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False Witness

Oct 25, 2017
The original Uncharted movie (also has a shitheel as one of the stars)



Oct 25, 2017
I honestly don´t get this point of view for a lot of reasons :
- PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro versions were already different between them at launch and the same price.
- PS5 version is superior then both of them and it was "released" at an inferior price then them.
- The PS5 version today is way cheaper ( 20USD ) than the PC version ( USD50 ) that releases in a few months.

So basically this point of view is flaweled in every posible way.
I mean if, and that´s a big IF, one day Sony starts to release their games day and date with PC and they decide to charge more the PS version then could see this kind of complaint making sense.
But honestly IF this happens and IF you care so much about a superior version why would you even care ? Just go and buy on PC.
I know that IF this happens at some point I´ll definetely make the jump, but since this is not a reality today this feels like just a non sense complaint.
And let´s be real here : if you buy games day one, I know I do but I´m conscious about what I´m about say, you are always paying more for an inferior version and this is without even accounting for platforms differences. Basically every game that launches today gets better over time with patches and more patches. So yeah always day one buyers get an inferior version paying more, nothing new here.
If you want to have a better version of game, whether on a single platform or others, and pay less you are not a day one buyer period.

Yep .
Hell if you not a day 1 buyer PS software become very cheap in a few years or they even give away on PS hardware .

EDIT UC movie look okay , will watch but not expecting anything from it .


The Flagpole is Wider
Oct 25, 2017
Anyone else like me when thinking about a game and having the urge to replay it and then decides to redownload it, while having plenty of other new games to play?

That happened last night, I have this brand new game called Far Cry 6 but I was watching some Ass Valhalla video on youtube and then got the itch to play it so I redownloaded it. I'm so weird.


Oct 28, 2017
Will people who say that Uncharted games are basically movies be able to concede that they are at least better movies than the Uncharted movie (which is a movie)?


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
I actually like the Uncharted trailer!
Sure it's different and Marky Mark absolutely sucks but looks like a good film to see in the cinemas with a bunch of friends.

False Witness

Oct 25, 2017
No lie, I actually prefer the video game look of models like Kratos, Nate, and Ellie and modeled environments to live actors and locations anymore.


Mar 20, 2021
Soooooo... After years of being a lurker and months after I decided to make an a account.

I took the decision of making my first post here and I have decided to make it in truly PlayStation OT fashion, with doom and gloom. Having said that. Here. I. Come.

I absolutely hate the fact that God of War is headed to PC I actually do see it as a devaluation on the brand since every 4 years and now probably sooner since the old GForce leak now seems so real. That means that Returnal (my GOTY) a game released this year is probably going to see a new store by 2022 or 2023 with a lower price (most probably) and better everything (the one thing that stings the most). Nobody expects Nintendo games on PC but the entitlement for Sony's games is there and it shows if we look at different subreddits or game forums. Now Bloodborne and Ghost are not only expected but also HFW and GT7 which is just awful and mind-blowing.

At this point am truly considering reselling my perfect (because I treat my consoles like if they were my future kids all my PS consoles are in mint condition with the exception of my vita that has a dent on one side, I was like 13 and I'm still mad about that one lol) PS5 (that does not have a loud disc reader, fan noise or coil whine, rest problems etc.) at a hiked up price that's for sure, since now it seems that a lot if not all future PS5 and current PS4 games are going to see the PC steam treatment and like I said again running all better than the consoles that they were meant to be on, which makes me feel not bad or angry because I did not pledge allegiance to Sony Corp even if it looked like it after all those years that I mocked my friends for having an stinky XBOX or a dumb Nintendo (I was young and I've always been this funny lol) but bittersweet.

The thing is... That I just know I'm not gonna do that because the Sony/PS is my childhood, the memories of my dad bonding with his daughter through videogames, that he let me enter the world that have always seemed like a boys club, that he and me mom bought me almost every game (when there was money of course) that I asked for, that I grew up loving so many iconic franchises of PS, I still remember begging for the CE of GoW 3 coming home to put the disc on the damn huge brick that breathed like a dragon, and watching in awe those graphics and finishing what I thought was going to be the end of an amazing story (we don't talk about ascension in this house lol)

As someone who grew up with an old PS1 (since my dad did not had lots of money on those times to buy me a PS2) but man when the PS3 released I vividly remember that was the only thing that I asked for months and I got it. I must've been 15 when I stiffed my parents again with a PS4. And last year I got my first job while still on uni to get a PS5 by myself and I goddamn did it less than a month after officially coming out since I did not have the money for the first batch. The bittersweet-ness comes just from knowing the PC players are going to get everything better with lower price even the new games. That my childhood is probably going to end by the next generation (you see the doom and gloom, I´m good like that). I feel like what I did to my parents in 2013 is coming back this time from lord Sony while baby Ryan and handsome Hulst laugh at my sorry ass.

