
Oct 25, 2017

Sony & Paramount Sign Non-Disclosure Agreement Allowing Deal Talks To Start, But It’s Not Looking Like A $26 Billion Bid For Whole Company Anymore

Sony signed a non-disclosure agreement with Paramount allowing deal talks to begin but they'll not be focused on a $26 billion bid for whole company.
Huh so Sony is trying to only get the deal if they get the studio and its I.Ps but not the cable stuff and the lot.

Apollo just wants the lot for real estate reason but probably also doesn't want the cable stuff either.


May 24, 2021

Sony & Paramount Sign Non-Disclosure Agreement Allowing Deal Talks To Start, But It’s Not Looking Like A $26 Billion Bid For Whole Company Anymore

Sony signed a non-disclosure agreement with Paramount allowing deal talks to begin but they'll not be focused on a $26 billion bid for whole company.
Interesting, would that mean giving up Nickelodeon too? Because to me that would sound like a huge amount of IP lost. Or would they pick and choose what IPs they'd want.

spam flakes

Oct 27, 2017

We need Sony to announce the showcase fast lol

I want in! Them cheeks!

and booooo! To the Paramount deal. Do not want.


What Are Ya' Selling?
Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia


Associate Game Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
"Who is this for?"

"We already have steamdeck?"


It stems from the mentality "If I don't/need it, clearly there's no point to its existence."

It's the same discourse we get with Remakes, and it's equally stupid.

I initially didn't have an interest in the PS Portal, but I understood why some folks might get use out of it. Then I got into the habit of playing my Switch right before bed, and really liked that I could just play, and when I started to doze, I could set it down on my bed and go to sleep, and I found myself thinking, "Man, it'd be nice to be able to play some PS5 games like this before bed without having to deal with my bright ass TV." Then I spent the next 4 months trying to track down a Portal before finally getting one, and, yeah, turned out I had a use for it after all lol.

I'd absolutely be on board with a new PlayStation dedicated handheld, and if it's priced right, I can see it doing as well as the Portal did, potentially better. I won't even begin to try and write it off, or to declare it a smart move.

Sony knows they need to bolster their numbers in terms of market penetration. The Switch in Japan showed that a lot of gamers are playing portably for various reasons, and the Portal was a measure to perhaps tap into that desire, but it's a streaming device. I can see how they'd consider the idea of getting back into the handheld market if it meant they could reclaim some market share and bring more people into the PS ecosystem.


Mar 26, 2022
Wonder how heavily PSSR might factor into this supposed handheld
Don't know much about upscaling techniques and correct me if I am wrong but I don't think the performance gains in sub 720p resolutions to say 1080p is as big as 1080 to 4k. We have to see how Nintendo Switch 2 handles DLSS and get a picture


Oct 25, 2017
It stems from the mentality "If I don't/need it, clearly there's no point to its existence."

It's the same discourse we get with Remakes, and it's equally stupid.
Eh, but lets also not ignore some wishful thinking when it comes to some of these handhelds. Back in the day (the 90s) I basically wanted a Sega Nomad years before such a thing existed because Street Fighter 2 on the go! But then the battery requirements kinda destroyed my fantasy when it became a reality!
Sadly its not much different in this day and age as we still have handhelds with shit battery life, but my point is actually that its all well and nice saying "I wish I could have this as a handheld", but a PS5 as a handheld would be a mix of: Insanely expensive, have a Game Gear level battery life, and actually just not be feasible at all with current day tech. Its nice to dream about, but we are years away from such a thing being a reality.

Granted the PC handheld market is coming along quickly in such a short timespan, so again its only a matter of time, but I just dont think such a thing is possible... yet.

As for the remakes thing. My stance changes not. Its cool IF you have the staff to work on remakes and new games sorta in tandem (like Capcom), but when your EA and go "well we did Dead Space remake and the series is gone again" is sorta shitty. Id rather have had an actual Dead Space 4 if we were only gonna get one more DS game, not just a (staggering good) retread of the original game.


Dec 7, 2017
what heresy is this? People buying tickets before the showcase announcement? Do you want to jinx the show?


