
Oct 25, 2017
Met via a mutual friend (and we became friends through the Old Site, shoutout to Necrovex) when we went to Pax East back in 2004. She lived in Boston and they went to college together here in FL for a semester and remained friends.


Oct 27, 2017
San Francisco, CA
I DJ these nights at a local cafe lounge called, "Wax Wednesday". We just spin records and someone who I spin with invited his friend and that friend became my girlfriend for the past 8 months and I'm planning on proposing to her in the next couple years.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I met my girlfriend in high school. I have friends who had success with Tinder, but I've never tried online dating

Captain C

Oct 27, 2017
Met on OKCupid. Honestly, I used a lot of advice from the Dating Thread here and the old place to get the first date, and once I met her I knew she was awesome.


Attempt to circumvent a ban with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
November 26th 2007, saw her walk down a set of stairs at university. Im a shy shy SHY person, so even though she was stunner I was a coward. The next day I saw her at a local uni hang out and finally got the courage to talk to her after talking myself into it for about a half hour. We exchanged numbers and were apparently in the same class but didnt know. Its been almost 12 years since we were dating and our one year anniversary is coming up on Canada Day.


Oct 27, 2017
Oakland, CA
My girlfriend was a barista at the coffee shop I stopped by every morning on my way to the bus/work. I'd never ask someone out at their work so it took a year for us to randomly bump into each other at a bar. We were both on different dates (or supposed to be, I got stood up lol), but we exchanged numbers and the rest is history.

Deleted member 1759

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
We were pre-drinking and a friend brought her along. We hit it off that evening and ended up in bed. But I didn't get her number and we haven't seen each other for about a month after that. Asked my friend to give me her number and we texted a bit and then started dating soon after. That was five years ago and she moved in last year. Had some ups and downs but still going strong.


Nov 7, 2017
Met my soulmate on Tinder! On our first date, it immediately felt like we had known each other our entire lives. By the third date I knew this was the person I'm going to marry. The rest is history :).

We just bought our first house this past fall! Her dad also met his fiancee on Tinder, my brother met his long-time GF there, etc.


Feb 9, 2018
We met outside a nightclub lol. Been together for four years and are expecting our first child this year.


Oct 25, 2017
College. Met in September of my sophomore and her freshman year. Kinda been inseparable since.

I wasn't looking for her, or anybody really. I feel like the best relationships tend to happen when you aren't looking for them, and a lot of them grow from some pretty quality friendships first. I don't think going around pressing to find someone is the way to go about it.
Oct 27, 2017
I've known my SO since we we were 15 years old, we hung around the same crowd. Didn't know much about her, just knew who she was. Then 18 years later I created a facebook profile after a five year hiatus from fb. Two days later I got a friend request from her, it was 3 in the morning and I just got home from the bar.

She messaged me asking what I was doing, she also just got home, she'd also been out drinking.

So we decided to meet up and take a "walk". So a booty call put us on this path.

We're engaged now.

Don't give up hope, life is strange as fuck. You never know what it's gonna throw at you.


Oct 25, 2017
First woman I dated as an adult was through WoW... it ended awfully. My best friend met her husband on WoW though so it worked for at least 50% of the people I know who dated through it.

I met my wife while I was dating her sister <_< Which when I write it out or say it out loud or even in my head sounds awful... but hey, I dodged an absolute crazy train for the most amazing person in the world but only just barely.


Oct 25, 2017
Walked into a bar on 6th St, said "Hey! I have tattoos on my head too!" She bought me a shot and here we are almost 20 years later!


Oct 26, 2017
Met my wife 15 years ago. We both worked at wal-Mary. She was a cashier, and I was a Kart-pusher / truck unloaded. We would take lunch together a lot. We didn't end up hooking up until about 3 years later.


Force of Habit
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco
Bought her a drink at a bar in Tokyo. Talked music, career, and dreams (usual small-talk). Next night went to a lantern festival together in Asakusa. Eventually married her. My life is now better than it was at that time and continues to get better.

Jeff Albertson

The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Accidentally through MySpace - Fucking MySpace, she messaged me randomly to ask where I had a tattoo done that was in my profile picture as her brother wanted similar.

So MySpace with its shit quizzes, backgrounds and profile music brought me and my wife together in 2007.


Oct 29, 2017
A party! She was cute and interesting. I asked her if she wanted to grab a cup of coffee sometimes before i went home.


Oct 27, 2017
I was hanging around with the then-current members of the college living group she was an alumni of. So, mutual friends you could say. It was 18 years ago this month.

Deleted member 16025

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Op, I heard my friend was going to the city pool to go tanning with her friend who was single and attractive. I went down to say hi to my friend and check out her single/hot friend and it worked out and now we are celebrating our 5th Anniversary this weekend.

