
▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
There's nothing quite like getting a new console for Christmas, especially if it's your first console and you're introduced to something completely new. My first contact with video games was on a SNES which I played at my neighbour's place next door. So all I knew about video games were its 2D side-scrolling nature. On Christmas day, however, I was surprised that my father (together with his boss) bought me this console known simply as the PlayStation which I hadn't really heard about at the time (I was eight years old).

This was 1997 and PlayStation launched approx. 2 years ago throughout Europe. Mine also came with the original controller and not the DualShock controller that came slightly afterwards. Within the package was also one of the most well-known demo discs ever: the Demo One. Just launching it felt amazing, I mean just look at it:

That design and music and those sound effects already scream 90s! Probably the games I played most on that demo disc were Oddworld: Abe's Oddyssy, MediEvil, Hercules, Ridge Racer, Kurushi (Intelligent Qube) and Overboard. It's amazing we're still talking about two of these in the case of Oddworld and MediEvil quite a lot recently. Christmas was all about playing this and turning that T-Rex upside down in the tech demo. In hindsight, this was the first foray into 3D graphics and for many, this was also the first time they got to control the camera as well. This is something we take for granted nowadays but was incredible back in then. Here are some of my favourites:

The game that came with the console on that day was nothing spectacular: True Pinball. A simple pinball game with a few stages. My father and I played Croc: Legend of the Gobbos, a platformer with a frustrating camera and control scheme but lovable art design. It even got a sequel a few years later. In 1998, however, I played one of those games that made me fell in love with the hobby of video games itself. That game was Spyro The Dragon. What an amazing game for its time! Great music and animation, varied levels, tight controls and some of the first 3D spaces that felt inviting to explore around in. If I remember correctly, this was also one of the first games where I really needed that DualShock controller. This trilogy of games truly deserve the Crash-style remake if you ask me and I hope Activision, together with Sony, agree on something.

A few years later RPGs slowly also came up with people talking about this little game called Final Fantasy VII. Curiously, I played the newer entry of the series first and that was Final Fantasy VIII at the time in 1999. Had huge difficulties with the Adel boss fight and paused it for some time (eventually did beat him but much later). Then I tried Final Fantasy VII and instantly fell in love with it. It was basically my first game with a real and complex narrative and must have been around eleven years old at the time. I played both FFVII and VIII in German. The spelling mistakes in that version were even more numerous than the English version. But hey, at least they really tried back then! Hilariously, SquareSoft even managed to write hours in German incorrectly on the back of the box as shown below ("Studen" instead of "Stunden", English version left; German version on the right):

The music, characters, graphics (at the time) and just the overall atmosphere of this title is what made it so special. It's why people remember it so fondly and I believe that is why people still feel this deep connection with FF VII apart from a pure nostalgic value, I think. Without knowing what happens at the end of CD1 and the twist about who Cloud really is (or isn't in this case) were shocking to me. Yes, I was one of those people who didn't get spoiled, but these were also the pre-internet days (for me at least). I couldn't believe it at first… I used Aerith a lot in battle throughout the first disc and couldn't imagine they'd just kill off an integral character like that. I think I wasn't ready for that scene back then, in hindsight...

Despite that all that being said, my favourite Final Fantasy and certainly one of my favourite games of all time is number IX. The characters, graphics, narrative all make up a cohesive whole and it's the most charming title I know of. There are light-hearted themes (any scene with Steiner in it) and serious themes going on (complete destruction of Cleyra) in this game that somehow co-exists and meshes beautifully with the more lighthearted stuff. It somehow feels like a fable at times.

I hope many children this year will feel similarly excited about their new and perhaps first console - be that PlayStation 4, Xbox One or Nintendo Switch. Maybe it's even their first ever experience with video games as a whole. I still get excited about the hobby but sometimes I've noticed that I haven't been enjoying some games despite being called great by many. But look hard enough and you will eventually find that next game which will hook you and be something different which you never played before (for me that was Bloodborne btw). I'll be more critical in 2018 for my purchases to avoid a growing backlog. Despite all the 'payed-lootbox scheme' controversy this year, it's good to look at all the Game of the Year votes and realize how fantastic most of them are. So, here's to the next 20 years! May gaming continually challenge itself as a medium going forward and improve.

So, to get the discussion going:
What are your favourite memories involving the original PlayStation console?
What are your favourite memories of Christmas involving a new console? Did you also get one for Christmas once? If so, which system and games did you get?

Thanks for reading this little nostalgia piece. Apologies for any mistakes/errors.


Nov 2, 2017
I have a PS1, but I don't remember buying it and was surprised when it was in a buffet of mine.

