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Oct 25, 2017
I don't think he's being vague. I think he's being serious

Is there a point in which you wouldn't support a Democrat?
Yes, when they start voting against such core Democratic principles as abortion rights, LGBT rights, racial equality, expanding health care.

Manchin has criticized Planned Parenthood but had never voted to defund it.

He's never voted to repeal the ACA.

He voted against tax cut.

I'll stop supporting a Democrat when he or she stops acting and voting like a Democrat on the important issues.

Deleted member 22490

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Oct 28, 2017
Yes, when they start voting against such core Democratic principles as abortion rights, LGBT rights, racial equality, expanding health care.

Manchin has criticized Planned Parenthood but had never voted to defund it.

He's never voted to repeal the ACA.

He voted against tax cut.

I'll stop supporting a Democrat when he or she stops acting and voting like a Democrat on the important issues.
It's hard to view him as being any of those things when he doesn't rule out endorsing a bigot. I understand supporting specific policies that Trump puts forth that can help people, but entertaining an endorsement for a bigot is way too fucking much. Manchin voted to confirm Jeff Sessions, the well known racist elf. Despite all of the evidence showing Sessions to be racist, Manchin still voted for him because he hasn't personally witnessed any bigotry from Sessions.

Manchin declined to vote on repealing DADT, although he later regretted it and questioned its "timing" and because he didn't have enough information. He was one of three Democratic Senators who weren't aboard gay marriage and supported the Defense of Marriage Act in 2013. When the Supreme Court ruled on Obergefell in 2015, Manchin just said "America is a nation of laws, and we must respect and abide by the Supreme Court's decision."

I do not see the pragmatism in equivocating on bigotry. I don't see the pragmatism in saying "hey, he needs to appeal to the bigots in WV to get elected." I thought we were against throwing minorities under the bus in order to secure votes?


Oct 25, 2017
It's hard to view him as being any of those things when he doesn't rule out endorsing a bigot. I understand supporting specific policies that Trump puts forth that can help people, but entertaining an endorsement for a bigot is way too fucking much. Manchin voted to confirm Jeff Sessions, the well known racist elf. Despite all of the evidence showing Sessions to be racist, Manchin still voted for him because he hasn't personally witnessed any bigotry from Sessions.
Sessions would've been confirmed anyway.

Show me a direct line from one of Manchin's votes - not just equivocating speech but actual votes - that have compromised abortion rights or marriage equality.

He will never endorse Trump; he just wants to sound as though he might. This concept has been explained innumerable times in this thread. You're being deliberately obtuse.

Deleted member 22490

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Oct 28, 2017
Sessions would've been confirmed anyway.
Then why vote for a racist?

Show me a direct line from one of Manchin's votes - not just equivocating speech but actual votes - that have compromised abortion rights or marriage equality.
Not on marriage equality, but gay rights in general:

In a hastily called vote on Thursday, Democrats fell three votes short of the 60 needed to advance a massive defense bill that included the repeal language.

Honestly, I don't think I need to draw a line to compromised rights or equality. His positions are all that is needed. He literally said that he supported the Defense of Marriage Act.

He will never endorse Trump; he just wants to sound as though he might. This concept has been explained innumerable times in this thread. You're being deliberately obtuse.
Given his record and what he has said, I'm not going to believe that he's only saying this to trick his constituents.


Oct 25, 2017
Does Manchin come through for democrats when it counts? I dont know his record.

If he's always doing dems dirt then ditch his ass.
Yes. Always.

He bitches about PP but has never voted to defund it.

He's been less than stellar on gay rights but wasn't the deciding vote on repealing DADT anyway.

Voted against the tax scheme and health care repeal.

If I, a gay man, can stomach him and understand the game he plays, I don't see why other people have such a problem understanding it.


Oct 25, 2017
Does Manchin come through for democrats when it counts? I dont know his record.

If he's always doing dems dirt then ditch his ass.
He voted against the ACA repeal on every occasion, and against the tax cut (specifically because it messed with healthcare) even though by his own admission it will hurt his reelection campaign.

He's far from perfect (his staunch support of Gina Haspel from the get go is a good example, as is voting for Sessions despite him passing either way). But he's never been the deciding vote for a shitty GOP proposal.


Oct 26, 2017
Wow.... this is a VERY disingenuous headline.

Pure and unfiltered click-bait.


Oct 25, 2017
A Democrat than can work with us on healthcare and social safety net is better than a racist Republican who will likely cut everything including funding for healthcare for children.

Deleted member 22490

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Oct 28, 2017
It was repealed a short time later anyway.

