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Gay Bowser

Oct 30, 2017
At this point, just make a State of Play, Sony. Anything really.
This, I can actually understand and I think it's a good thing. But combined with all the delays and having nothing PS5-related revealed, it's about time to show something. Preferably PS5 games.

I think they A) will have a State of Play soon, and B) it won't be PS5-related at all.

They have the better part of a year until the PS5 launches, including the release of a bunch of massive PS4 games. They're not going to move past that all so soon to spend all of 2020 hyping up something that will be on sale for six weeks this year at best.


Oct 25, 2017
At this point, just make a State of Play, Sony. Anything really.
This, I can actually understand and I think it's a good thing. But combined with all the delays and having nothing PS5-related revealed, it's about time to show something. Preferably PS5 games.

Devil's Advocate here, but what if they're realising that they won't be able to make enough PS5's due to the virus hitting factory production in China?

The worst thing would be to hype up PS5, only to reveal a delay to 2021.

Deleted member 1003

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
User banned (1 day): off-topic, platform wars
So, let me get this straight.

WHO has declared a global health emergency regarding the coronavirus.

"Well, I heard that the flu is much more dangerous than it on the internet."

This is where we are at. Really.

Era por favor.
Check some of Twitter discussion from some of the Xbox...ummm...devotees. Truly amazing.


Oct 27, 2017
The WHO didn't even confirm there was a virus in Wuhan until a month after the first case. Probably not the best idea to listen to them, as they take 2-3 weeks to before they update their response. According to them its not even a pandemic, despite having cases in 10+ countries.

Hear, Hear! The world health organization is a sham not worth listening to!

Jesus fuck era. Stop. STOP!


Oct 25, 2017
I am not trolling. I am upset at the level of hype this is getting. The culture of fear has paralyzed people and lead to horrible things. Companies contributing to the culture of fear I believe should be shamed.

You're embarrassing yourself.

Holy shit what an awful thread. And y'all really wonder why so many people stick to EtcetEra ? Get your heads out of your asses, children.


Oct 26, 2017
I think it's OK to question if Sony is really thinking about its employees or using this issue and a excuse to not going to the event.

At this stage they'll have put a fair bit of prep work into this, which will now be wasted, will have to cancel associated contracts and expenses not all of which may be refundable. It'll cost them to do this. Not to mention the loss of a marketing opportunity. No company wants any of that.

Re. GDC, from twitter chatter some folks have been cancelling their attendance individually. Don't know about any major company withdrawals. But it's definitely possible.

Deleted member 1589

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Check some of Twitter discussion from some of the Xbox...ummm...devotees. Truly amazing.


Oct 25, 2017
I didn't say it was an excuse, I said it's OK to question if it was.

And I'm not accusing no one of creating nothing. You don't need to be so defensive.

And I'm not talking about it anymore because I don't wanna get banned or something over such thing.

Sony pulled from a mobile showcas as well few days ago... So what's their excuse then for doing that then if not the Corona Virus?

Also defensive? LOL

You came saying that we should question Sony decision to pull for PAX and some posters didn't agree with you and want to know what is this "excuse" thing you spoke.

Explain then for us uninformed what is Sony real reason to pull from PAX then since you seem to know the "truth"?

Because to me it looks like you came to do some trolling or console warrior bullshit and it didn't go well.


Jan 8, 2020
People in this thread are being real shitty to other people in this thread

Wonderful combination of making fun of people for caring too much about video games and calling people heartless for not trusting a large corporation


Oct 26, 2017
Also: time to put all those patents for attending events and conferences in VR to use! ;)


Oct 25, 2017
I really don't NEED to see anymore of TLOU2 at this point, so no skin off my ass. Feels like this is being made to be a bigger deal than it is due to general angst over the PS5 wait.


Oct 25, 2017
Devil's Advocate here, but what if they're realising that they won't be able to make enough PS5's due to the virus hitting factory production in China?

The worst thing would be to hype up PS5, only to reveal a delay to 2021.