Still, cool console. SotN is one of my favorite games of all time.


Oct 28, 2017
Remember arriving Home and never have played a single game in my life but I saw some ads about something called Playstation, I was 7 years old or something lol and I wanted one but never asked for to my parents, that day my mother said she bought me something and told me to open it, I did and it was probably the happiest moment of my life.

20 years later and here we are.


Middle fingers up
Nov 8, 2017
My favorite console. Got mine xmas '97. I got Final Fantasy VII and my brother got PGA Tour '97. I read the entire case and instruction manual while my brother played his damn golf game. When it was my turn I played the rest of the night. I've gotten other consoles for xmas. Nintendo 64 with Super Mario 64 was really really good and almost as good as my PS1 with FFVII, but just almost.


Oct 27, 2017
What are your favourite memories involving the original PlayStation console?
The day my brother came home with it along with Resident Evil. I remember we played all night until we finished the game. Thus began my love for PlayStation and the Resident Evil franchise.

What are your favourite memories of Christmas involving a new console? Did you also get one for Christmas once? If so, which system and games did you get?
As a child I remember we got the NES one year and the Sega Genesis the following year. The NES came with Super Mario Bros and Duck Hunt. One of the Sonic games came with the Sega Genesis, but my dad bought Streets of Rage as well and it became my favorite game ever at that time.

Deleted member 1003

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I remember always going over to my friend who had a PlayStation. We played FFVII. It wasn't until Crash Bandicoot 3 came out and was bundled with the PlayStation that I received one for Christmas.

I love that console.

No Depth

Oct 27, 2017
Midnight launch at Babbages. Sold my Sega Genesis and a bunch of games for it.

No mem cards were available(or shipment goofed), so progress couldn't save for a few days until the store received some. Also my bundled controller had a broken dpad(right direction failed to register), so NBA Jam, Ridge Racer, and Toshinden were nigh unplayable until I returned it for a replacement.

Still blew minds though. Friends spent the entire weekend over playing it. Though it wasn't until year 2 that I fell in love, as the quality of releases dramatically improved.


ƃuoɹʍ ʇᴉ ƃuᴉop ǝɹ,noʎ 'ʇɥƃᴉɹ sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ noʎ ɟI
Oct 27, 2017
Rip City
All I want to know OP is how you feel about FF X

Mister X

Dec 5, 2017
Best console ever imo. (or on par with its younger brother)

Destroyed Nintendo's dominance and made gaming popular/cool.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Underrated console. A lot of people don't realize just how many amazing games are on it. Aside from platformers (and even this genre can be debated), beat by beat I think it beats everything the SNES has to offer even though the latter is often given far more praise.

I just wish I realized how good it is was growing up. I was still a child, so my only memories on the PS1 are playing a bunch of Disney games. I think the Spyro trilogy and Frogger were the sole exceptions.


Oct 27, 2017
Our family NES mysteriously disappeared, and I was pissed as a 7 or 8 year old. Then on Christmas I got to unwrap a beautiful new PS1 with Crash Bandicoot 2 and NASCAR '98. Turns out my parents gave the NES to some family friends who were very poor and could't afford to get much for their kids. Best Christmas ever.

Another great one was in 2006 when the PS3 came out. My mom knew I really wanted one but they were impossible to find and super expensive. We unwrapped all our gifts, and my mom grabbed one last box from behind the couch, Christmas Story-style. It was a 60 GB PS3 that she got by bribing the GameStop employee with concert tickets in order for him to hold onto it for her.
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Oct 25, 2017
I think it was 20 years ago this Christmas for me as well. My parents got us 3 games. Oddworld: Abe's Oddysey for my older sister. Destruction Derby 2 for me. Frogger for my younger sister. Good times.

jon bones

Oct 25, 2017
I was groggy as hell, came down to the tree with my folks and was about to open up my presents. The boxes looked like what I expected - probably some comics & action figures.

My folks told me to go to the prayer closet (a staple in Hindu homes) before I opened them. I was super confused because this was NOT protocol for xmas morning.

I went in and saw a brand new PSX and just about lost my mind.

Thanks mom & dad.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
For me the PS1 is tied with the PS2 as far as being the best consoles ever made. PS1 has a lot of firsts but developers during the PS2 era used a lot of those same ideas and executed them better.

