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Oct 28, 2017
You guys think Lucasfilm and Disney weren't in on the lootbox system? EA wasn't the only culprit behind this.

Exactly, it make me laugh that people hate EA so much that they will completely ignore the obvious. If Disney were that prohibitive on the character designs on their precious IP, what make people think they didn't sign off on this loot box scandal?


Oct 30, 2017
Las Vegas
Some major publication needs to write an article on how bad disney looks... it might help the cause


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Nov 17, 2017
At this point it's not about whether or not this is actually going to happen, but to send a message.


Oct 25, 2017
I've seen this before with other controversial SW games like Galaxies and TOR. I suppose because it's the game devs who interact with the public, while the publisher, Lucasarts/Lucasfilm, stay in the background. The fact that EA has a great deal of bad karma for other actions also explains why they are getting the sole blame in this situation.
Sure, its possible that Lucasfilms will reconsider, but i doubt it will be because of this petition. The petition, at least the way i understand it, seems to be based on that EA did all this alone and that Lucasfilms need to take actions because of what EA did. I dont mind people making or signing this petition, but i think its worth mentioning in regards to what Lucasfilms would have known. Feel a bit like the petition is being signed on the wrong premise, at least in my opinion.
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Oct 27, 2017
I'm all for it even tho I doubt it will work. But mainly not because of the loot boxes, as shitty a practice as they are, but because EA isn't doing anything worthwhile with of the biggest multimedia IP around. I mean all this time and all they produces is Battlefront 1 and 2? Two MP focused games?

Disney should've just kept LucasArts man, they made RPG's, RTS, MMO, FPS and everything. EA just lacks any creative impulse, they follow the market and as far as single player goes they seem to be abandoning it.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd be shocked if Disney didn't have an out of the contract.

They shouldn't have signed the license over. Star Wars is at its best when anyone with a good pitch can work with it.
Yep. I expect this contract will still just go on as planned, but that they won't renew it and instead will treat Star Wars like Marvel - Licensing individual games, rather than the entire property.
Oct 27, 2017
Even if there might be a clause about breach of contract. I do agree that they should work on a pub by pub basis not exclusively.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Nov 17, 2017
The message should be the games flopping. People are still throwing down money, even people vocal about the bad practices.
Well yeah. I'm just saying that while I don't believe that a petition will actually cause something to happen, it will still leave a message. Sure it will be overshadowed by sales and stuff, but it's there.

Anyways, I still don't think that the situation is completely black and white. EA isn't the only one to blame here.


Oct 25, 2017
EA released two Star Wars games. Both of them provoke some sort of bad reputation for the brand, which is bad for Disney itself: Battlefront 2015 hasn't enough content for it's price while having $50 season pass, and Battlefront 2017 lootboxes scandal. Also "players doesn't enjoy linear games so much, so we canceled Visceral's Star Wars game".

I think there's enough reason to at least re-think the current contact.

Considering how protective they are I wouldn't be surprised if Disney/Lucas were involved and signing off every step of the way. Hard for them to prove damage to the brand of they were complicit in said damage.


Oct 25, 2017
This, like so many petitions, probably won't do squat. That said, if Disney could find a way to manage multiple companies introducing canonical elements, I'd really prefer Star Wars wasn't tied up with any single studio.

EA has been fucking things up for a long time imo, I haven't bought anything of theirs for years now. So I was bummed when EA was awarded the license exclusively. There is so much talent in the industry and so much interesting stuff to explore with the IP, let a few companies take a crack at telling stories in that universe.


Oct 27, 2017
Milano - Italy
Considering that Lucasfilm and Disney are probably partly responsible for most of the issues, and most certainly they approved every single bit EA did, this petition is the most irrational thing I've seen today (and yesterday, and the previous days since it keeps being brought up).

Of course, it's not gonna happen, licensors can't withdraw licenses for licensees willy-nilly, no matter how big they are.

Deleted member 888

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The use for this is more to keep up the perception of public unrest, not necessarily to have the petition itself directly change anything.

It's both pointless and has some value as a "historic record" of consumer unhappiness around the brand/current decision making. Especially if it manages to go viral and genuinely clocks in a decent amount of signatures.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Idk what Disney/lucasfilms were thinking just signing it only to EA, when they could have had a multitude of studios making games basically all the time and making bank


Oct 27, 2017
Given EA recently blamed canon for the way bf2 lootboxes worked and lack of customizations, even if that is 100% true, which I doubt, I feel like the gloves are off.

I think Disney will pull everything and not even let EA keep making Star Wars BF games. Whether they wait for license to expire or do it after the Star Wars movie has made its money is up in the air. But they won't do it now. Will create too much negative press and drama.

You don't publicly blame a licensor or business partner and not see repercussions


Oct 25, 2017
You believe it isn't possible to Disney and LucasFilm to unilaterally revoke a contract? even if they are the one who have to pay a fee? It's seems like a no-brainer to cut the contract after those two Battlefront disaster games.
If they want to revoke the license it won't be a matter of paying some fee. It will be a matter of being sued for millions in a Breach of Contract lawsuit, and possibly having any future contracts they sign with other developers invalidated in a court of law.

As long as EA has claim to Star Wars nobody is going to pay for the license because that means they potentially become a defendant. If Ubisoft starts making a Star Wars game tomorrow, a court could shut the project down, or decide that it must be published by EA.


Oct 27, 2017
I feel like the petition should day more about lost sales and tarnishing the image of the Star Wars IP, that's what Disney cares about.