Oct 25, 2017

Now, assuming they mean asset quality (as in, purely just visuals and tech regressing to PS3 gen), but with performance and resolution based more on the remasters we get - so 60FPS and higher res', then Id honestly take PS3 gen hands down.

Why? Well Ive been playing a few older games recently - like Assassins Creed 2, the Mass Effect Trilogy, Yakuza Kenzan and 5 are never far from my mind, and so on... and while pretty graphics and modern QOL stuff is all nice and all... Im finding myself preferring a lot about what the PS3 gen did. AC2, despite the Ubisoft trappings is a really "to the point" game, I got through that one at a brisk pace while still being able to relax and enjoy the surroundings, ME Trilogy was epic, and I love the PS3 Yakuza games due to the older engine and insane content delivered in 5... So yeah, its not a hard choice for me. One of my bigger "issues?" (not the right word) with modern game dev is the unfortunate amount of time it takes to create a game, how expensive it is, and how one bad game can seemingly sink a studio... I do miss the PS2/PS3 days of more games... But you know, without the crunch culture.


Living the Dreams
Oct 29, 2017
AAs with AAA quality in every two years would be the most ideal, especially for me.

It doesn't have to be $200/300 million every 5/6 years for everyone's sake... 🙄🤷
Last edited:
Oct 27, 2017
I think Ghost of Tsushima being on the cheaper side worked out for it - obviously concessions were made in certain areas such as the framing during conversations and things like that, but I'd say the tradeoffs are worth it for a game that's still incredibly well received by critics and the general audience. The only downside was it took a long time to release, but I think that's more to do with Sucker Punch cancelling a game in between First Light and Ghost.


Feb 15, 2023
I think Ghost of Tsushima being on the cheaper side worked out for it - obviously concessions were made in certain areas such as the framing during conversations and things like that, but I'd say the tradeoffs are worth it for a game that's still incredibly well received by critics and the general audience. The only downside was it took a long time to release, but I think that's more to do with Sucker Punch cancelling a game in between First Light and Ghost.
Sucker Punch is still on the smaller side of AAA studios so certain concessions like the conversation framing are necessary compromises that I'm okay with. My biggest hope for a sequel though would be better quest design, I got really tired of almost every quest involving tracking footprints.
Oct 25, 2017

Honestly? I'm probably an exception but this gen. I could not go back to shoddy framerates, 720p, long load times. no DualSense, lack of SharePlay which I do with my best friend, clunky online and no accessibility options. Quality over quantity and I think games by and large are better now than they've ever been.

I always have something to play anyway as there have never been as many quality games to play than there are now. Just in the span of a week you have two modern classics in Animal Well and Lorelei for example and last year was probably better than any year of that gen. AAA is just a piece of the pie for me not the entire pie. Let devs cook while I have fun with other games.


Living the Dreams
Oct 29, 2017
I am glad Prophecy didn't get passed because I don't like the art direction/style.

It's small from the grand scheme of things, but I am so over of those dull metal grey stones rocks & buildings I've seen plenty enough from PS3/360 Unreal Engine 3 era. 🤦

Tsushima completely the opposite of it & it's beautiful colorful of nature & such.
Oct 28, 2017
Honestly? I'm probably an exception but this gen. I could not go back to shoddy framerates, 720p, long load times. no DualSense, lack of SharePlay which I do with my best friend, clunky online and no accessibility options. Quality over quantity and I think games by and large are better now than they've ever been.

I always have something to play anyway as there have never been as many quality games to play than there are now. Just in the span of a week you have two modern classics in Animal Well and Lorelei for example and last year was probably better than any year of that gen. AAA is just a piece of the pie for me not the entire pie. Let devs cook while I have fun with other games.

Agreed. In spite of all the doom and gloom that seems to permeate gaming discourse at the minute, as you say there has never been as many great games regularly releasing as there are now.

Unfortunately I think the recent layoffs are inevitable, because supply has simply outstripped demand. Add to that we have forever games like Fortnite, CoD, FIFA, Roblox etc eating up a lions share of the market to a greater extent than they probably ever have.