And abortion only has the restrictions imposed upon it in Republican states.

Try again.
So what if it was repealed a short time later? He still declined to vote for it. Should we excuse anyone who voted against the ACA because it ended up being passed? Manchin made his position known with regards to DADT and DOMA.

And I don't see how the abortion restrictions are happening in Republican states when it didn't pass. Was there another vote this year?


Oct 25, 2017
And I don't see how the abortion restrictions are happening in Republican states when it didn't pass. Was there another vote this year?
I meant the restrictions that individual states impose upon it within their borders.

This talk of "excusing people" makes you look as though you have no idea how a legislature works. You have marginal members in swing districts or states. You tactically allow them to vote against the party line if it'll help them in their districts. You only allow this if you know you have the votes for the law to pass without them.

Deleted member 22490

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Oct 28, 2017
This talk of "excusing people" makes you look as though you have no idea how a legislature works. You have marginal members in swing districts or states. You tactically allow them to vote against the party line if it'll help them in their districts. You only allow this if you know you the votes for the law to pass without them.
I'm talking that way because you flippantly said that that DADT was repealed anyway later on. Obviously, with the DADT repeal, it wasn't a hall pass because it didn't get repealed at that time. It was Manchin's personal view. After all, he said that he supported DOMA and that was as recent as 2013. And there was the statement he released after Obergefell that just seemed begrudging to me:

"America is a nation of laws, and we must respect and abide by the Supreme Court's decision."
It's literally shorter than Channing Dungey's statement cancelling Roseanne.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm talking that way because you flippantly said that that DADT was repealed anyway later on. Obviously, with the DADT repeal, it wasn't a hall pass because it didn't get repealed at that time. It was Manchin's personal view. After all, he said that he supported DOMA and that was as recent as 2013. And there was the statement he released after Obergefell that just seemed begrudging to me:

It's literally shorter than Channing Dungey's statement cancelling Roseanne.
It got repealed, like, days later.

And that statement is Moderate Darling speak for, "I'm trying to look reluctant for the bigots back home."


Oct 25, 2017
Do you understand who Manchin's base is in a Trump+40 state?

There are ways to get people on your side without openly stating you might endorse a man who has most likely committed high treason and is the antithesis of nearly everything your party stands for.

I understand that every seat is important but there's a point where we have to say someone is going too far and should call them out on it.


Oct 27, 2017

Ya'll do realize that if we want a 60 senate Majority, we HAVE to have people like Manchin right?


Deleted member 22490

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Oct 28, 2017
It got repealed, like, days later.

And that statement is Moderate Darling speak for, "I'm trying to look reluctant for the bigots back home."
I don't think he's performing for the bigots

Asked by the Washington Blade if Manchin would announce support for marriage equality and add his name to the brief, Jonathan Kott, a Manchin spokesperson, replied, "No. His position has not changed."

Manchin continues to oppose to same-sex marriage even though his state is among 37 in the country to have marriage equality. State officials agreed to let same-sex couples marry after the Supreme Court refused to review a decision in favor of marriage equality from the U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, which has jurisdiction over West Virginia.


Dec 10, 2017
No respect from me for the 'game' he's running here. If I lived in WV I wouldn't vote for him. Trump and his polices are dangerous, saying anything but that is cowardly. Trying to play both sides or pretend you're in the middle is a joke. No democrat with any power wants to actually 'tell it like it is' when it comes to the current state of the GOP. If you can't explain convincingly how republican polices hurt your state and the nation to the voters then you shouldn't be in office even if you do have a D next to your name.

Deleted member 4346

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Oct 25, 2017

Yeah, I'm a little amazed at the full-throated defense of Manchin here. It boils down to "well he may be a bigot retrograde DINO, or just acting for the bigoted hillbillies in his state, but at least he's rarely been the deciding vote on some bills that would be damaging to Dems/the nation".

I'm sure that's a big consolation to Manchin's constituents who belong to a vulnerable group- LGBT, Hispanics, blacks, women.

Manchin is a useful tool and as good as we're going to get out of West Virginia, but let's not kid ourselves, the guy is a piece of shit. I don't think he's playing about being anti-LGBT or anti-abortion. There's no evidence that it's a front. Joe Manchin only looks even remotely palatable because someone like Capito is far worse.

Deleted member 22490

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Oct 28, 2017
Yeah, I'm a little amazed at the full-throated defense of Manchin here. It boils down to "well he may be a bigot retrograde DINO, or just acting for the bigoted hillbillies in his state, but at least he's rarely been the deciding vote on some bills that would be damaging to Dems/the nation".