The only good thought that I can come up to cope out, it's that there may be a little girl out there with a bigger than life father that it's going to teach her the amazing games that PS has (running better that on the consoles. FUUUUUUUUUUU.gif).

But then the little lass is going to ask for a PS5 to play GoW:R when it comes out and PS strikes again.
Oct 28, 2017
Soooooo... After years of being a lurker and months after I decided to make an a account.

I took the decision of making my first post here and I have decided to make it in truly PlayStation OT fashion, with doom and gloom. Having said that. Here. I. Come.

I absolutely hate the fact that God of War is headed to PC I actually do see it as a devaluation on the brand since every 4 years and now probably sooner since the old GForce leak now seems so real. That means that Returnal (my GOTY) a game released this year is probably going to see a new store by 2022 or 2023 with a lower price (most probably) and better everything (the one thing that stings the most). Nobody expects Nintendo games on PC but the entitlement for Sony's games is there and it shows if we look at different subreddits or game forums. Now Bloodborne and Ghost are not only expected but also HFW and GT7 which is just awful and mind-blowing.

At this point am truly considering reselling my perfect (because I treat my consoles like if they were my future kids all my PS consoles are in mint condition with the exception of my vita that has a dent on one side, I was like 13 and I'm still mad about that one lol) PS5 (that does not have a loud disc reader, fan noise or coil whine, rest problems etc.) at a hiked up price that's for sure, since now it seems that a lot if not all future PS5 and current PS4 games are going to see the PC steam treatment and like I said again running all better than the consoles that they were meant to be on, which makes me feel not bad or angry because I did not pledge allegiance to Sony Corp even if it looked like it after all those years that I mocked my friends for having an stinky XBOX or a dumb Nintendo (I was young and I've always been this funny lol) but bittersweet.

The thing is... That I just know I'm not gonna do that because the Sony/PS is my childhood, the memories of my dad bonding with his daughter through videogames, that he let me enter the world that have always seemed like a boys club, that he and me mom bought me almost every game (when there was money of course) that I asked for, that I grew up loving so many iconic franchises of PS, I still remember begging for the CE of GoW 3 coming home to put the disc on the damn huge brick that breathed like a dragon, and watching in awe those graphics and finishing what I thought was going to be the end of an amazing story (we don't talk about ascension in this house lol)

As someone who grew up with an old PS1 (since my dad did not had lots of money on those times to buy me a PS2) but man when the PS3 released I vividly remember that was the only thing that I asked for months and I got it. I must've been 15 when I stiffed my parents again with a PS4. And last year I got my first job while still on uni to get a PS5 by myself and I goddamn did it less than a month after officially coming out since I did not have the money for the first batch. The bittersweet-ness comes just from knowing the PC players are going to get everything better with lower price even the new games. That my childhood is probably going to end by the next generation (you see the doom and gloom, I´m good like that). I feel like what I did to my parents in 2013 is coming back this time from lord Sony while baby Ryan and handsome Hulst laugh at my sorry ass.

The only good thought that I can come up to cope out, it's that there may be a little girl out there with a bigger than life father that it's going to teach her the amazing games that PS has (running better that on the consoles. FUUUUUUUUUUU.gif).

But then the little lass is going to ask for a PS5 to play GoW:R when it comes out and PS strikes again.
You get to play everything on the console years first. You'll be back lol.


Oct 25, 2017
. Now Bloodborne and Ghost are not only expected but also HFW and GT7 which is just awful and mind-blowing.
I fail to see how "more people getting to play a game" can be seen as awful. Reminds me of when people said the same about Yakuza. "Its a Sony property" people cried for some bizarre reason (guess they missed the Nintendo port a couple of gens back) and made it out like the series was being devalued because 7 was released on the Series X before the PS5. No "glad the series is reaching more fans", no "Its great to see the series doing better than ever". Just petty sniping by people obsessed with a brand.
Same thing with Sony releasing their OLD games on other hardware, where more people can enjoy them and Playstation can prosper further as a business as these games sell more and more. Cant wait to see the reactions when TLOU2 makes its way to PC in a year or two...