I get why people are pointing to inflated development budgets now, but I honestly don't see how reducing the scope and ambition of games is going to help anything. For a start, if developers decide they're going to make games half the size then that probably means they'll need half the staff, which in turn will lead to layoffs.

Then you have to consider the market and what games are actually likely to sell well. Mid games are just not going to cut it in this crowded market, where there are so many options and other players competing for people's attention. To be a big seller these days you either need to be pushing the boundaries on the single player side or implement a satisfying hook into a GAAS game.

I think there's definitely room for more quality AA games, but you have to consider what that approach would mean for the sizes of teams and the industry in general. Even though there's risk, big blockbusters like we see from PS drive the market in ways which games of smaller scope rarely can, and they keep hundreds and hundreds of people in work.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 27, 2017
I am glad Prophecy didn't get passed because I don't like the art direction/style.

It's small from the grand scheme of things, but I am so over of those dull metal grey stones rocks & buildings I've seen plenty enough from PS3/360 Unreal Engine 3 era. 🤦

Tsushima completely the opposite of it & it's beautiful colorful of nature & such.

Even though I'm not a fan of Tsushima I agree with this. Prophecy looks drab and dull as hell.


Associate Game Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
Eh, but lets also not ignore some wishful thinking when it comes to some of these handhelds. Back in the day (the 90s) I basically wanted a Sega Nomad years before such a thing existed because Street Fighter 2 on the go! But then the battery requirements kinda destroyed my fantasy when it became a reality!
Sadly its not much different in this day and age as we still have handhelds with shit battery life, but my point is actually that its all well and nice saying "I wish I could have this as a handheld", but a PS5 as a handheld would be a mix of: Insanely expensive, have a Game Gear level battery life, and actually just not be feasible at all with current day tech. Its nice to dream about, but we are years away from such a thing being a reality.

Granted the PC handheld market is coming along quickly in such a short timespan, so again its only a matter of time, but I just dont think such a thing is possible... yet.

As for the remakes thing. My stance changes not. Its cool IF you have the staff to work on remakes and new games sorta in tandem (like Capcom), but when your EA and go "well we did Dead Space remake and the series is gone again" is sorta shitty. Id rather have had an actual Dead Space 4 if we were only gonna get one more DS game, not just a (staggering good) retread of the original game.

I wasn't thinking of a PS5 handheld, but something on par with whatever the Switch 2 is going to be.

I'm very well aware of the limitations of current portable tech at the moment, but if a portable that could potentially run PS4 level games is possible, I could see there being a market for it.

The real concern would be software, which is why it being able to run PS4 games natively could be a major selling point; I personally have a combined PS4/5 library of over 900 games, with the majority being PS4 games or cross gen ready games.

I wouldn't necessarily worry about how much support the new handheld was getting if I had access to all that library, many of which are games I've yet to install on my console, let alone play.

In either case, I wouldn't put too much stock in these rumors, but like I said, I can see how, in current state of the industry, and how much the Switch dominates Japan as a primary gaming console, Sony would explore ways in which they could compete without resulting in another Vita (man I loved that thing, and was so sad it didn't even reach PSP numbers 😞).

It doesn't mean they'll actually execute on the idea, only that I see the merit in exploring those ideas.


Oct 25, 2017
I wasn't thinking of a PS5 handheld, but something on par with whatever the Switch 2 is going to be.

I'm very well aware of the limitations of current portable tech at the moment, but if a portable that could potentially run PS4 level games is possible, I could see there being a market for it.

The real concern would be software, which is why it being able to run PS4 games natively could be a major selling point; I personally have a combined PS4/5 library of over 900 games, with the majority being PS4 games or cross gen ready games.

I wouldn't necessarily worry about how much support the new handheld was getting if I had access to all that library, many of which are games I've yet to install on my console, let alone play.

In either case, I wouldn't put too much stock in these rumors, but like I said, I can see how, in current state of the industry, and how much the Switch dominates Japan as a primary gaming console, Sony would explore ways in which they could compete without resulting in another Vita (man I loved that thing, and was so sad it didn't even reach PSP numbers 😞).

