
Oct 25, 2017
On that topic I'm kinda surprised Capcom doesn't have any Tencent money. They were so close to going under not Long ago.

The closest they had was the Monster Hunter Online deal, but Capcom negged on that license last year, right after World became their most successful game.

MHO closed a week ago.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 16, 2017
Some of ya'll need to chill out and trust Platinum and Tencent know what they're doing. Like that former Platinum guy is acting like Tencent doesn't know who they're backing.
Apr 21, 2018
I don't know a lot about foreign affairs, but something bothers me about Tencent's growing control over global media.

I felt weird watching the Mr. Rogers movie was a Tencent production with chinese executive producers. Mr. Fucking Rogers.

Drain You

ā–² Legend ā–²
Oct 27, 2017
Glab Platinum Games has secured some funding to do what they want to do. Can't wait.

The closest they had was the Monster Hunter Online deal, but Capcom negged on that license last year, right after World became their most successful game.

MHO closed a week ago.

Unrelated but, I had no idea World was that successful. Never got into MH, but very happy to hear it as I've really enjoyed a crap ton of what Capcom has put out over the past 20ish years.
Oct 26, 2017
It's not just me that thinks it's funny that people here all worried about how Tencent's MT happy business model will affect Platinum keep posting a tweet from a dude who lists himself as "Producer of Madden Ultimate Team" right?

The same guy who was also an Ex-Platinum games creative director? Pretty sure he knows what is he talking about lmao

Disregarding his opinion because he is MaddenNFL UT producer is classic ERA


Oct 25, 2017
Not sure how to feel about this.

On the one hand it's great that they have received such funding but on the other I'm not sure I'd trust Tencent to do right by a company like PG.

We'll see I guess, as long as I get to play their games (the kind that I would normally expect from PG) on PC or PS5 I'll be happy.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Without knowing the details of what this entails I can't say whether this is a good or bad thing yet. I'd like to hope it's good.


Oct 25, 2017
Tencent will probably want return investment in form of mobile games.


Aug 28, 2019
If Tencent starts turning Platinum into a money factory, Kamiya will be our Sentinel.
As long as Kamiya continues working at Platinum, I see no cause for concern.


One Winged Slayer
Dec 29, 2018
Now they can self-publish W101 on Switch! (realistically it'd be a very smart move in order to return immediately part of the investment from Tencent). Since Platinum already published one mobile game I'd assume this could also be related to their future mobile projects, not only their independent publishing ambitions


Oct 26, 2017
Good for them. I've kept an eye out for companies that have seen Tencent buy major stakes of, so far I haven't seen anything sinster.


Oct 25, 2017
If Tencent starts turning Platinum into a money factory, Kamiya will be our Sentinel.
As long as Kamiya continues working at Platinum, I see no cause for concern.

If that's what starts happening to the company then I wouldn't be surprised if more of their staff returned to Capcom, to join those that have already left.


Oct 30, 2017
Is this one of those things companies do in order to operate in China? Or is there something more deeper going on?


Jun 19, 2018
Platinum publishing their own games would be the best Platinum news since Platinum getting formed.


One Winged Slayer
Dec 29, 2018
Theoretically now that Platinum can self-publish games they can re-release pretty much any SEGA game since SEGA has proven to not care at all as long as they get paid, from what we heard the same goes for Nintendo games, with the difference they would have to stay Nintendo exclusives of course. To me the most interesting re-release would be Metal Gear Rising, if they somehow manage to get Konami to let them self-publish it I could see Platinum pursuing a remaster for the launch of next-gen consoles


Oct 27, 2017
I mean, I know in general that the US has a really big bone to pick with China, what with how they keep finding success and beating every big american company at the their own game and all, but maybe actually show some evidence of Tencent being a producer of spyware and such before accusing them of so?

Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
Platinum gets more funding to make great games and remain their own boss. This is awesome. Tencent puts their money in so many things it's inevitable we'll all contribute to their growth in some way. They're gigantic.


One Winged Slayer
Jun 21, 2018
I mean, I know in general that the US has a really big bone to pick with China, what with how they keep finding success and beating every big american company at the their own game and all, but maybe actually show some evidence of Tencent being a producer of spyware and such before accusing them of so?
Definitely not the ongoing brutal oppression and genocide, nope...