I never got cool expensive shit during my Xmas though. We were too poor for it. I only got cool stuff from tax returns.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
All I want to know OP is how you feel about FF X

Haha, I was so hyped for FF X back then. That opening cinematic was the best thing I ever saw! When this port of FF VI came to the PlayStation it came with a FF X demo, which was one of the first things I immediately wanted to play on the PS2 (that I didn't have but so wished for). This was also the first way I played FF VI btw. Unfortunately, I learnt later that this was a pretty bad port of VI and I played it again many years later in a superior version. I appreciated it a lot more a 2nd-time through. But back to Final Fantasy X: I really loved it at the time! Looking back, however, you notice a lot of faults with it as well. The biggest problem I have with it, are its characters. Still, the ending and twist really hit me when they happened. Couldn't ask for a more bittersweet ending than that. However, its sequel FF X-2, ruined quite a lot of that with its story in my opinion.

Wein Cruz

Oct 27, 2017
Underrated console. A lot of people don't realize just how many amazing games are on it. Aside from platformers (and even this genre can be debated), beat by beat I think it beats everything the SNES has to offer even though the latter is often given far more praise.

I just wish I realized how good it is was growing up. I was still a child, so my only memories on the PS1 are playing a bunch of Disney games. I think the Spyro trilogy and Frogger were the sole exceptions.

In what universe is the playstation underrated? Because it's not this one.

I was fifteen when it came out and saved up all summer. Picked it up with battle arena toshiden (bad game in retrospect) and was floored by graphics at the time since i'd only seen stuff as good at the arcade.


Oct 25, 2017
It was either Christmas '97 or '98, but I fondly remember getting a PlayStation under the Christmas tree with Final Fantasy VII, Parasite Eve, and Colony Wars. Sadly, we didn't have a TV that supported composite video so I had to wait until the day after to go out shopping for a coaxial cable to play it. And a memory card, too!

This was a time when my mother banned me from playing anything with a gun (Resident Evil, though she kept thinking it was based off something called The Residents, Bucky O'Hare for the NES, some Sega CD game called Corpse Killer, etc). Despite this, Parasite Eve was one of my favorite games on the console and I still remember the grind to get as much Junk as possible despie not knowing what the reward was.


Nov 6, 2017
Nostalgia shot damn ... I know it sounds silly, but sometimes i miss those old janky graphics.


Oct 29, 2017
Was a freshman at college when I got this. Pre-ordered at either a software etc or Babbages. Can't remember which one. Launch day went to the mall and there was no line or anything for it. Launched with what seemed like very little fanfare. Battle arena toshinden was my jam.

Also remember driving to a Die Hard store near Boston where they had a Japanese version you could play months before it came out. Tomb Raider was a game changer for me. Absolutely loved this system. Still have it.


Oct 29, 2017
Never had one myself, my friend had though.. we played a lot of Overboard (probably my favorite game on the PS), Die Hard Trilogy and the First Crash Bandicoot. Overboard in general would be my favorite memory of PS1

Didnt really enjoy that generation of consoles though... Saturn, N64 and PS1 had some games I enjoyed but it was also when I ditched consoles for a long time in favor of PC games in general and more specificall Quake and RTS games.
Very happy that the PS1 existed though since it gave birth to a ton of great franchises which I have come back to visit on newer gens of Playstations.

I never received a console during Christmas.. I only ever received a console as a gift once and that was the NES and I got that when I turned... 7 or 8.


Nov 12, 2017
I was an N64 kid. Got one for Christmas, was my 1st console. Up until then I had only played SNES at my friend's house. Got Cruise n' World and Star Fox 64 to go with it. Couldn't be excited.

I didn't know what I was missing until years later when I got a PS2 and went back to explore the PS1 library. And man, as fun as the N64's few masterpieces was, its library just doesn't compare in terms of sheer depth and diversity. PS1 had its own masterpieces, plus all the mature and experimental shit you could never find on N64. It seems like that has never changed, and the same could probably be said for every Nintendo vs PS console thereafter.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
In what universe is the playstation underrated? Because it's not this one.

I was fifteen when it came out and saved up all summer. Picked it up with battle arena toshiden (bad game in retrospect) and was floored by graphics at the time since i'd only seen stuff as good at the arcade.
The playstation 1 specifically? If not, then that's surprising. Out of every circle I've seen irl, forums, fan lists, I rarely see PS1 near the top of the list of best consoles. And there's the fact that, like I said, most people will say that the SNES blows out the PS1 when outside of Platformers I don't think that's accurate at all. Likewise with saying the PS2 stomps the PS1, and even to that I'd say the PS1 puts up a damn good fight.


