
Oct 27, 2017
Irwin inspired thousands of people to love and care for wildlife. What a garbage take from PETA.


Oct 25, 2017
imagine thinking you're the good guy when you had garbage cans of dead animals laying around.


Oct 27, 2017
PETA is, and has always been garbage, so this is no surprise.

The very, very few times they do or say something remotely good, they do about another thousand of things wrong to hurt their own cause because of their gaudy tactics and terrible opinions.


Oct 30, 2017
I don't think they understand exactly what Steve did. What ignorant person made that tweet lmao

Dr. Caroll

Oct 27, 2017
Steve Irwin antagonising terrified wildlife has always been the source of some degree of eye-rolling here in Australia. Good intentions, oafish execution.

*Steve Irwin drives along*
*Steve Irwin jams on the brakes*
*Steve Irwin peers at a snake that was blatantly placed on the road*
"STEVE!" shouts Terri.
"UUUWE BEAUTY!" calls Steve, wide-eyed, as he pokes the snake with a stick.

Of course PETA are in no position to lecture anyone, but criticism from the media about his methods is hardly new or limited to PETA.


Oct 25, 2017
PETA wishes it had the same respect and reverence Steve Irwin's legacy does.

They will never be as beloved or looked up to.


Oct 27, 2017
Oh yeah they kept going



Nov 11, 2017
Hes responsible for saving more animals and expanding awarness than PETA ever has. And was literally killed by an animal he loved.
Bad look, like all things PETA related.

and he wasn't a cunt about it.

I mean shit.. at 35 years old I can remember shit like him not wanting to get a Croc too angry or stress it too much because it can build up lactic acid which was dangerous for the animal...


Nov 4, 2017
Steve Irwin antagonising terrified wildlife has always been the source of some degree of eye-rolling here in Australia. Good intentions, oafish execution.

*Steve Irwin drives along*
*Steve Irwin jams on the brakes*
*Steve Irwin peers at a snake that was blatantly placed on the road*
"STEVE!" shouts Terri.
"UUUWE BEAUTY!" calls Steve, wide-eyed, as he pokes the snake with a stick.

Of course PETA are in no position to lecture anyone, but criticism from the media about his methods is hardly new or limited to PETA.

Thanks for linking us to spew from reported and well known racist Phil Mushnick. Excuse my own slight "degree of eye-rolling".

PETA capitalizes on a man's day to spread their feckless toxic brand is the only thing going on here. Fuck them and fuck their batshit crazy founder Ingrid Newkirk.


Nov 9, 2017
I say it every time, but I'm pretty sure someone who hates animals funds PETA to make animal rights activists look bad, because that's the only way I can parse their pursuit of their agenda.


Oct 26, 2017
Irwin as an individual did magnitudes more for animal protection, awareness and conservation than PETA have done as an organisation in their entire existence.

If they truly care about animals (and I am far from convinced they do), they are breathtakingly bad at communicating it. They routinely pick the shittiest hills to die on.


Oct 27, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
I don't think they understand exactly what Steve did. What ignorant person made that tweet lmao

Yeah, this probably shouldn't have been said or in this way. PETA and him have some shared viewpoints. So much money he earned went to buying up land for habitat and so it would not be developed on.

He was vehemently against wildlife being used for products (all wildlife he was against the use of including some that some Australians think ok to take, e.g. emus, kangaroos, crocodiles). Lending himself in ways to help out wildlife organisations in whatever he could.

He would also help out Sea Shepherd in ways that he could and was supposed to join them for some trips as well but it didnt eventuate due to his passing. They named one of their ships after him instead.

To be fair i'm really not sorry, but some people like peta

I support many of their views but sometimes some things (such as this) I'm not really with.
Oct 27, 2017
Steve Irwin has done more for animal rights and preservation and had definitely killed less animals than Peta. Fuck Peta.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
Im vegetarian and they basically willingly stepped on to a landmine

Even if they had a point which they didnt they should have known better. But again probably just a publicity stunt

Jimmy's Seafood sucks just as much if not more bc it tries to be a fun hip brand but it's just a fucking restaurant that serves fish

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
Fuck PETA for even daring to try and talk shit about Steve Irwin.

He did more than PETA ever has when it comes to wildlife conservation and education.


Dec 2, 2017
Wait, PETA are killing animals? Like.... WTF

They're one of the top organizations in the country euthanizing animals. When they seize animals they tend to put them down because they believe being put to death is better than potentially living in neglect or pain. While they claim to only do this to animals who are elderly, sick, badly injured/disabled, or generally dying, they do tend to do it also as a means of population control and for the "welfare" of the animal since, ironically for all the pet owners who support PETA, their leadership views pet ownership as a form of animal bondage. Hence what happened in the above article involving the nine-year-old's pet dog, where they picked it up outside of the mobile home park where her family lived and put it down before the end of the five-day grace period.


Oct 26, 2017
Everyone should make a donation to Steve's foundation and tweet a screenshot of the receipt to PETA, thanking them for the reminder about Steve Irwin day.

EDIT: Put my money where my passive-aggressive mouth is.

Last edited:


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
They're one of the top organizations in the country euthanizing animals. When they seize animals they tend to put them down because they believe being put to death is better than potentially living in neglect or pain. While they claim to only do this to animals who are elderly, sick, badly injured/disabled, or generally dying, they do tend to do it also as a means of population control and for the "welfare" of the animal since, ironically for all the pet owners who support PETA, their leadership views pet ownership as a form of animal bondage. Hence what happened in the above article involving the nine-year-old's pet dog, where they picked it up outside of the mobile home park where her family lived and put it down before the end of the five-day grace period.
so fucked.


Nov 4, 2017
Yeah, this probably shouldn't have been said or in this way. PETA and him have some shared viewpoints. So much money he earned went to buying up land for habitat and so it would not be developed on.

He was vehemently against wildlife being used for products (all wildlife he was against the use of including some that some Australians think ok to take, e.g. emus, kangaroos, crocodiles). Lending himself in ways to help out wildlife organisations in whatever he could.

He would also help out Sea Shepherd in ways that he could and was supposed to join them for some trips as well but it didnt eventuate due to his passing. They named one of their ships after him instead.

I support many of their views but sometimes some things (such as this) I'm not really with.

PETA is hypocritical and cultish and Newkirk is their own creepy version of David Miscaviage.

Stuff like this tweet ain't new. Remember them using **actual** Holocaust imagery in their anti-livestock initiatives, marketing? That's who PETA is. All I can say is they might have decent intent but their methods are crazily ineffective and abusive.

If people have the time they should watch the documentary on Ingrid 'I Am An Animal'. At best she is an odd, strange exploitive terribly misguided woman.



Oct 27, 2017
PETA sucks but most people knew that. Irwin brought awareness to animals and raised tons of money to help them so the idea that his antics on the while harmed wild life is ridiculous. His family continues to support his mission of conservation and bringing more understanding to animals, especially misunderstood ones, so I'm glad he's someone that existed on this earth.

Deleted member 4783

Oct 25, 2017
Is that PETA Twitter account an ERA member? It seems I saw it in the thread about the guy who killed a cougar in self defense.