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Oct 27, 2017
'Cause Sony is going to try to shift people to PS5 as quickly as possible, exclusives are a huge part of that. While Microsoft just wants you to buy into their games and/or services whenever and whichever way you can/wish (Cherry on top if it happens to be the newest Xbox).

So basically, people are pissed that Sony are doing what they, Nintendo, Sega, Atari, etc., have been doing (with proven success) since the inception of consoles.

Ok now I get it. Time to exit that thread and leave that insane narrative to those that are trying to will it into existence. Sheesh lol


Oct 25, 2017
Ok now I get it. Time to exit that thread and leave that insane narrative to those that are trying to will it into existence. Sheesh lol
Yup, like gofreak said, I think most PS4 owners are very happy with the already extensive exclusive library and the last additions to it coming this year and are ready for them to give the same focus to real PS5 exclusives as quickly as possible following it's launch at the end of the year.


My ass legally belongs to Ted Price
Oct 17, 2019
So, what DO people want from a new Ape Escape game?

Reboot, Remake, Numbered entry?

PS5 launch exclusive? (Think on that one for a sec, Demons' Souls and Ratchet are both huge possible launch games that could swallow Ape Escape's possible sales)

Aesthetic/Artstyle changes and hopes?

Some gameplay/design choices that yall think could make the game more atractive for general audiences?


Alt Account
Aug 28, 2018
All FFVII:R trailers on PS Channel now have 1+ million views. Game awards one just hit 1m. This puts FFVII:R with the most watched trailers on PlayStation only aside 1st Party\WWS games, which is really interesting. FFXV is also part of this. FF has always been attached to the hip to Sony and vice versa but this just makes it blatant. I'm sure we'll see the brand attachment continue on PS5 in a big way.

Final Fantasy VII Remake - The Game Awards 2019 Trailer | PS4 hired by the resistance group Avalanche in their fight against the s...
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Oct 25, 2017
Ok so I was reading through the "Sony will have launch exclusives thread" and came across something that blew my mind.

"Sony having launch exclusives is anti consumer"

Can someone explain this to me because I genuinely have never heard or seen that before but it's all over that thread?

What's even funnier is that it goes right against all the recent power difference bitching and moaning.

All of a sudden 7 year old hardware shouldn't be left behind, next gen be damned.


Alt Account
Aug 28, 2018
Just for reference: KH and Persona aren't even close to FF in the views. KH rounds out to about 300-500k, and P5 rounds to about 200-300k. FF franchise is the only 3rd Party game on the most watched PS list which is solely composed of WWS games.

You know what that means

When is Sony buying Final Fantasy\s


Oct 27, 2017
Yup, like gofreak said, I think most PS4 owners are very happy with the already extensive exclusive library and the last additions to it coming this year and are ready for them to give the same focus to real PS5 exclusives as quickly as possible following it's launch at the end of the year.
What's even funnier is that it goes right against all the recent power difference bitching and moaning.

All of a sudden 7 year old hardware shouldn't be left behind, next gen be damned.

Like I said earlier in this thread it doesn't have to be something of the calibre of Horizon Zero Dawn. It doesn't even have to be first party. In truth, Godfall will suffice. But you have to have something that shows gamers, both hardcore and casual, that "showcase" and that "leap" in hardware capabilities. Resogun ushered in that possibility for me, personally.

But that thread is something else. I didn't even realize why that anti consumer thing entered the conversation until it was pointed out to me. Shit is really sad when you think about it.


Alt Account
Aug 28, 2018
Ok so I was reading through the "Sony will have launch exclusives thread" and came across something that blew my mind.

"Sony having launch exclusives is anti consumer"

Can someone explain this to me because I genuinely have never heard or seen that before but it's all over that thread?

That thread is a mess. How is it anti-consumer? You buy new systems to play new games. It's the same thing Nintendo does. Just because Microsoft is doing something different, these people need to understand that it doesn't mean everyone has to base what they do on them. If anything, Sony's approach makes more sense to me and is the right one. I mean, it's a next generation system. Why would I buy a next gen system if I can play the same games on my PS4 that also run on PS5?

That's just silly. If that's the case then it's no different from upgrading from a PS4 to PS4 Pro.


Oct 25, 2017
Like I said earlier in this thread it doesn't have to be something of the calibre of Horizon Zero Dawn. It doesn't even have to be first party. In truth, Godfall will suffice. But you have to have something that shows gamers, both hardcore and casual, that "showcase" and that "leap" in hardware capabilities. Resogun ushered in that possibility for me, personally.

But that thread is something else. I didn't even realize why that anti consumer thing entered the conversation until it pointed out to me. Shit is really sad when you think about it.


My ass legally belongs to Ted Price
Oct 17, 2019
PS5 will likely launch with Demons' Souls (Cross your fingers for Ratchet/Ape Escape too), and back compat. While PS4 did not have compatibility with PS3 games (keep in mind Gran Turismo 6), and launched with fucking Knack and Shadowfall.

Let that sink in. We are on the right timeline my dudes.


Oct 27, 2017
That thread is a mess. How is it anti-consumer. You buy new systems to play new games. It's the same thing Nintendo does. Just because Microsoft is doing something different, these people need to understand that it doesn't mean everyone has to base what they do on them. If anything, Sony's approach makes more sense to me. I mean, it's a next generation system. Why would I buy it if I can play the same games on my PS4.

It caught me off guard because I'd never encountered that false narrative before. Or seen people so invested in pushing such a flawed narrative.

