
May 31, 2018
While there's a long way to go before XBOX can really walk this talk, I appreciate Phil speaking clearly. I appreciate any corporate entity making the clear decision that if you want to participate in hate speech you're not welcome, and you can take your money with you. Not that it's altruistic -- I think it's a clean business decision to lose the business of a small minority in order to improve the experience of the vast majority.


Oct 25, 2017
Free speech doesn't mean freedom of consequences for said speech. End of story.

Why don't these people get this very simple concept?
Oct 25, 2017
I remember xbox live having the thing where you select the level of "trash talk"? I have no idea if it actually made a difference in the type of people you were matched with. but even back then I felt it was a cop-out and just a golden ticket to be an asshole online.

I can't remember what it was called but it wasn't for trash talk or at least not explicitly. It was supposed to say how seriously you took it so you would, in theory, be more likely to match up with wannabe pros or casuals just having a laugh depending on what you selected.

Fuck knows if any of that ever made a difference.

EDIT: Now that I think about it maybe one of the options might have mentioned something about trash talk/banter? Been far too long since I did that stuff.
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