Having my friend there as an excuse to talk to my future wife really helped. I've never found the dating scene to be easy. People are flaky and weird and awkward at times. You gotta go through a lot of matches that don't work out until you find some where you hit it off and know right away there's something there. Don't give up!

Fun fact: the first few times I hung out with my wife, I couldnt get our mutual friend to get lost so we could have a classic date, just the two of us. I thought maybe my wife wasn't interested the same way as me so I almost gave up and didn't call her again! Luckily I tried one last time and said "how about we leave Ashley out of this one" and our relationship was on its way.

Just stay cool, remember to smile and laugh, and remember that it's just a thing that everyone does and it's not life or death. Rejection isn't scorn and when it is, well who cares? There's other people out there and one of them is going to think you're awesome and wonder how they ever got so lucky. Just make sure you're not one of those guys who has no self-awareness. Shower every day, use deodorant, brush your teeth, dress your age, know your style, etc.
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Oct 26, 2017
A friend's house party. She was an acquaintance of my friend. We started hanging out in the same group of people. I asked her out but she had a boyfriend. Cool, np. When they broke up I asked her out again. That was 9 years ago. We've been married for 7. I couldn't be happier.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
Southern California
We met in a college Japanese class like 8 years ago. She was a really good friend but we'd lost touch for a few years. We randomly linked up and hit it off like nada's changed. We've been together for 2 years


Oct 25, 2017
Vancouver, BC
At work. Our desks sat facing each other. It started with us making cutesy glances and faces at each other over top our monitors and it just sorted blossomed from there. We became friends first and started to develop our relationship over time.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I broke all the rules.

I married one of my assistants at work. We were both early 20s so no typical cheating with the assistant scenario. I was the most JR position that got access to the assistances so no really power imbalance. IN fact our first date was 2 weeks after I transferred to her branch and got a promotion from assistant myself. She was in a pool of so not my direct assistant, we would both work Saturdays OT when no one else would (half my reason for the OT was because I knew she would be their)

We have been together 14 years now and married for 10.

I now own a company in the same industry and she works at it as well.
Oct 28, 2017
Washington DC
To be very specific: I'm a 35 year old straight black man. My fiancee is a 31 year old bi woman that is half Peruvian/half Polish. We have been together for around four years; we met at yoga.


Oct 26, 2017
I met my girlfriend on plenty of fish.

We're going on two years now and she's just as awesome as the day I met her. Love her so much.


Dec 19, 2017
I met her on instagram lol
Edits: i slid in her dms , because she kept liking my pictures. 4 years together now


Oct 27, 2017
Tinder. Been together almost a year now. There's no way we don't end up married.
Dec 22, 2017
Passed her in the hall in college. Thought she was the prettiest girl I had ever seen and told myself that I would regret it if I didn't say something, so I did.

To add more, we started talking through AIM and a couple weeks later I got a bad sun burn and posted as my away message that I needed someone to put aloe on my back. She offered to and the rest is history lol.
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Deleted member 35011

User requested account closure
Dec 1, 2017
First day of university, orientation day. Neither of us expected to last since we were basically opposite people in every way but we came around to learning each other's interests and making compromises. Never thought I'd learn to ride horses until I met her and I'm sure she never thought she'd touch a surfboard haha.


Oct 27, 2017
She's been my childhood friend for close to 21 years now. Some time ago we decided to take it a step above. It does bring some risks though like...if it end badly will we still be close friends like before we began dating? Of course, if it gets to that point we'll see at that time.

For now we're super happy together and it's all that matters.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 2, 2017
Through a friend who was seeing her friend. First time I met her though I was on LSD and somehow was the most ON I've ever been in my life. I don't think she knew until some later time that I was on acid that night, but it was a very cosmic connection that we made. I wouldn't suggest other people try meeting people that way, but that was 15 years ago so maybe there's something to it.


Prophet of Regret - Lizard Daddy
Oct 25, 2017
She was a barista at Starbucks inside our work's campus while she was still in school. Chatted and one thing led to another. Now she's graduated and working as a software engineer with me :)

Instant Vintage

Unshakable Resolve
Oct 25, 2017
My sister threw a NYE party and invited a woman. We hit it off instantly. She lived in DC, I lived in VA Beach.

I would drive up every other weekend to see her. Then one day, I never went back home.

It'll be 7 years on December 30th. We have a 3 year old.

Life is strange(!), ridiculous, weird, and yet beautiful all at the same time. Don't rush it. Keep your eyes (and your heart) open.


Mobile Gaming Product Manager
Nov 19, 2017
San Francisco bay area
Mutual friends. A group of eight or so of us hung out every day, and we started spending more time together outside of that after becoming closer friends. This was high school though, so it was easier to find the time. Ten years dating, eight years married so far.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm single at the moment but most of my partners i'd met at bars or at shows.