They likely weren't going to reveal/hype the PS5 at Pax anyway so I don't see why that would have been a concern.

the issue I think is that people in insulated communities like this one tend to put far too great an importance on the views or perceptions shared here, when more often than not they have no actual basis in reality and/or are not shared by the masses, so they see a story like this one and think "well based on what I see on the message boards Sony is a company in disarray with no real direction for the PS5, so even though they say this is about the coronavirus, I bet they are really just using that as a cop out because they are shook"


Nov 3, 2017
Could see this being the reason why we're not going to see a PS5 reveal anytime soon. Nintendo has no excuse though, nobody can catch a virus over a fucking Direct!

Le Dude

May 16, 2018
Then their employees shouldn't go to work at all since the chances of them dieing in a car crash is magnitudes higher than them dieing to coronavirus.

I think events being cancelled in the US due to virus scares are over reactionary.
Not even remotely a fair comparison. The concern with coronavirus is increasing spread. Without precautions we would be seeing substantial exponential growth.

That being said, yeah this is absolutely overly reactionary, if coronavirus is the only reason for cancellation.


Apr 22, 2019
There can be no scientific mortality rate yet because it's the middle of an outbreak.

Coronavirus is more fatal in men than women, major study suggests

Men have a higher risk of death than women from COVID-19, Chinese researchers concluded in the largest study on the outbreak.

The estimated "23 times more fatal" mortality rate exists because of a single province - where the virus originated. There, the mortality rate lies at 2.9%. In the rest of China, the mortality rate lies at 0.4%, which is a lot closer to the 0.1% of the regular flu.

Even including the irregular 2.9% mortality rate in Wuhan, the mortality rate only significantly rises above 1% with people aged 60 and above, not only affecting older people but largely affecting older people. Just like the flu.

This is exactly what I'm talking about. It's a fucking media frenzy with numbers and phrases getting thrown around without context or explanation.

The spread speed of this coronavirus is as fast as flu, with severe infections of 18%. This rate is awful and medical resources will be consumed quickly. In Wuhan hospitals are full and all resources are exhausted so the death rate goes to 3%.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
Wonderful combination of making fun of people for caring too much about video games and calling people heartless for not trusting a large corporation
There's no reason to both sides this. One side is saying it's an understandable precaution, the other side is complaining about video games not being shown in the face of a worldwide virus


Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco
I really don't NEED to see anymore of TLOU2 at this point, so no skin off my ass. Feels like this is being made to be a bigger deal than it is due to general angst over the PS5 wait.
Some people seemingly have no shame in using whatever reason they can to shit on a company they dislike. Just goes to show that as a community, this place really isn't any better than other places.


Oct 31, 2017
People in this thread are being real shitty to other people in this thread

Wonderful combination of making fun of people for caring too much about video games and calling people heartless for not trusting a large corporation

Is this a "both sides" statement?

Because it reads like a "both sides" statement.


Oct 27, 2017
Honestly, people should be way faster to stay home if they're feeling sick. I don't know about the UK, but people are way too slow to call in sick here. I'm sure a lot of employers are shitty about it, but I think its broadly cultural among employees too. Everyone who even has the sniffles shouldn't be jammed up against me on the train to work IMO.
I agree. Most here just carry on through it.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
It sucks, but hey, safety should be more important than freaking video games.

Definitely interested in how much this virus will affect the next gen, to the point that maybe there will be some delays depending how the situation goes in the coming months.


Oct 30, 2017
Devil's Advocate here, but what if they're realising that they won't be able to make enough PS5's due to the virus hitting factory production in China?

The worst thing would be to hype up PS5, only to reveal a delay to 2021.
I'd rather they reveal the PS5 and some next-gen games and announce the delay simultaneously. People will be pissed either way.

How would hyping it up for 2020, only to delay it a couple of months later be any good? Either way, the reveal is happening this year and hopefully soon.


Oct 27, 2017
Official Staff Communication
People are allowed to believe this is an overreaction from Sony, just like people are allowed to believe it's a good call. Attacking other members for not following your belief on the matter will not be tolerated and will be moderated accordingly

Because public health issues are a matter of personal belief!



self-requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
I think this is disappointing as other companies will be attending. Definitely seems to be an overreaction at this stage but any precautions are at least well intended I guess.

Also thanks for that above ^. Felt really intimidated about posting this for a while seeing how bad things got here.
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