Sad thing is, I think it's only going to get worse.


My ass legally belongs to Ted Price
Oct 17, 2019
-Demons' Souls at launch
-Ratchet/Ape Escape/Toyama's new horror game at launch
-Horizon 2 and GT7 on year 1
-Spider-man 2 tease showing
Venom or Green Goblin
(maybe it switches places with GT7)

I can see it happening


Alt Account
Aug 28, 2018
Rumor right now for launch is Demons Souls, Ratchet & Clank, and Gran Turismo 7 in terms of WWS, probably more WWS games too but these are the big ones. What a incredibly good lineup.


My ass legally belongs to Ted Price
Oct 17, 2019
Rumor right now for launch is Demons Souls, Ratchet & Clank, and Gran Turismo 7 in terms of WWS, probably more WWS games too but these are the big ones. What a incredibly good lineup.
Calling it now, Polyphony shows up to announce a PS5 patch for SPORTS, at launch, and they drop a teaser for GT7 coming year 1/launch window.

Gran Turismo 7 would be a larger deal then anything short of HZD 2 or Naughty Dog at launch though.


Alt Account
Aug 28, 2018
Demon's Souls would clearly be aimed at the hardcore, R&C family, Gran Turismo 7, casuals\hardcore. This certainly fits.


Oct 28, 2017
I hope they don't rush the game to meet the launch date.

I would be okay with Holiday 2021 as well for GT7.


Alt Account
Aug 28, 2018
Just FYI: Saw this in another thread but second party isn't a thing. It's either 1st Party\WWS or 3rd Party. If Sony owns the IP (Demon's Souls) for example, doesn't matter who makes it, it's a 1st Party\WWS game.
Oct 25, 2017
All FFVII:R trailers on PS Channel now have 1+ million views. Game awards one just hit 1m. This puts FFVII:R with the most watched trailers on PlayStation only aside 1st Party\WWS games, which is really interesting. FFXV is also part of this. FF has always been attached to the hip to Sony and vice versa but this just makes it blatant. I'm sure we'll see the brand attachment continue on PS5 in a big way.

Final Fantasy VII Remake - The Game Awards 2019 Trailer | PS4 hired by the resistance group Avalanche in their fight against the s...

There's a reason Sony opted for that one year exclusivity. They are making sure this game and future parts be heavily associated with Playstation.


Sep 1, 2018
The thing about Gran Turismo is that they plan to support GT Sport for last one more year (2020 in this case). There's content already confirmed for late 2020.


Alt Account
Aug 28, 2018
Counting 3rd parties, gonna have to put away $800-$900 for this launch.

I'm ok with this timeline.

3rd Party is hard to predict. Have no idea what would be there considering almost all of them are making big PS4 games this year. 3rd Party might actually be a little weak. I'm not expecting anyone except EA\Ubisoft\Activision.

I wouldn't expect anything from Capcom, Square, Namco (Maybe Tales cross-gen), or Sega just yet. I'm sure they'll still be teasing the future at the PS meeting, but not launch.


My ass legally belongs to Ted Price
Oct 17, 2019
Guys don't hold out that much hope for GT7 at launch, keep it reasonable and hope for year 1.

GT7/Ratchet/Demons' Souls is literal pitch perfect dream launch. Don't shoot for the stars.


Aug 27, 2018
Just FYI: Saw this in another thread but second party isn't a thing. It's either 1st Party\WWS or 3rd Party. If Sony owns the IP (Demon's Souls) for example, doesn't matter who makes it, it's a 1st Party\WWS game.

I think most people here know that. We had like countless discussions about it in the past few years.


Alt Account
Aug 28, 2018
Guys don't hold out that much hope for GT7 at launch, keep it reasonable and hope for year 1.

GT7/Ratchet/Demons' Souls is literal pitch perfect dream launch. Don't shoot for the stars.

Even if GT7 doesn't make it, something else could be there in its place. Something surprising. For now though, Demons Souls and Ratchet & Clank are the worst kept secrets so the lineup is already very good. Demons Souls is genius move and will almost certainly lead into an eventual Bloodborne sequel. Hardcore side will absolutely jump for Demon's Souls. I consider that a system seller due to the popularity of Dark Souls\BB\Sekiro, etc. Having an exclusive Souls game is a big big deal.


Oct 25, 2017
3rd Party is hard to predict. Have no idea what would be there considering almost all of them are making big PS4 games this year. 3rd Party might actually be a little weak. I'm not expecting anyone except EA\Ubisoft\Activision.

I wouldn't expect anything from Capcom, Square, Namco (Maybe Tales cross-gen), or Sega just yet. I'm sure they'll still be teasing the future at the PS meeting, but not launch.
That's fine for launch.

My hypothetical launch day haul in this scenario is:

Gran Turismo 7
Demon's Souls
Ratchet & Clank
NBA 2K21 (imagine how this game is going to look)
Watch Dogs Legion
Assassin's Creed Ragnarok
Batman Arkham Legacy

Umm, yeah, I'm eating good in that scenario.


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
When it comes to launch games I'm also praying we'll be getting 4k/60FPS version of the PS4's greatest hits. Not being able to play The Last of Us Part II and Ghost of Tsushima at 60FPS would be a fucking crime.


Alt Account
Aug 28, 2018
Demon's Souls is a JRPG exclusive launch title for PS5. Thread title is now redeemed for PS5.
The only JRPGs we're getting are not Jim Ryan Party
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