Nothing Loud

Literally Cinderella
Oct 25, 2017
Met him on Grinder on a work trip where I was bored and downloaded the app. He was my first match and we met up and enjoyed each other's company. We dated long distance for a year and then he moved here. Been married for a month.

You can find love on Grinder!


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
As a few others have said, OKCupid.

This is the second or third thread I've noticed with a number of people here having had success with it.


Apr 4, 2018
We were acquaintances in elementary school and then were in band together and had a bunch of classes together in middle school. Tamagotchi/digital pets were big at the time and everyone had them, so we'd hang out in the bleachers at P.E. and talk about them in 6th grade. My parents are divorced, so I moved out of town to live with my dad for high school (did not go well...). I moved back to Central Florida for college and bumped into her again randomly while I was working a summer job at a mall arcade. We became close and have been in a relationship and living together for nearly 13 years.

Not very helpful to your situation I suppose, other than to say she's my best friend and we grew to be close very naturally over the course of a long time. Dating wasn't originally the plan, but that's how things worked out.


Oct 25, 2017
Met my first in high school, dated for nearly 8 years until she passed away.

My second, I met her on Tinder and she's been amazing. Neither of us were looking for hour ups but for somebody to talk to and here we are now. Nearing 5 months now.

I am a Bird

Oct 31, 2017
I met my wife at a clothing store. We both worked stock. We both liked each other but thought the other didn't feel the same. Everyone else could see it except us. We we're good friends the whole time. I got injured at work one day and she came to see me and I told her how I felt and she felt the same way.


Oct 25, 2017
Frisco, Tx
I met my wife at a clothing store. We both worked stock. We both liked each other but thought the other didn't feel the same. Everyone else could see it except us. We we're good friends the whole time. I got injured at work one day and she came to see me and I told her how I felt and she felt the same way.

That had to be the absolute best pain med :)


Mostly Positive
Oct 25, 2017
Norway but living in France
I was working abroad in Australia and she was a backpacker. Hooked up the first day after drinks. 3.5 years later and we became married. Been together for near 5.5 years now and have lived in four different countries so far.


Oct 27, 2017
I was an EMT that frequented a nursing home my wife worked at and she gave me her number.

FF Seraphim

Oct 26, 2017
My sophomore year of uni, I went and studied aboard in Japan.
She is an Aussie, we been living in the same dorm for about two months, on my birthday everyone went to karaoke, everyone got drunk, she ran up and scissored kicked me in the head and got an octopus like grip with her legs on me and tickled me for a solid good 5 minutes.
Been with her for 12 years now.
Oct 29, 2017
I jumped in her DMs. I've gotten like 60% of the relationships/hook ups in my life from doing the "creepy" thing Internet forums frown so much upon. It's only creepy if you aren't attractive OP.

Baked Pigeon

Oct 27, 2017
Her employer operates a program that I was a client of. It's kinda weird how we ended up together now that i look back on it. I'm pretty sure it was against policy.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
I met MUFFIN. on OKCupid back in 2010. We're coming up on our 8 year anniversary this year.

I saw her profile and she was gushing about how Nightcrawler was her favorite character. So I messaged her and we nerded out about comics, bought a house in 2013, got a bunch of cats and now we watch Easy Allies videos religiously.

Still shocked that a random message on OKCupid turned into finding my soulmate but there you go.

(And yes, she's on Era. Kind of. I made her a profile as a surprise. She's posted a couple times.)

Legit feel like the luckiest dork in the world so forgive me for the gushing.



Oct 28, 2017
Married okcupid. Didn't think okcupud would result in anything after a few short term relationships, a dozen fuck buddies, and thousands of mostly unreplied messages.

Possum Armada

Oct 25, 2017
Greenville, SC
I met MUFFIN. on OKCupid back in 2010. We're coming up on our 8 year anniversary this year.

I saw her profile and she was gushing about how Nightcrawler was her favorite character. So I messaged her and we nerded out about comics, bought a house in 2013, got a bunch of cats and now we watch Easy Allies videos religiously.

Still shocked that a random message on OKCupid turned into finding my soulmate but there you go.

(And yes, she's on Era. Kind of. I made her a profile as a surprise. She's posted a couple times.)

Legit feel like the luckiest dork in the world so forgive me for the gushing.

You two seem adorable together . :)

I met my wife 15 years ago when I was running ant art collective in Atlanta. She came to a performance at a warehouse we were all living in and I found her sleeping on the floor after her friends apparently left her.

I offered her my room. The next day we talked and went on a road trip to an aquarium in TN. We became really close, bit never dated.

We stayed close over the years and at some point I just decided that I was going to tell her that I had feelings for her. We've been together since then.

Now she is a doctor and I am a writer and go ernmwnt beurocrat. We just bought an old farm property. Our child is due any day now.

Things seems to be going well!
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Oct 27, 2017
Thanks for the replies.

I wasted my 20s. I fucking wasted 10 years of my life not chasing after women.

I thought losing weight and becoming thin would help my confidence but it isn't. It hasn't made any difference.

Part of what's making me want a relationship so badly is a date I had with a woman in mid-May. She showed me so much affection. She's a friend of mine I've know for three years. We never started a relationship so she was never officially my girlfriend. But we set up a date in mid-May and that date was the best day of my life. I picked her up from the subway station and we drove to a restaurant I love. We shared an awesome dinner and shared a slice of cheesecake. Walking to the dinner and away from the dinner she he held my hand the whole time. I then drove us back to my place and we slept with each other. After she spent the next couple of hours at my place, making popcorn for me and we ended up watching Trainwreck on Netflix together. During the whole movie she snuggled up against me and god... it was just such an awesome day and night. I then drove her home, and since then she's cancelled a follow-up date and she hasn't texted me in a week.