ƃuoɹʍ ʇᴉ ƃuᴉop ǝɹ,noʎ 'ʇɥƃᴉɹ sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ noʎ ɟI
Oct 27, 2017
Rip City
Haha, I was so hyped for FF X back then. That opening cinematic was the best thing I ever saw! When this port of FF VI came to the PlayStation it came with a FF X demo, which was one of the first things I immediately wanted to play on the PS2 (that I didn't have but so wished for). This was also the first way I played FF VI btw. Unfortunately, I learnt later that this was a pretty bad port of VI and I played it again many years later in a superior version. I appreciated it a lot more a 2nd-time through. But back to Final Fantasy X: I really loved it at the time! Looking back, however, you notice a lot of faults with it as well. The biggest problem I have with it, are its characters. Still, the ending and twist really hit me when they happened. Couldn't ask for a more bittersweet ending than that. However, its sequel FF X-2, ruined quite a lot of that with its story in my opinion.
Cool, I was expecting as much since you gushed over VII's story but wasn't sure you would of enjoyed the linearity! Thank you for your in depth post, 6 is one I still haven't played myself. I gotta say though my favorite FF is IV, XIII or XII-2 I couldn't choose.


Oct 27, 2017
PlayStation was my first console too.

The earliest memory I have with the console was around 6 or 7 when my dad broke his collarbone and had to have a couple weeks off work, we'd sit and play Small Soldiers split screen. It was pretty much the only game he played, great game too considering it was a movie tie-in.

PS1 library still the GOAT.


Oct 26, 2017
United Kingdom
My Playstation was basically a Smackdown 2/THPS2/GTA/GTA2 machine.

And I fucking loved it.

Oh, and Hogs Of War. Hogs Of War was an amazing game.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I got my Playstation with Final Fantasy VII, Crash Bandicoot, and Crash Bandicoot 2, plus a demo CD. Final Fantasy VII had just come out a few months prior and the TV was being bombarded with commercials like this:

I loved Donkey Kong Country. I loved Final Fantasy 3. I loved my playstation that day for giving me sequels to both. The original playstation is still my favorite sony product ever. What a fantastic system.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
It was either Christmas '97 or '98, but I fondly remember getting a PlayStation under the Christmas tree with Final Fantasy VII, Parasite Eve, and Colony Wars. Sadly, we didn't have a TV that supported composite video so I had to wait until the day after to go out shopping for a coaxial cable to play it. And a memory card, too!

This was a time when my mother banned me from playing anything with a gun (Resident Evil, though she kept thinking it was based off something called The Residents, Bucky O'Hare for the NES, some Sega CD game called Corpse Killer, etc). Despite this, Parasite Eve was one of my favorite games on the console and I still remember the grind to get as much Junk as possible despie not knowing what the reward was.

Parasite Eve didn't come out until 1998.


Oct 27, 2017
Got a PlayStation with FFVII for Xmas 20 years ago, I was 10 years old. It was one of the best days of my life.

Deleted member 17210

User-requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I got it for Christmas 1995. It was and still is the most expensive present I got. I was 20 years old at the time so it didn't have the same impact as getting systems as a kid but it was still awesome. At first I just had the included demo disc and I kept playing Jumping Flash. Not long afterwards I got Warhawk and Tekken. I have fond memories of renting imports (using the swap trick to play them) like Gunner's Heaven in the early days of the system. I still the love the system although it's too bad the (also awesome) Saturn doesn't get to share more of the love from gamers.
Oct 27, 2017
I think I got my PS1 for Xmas 98 or 99. My favorite memories on PS1 are probably Tony Hawk pro skater 1, I can't really remember that many games I played in that system as that's before my taste in games became close to what I would enjoy now or previously.

I also got a ps2 for Xmas and that was my favorite Xmas as it snowed that year. I got Kingdom Hearts and DBZ Budokai with that PS2 and it was amazing:')


Self-requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
My first console was a PS2, which I got in 2003. The first game my parents bought me was MK: Deadly Alliance. I don't think they had any idea what they were buying me, and the cashier didn't even bat an eye even though it was clearly for me, lol.


Oct 27, 2017
Has it been 20 years already, damn I feel like it was just yesterday that I was unwrapping my first ps1. These 20 years just flew by man.
Oct 25, 2017
I had an N64 and Mario 64 first and loved them. I thought I wouldn't even need another console. Then I saw Parappa the Rapper. I bought a PlayStation instantly! My favourite games for PS1 were Parappa, Castlevania Symphony of the Night and Einhander.

I would see people at school arguing about which console was better. I was like "you go do that and I'll be just chilling and enjoying both"


Oct 25, 2017
I was a grown man by the time PS1 came out, the last gaming system that "Santa" brought me was my NES with Super Mario Bros 3. I think the only system I've opened on Christmas day since then was my Wii, and that was only because my wife made me wait.