I'm sure that's a big consolation to Manchin's constituents who belong to a vulnerable group- LGBT, Hispanics, blacks, women.
This is what gets me. I've seen a lot of people rightfully say that we shouldn't abandon these marginalized groups in order to win, but we have some in here being alright with Manchin abandoning these vulnerable groups. Well, in the case of LGBT issues, he was never in a position to abandon them.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I'm a little amazed at the full-throated defense of Manchin here. It boils down to "well he may be a bigot retrograde DINO, or just acting for the bigoted hillbillies in his state, but at least he's rarely been the deciding vote on some bills that would be damaging to Dems/the nation".

I'm sure that's a big consolation to Manchin's constituents who belong to a vulnerable group- LGBT, Hispanics, blacks, women.

Manchin is a useful tool and as good as we're going to get out of West Virginia, but let's not kid ourselves, the guy is a piece of shit. I don't think he's playing about being anti-LGBT or anti-abortion. There's no evidence that it's a front. Joe Manchin only looks even remotely palatable because someone like Capito is far worse.

This is what gets me. I've seen a lot of people rightfully say that we shouldn't abandon these marginalized groups in order to win, but we have some in here being alright with Manchin abandoning these vulnerable groups. Well, in the case of LGBT issues, he was never in a position to abandon them.
And I can't believe the naivete or willful ignorance I've seen in this thread.

Manchin may truly be a bigot. Don't know, can't read his mind. I can only judge him based on his votes, which, as I've shown, have never hindered social progress or hurt any oppressed group. When Democrats regain the majority, Manchin may still be debatably anti-choice and anti-LGBT, but those views will not be the views of the caucus, nor will they dictate the party line. What he will do, however, is actually help us attain that majority and in turn help those oppressed groups. One of you asked about Manchin's minority and LGBT constituents. Guess what? Like minorities nationwide, they benefit from a Democratic Senate, which makes laws for the entire country. Manchin has jackshit to do with the oppression they face at the state level in WV. Regardless of what he says - which, as I've also shown, is at least partially performance to appeal to the Trump-loving electorate in his state - voting for him is a vote for a progressive Democratic Senate majority that will help vulnerable people in every state.

No one's giving Manchin a full-throated defense. I merely demonstrated that he's helped protect Democratic laws (the ACA), opposed Republican ones (tax law), and has never been the deciding vote on anything that hurts minorities in this country. He is a conservative Democrat from bumfuck WV. Do I agree with all of his stances? No. But do I acknowledge his necessity and realize that he will be vital in reclaiming the Senate and giving it a progressive Democratic majority? Yes. I belong to one of those vulnerable groups you two claim to care so much about, and that's why I support getting the majority even if it means occasionally compromising with candidates like him. When you're a minority, you learn that you can't wait around for perfect.

Deleted member 22490

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Oct 28, 2017
And I can't believe the naivete or willful ignorance I've seen in this thread.

Manchin may truly be a bigot. Don't know, can't read his mind. I can only judge him based on his votes, which, as I've shown, have never hindered social progress or hurt any oppressed group.

You're not judging him on his votes. He voted for Sessions and you say, "well, he wasn't the deciding vote." That does not matter to me. He still voted for him. He declined to vote for DADT, but you defend him saying "It's alright, it got repealed anyway. He's not really hurting us." Fuck that kind of abusive relationship reasoning. You're judging him on the shit that got done without his help.

Manchin has jackshit to do with the oppression they face at the state level in WV
No one said anything about state level oppression. He still, however, represents minorities in WV and should be helping them.

voting for him is a vote for a progressive Democratic Senate majority that will help vulnerable people in every state
Unless he sides against issues that affects minorities again... shit, he voted for Haspel and Sessions. This guy doesn't have a great track record for progressiveness. Then again, you'll excuse him if he wasn't a "deciding vote" which is bullshit. His votes matter just as much as the other senators.
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Deleted member 22490

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Oct 28, 2017

Deleted member 1067

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Oct 25, 2017
Lol this is actually brilliant messaging

The wall agreement for daca failed so now he can go home and lay claim that he supported it all along and it was the Republicans who fucked it up.

The wall is dead in the water anyways at this point, so why not wring it for some cheap seat shots that scores him points in a state like w. Virginia.

He's effectively removing this from the board and pushing his opponent so far right he can't get ellected.
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Oct 25, 2017

This is actually a really smart play. The GOP base is super distrustful of the media right now, and his competitor is spending millions to run ads about how Manchin is an evil liberal puppet. So, he can put out this pie-in-the-sky braindead but symbolically important to the MAGA crowd concession and discredit his opponents' attacks.