Aug 13, 2020
Soooooo... After years of being a lurker and months after I decided to make an a account.

I took the decision of making my first post here and I have decided to make it in truly PlayStation OT fashion, with doom and gloom. Having said that. Here. I. Come.

I absolutely hate the fact that God of War is headed to PC I actually do see it as a devaluation on the brand since every 4 years and now probably sooner since the old GForce leak now seems so real. That means that Returnal (my GOTY) a game released this year is probably going to see a new store by 2022 or 2023 with a lower price (most probably) and better everything (the one thing that stings the most). Nobody expects Nintendo games on PC but the entitlement for Sony's games is there and it shows if we look at different subreddits or game forums. Now Bloodborne and Ghost are not only expected but also HFW and GT7 which is just awful and mind-blowing.

At this point am truly considering reselling my perfect (because I treat my consoles like if they were my future kids all my PS consoles are in mint condition with the exception of my vita that has a dent on one side, I was like 13 and I'm still mad about that one lol) PS5 (that does not have a loud disc reader, fan noise or coil whine, rest problems etc.) at a hiked up price that's for sure, since now it seems that a lot if not all future PS5 and current PS4 games are going to see the PC steam treatment and like I said again running all better than the consoles that they were meant to be on, which makes me feel not bad or angry because I did not pledge allegiance to Sony Corp even if it looked like it after all those years that I mocked my friends for having an stinky XBOX or a dumb Nintendo (I was young and I've always been this funny lol) but bittersweet.

The thing is... That I just know I'm not gonna do that because the Sony/PS is my childhood, the memories of my dad bonding with his daughter through videogames, that he let me enter the world that have always seemed like a boys club, that he and me mom bought me almost every game (when there was money of course) that I asked for, that I grew up loving so many iconic franchises of PS, I still remember begging for the CE of GoW 3 coming home to put the disc on the damn huge brick that breathed like a dragon, and watching in awe those graphics and finishing what I thought was going to be the end of an amazing story (we don't talk about ascension in this house lol)

As someone who grew up with an old PS1 (since my dad did not had lots of money on those times to buy me a PS2) but man when the PS3 released I vividly remember that was the only thing that I asked for months and I got it. I must've been 15 when I stiffed my parents again with a PS4. And last year I got my first job while still on uni to get a PS5 by myself and I goddamn did it less than a month after officially coming out since I did not have the money for the first batch. The bittersweet-ness comes just from knowing the PC players are going to get everything better with lower price even the new games. That my childhood is probably going to end by the next generation (you see the doom and gloom, I´m good like that). I feel like what I did to my parents in 2013 is coming back this time from lord Sony while baby Ryan and handsome Hulst laugh at my sorry ass.

The only good thought that I can come up to cope out, it's that there may be a little girl out there with a bigger than life father that it's going to teach her the amazing games that PS has (running better that on the consoles. FUUUUUUUUUUU.gif).

But then the little lass is going to ask for a PS5 to play GoW:R when it comes out and PS strikes again.
I know you said you probably won't sell it, but you definitely won't when you start looking at the cost of a PC that'll actually manage to perform better than the PS5. It'll cost just over twice the price of a PS5 just to match it. I spent something like £1600 in 2019 on a rig before the whole hardware price hike, and it's probably just under the performance of my PS5. Shit is expensive.


Mar 20, 2021
You get to play everything on the console years first. You'll be back lol.

That's the only way. haha

Thank you!

I fail to see how "more people getting to play a game" can be seen as awful. Reminds me of when people said the same about Yakuza. "Its a Sony property" people cried for some bizarre reason (guess they missed the Nintendo port a couple of gens back) and made it out like the series was being devalued because 7 was released on the Series X before the PS5. No "glad the series is reaching more fans", no "Its great to see the series doing better than ever". Just petty sniping by people obsessed with a brand.
Same thing with Sony releasing their OLD games on other hardware, where more people can enjoy them and Playstation can prosper further as a business as these games sell more and more. Cant wait to see the reactions when TLOU2 makes its way to PC in a year or two...