Oct 25, 2017
isn't tencent just investing in PG? some posts are acting like PG is now a subsidiary of tencent.

W101 port finally happening?
This news is essentially pointless without knowing how much they purchased or at what cost. Most likely thing we can say is that they can now seek greater independence; all this baseless talk of control is silly. For all we know they're in for something like 10% or whatever.

Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
This news is essentially pointless without knowing how much they purchased or at what cost. Most likely thing we can say is that they can now seek greater independence; all this baseless talk of control is silly. For all we know they're in for something like 10% or whatever.
exactly. i'm inclined to believe the press release saying they will maintain independence. this is mostly good news if it allows them to self-publish their own games. for how many years they've been active and how many amazing games they've made, it must suck for them that they don't have full ownership over any of those games, and are always at the mercy of SE or nintendo or whoever to fund and publish a game.


One Winged Slayer
Jun 21, 2018
Sponsored by Tencent? I mean, I don't see people suspicious of US based developers due to state-sponsored violence, and let's not forget that the US kinda sorta almost started WWIII last week.
Lol great whataboutism. Tencent works at the behest of the Chinese government and has aided them in monitoring it's citizens, thus directly being involved in the ongoing genocide of the Uyghurs. But please let's compare a killing a man who has been killing innocents for years to that of an ethnic minority being wiped out. I don't blame anyone who is nervous about Tencent.


Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
Were people also this worried when Nintendo announced partnership with Tencent last year?



Oct 27, 2017
Lol great whataboutism. Tencent works at the behest of the Chinese government and has aided them in monitoring it's citizens, thus directly being involved in the ongoing genocide of the Uyghurs. But please let's compare a killing a man who has been killing innocents for years to that of an ethnic minority being wiped out.
Like I said, it'd be interesting to have actual evidence of Tencent being involved in wrongdoing, otherwise you shouldn't be complaining about 'whataboutism'.


Nov 9, 2017
The problem i see with them wanting to self publish is their games tends to bomb.
When Publishers gives them money at least they have their money back.


Oct 25, 2017
Like I said, it'd be interesting to have actual evidence of Tencent being involved in wrongdoing, otherwise you shouldn't be complaining about 'whataboutism'.

Worried about Huawei? Take a closer look at Tencent

The social media giant is a growing global force, and it does Beijing's bidding.
During the last month alone, several events have illustrated the trend and Tencent's close relationship with the Chinese authorities. On March 2, Dutch hacker Victor Gevers revealed that the content of millions of conversations on Tencent applications among users at internet cafes are being relayed, along with the users' identities, to police stations across China. Just three days later, the company's founder and chief executive, Pony Ma, took his seat among 3,000 delegates to the National People's Congress, the country's rubber-stamp parliament. Ma reportedly raised the issue of data privacy even as security agencies were using data from his company's applications to root out unauthorized religious activity.
Tencent is legitimately up to no good, often working hand in hand with the Chinese government to ends of censorship and monitoring, but again, this is meaningless unless we have further info on how much was invested and to what end.
They might have gone in for 5%, 10%, 40%, 51%, 70%, 100%; they might want to have a non-controlling interest and dip into the money Platinum makes, they may want to dictate operations (although given their history sans an acquisition announcement, seems unlikely), they may want to just sit on the investment until Platinum gets bought, it might even just be a debt-esque product of some kind. There is absolutely no basis for panic without knowing more about the agreement. As I said above, the most likely takeaway from this is "greater independence for Platinum".
Last edited:


One Winged Slayer
Jun 21, 2018
Like I said, it'd be interesting to have actual evidence of Tencent being involved in wrongdoing, otherwise you shouldn't be complaining about 'whataboutism'.
In addition to what the other user said, this article mentions their chat service being used specifically.

Tencent is legitimately up to no good, often working hand in hand with the Chinese government to ends of censoship and monitoring, but again, this is meaningless unless we have further info on what was invested.
Yeah pretty much. It sounds like this isn't that big, which is good.


Chicken Chaser
Jan 21, 2019
I kind of get the theoretical difference between a publisher and an investor.. but practically, I don't. Tencent may be a hands-off partner, but that doesn't mean they don't expect to get their cut of the money back. So.. unless the terms are such that P* gets to keep most of this money after finding success, this isn't really necessarily self-publishing as much as just publishing.. (with an extra layer of abstraction).

Or do I misunderstand?