It's really hard to beat an incumbent in WV. People earn trust slow in Appalachia, and loyalty is one of the most prized cultural virtues, which I think is a double-edged sword and creates a whole lot of enablers in the community, but I digress. I think this might be the only window where he is not a lock because of the MAGA culture wars between uneducated whites and the rest of the world. If Manchin continues to play it smart like he has been, he'll be safe.

Let's see how the polls look. Last I saw had Manchin with a 13 point lead.


Oct 25, 2017
This is actually a really smart play. The GOP base is super distrustful of the media right now, and his competitor is spending millions to run ads about how Manchin is an evil liberal puppet. So, he can put out this pie-in-the-sky braindead but symbolically important to the MAGA crowd concession and discredit his opponents' attacks.

It's really hard to beat an incumbent in WV. People earn trust slow in Appalachia, and loyalty is one of the most prized cultural virtues, which I think is a double-edged sword and creates a whole lot of enablers in the community, but I digress. I think this might be the only window where he is not a lock because of the MAGA culture wars between uneducated whites and the rest of the world. If Manchin continues to play it smart like he has been, he'll be safe.

Let's see how the polls look. Last I saw had Manchin with a 13 point lead.

it's smart but it also builds an idea that Democrats can start attacking the media, and then other Democrats may fall in line and attack the media too. It's dangerous.


Oct 25, 2017
It's like 1300 miles from West Virginia to the US Mexican Border at its shortest distance (straight line, not driving or accounting for elevation fluctuations). The people living *on* the border don't want a stupid wall. But, well, Joe MAnchin and his supporters in West Virginia do, so we should do it!


Oct 27, 2017
It's also disgusting and xenophobic.

Sometimes I can't even with this forum. Leftists wanting to talk more about economic justice are regularly accused of wanting to throw minorities under the bus (to be fair, there's plenty of racial insensitivity and blind spots with certain leftist crowds). And Bernie Sanders is regularly subtly (or overtly) accused of being a racist who needs to be purged from the party.

Meanwhile, centrists/ the center-right literally runs on throwing minorities under the bus and it's suddenly all cool because it needs to be done and anyone claiming otherwise is a naive idiot.


Oct 25, 2017

Sometimes I can't even with this forum. Leftists wanting to talk more about economic justice are regularly accused of wanting to throw minorities under the bus (to be fair, there's plenty of racial insensitivity and blind spots with certain leftist crowds). And Bernie Sanders is regularly subtly (or overtly) accused of being a racist who needs to be purged from the party.

Meanwhile, centrists/ the center-right literally runs on throwing minorities under the bus and it's suddenly all cool because it needs to be done and anyone claiming otherwise is a naive idiot.
Sanders is running a National campaign. Manchin is not. So yes, you have different standards because holy hell West Virginia's electorate are a problem.

Deleted member 22490

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Oct 28, 2017

Sometimes I can't even with this forum. Leftists wanting to talk more about economic justice are regularly accused of wanting to throw minorities under the bus (to be fair, there's plenty of racial insensitivity and blind spots with certain leftist crowds). And Bernie Sanders is regularly subtly (or overtly) accused of being a racist who needs to be purged from the party.

Meanwhile, centrists/ the center-right literally runs on throwing minorities under the bus and it's suddenly all cool because it needs to be done and anyone claiming otherwise is a naive idiot.
Yeah, these groups will gladly sacrifice the rights of minorities and be quite alright with xenophobia if it means they can get more power. A Democrat moving to the right and it's treated as smart.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
It's WV...What is he supposed to say and still win? I don't like the guy but he's better than the republicans and a better dem wouldn't get elected.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, these groups will gladly sacrifice the rights of minorities and be quite alright with xenophobia if it means they can get more power. A Democrat moving to the right and it's treated as smart.
Except you can't DO anything without power. Without power, you're trusting Republicans to safeguard minorities' rights. Good luck with that.

Literally no one is saying Joe Manchin is perfect. What they're saying is that unless there's a magical, groundswell campaign for a unicorn progressive candidate that can win in WV, your choices are Manchin and a Republican; and based on that calculus, Manchin is objectively better.

Tomorrow's problem isn't Joe Manchin, but planning for a post-Manchin era so that WV isn't doomed to Republican hands for another generation. Maybe his successor can be someone more progressive, perhaps incrementally so; but WV seems the definition of a long game.


