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Oct 27, 2017
This woman said the word "N" and later said that she was 10% black so she can say it whenever she wants. Also she did "copyright" illegally to PDP too. This doesn't make PDP right, but what a shitty persons they are (both).

In that case:

Although I hope something positive comes out of this. Women can't do anything these days without being called "Thot" or "attention whore" and getting harassed. It is so God damn disgusting how frequent it happens to women.


Jan 19, 2018
Any view that is shaming or punishing women for HAVING BODIES is sickening to me. Gtfo of here with that boys club mentality. Women are allowed to feel sexy and empowered online, and dress they way they want. If you can wear it in public to a restaurant you can wear it on twitch and wear it proud. That title is clickbaity for sure but let's stamp out that sexist mentality right now.


Oct 29, 2017
Are mods banning people because they don't believe that sexual exploitation on twitch happens, or because they don't see anything wrong with doing it? I honestly wanna know.

I also feel this needs clarification. How is acknowledging that some streamers use sex appeal to attract an audience shaming them?

Edit: To be clear I understand that Pewdiepie was absolutely shaming this streamer by calling her a thot. But pointing out that some streamers dress provacatively to attract attention doesn't seem controversial to me. That doesn't mean it's right to call them names or aggressively come on to them or whatever, but just pointing out why they're conducting their stream a certain way doesn't seem like shaming to me at all.
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Oct 27, 2017
Did anyone even see his videos because...its pretty clear that this article is just has some title clickbait trash that unfortunately some people *cough* take without actually seeing the source material.
Of course not, people on this board rarely even read OPs, so watch additional videos is a bit much


Oct 25, 2017
Pewdiepie really turned out weird. I used to watch him in 2013/2014, I got some entertainement out of him, and he was really positive.

Now he just posts outdated 4chan memes, shields himself behind 5 layers of irony, and just shit on everything and everyone. And his fanbase just follows blindly. Read the comments under an Alinity tweet lately, endless memes about here copyright claim, people calling her a thot and telling they reported her for immigration fraud. It's insane how toxic they are. It's true that Pewdiepie somewhat apologised for using the word "thot", but it doesn't matter when his fansbase is arleady set loose. The damage is done.

Can't believe what happened to Pewdiepie. From quirky positive let's player to glorified 4chan shitposter with a 60 million "army".

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
I think things like this should stay off ERA, as we all have our own views on this and so do the individual mods.

That's kind of how discussion goes, doesn't it? Are threads not supposed to be posted unless they party line has been set or what?

Pewdiepie really turned out weird. I used to watch him in 2013/2014, I got some entertainement out of him, and he was really positive.

Now he just posts outdated 4chan memes, shields himself behind 5 layers of irony, and just shit on everything and everyone. And his fanbase just follows blindly. Read the comments under an Alinity tweet lately, endless memes about here copyright claim, people calling her a thot and telling they reported her for immigration fraud. It's insane how toxic they are. It's true that Pewdiepie somewhat apologised for using the word "thot", but it doesn't matter when his fansbase is arleady set loose. the damage is done.

Can't believe what happened to Pewdiepie. From quirky positive let's player to glorified 4chan shitposters with a 60 million "army".

Honest question: when does positive PewDiePie line up with rape jokes PewDiePie on the timeline? I remember thinking that he had changed his ways and was a good example for a long while, but I've never really followed Internet celebrities.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm not sure how one makes an argument that the streamer is sexually exploiting anyone. I mean, isn't exploitation when the victim is forced to be skimpy or such?

At any rate, calling her a thot was uncalled for. That's slut shaming, and it's no ones business but hers in how she represents herself.


Oct 27, 2017
That's kind of how discussion goes, doesn't it? Are threads not supposed to be posted unless they party line has been set or what?
Dude it's the same on ERA as it was on GAF with these subjects, if you disagree with the OP and which ever mod agrees with the OP then your pretty much walking down the green mile - it's sad but pretty much the way it has always gone.


Oct 25, 2017
If the n word didn't get people to drop him neither will this.

I also don't have a problem with people using their sex appeal to get views, good looking people in general get more viewers and that's just life.

And as wrong as he was for some of the things he said, the headline in that article is reaching.

I think part of the general anger against "titty streamers" is that it's technically against Twitch's ToS but they don't enforce it.

Though I imagine a much larger part is just pure sexism. Especially with PewDiePie.


Oct 25, 2017
That's kind of how discussion goes, doesn't it? Are threads not supposed to be posted unless they party line has been set or what?

Honest question: when does positive PewDiePie line up with rape jokes PewDiePie on the timeline? I remember thinking that he had changed his ways and was a good example for a long while, but I've never really followed Internet celebrities.
Rape jokes Pewdiepie was really early on. He got a lot of shit for it, and he eventually stopped. For a while he was fine, sharing positive messages and entertaining kids. Nothing groundbreaking, but he was fine.

Deleted member 13015

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
User banned (3 days): Ignoring / misrepresenting mod post
Why are mods banning people for that specific opinion?


Oct 27, 2017
I was gonna post something but I'm not gonna get banned off some mod taking what I said the complete wrong way.

All I'm gonna say is this article is pretty garbo.


Oct 27, 2017
Is this in relation to the Alinity video where she said the "N" word, proceeded to justify her using it, and the other where she admitted to illegally copy-striking videos for profit?
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