
Oct 27, 2017
I'm looking for a significant other and I feel like I'm doing it wrong.

Can y'all that have a significant other tell me where you met him/her?

I feel my problem is two parts: 1) One, I'm cowardly, and 2) I can never tell when is an appropriate time and place to ask someone. I haven't asked a girl out on a date since the second half of May. This is unacceptable to me. I don't know why I'm not more courageous. I'm not gettting rejected, I'm just not even making the necessary steps to ask someone in the first place.

Edit: I have used Tinder and OKCupid and haven't had luck with those apps. I'm be very curious to see how y'all are meeting, whether it's with a dating app or not.

I need some inspiration.


Oct 27, 2017
At my house lol...long story but TLDR version: college friend of roommate's fiance...came a year later...married 8 years later
Oct 27, 2017
I was working on a horse farm trying to pay for college and she had a horse there. She also happened to be studying the same thing I was (she's way smarter than me though). Been married 18 years in August

So I guess through work


Oct 25, 2017
Tinder matched with a girl I'm now four months into the best relationship of my life with


Oct 25, 2017
Highschool. I saw him in art class, thought he was a cute punk boy, then made a one year plan to befriend, flirt with, and date him after asking him to prom, then vet him for 10 years.
With him for 15 years now, married 5! :D

Rei no Otaku

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Cranston RI
We were friends in school for years, then one day decided we should try dating. That was almost 10 years ago and now we're married with three kids.


Oct 26, 2017
Slightly interesting situation surrounding my boyfriend and I...

I play volleyball in the same league as his ex-boyfriend of about 10 years. So he already knew of me/knew my name/saw me on social media etc...
Then one day he followed me on Instagram and started liking a bunch of my singing stuff, and sent me a DM on Insta introducing himself officially and asked to learn more about singing stuff because he was really interested and found me really talented. Fast forward a couple weeks, and we met up... I turned on the ol' awkward charm, and the rest is history.


Oct 25, 2017
Frisco, Tx
eharmony. Met up at a safe spot as neither of us had done online before really, hit it off, 3 years later got married. Been together now 7 years.


Oct 25, 2017
I met her at a cocktail party before a short film festival at the college I graduated from.

Funnily enough I really didn't want to attend, but my friend insisted so they wouldn't go alone. Never gonna regret going along that day.


Pushin’ me down, pushin’ me down, pushin’ me down
Oct 24, 2017
My best friend married her best friend, met her at the wedding


Oct 27, 2017
Was engaged to a girl I met in World of Warcraft.

I dont recommend Wow as a dating app tho, only like 1% isnt male.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Longwood, FL
Via friends

She came to visit some friends of mine at FSU one weekend. Early football game followed by a cook out and then party hopping that night. Ended up making out and she stayed at my apartment that night. We kept in touch, which eventually led to fucking here & there over the next year when she came to visit. No relationship. Just FWB.

I landed by first real job here in Orlando, where she lived. Started dating and the rest is history.


Oct 27, 2017
OP, for me it always happened naturally. I never sought it out. However that does include being sociable and going to gatherings, it will click for you eventually if you do.

The internet thing? I dunno, seems to work for some people but I find it weird, no disrespect to the people it did work for though.
Oct 25, 2017
We went to high school together, but we didn't really know each other. We ended up working together and hanging out with friends, I asked her out and to my surprise she said yes. That was 18 years ago.


Oct 25, 2017
At a previous job in where we were on different accounts 7 years ago.

A mutual friend introduced me to my now wife as a good guy who loves cats & pot lol.


Oct 27, 2017
Met in an online chat room set up for fans of a particular band (over 20 years ago). Having a common interest when you first get to know one another seems to work better than just random physical attraction.

Finale Fireworker

Love each other or die trying.
Oct 25, 2017
United States
Every meaningful relationship I've ever had started at work. Some of them were co-workers and my SO now was a customer.

From that I've learned that there's nothing like a consistent mutual environment to bring people together. These relationships can be really successful, but they also carry really high risk, because something going wrong can really endanger that environment.

You have to be responsible and professional and never create an uncomfortable work condition for them or anyone else. These kinds of relationships develop naturally. If you have to force them, you shouldn't try.

That's my only experience. The times I tried my hardest to meet someone weren't the times I was ever successful. This always sounds unhelpful when you're single, but the best advice I can give is not to rush it.

I was single for 18 months once. I sort of resigned myself to being single forever. Then I met my fiancée. We've been together for five years.


Oct 25, 2017
College. We lived in the same student house. Struck up a friendship over shared interest in comedy, and we started dating quickly there after. Been together for 7+ years at this point.


Oct 27, 2017
World of Warcraft. We've been friends for more than 10 years though, before we finally realized we were there for each other all along!