I never at any point in my post put or insinuated that more people playing the games was bad, it's the fact that they are getting the better deal. That's it. In the middle of the post I put that I wasn't angry or mad my life does not live by a brand. and at the end I put exactly what you just said, the more the merrier :D

Chris Metal

Avatar Master Painter
Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
I dont see the problem with console games coming out 2,3 almost 4 years after original release on PC. People will double dip... I mean they rebuy ps4 games branded as remastered on ps5/Director's Cut's like they did ps3 to ps4. How many times did people rebuy GTAV or Skyrim. It's just more money for publishers to make new games.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I dont see the problem with console games coming out 2,3 almost 4 years after original release on PC. People will double dip... I mean they rebuy ps4 games branded as remastered on ps5/Director's Cut's like they did ps3 to ps4. How many times did people rebuy GTAV or Skyrim. It's just more money for publishers to make new games.

Yup not a problem at all, your still playing the game first if that's what you wanted.


Jun 30, 2021
My only issue which is a total first world problem is really that the PS5 "upgrades" seem half assed in comparison to the PC upgrades when the PS5 could handle a lot/most of the upgrades and all their actual first party users get is an unlocked frame rate with a quick patch to the back compat version or for the few that get an actual nest gen "version", its just the gimmicks (3d Audio, Haptics) and maybe up the res slightly and sell it for $70USD (GoT) in some cases but no huge effort to improve visuals/tech as they do with PC versions.


Mar 20, 2021
Welcome Jurassic Park

Thank you!

I know you said you probably won't sell it, but you definitely won't when you start looking at the cost of a PC that'll actually manage to perform better than the PS5. It'll cost just over twice the price of a PS5 just to match it. I spent something like £1600 in 2019 on a rig before the whole hardware price hike, and it's probably just under the performance of my PS5. Shit is expensive.

Never going to sell it, it's my baby. The first expensive thing that I bought by myself and it's a PS5! (It's just the post that I wanted to align with the thought process that I have years seeing in here which I love TBH lol)


Best Avatar Thread Ever!
Nov 20, 2017
Kingdom of Corona
Never going to sell it, it's my baby. The first expensive thing that I bought by myself and it's a PS5! (It's just the post that I wanted to align with the thought process that I have years seeing in here which I love TBH lol)
You been reading our nonsense for years?
Well sorry about that lol

Also how much you hate peanut butter? We all hate PB and From games here


Oct 25, 2017
Soooooo... After years of being a lurker and months after I decided to make an a account.

I took the decision of making my first post here and I have decided to make it in truly PlayStation OT fashion, with doom and gloom. Having said that. Here. I. Come.

I absolutely hate the fact that God of War is headed to PC I actually do see it as a devaluation on the brand since every 4 years and now probably sooner since the old GForce leak now seems so real. That means that Returnal (my GOTY) a game released this year is probably going to see a new store by 2022 or 2023 with a lower price (most probably) and better everything (the one thing that stings the most). Nobody expects Nintendo games on PC but the entitlement for Sony's games is there and it shows if we look at different subreddits or game forums. Now Bloodborne and Ghost are not only expected but also HFW and GT7 which is just awful and mind-blowing.

At this point am truly considering reselling my perfect (because I treat my consoles like if they were my future kids all my PS consoles are in mint condition with the exception of my vita that has a dent on one side, I was like 13 and I'm still mad about that one lol) PS5 (that does not have a loud disc reader, fan noise or coil whine, rest problems etc.) at a hiked up price that's for sure, since now it seems that a lot if not all future PS5 and current PS4 games are going to see the PC steam treatment and like I said again running all better than the consoles that they were meant to be on, which makes me feel not bad or angry because I did not pledge allegiance to Sony Corp even if it looked like it after all those years that I mocked my friends for having an stinky XBOX or a dumb Nintendo (I was young and I've always been this funny lol) but bittersweet.