My first Christmas system was a Commodore Vic-20. Came with Omega Race which was awesome and R.I.Pwhich wasn't. Happy days.


Oct 25, 2017
Great post OP.

Your story is pretty similar to mine, I was nine in '97. I grew up playing on my brother's NES and SNES when he wasn't in and really wanted my own console. He borrowed a PS1 off his friend and I was obsessed with it, asked my mum to get me one for Christmas. My family's always been pretty poor and my mum got one from a catalogue (where you pay back a little each month with interest) that came with Rage Racer (Amazing) and Destruction Derby 2 (Great). Best Christmas present ever (followed by PS2!).

A lot of my gaming on it was either from official magazine demos or games borrowed off friends, but I had such a blast and played a lot of all time classics.

Oliver James

Oct 25, 2017
I started with the NES but then a friend got a PlayStation and I was blown away. Me and my friends in the neighborhood would go to this kid's house and play there almost every time we could. I always dreamed of getting a PlayStation 1, which I eventually did years down the line and it was worth it. Still my favorite console of all time, almost all my top games are on the thing.


Oct 28, 2017
Christmas 1997
Playstation Value Pack (with two original controllers)
Tomb Raider II
Destruction Derby

Last great Sony.


Oct 27, 2017
I got mine Christmas 98. Bought Tomb Raider III and it came with the 2 PAL demo disks, the ones in a blue and red box. The Dual Shock bundle. Man, that was a great Christmas.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
My Playstation was basically a Smackdown 2/THPS2/GTA/GTA2 machine.

And I fucking loved it.

Oh, and Hogs Of War. Hogs Of War was an amazing game.

Yep, Hogs of War was amazing indeed! Loved playing Smackdown on it as well. My friend probably has these two games somewhere incl. Team Buddies.

Posting the cover art because I love both of them:

Does anyone even remember Team Buddies!? That game... wow. This and Hogs of War were some of the best split screen gaming matches ever, only rivalled by GoldenEye 007.

Wish I owned a copy of all three, haha.
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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
There was a Christmas demo disc set from Playstation Underground that had a robot Santa that defeated a security robot. That's probably why I associate Playstation with Christmas at all.


Oct 27, 2017
Just before Christmas of '97, my family and I went on a trip to Switzerland. My stepdad took me to a pretty huge toy store, gave me some money and told me to buy whatever I want. And I remember nervously pacing around for more than an hour, trying to decide between buying a PS1 or an N64. I chose a PS1 with Tekken 3 and FFVII and had zero regrets.


"This guy are sick" says the Prophet of Truth
Oct 28, 2017
Not sure how to tell you this...Adel was a she not a he. ;)


Nov 26, 2017
Why is no one talking about Nightmares Creatures, Kings Field, Parasite Eve and Digimon? The best games on the PSOne.


Oct 25, 2017
I also have a sort of PS1 Christmas experience. Not my first console by a long shot, but it was one of the last I got as a gift. I had already rented PS1 like 2-4 times. I was crazy about the thing. Ripped the redbook audio and listened over and over to the music to those games I couldn't play via audiocasette. My mom actually got me the PS1 + Toshinden, Jumping Flash, WipEout, and Warhawk + memory card. Amazing Christmas indeed.

One of my fondest memories was sometime in early January (I believe) we got this amazing snowstorm, several feet of snow. My friend lived 3 houses away so he trekked over and we were just playing Toshinden. Such great fun.

Nostalgia shot damn ... I know it sounds silly, but sometimes i miss those old janky graphics.

Yeah there isn't any generation of graphics that I can't get nostalgic over its limitations.

If I emulate old systems I prefer to emulate the DAC & simulate CRT. On PS1 I gotta have dat lack of perspective correct texturing and the cheap additive transparencies.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
Christmas memories of Crash Bandicoot 2 are literally etched into my mind every year around this time. Such a fantastic game.


Oct 25, 2017
The playstation 1 specifically? If not, then that's surprising. Out of every circle I've seen irl, forums, fan lists, I rarely see PS1 near the top of the list of best consoles. And there's the fact that, like I said, most people will say that the SNES blows out the PS1 when outside of Platformers I don't think that's accurate at all. Likewise with saying the PS2 stomps the PS1, and even to that I'd say the PS1 puts up a damn good fight.

Uh.. in terms of games, the PS1 puts the snes to shame, man. I don't think I've ever heard otherwise (I'm sure I will now). 2 different leagues of games.

Never experienced a PS1 Christmas, only an n64. After that I started getting consoles on launch. But what a xmas that was waking up to Oot.