It's becoming clear to me what I had with her isn't going to become a relationship. But ever since that day I've been so lonely. I want to spend my time with someone but all I can think of when I walk past a beautiful girl is excuses to not talk to her. And all I can think of is why the fuck did I waste my 20s and wait until now to try to find a girl.
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Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
You two seem adorable together . :)

I met my wife 15 years ago when I was running ant art collective in Atlanta. She came to a performance at a warehouse we were all living in and I found her sleeping on the floor after her friends apparently left her.

I offered her my room. The next day we talked and went on a road trip to an aquarium in TN. We became really close, bit never dated.

We stayed close over the years and at some point I just decided that I was going to tell her that I had feelings for her. We've been together since then.

Now she is a doctor and I am a writer and go ernmwnt beurocrat. We just bought an old farm property. Our child is due any day now.

Things seems to be going well!

Haha, thanks man. :)

And congrats!


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
School. We both were studying animation, she was just the year behind my class. We enjoyed hanging out as the months went by, we just started going out. Good times. I found out later that she was crushing hard on me most of the year, so that was gratifying.

Possum Armada

Oct 25, 2017
Greenville, SC
Thanks for the replies.

I wasted my 20s. I fucking wasted 10 years of my life not chasing after women.

I thought losing weight and becoming thin would help my confidence but it isn't.

Part of what's making me want a relationship so badly is a date I had with a woman in mid-May. She showed me so much affection. She's a friend of mine I've know for three years. We never started a relationship so she was never officially my girlfriend. But we set up a date in mid-May and that date was the best day of my life. I picked her up from the subway station and we drove to a restaurant I love. We shared an awesome dinner and shared a slice of cheesecake. Walking to the dinner and away from the dinner she he held my hand the whole time. I then drove us back to my place and we slept with each other. After she spent the next couple of hours topless at my place, making popcorn for me and we ended up watching Trainwreck on Netflix together. During the whole movie she snuggled up against me and god... it was just such an awesome day and night. I then drove her home, and since then she's cancelled a follow-up date and she hasn't texted me in a week.

It's becoming clear to me what I had with her isn't going to become a relationship. But ever since that day I've been so lonely. I want to spend my time with someone but all I can think of when I walk past a beautiful girl is excuses to not talk to her. And all I can think of is why the fuck did I waste my 20s and wait until now to try to find a girl.

Sorry it doesn't seem like that is working. My only advice is to find some social hobbies. Lean i to them and just put yourself out there.

Approach things with an open heart and stay positive.

Impetuous Imp

Oct 27, 2017
Met 24 years ago online on a MUD. Were casual online friends for a couple years until a bunch of us had a meet-up. Stepped out of the car, our eyes met, and something kind of "clicked." I was at a point in my life where I'd sworn off all relationships for a while and he was dating someone else at the time, so it kind of freaked us out. Stayed up all night talking, watched the sunrise together. Did nothing inappropriate until he'd settled things with his gf, who said she also knew as soon he and I looked at each other. Started officially dating about a week and a half later. Going on 21 years of marriage now with four kids.


Oct 27, 2017
Who was applying, what kind of job, and did they get it? :)

it was a bulk (50ish) intake round for a large australian government department located in canberra. i lived in adelaide at the time, she lived in melbourne - there weren't enough applicants in adelaide, so i had to travel to melbourne for the interview. she was the first person to arrive, and i was the second, so we spoke for about 15mins while waiting around. about six months later i was offered the position, moved to canberra, and bumped into someone familiar on my first day...


Oct 25, 2017
I had been single for 2 years after a nasty break-up (high school love self-destructed after 5 years when i was 21) and was walking to the place where a buddy of mine was working as a bartender (must have been around 2 at night). I came from another bar after having some drinks with another buddy but he'd left since he needed to catch his latest bus/train. On my way over, i spotted a guy i knew (a buddy of a buddy) having a drink with a girl in a different bar. (To be clear, i live in a city, where the center is basically one bar next to another.) So i popped in to say hi. She was looking pretty hot, not babe-ish but she had a very special face.I told them i was going to another place and they were welcome to join. They did. They were having sort of a blind date as it turned out. Anyway, after some time the place was closing for the night, so we went to another place. And as i went up the stairs, she grabbed my ass. At the time i was thinking that it could be a fun one-night-stand, but as it turned out... well, our daughter is turning 7 in september, our boy turned 5. Been together roughly 16 years now.


Oct 25, 2017

Though I don't recommend most people look there.

Edit: unless you are mostly into hook-ups

And like men. (Sometimes there are girls)

And aren't worried about the possibility you'll hook up with a neo-nazi. (I didn't)


2020 Member Elect
Oct 30, 2017
Facebook, I think we were super casual Facebook friends and we just talked after years of just being Facebook friends asked her out and has gone from there


Oct 25, 2017
Holy shit, didn't think this was even possible.

How did I? Twitter of all places, a longshot that worked fine after almost 6 years.

It's not something I'd recommend to most people, especially given the culture clash between this site and 4chan. Though if you just want hook-ups you'll probably have better luck now that Craigslist is dead. (Still mostly dudes though)

So far it's been pretty good. Been dating since September of last year and we're having a great time.