The thing is... That I just know I'm not gonna do that because the Sony/PS is my childhood, the memories of my dad bonding with his daughter through videogames, that he let me enter the world that have always seemed like a boys club, that he and me mom bought me almost every game (when there was money of course) that I asked for, that I grew up loving so many iconic franchises of PS, I still remember begging for the CE of GoW 3 coming home to put the disc on the damn huge brick that breathed like a dragon, and watching in awe those graphics and finishing what I thought was going to be the end of an amazing story (we don't talk about ascension in this house lol)

As someone who grew up with an old PS1 (since my dad did not had lots of money on those times to buy me a PS2) but man when the PS3 released I vividly remember that was the only thing that I asked for months and I got it. I must've been 15 when I stiffed my parents again with a PS4. And last year I got my first job while still on uni to get a PS5 by myself and I goddamn did it less than a month after officially coming out since I did not have the money for the first batch. The bittersweet-ness comes just from knowing the PC players are going to get everything better with lower price even the new games. That my childhood is probably going to end by the next generation (you see the doom and gloom, I´m good like that). I feel like what I did to my parents in 2013 is coming back this time from lord Sony while baby Ryan and handsome Hulst laugh at my sorry ass.

The only good thought that I can come up to cope out, it's that there may be a little girl out there with a bigger than life father that it's going to teach her the amazing games that PS has (running better that on the consoles. FUUUUUUUUUUU.gif).

But then the little lass is going to ask for a PS5 to play GoW:R when it comes out and PS strikes again.

Hello and goodbye, I guess?

Just kidding, I'll give you some old fart advice you'll probably ignore: just enjoy your PlayStation games as long as you can and don't worry too much about potential PC releases.


Oct 27, 2017
For me personally I really wore off PC gaming around the mid-2000s. Before that it was my go-to way to play.

I absolutely loved the modding scenes, especially when it came to Half Life with the likes of They Hunger, Poke 846, and custom Team Fortress Classic maps.

That changed when even though I had a powerful machine for the time, it would just not want to play the newest releases. The straw that broke the camel's back was Max Payne 2. The demo which I downloaded and played the hell out of at high spec worked perfectly, no issues. But for some reason, when getting the full game it would not even start. Even when going through all the coding options which made me feel like an expert on NASA technology by the time I was done, following instructions to the letter, etc, it didn't happen.

So screw it, graphics aren't quite as good but I'll play it on PS2. Had a great time with it.

I just see PC as a way to play some nice indie games, and where I do my work and internet browsing now. I have very little desire to play big games on it.

Now regarding God of War coming to PC, great! It's been a long time since it originally came out, and it's at almost the perfect time given the sequel is out in 2022 if all goes well. People have waited long enough, let them enjoy it.


Oct 28, 2017
I can't believe people get so upset about first party games coming to PC. I get that it sucks that PC players will get the best version of the game, and cheaper. Where possible, Sony should try to give some of those upgrades to the console customers. Outside of that, I don't care at all about the games going to PC. I'm not going to wait 3-5 years to play a game like Horizon anyway.

I used to talk with friends about making a game/multiplayer map of our hometown. It's pretty cool people actually did it.


Mar 20, 2021
Dino Crisis confirmed!


My only issue which is a total first world problem is really that the PS5 "upgrades" seem half assed in comparison to the PC upgrades when the PS5 could handle a lot/most of the upgrades and all their actual first party users get is an unlocked frame rate with a quick patch to the back compat version or for the few that get an actual nest gen "version", its just the gimmicks (3d Audio, Haptics) and maybe up the res slightly and sell it for $70USD (GoT) in some cases but no huge effort to improve visuals/tech as they do with PC versions.

that's it, no moh

You been reading our nonsense for years?
Well sorry about that lol

Also how much you hate peanut butter? We all hate PB and From games here

Peanut butter is just a trying hard to be Nutella but dumber. I know how much you love bloodborne and how much you have posted about the coming Elden ring I got you fam, bloodborne is goateed runs like shit though

Hello and goodbye, I guess?

Just kidding, I'll give you some old fart advice you'll probably ignore: just enjoy your PlayStation games as long as you can and don't worry too much about potential PC releases.

Oh I been loving it since I got her, she looks as slick as hansome Hermen and my already GOTY is there! (Returnal for the win) but thank you for the advice haha


Oct 8, 2018
Seeing as Supermassive's Dark Pictures is going to get a season finale next year most likely, I am starting to wonder again if the PlayStation Studios project with them still exists and they are taking a break to focus resources on it.