It doesn't mean they'll actually execute on the idea, only that I see the merit in exploring those ideas.
I had a complete Vita collection once upon a time before limited releases went nuts lol. Loved that little thing. Sadly memory card issues seem to be catching up to my Vitas... but I still have a few games on it that Ill return to (SF Zero 3, Muramasa etc.)
Im big into my PSP now funnily enough. Every few months I end up stumbling down another rabbit hole with that thing... between the Capcom support, the Yakuza (and Yakuza like stuff), and weird arcadey stuff like Densha De Go! it always finds its way back to me!

In theory a PS4 handheld would be nice. But I sorta feel like I wont take advantage of it. Most of my games are physical for one... but also I kinda find that my time handheld wise is spent more and more with my Steam Deck (which does prove the point about how existing libraries can work with a handheld - because having all my Steam games on a handheld is a game changer).

That's of course if one can be made with good battery life and pricing. I feel while it obviously has concessions (steaming only), I think the Portal is what Sony is sticking with for now. However, I will say going with a device that plays PS4 games would be a smarter move than a handheld that's basically Vita 2 - because Sony wouldnt be able to support two platforms needing unique games. Games take so long to make these days they need their A teams on those games, so no one is basically left to build said Vita games. So a handheld that just takes that existing library is a much smarter move.
Oct 27, 2017
Sucker Punch is still on the smaller side of AAA studios so certain concessions like the conversation framing are necessary compromises that I'm okay with. My biggest hope for a sequel though would be better quest design, I got really tired of almost every quest involving tracking footprints.

Yeah I'd be happy if they trimmed down the amount of side quests in favor or more memorable or bespoke ones, kinda like what Spider-Man 2 did.

For those who did not see it yet, a vertical slice of Sucker Punch's cancelled project Prophecy:


As much as I would have wanted Sucker Punch to make the game they wanted to make, I felt like the art direction was a little too drab for me :(


Jan 10, 2020
I doubt many people would REALLY like to play games with those kind of dev cycles in 2024.
Yet, I think that there is a middle ground between 2 years and 5-6 years cycles, what we had in the ps4 era was the sweet spot


Jan 9, 2021
"us"? Speak for yourself ;) Im playing PS3 era games at the moment and am having so much fun. Even the open world stuff feels more fun, its just before bloat really took hold so everything feels so much faster to play through. I love it.
Depends on which games you are playing. I think current game design is far better than PS3 era.

Elden Ring, BG3, FF7 Rebirth, Alan Wake II, Cyberpunk 2077 and Death Stranding are masterful game design examples. But some of modern games are bloated mess. Diablo IV, AC: Valhalla, Wizard game are very generic and boring.


Oct 25, 2017
Playing PS3 games in 2024 will make us bored quickly unless few exceptions.
nah, Nintendo Switch games basically stay around PS3 visual fidelity and people love their games. many surprise hit indie games usually didn't have the high fidelity visual.

heck, personally, I'm probably okay if we go back to PS2 level, many games from PS2 era still look great to me.

Shin Flash

Apr 25, 2024
I am sorry, but I just need to vent.
Why can't Sony just say if they are going to do something or not?
Why can't they be consistent with telling us when their events are?
It really feels like they think announcing an event is on the same level as announcing a game.

Maybe it's just me idk


May 12, 2018
I would have been fine if graphics had stayed in PS2 era to be honest. I swear they made Vice City in 18 months back then... Assets creation is hell today, worst part is : either your super refined asset will be unnoticed, or it will become a meme cause it's "low quality."


Best Avatar Thread Ever!
Nov 20, 2017
Kingdom of Corona
I am sorry, but I just need to vent.
Why can't Sony just say if they are going to do something or not?
Why can't they be consistent with telling us when their events are?
It really feels like they think announcing an event is on the same level as announcing a game.

Maybe it's just me idk
It's frustrating.

MS and Nintendo already announced theirs


Jun 2, 2019
The Netherlands
I am sorry, but I just need to vent.
Why can't Sony just say if they are going to do something or not?
Why can't they be consistent with telling us when their events are?
It really feels like they think announcing an event is on the same level as announcing a game.

Maybe it's just me idk

Because they announce when they are sure their studios are ready for it. If it helps prevent crunch at their teams then I don't care if they announce the showcase 1 day before.