
Nov 23, 2019
I know Jim Ryan is tone deaf but I'm still baffled as to why he would put this in a company email? Surely even he had to know it wouldn't come across well?

Were Sony employees putting complaints in about other staff being pro choice and he was saying that he can't fire people for being anti abortion?

I just can't fathom why else he would put it in? Unless he's just really Conservative/right wing and wants to preach it and this was his awful attempt at subtlety

100% my question too. This feels like the sort of thing you might (incorrectly) say in 1:1 or small team setting to try and simmer down some sort of issue. But a company wide email just screams "both sides" and skips the part where one side is actively trying to fuck over women's rights.


Oct 25, 2017
"Respect this vile assualt on women's personal sovereignty...oh hey, did you hear about my cats' my birthday!!?"

This guy is either a sociopath or one of the dumbest fucks in the long history of dumb fucks. Like, what?


May 9, 2020
OK Jim's right, everyone here is being ridiculous. It's just like Ukraine. One side wants to live and make its own decisions for itself and the other side simply wants to come in and take over because it knows what's best.

We should respect everyone's wishes and all happily get along.

🤗 yay

/s in case it wasn't fucking obvious


Feb 9, 2022
100% my question too. This feels like the sort of thing you might (incorrectly) say in 1:1 or small team setting to try and simmer down some sort of issue. But a company wide email just screams "both sides" and skips the part where one side is actively trying to fuck over women's rights.

I'm not familiar with the gaming industry but I am with academia. This sort of stuff is pretty commonplace whenever there's like a majority movement within the workplace/institution that is progressive, e.g. anti-racism or anti-sexism. Inevitably you get a white person (usually a dude) with power who sends out a tone-deaf e-mail like this thinking they've solved everything while in reality symbolizing the very issue people are having with the company/institution


May 9, 2020
He was never CEO of SIE. He was President of Worldwide Studios. Jim Ryan's predecessor was John Kodera and before him Andrew House. It's Hermen Hulst who replaced Shawn Layden

He was President of Worldwide Studios but before that he was CEO of SCEA from 2014 to 2018. He was most certainly a top candidate to replace Andrew House but got sidelined (ie made to focus purely on WWS) and John Kodera took the role instead.


Mar 12, 2020
Can't say I remember a more epic fail from a high level exec. The "dogs know their place" shit in the same email is just next level.


Oct 27, 2017
He should be fired. The best and brightest studios Sony has are pro-choice, and not a bunch of evil pieces of shit who want to oppress women and deny them control of their own body, something that is just as reprehensible as rape or worse.

Better he leave than actual useful, talented devs. Shareholders shouldn't have to lose money because of this incredibly stupid person.
Apr 23, 2019
I can respect someone having their own philosophical or theological opposition to abortion and so making the personal decision to never have one.

I can't respect someone trying to enforce that opinion on others and ignoring the obvious and abhorrent impacts a ban will have on personal liberties, healthcare, and society as a whole. It guarantees that person is either acting in bad faith, is lacking empathy/critical thinking, or (most likely) both.

Fuck off Jim and everyone both sides-ing this shit.


Oct 25, 2017
Classy, "both sides" followed by rambling about pets, it's time to go Jim.


Doesn't sound like rambling to me, just a really fucked up way to make his actual opinion known.

And it's fucking disgusting.

jackie daytona

Alt Account
Feb 15, 2022
Honest question since I don't follow the internal workings too closely: is Jim Ryan anything special? Or just a random suit occupying the position?

Not that I think this would necessarily result in his firing, but I'm wondering if that's even on the table, or if he's too "important" to Playstation?

Either way, I think multiplats will definitely be getting bought on Xbox.


Jan 26, 2022
Man, Ryan is the absolute worst. He should be GONE after this and all the stupid stuff he says/does. I miss the days of Tretton and Layden.


Oct 28, 2017
It's really great to see the gaming community come together like this. Or the Restera community anyway. Women need our support.

Abrasion Test

Oct 27, 2017
Honest question since I don't follow the internal workings too closely: is Jim Ryan anything special? Or just a random suit occupying the position?

Not that I think this would necessarily result in his firing, but I'm wondering if that's even on the table, or if he's too "important" to Playstation?

Either way, I think multiplats will definitely be getting bought on Xbox.
He's the head of the entire SIE organization which is now centralized as one group based out of California.


The Wise Ones
Oct 27, 2017
I can't even believe that something so dumb could go out in an email, opinions? Insanity.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
The fuck. Nah, there's nothing to "respect" here. Either you're an idiot or you're for abortion rights.


Oct 25, 2017
lol what a fucking idiot. he could have just said nothing and nobody would have said anything. well since he did all i can say is eat a bag of shit jim.