Aug 30, 2021
Overall I don't have a problem with PC releases, but I find it bad that JR said they increase the price to $70 due to increased dev cost, and now PC releases for more money. Use the PC money to keep console cost lower would be better in my opinion. Or I want to see some kind of pay-off with the PC money (new studios, more games, etc.). If it's just a status quo going forward it will be dissapointing.

Another issue I would have is if studios start factoring in PC hardware when designing games instead of focusing on PS5. That or spending time on PC ports (hope Nixxes will handle that instead).


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
So as a post credits thing it means, in Marvel style, there's going to be a standalone Sully's Tache film? Or it's the baddy in the sequel?
No probably just an Easter egg for fans of the franchise, or possibly a tease that he'll have the stache in the sequel.
Kinda like the Tomb Raider (movie) end credits where she picked up the dual pistols.


Best Avatar Thread Ever!
Nov 20, 2017
Kingdom of Corona
Seeing as Supermassive's Dark Pictures is going to get a season finale next year most likely, I am starting to wonder again if the PlayStation Studios project with them still exists and they are taking a break to focus resources on it.
I lost hope that Supermassive will work with Sony anytime soon.
They even bought a studio that will make those games


Oct 27, 2017
Soooooo... After years of being a lurker and months after I decided to make an a account.

I took the decision of making my first post here and I have decided to make it in truly PlayStation OT fashion, with doom and gloom. Having said that. Here. I. Come.

I absolutely hate the fact that God of War is headed to PC I actually do see it as a devaluation on the brand since every 4 years and now probably sooner since the old GForce leak now seems so real. That means that Returnal (my GOTY) a game released this year is probably going to see a new store by 2022 or 2023 with a lower price (most probably) and better everything (the one thing that stings the most). Nobody expects Nintendo games on PC but the entitlement for Sony's games is there and it shows if we look at different subreddits or game forums. Now Bloodborne and Ghost are not only expected but also HFW and GT7 which is just awful and mind-blowing.

At this point am truly considering reselling my perfect (because I treat my consoles like if they were my future kids all my PS consoles are in mint condition with the exception of my vita that has a dent on one side, I was like 13 and I'm still mad about that one lol) PS5 (that does not have a loud disc reader, fan noise or coil whine, rest problems etc.) at a hiked up price that's for sure, since now it seems that a lot if not all future PS5 and current PS4 games are going to see the PC steam treatment and like I said again running all better than the consoles that they were meant to be on, which makes me feel not bad or angry because I did not pledge allegiance to Sony Corp even if it looked like it after all those years that I mocked my friends for having an stinky XBOX or a dumb Nintendo (I was young and I've always been this funny lol) but bittersweet.

The thing is... That I just know I'm not gonna do that because the Sony/PS is my childhood, the memories of my dad bonding with his daughter through videogames, that he let me enter the world that have always seemed like a boys club, that he and me mom bought me almost every game (when there was money of course) that I asked for, that I grew up loving so many iconic franchises of PS, I still remember begging for the CE of GoW 3 coming home to put the disc on the damn huge brick that breathed like a dragon, and watching in awe those graphics and finishing what I thought was going to be the end of an amazing story (we don't talk about ascension in this house lol)

As someone who grew up with an old PS1 (since my dad did not had lots of money on those times to buy me a PS2) but man when the PS3 released I vividly remember that was the only thing that I asked for months and I got it. I must've been 15 when I stiffed my parents again with a PS4. And last year I got my first job while still on uni to get a PS5 by myself and I goddamn did it less than a month after officially coming out since I did not have the money for the first batch. The bittersweet-ness comes just from knowing the PC players are going to get everything better with lower price even the new games. That my childhood is probably going to end by the next generation (you see the doom and gloom, I´m good like that). I feel like what I did to my parents in 2013 is coming back this time from lord Sony while baby Ryan and handsome Hulst laugh at my sorry ass.

The only good thought that I can come up to cope out, it's that there may be a little girl out there with a bigger than life father that it's going to teach her the amazing games that PS has (running better that on the consoles. FUUUUUUUUUUU.gif).

But then the little lass is going to ask for a PS5 to play GoW:R when it comes out and PS strikes again.

Thanks, you made me very uncomfortable to be a playstation fan.
I'm happy that more people will play this amazing games. And I will not buy a 3000$ computer and a desk for a room i don't have to play 4 years old games.
You are the problem, not playstation.
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