Oct 25, 2017
So it's alright to throw minorities under the bus in order to get more power?
Quoting a brilliant poster who addressed this question last week in this very thread:
And I can't believe the naivete or willful ignorance I've seen in this thread.

Manchin may truly be a bigot. Don't know, can't read his mind. I can only judge him based on his votes, which, as I've shown, have never hindered social progress or hurt any oppressed group. When Democrats regain the majority, Manchin may still be debatably anti-choice and anti-LGBT, but those views will not be the views of the caucus, nor will they dictate the party line. What he will do, however, is actually help us attain that majority and in turn help those oppressed groups. One of you asked about Manchin's minority and LGBT constituents. Guess what? Like minorities nationwide, they benefit from a Democratic Senate, which makes laws for the entire country. Manchin has jackshit to do with the oppression they face at the state level in WV. Regardless of what he says - which, as I've also shown, is at least partially performance to appeal to the Trump-loving electorate in his state - voting for him is a vote for a progressive Democratic Senate majority that will help vulnerable people in every state.

No one's giving Manchin a full-throated defense. I merely demonstrated that he's helped protect Democratic laws (the ACA), opposed Republican ones (tax law), and has never been the deciding vote on anything that hurts minorities in this country. He is a conservative Democrat from bumfuck WV. Do I agree with all of his stances? No. But do I acknowledge his necessity and realize that he will be vital in reclaiming the Senate and giving it a progressive Democratic majority? Yes. I belong to one of those vulnerable groups you two claim to care so much about, and that's why I support getting the majority even if it means occasionally compromising with candidates like him. When you're a minority, you learn that you can't wait around for perfect.
Frankly, I think you're one of those people looking for any excuse to portray Democrats as a bunch of milquetoast centrists despite evidence to the contrary, hence your ignoring all arguments in this thread and pushing the same line. Your arguments are transparent and disingenuous.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
So it's alright to throw minorities under the bus in order to get more power?
I'm going to take a guy who voted to confirm Jeff Sessions, who is indeed a racist Keebler elf, whose confirmation was an inevitability, if that person votes against ACA repeal and against the tax bill.

I welcome progressive West Virginians to mount a challenge against Manchin. If I could magically transform him into a more progressive candidate, I would. But I can't, and, 100 times out of 100, he's better than the Republican alternative.

So, yes: it's alright to occasionally say less progressive things if means another Senate seat. What matters are the consequential votes on pivotal issues, as well as the counterfactual: a Republican candidate would be constantly saying less progressive things, as well as voting in lock-step with the GOP party apparatus.

We're going to fundamentally disagree on that, and I hope that your vision comes to pass sooner rather than later, but... we're simply not there.


Oct 25, 2017
Joe Manchin's individual positions are relevant only to his constituents. I'd love for them to elect (not nominate) a more progressive person like the former KKK member he replaced (everyone with a questionable history is irredeemable right?). But frankly that isn't any of my business. As an outsider my only interest is in whether he advances or hinders the party platform. Purely symbolic anti-progressive, racist, homophonic, etc. positoons do not hinder the Plattform so from where I am sitting he is an asset to the Democratic Party. When he starts detailing Democratic legislation, like when Joe Lieberman killed the public option, that is the time for the party to act. The platform is one of equality and inclusiveness so no I don't think it's cool to throw minorities (which I am) under the bus and he hasn't done that. Neither his no vote nor abstention had any impact whatsoever on DADT repeal

Btw, DOMA and DADT were all the rage amongst democrats (dadt was literally a Democratic policy) so singling him out for it is bizarre
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I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
Quoting a brilliant poster who addressed this question last week in this very thread:

Frankly, I think you're one of those people looking for any excuse to portray Democrats as a bunch of milquetoast centrists despite evidence to the contrary, hence your ignoring all arguments in this thread and pushing the same line. Your arguments are transparent and disingenuous.
What matters fundamentally is that Manchin is a vote for a chamber run by Schumer, which would be 1000x better for LGBT/racial minority rights than the one by McConnell. Both as a stonewall against harmful legislation and judicial nominees, and a positive agent for change. To that end, ENDA passed the Senate the last time Democrats controlled the chamber. The only reason it didn't become law was because the Republican-controlled House had no interest in passing it.

People greatly overstate the importance of individual Senators. In the end it's a game of margins and nothing more.

Btw, DOMA and DADT were all the rage amongst democrats (dadt was literally a Democratic policy) so singling him out for it is bizarre
I mean DADT was also literally repealed by a Democratic president so eh.
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