of bathroom tissue and leave it on the floor.
I was once helping run an event and I had to go to the bathroom. Some guy is in the stall doing his thing then walks out right past the sinks and doesn't even think twice about washing hands.

Like wtf


Nov 3, 2017
Dudes pissing in the stall with the seat down tryna get my ass sat down in the lagoon of shame


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, that's super weird.

What i could imagine is people who take huge dumps but also use an excessive amount of toilet paper and they keep clogging toilets anywhere they go.
By not being around when the flushing takes place, you avoid the awkwardness of being the one who clogged the crapper.
By the time someone flushes down that payload of yours, your long gone.

At least that's what i would consider a possible explanation for people doing this.


Oct 27, 2017
At my first job the building was older so every mens room only had 1 stall to use for taking a dump. I would always go in there because its the closest and almost always found someone pissed all over the toilet. So i put in huge type face STOP PISSING ON THE TOILET SET and said something about how disrespectful it was to everyone else and the housekeeping staff that has to clean it up, I taped it to the wall above the toilet seat. A day or two later someone had wrote "thank you" on it.

I have a similar issue, we have one stall to poop in on our floor. There is someone in my office that leaves poop streaks on the seat. Like they can't wipe and keep it just on the paper. I'm considering putting up a sign. So far I've just been going to the downstairs bathroom.


Oct 25, 2017
Considering there was (or maybe still is) a site called Rate My Poo, I imagine some people just enjoy leaving their dump there for other people to see. As for people who piss and leave, it's probably because they're lazy fucks.


Oct 25, 2017
That's only if they even manage to not miss the bowl. Public restrooms are nasty. I rarely use them other than for washing my hands or using the urinal.


Oct 25, 2017
Not the worst thing you could encounter in a public bathroom



Nov 3, 2017


Lately I have run into people leaving hair in the urinal, which I never knew was a thing...

Garble Slew

Oct 27, 2017
Atlanta, Georgia
I used to have co-workers who did this. That stopped after the fourth or fifth time I called the whole store (small pizza joint) out. I'm normally not one to take pleasure in others misery or embarrassment but that always gave me those schadenfreude feels. I mean how disgusting and self centered are you that you'll take a shit in a workplace toilet and not flush? You KNOW someone is going to go in after and see and half the store knows you were the last one in there.


What year is this?
Oct 25, 2017
Our office was having to call a plumber once a month for like 6 months because the pipes kept getting majorly clogged. Eventually they found out someone was flushing used tampons and pads down the toilet.


Oct 27, 2017
Dudes are disgusting. The stuff I've seen at rest stops all throughout Merica is haunting.

In my time as a janitor, I found much to my surprise, that the women's restroom was a lot worse than the men's restroom. It might have been that place specifically, but it was bad on a whole other level, and the men's room was bad.


Oct 27, 2017
Not to derail, but count how many people wash their hands when they're done too next time you find yourself in a public restroom. Absolutely disgusting, especially seeing people at the gym do it.


Oct 28, 2017
If its pee I don't care. Poop is awful though.

In high school guys would take all the paper towels and toilet paper and stuff the toilets full and then shit on top of it. Just to be pricks. How do you even unclog that!? The toilets were so full of paper that the poop would be at or above the seat. Just awful.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't like to flush. Most bathrooms are controlled by robot sensor overlords and I gashed my hand trying to get it to work.

Not my problem.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, public restrooms can be really depressing from a "How lazy can people be?" standpoint. In the last week on two separate occasions I saw a guy standing at the urinal using one hand to do his business while he browsed his phone with the other. Neither person washed his hands, either. A couple weeks before that I saw an employee of a store walk out of a stall and not wash his hands. At least he flushed, I guess...

When it's time to leave the restroom I'm this guy:

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When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
I have janitorial duties. The men's restroom has been worse in my experience, if only because at least one person a day can't fucking aim in the urinal. Every single night I close, there is dried urine on the floor. Add onto that the fact that the men's restroom is warmer than the surrounding store, and the smell will floor you. Hold my breath every time.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, public restrooms can be really depressing from a "How lazy can people be?" standpoint. In the last week on two separate occasions I saw a guy standing at the urinal using one hand to do his business while he browsed his phone with the other. Neither person washed his hands, either. A couple weeks before that I saw an employee of a store walk out of a stall and not wash his hands, either. At least he flushed, I guess...

When it's time to leave the restroom I'm this guy:


This is absolutely me. I work in a healthcare setting and sometimes use the same restrooms as the visitors. If I don't have a clean hands exit strategy, I will not enter the restroom.

Deleted member 29464

Account closed at user request
Nov 1, 2017
I never get why there are so many shits in public toilets without toilet paper, like there is a lot of people walking around with shitty unwiped arses. Also, at uni, I felt like the only guy who washes his hand after a piss? What's up with that? Dirty bastards.
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Davey Cakes

Oct 27, 2017
Not to derail, but count how many people wash their hands when they're done too next time you find yourself in a public restroom. Absolutely disgusting, especially seeing people at the gym do it.
I was very naive in my youth. I didn't realize how many people DON'T wash their hands in public restrooms.

It was one thing when I'd just see guys go straight from the urinal to the door, but then I started seeing them doing the same thing after leaving the fucking stall.

I never bought the arguments in "bathroom etiquette" threads on GAF saying that it's okay to not wash if you only used the urinal. It's still a public restroom and there are germs everywhere. You're better off just washing regardless of what part of your body you did or didn't touch.

I'm not even a germaphobe, but I do find it a bit gross. Who knows where else in the building those unwashed hands will go? Let me have the peace of mind, and enjoy the hygiene as a bonus.


Oct 27, 2017
It happens all the time. People think they're funny or just want to be gross, I guess. It's one reason I try not to use public washrooms and only do a few times a year.
Nov 30, 2017
It's rare when I see poop clogged like that in public restrooms, but what I see a lot is people's piss all over the toilet seat and the floor. Also, can't stand when people don't flush, if you're scared to touch with your hand just use your foot.


Oct 28, 2017
I mean most people don't ever bother washing their assholes with water after taking a shit and then walk around with shitty assholes and go eat others' asses... Americans are nasty when it comes to restroom hygiene.
Oct 27, 2017
Working retail is certainly an eye opening adventure on this matter. Using the washroom is such a basic and simple task but people find ways to shit up the process.
Oct 27, 2017
I mean most people don't ever bother washing their assholes with water after taking a shit and then walk around with shitty assholes and go eat others' asses... Americans are nasty when it comes to restroom hygiene.

Would you lick something that had fecal matter on it previously, but it was washed off using only water?

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
Ever feel like a poo detective? Like you open the door to a stall and look around for clues, trying to figure out how this shit went down.