That said, stuff like this is good. Even if the petition doesn't do anything directly, the more unrest that Disney sees, the more they'll think about come renewal time.


Oct 25, 2017
If they want to revoke the license it won't be a matter of paying some fee. It will be a matter of being sued for millions in a Breach of Contract lawsuit, and possibly having any future contracts they sign with other developers invalidated in a court of law.

As long as EA has claim to Star Wars nobody is going to pay for the license because that means they potentially become a defendant.

And considering how much value the IP has, and how many games they've sold, the amount EA can claim in damages/lost revenue for the life of the original contract could probably be staggering.


Oct 25, 2017
Liverpool, UK
I would rather see the saga licensed to a multitude of passionate developers and publishers, platform agnostically, ensuring we get products of variety on a variety of platforms. EA is too risk averse, too greedy, too predatory. I feel bad for Visceral and people who worked there, and I would feel bad for the potential impact on a developer like DICE, but I'd be totally okay with it if Disney did this. More than okay.


Oct 28, 2017
Egyptian residing in Denmark
Ok, lets take a look on what we can actually agree on.

Is there a consent on the main faults of the game are the microtransaction and the progressive system?

Is there a consent that DICE actually has made pretty good games visually and audio wise? The gameplay is pretty solid, right?

I actually think that EA is he best publisher to handle the Star Wars IP, but they just need to stop screwing people over with their micro transactions.


Nov 4, 2017
And considering how much value the IP has, and how many games they've sold, the amount EA can claim in damages/lost revenue for the life of the original contract could probably be staggering.
And that's also not counting in the bad publicity they'd get from all the pissed off gamers who suddenly can't play their game, which would be millions with both SWTOR and the two Battlefronts.


Oct 25, 2017
I would rather see the saga licensed to a multitude of passionate developers and publishers, platform agnostically, ensuring we get products of variety on a variety of platforms. EA is too risk averse, too greedy, too predatory. I feel bad for Visceral and people who worked there, and I would feel bad for the potential impact on a developer like DICE, but I'd be totally okay with it if Disney did this. More than okay.

Disney's Star Wars and "risk averse" go hand in hand.


Oct 25, 2017
I dont think that the guy who made the petition know that Lucasfilms had weekly meetings with EA. Lucasfilms knew about all of this, so why would Lucasfilm revoke the license from EA?
well, that would be a convenient out for Lucasfilm then, brushing themselves off by shifting all the blame over to EA.


Oct 26, 2017
Ok, lets take a look on what we can actually agree on.

Is there a consent on the main faults of the game are the microtransaction and the progressive system?

Is there a consent that DICE actually has made pretty good games visually and audio wise? The gameplay is pretty solid, right?

I actually think that EA is he best publisher to handle the Star Wars IP, but they just need to stop screwing people over with their micro transactions.

I mean, SWOTR and Battlefront are the most sucessful Star Wars games ever.

BF2 would be their first miss (if it misses)


Oct 25, 2017
I wonder Who will Disney listen too?

1. 77,000 people who are a tiny fraction of the fanbase.


2. The millions of people who brought the game and are enjoying it.



Oct 27, 2017
I signed just because loot boxes linked to power up suck... And the solo was a piece of shiit.


Oct 27, 2017
Nothing will come from this petition, Disney cannot just rewoke the contract they have with EA, unless EA violates said contract. EA has earned a lot of money for Disney and a lot of the loot box issues from Battlefront 2 seem to stem from Lucasfilm to begin with.

The only reason Disney cares about the loot box controversy was because of how widely the media reported on it, they wouldn't have cared otherwise.

It will be interesting to see if Disney choses to renew their contract with EA in a few years time.
Oct 27, 2017
I mean, SWOTR and Battlefront are the most sucessful Star Wars games ever.

BF2 would be their first miss (if it misses)

Galaxy of Heroes is successful and liked by the community.

Plus, you are looking at 3+ years for any other studio to make the AAA game, missing the new trilogy completely and releasing along the 3rd spinoff as the best case scenario, 6th annual movie.


Oct 25, 2017
Oct 30, 2017
I work in licensing and partnerships. From my experience, Disney have strict clauses relating to brand damage. Disney can definitely pull out of this agreement. There would be a cost, but these contracts are usually in Disneys favour. Disney has huge advantages in these contracts.

Source: I've worked on Disney contracts before


Oct 25, 2017
I work in licensing and partnerships. From my experience, Disney have strict clauses relating to brand damage. Disney can definitely pull out of this agreement. There would be a cost, but these contracts are usually in Disneys favour. Disney has huge advantages in these contracts.

Source: I've worked on Disney contracts before
I don't know why, but I believe this man.


Oct 25, 2017
I work in licensing and partnerships. From my experience, Disney have strict clauses relating to brand damage. Disney can definitely pull out of this agreement. There would be a cost, but these contracts are usually in Disneys favour. Disney has huge advantages in these contracts.

Source: I've worked on Disney contracts before

I think it's difficult to argue that the brand has been damaged in any appreciable way by Electronic Arts though. Certainly not enough that you'd want to test it in a court of law.


Oct 25, 2017
And which AAA publisher is any better?

Everybody already bought BF2. The damage is done.

Not like LucasArts was handling the franchise with great care to begin with when they had it.
Oct 28, 2017


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
This petition won't do much of anything but declining sales in Star Wars projects published by EA will.

If the numbers drop hard enough, you can bet EAs microstransaction bullshit will hit the bricks or someone at Disney will yank the chain. Companies who are all about their income only care about one thing - their income.
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