Staff post - don't downplay warcrimes or troll New
  • B-Dubs

    That's some catch, that catch-22
    General Manager
    Oct 25, 2017
    Official Staff Communication

    Listen, this is a distressing topic that's going to get people heated. Poland is run by an asshole, incase it's not already obvious.

    Nobody is saying you have to be for the draft, but that doesn't mean you get to concern troll or downplay warcrimes and ethnic cleansing.

    Putin's rhetoric has been absurdly genocidal since literally day 1, like literal Hitler shit comes out of his mouth every time he opens it.

    I dunno what it is about this conflict, but for some reason it's really easy for a lot of people to act like it's not a big deal or there isn't boundless evidence of warcrimes and ethnic cleansing.

    Seriously, have the discussion but don't downplay the shit going on.