Abortion funds in states with trigger bans and pre-Roe bans
Oct 25, 2017
Shared these resources on Twitter, but felt I should share them here too.

Abortion funds in states with trigger bans and pre-Roe bans.

Arkansas Abortion Support (I put $50 towards this one)
Kentucky Health Justice Network Inc
Mississippi Reproductive Freedom Fund
Missouri Abortion Fund
North Dakota Women in Need Abortion Access Fund
Louisiana New Orleans Abortion Fund
Wyoming Chelsea's Fund
Oklahoma Roe Fund
Utah Abortion Fund

There's also:
Northwest Abortion Access Fund
Black Feminists Fighting Abortion Bans and Advancing Reproductive Justice
Donate to Abortion Funds and Pro-Choice Groups
National Network of Abortion Funds

And many more places to donate to in the thread.

Safe, at-home medical abortions.


Who are we

Aid Access is the private initiative of Dr Rebecca Gomperts,
It consists of committed team of doctors, activists and advocates for abortion rights. The purpose of the website and the service is to create social justice and improve the health status and human rights of women who do not have the possibility of accessing local abortion services.

Deleted member 43

Account closed at user request
Oct 24, 2017
So let me get this straight. We need 60 non Manchin/Sinema Dems to get anything done. This will never happen. So how exactly is voting gonna solve this?
This, being the subject of this thread? Not losing those Senate elections in 2014 would have got Garland on the bench, not electing Trump in 2016 would have kept his three appointments off. Hell, Hillary wining would have given us a liberal Supreme Court for the first time in 45 years.

It's very easy to see how voting could have stopped "this."


Feb 28, 2018
Conservatism inevitably leads to failure and refusal to survive and adapt as a society - it's like a huge death cult where people see solutions to existential problems as somehow even more dangerous than those problems because it challenges their worldview and they're incapable of self-reflection.

In the face of abortion rights getting rolled back, only thing we can do as a society is to fight it in the streets and at the voting booths.

Remember that they're actually a minority of the population - a very loud one, but by no means do they have a mandate to rollback civil rights that the majority of people agree to keep.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh joy, facism won and it's holding the bible.



The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kitchener, ON
Shared these resources on Twitter, but felt I should share them here too.

Abortion funds in states with trigger bans and pre-Roe bans.

Arkansas Abortion Support (I put $50 towards this one)
Kentucky Health Justice Network Inc
Mississippi Reproductive Freedom Fund
Missouri Abortion Fund
North Dakota Women in Need Abortion Access Fund
Louisiana New Orleans Abortion Fund
Wyoming Chelsea's Fund
Oklahoma Roe Fund
Utah Abortion Fund

There's also:
Northwest Abortion Access Fund
Black Feminists Fighting Abortion Bans and Advancing Reproductive Justice
Donate to Abortion Funds and Pro-Choice Groups
National Network of Abortion Funds

And many more places to donate to in the thread.

Safe, at-home medical abortions.


This is an awesome resource post and should ideally be tagged in the OP and threadmarked. You rock, SpaceCadetKeon!

Here's one more...

I will now go back into hiding.
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Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
Y'all going in on voting and Dems as opposed to the line we let slide. Gamergate into Trumpism into a resurgent online right indoctrination pipeline. There's talk of boomers but we're in the millennials and gen Z stage of alt-right success stories. And by some of the terms thrown around during political discussion even by those proclaiming to be leftists its fascinating to see right wing terms and critiques thrown around and an insistence that once America understands class of course they would unite and stop hating people who are marginally 'different' (because queer people, pocs etc…been here and American forever). Everyone asks like this is some vague threat when for many its 'dad'.

Only way out of this tbh is shame. But no one treats 'Awww shucks' GOP voters like the fascists they are, its always 'They are one good conversation from turning from a bigot into a Progressive warrior'.

Its a party full of throwing stones and hiding hands when it comes to consequences and it works because we let them. Never Trumpers, 'fiscal republican' etc…its the same as neo-nazi at this point considering the stakes. Its must be nice to vote 'less regulation because i have a small business' and shrug and have a society give you plausible deniability at that same vote being anti-gay

Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kind of bothered that a lot of the reporting focuses on how unprecedented the leak is. This reeks of civility before anything else.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
The legacy of Trump shooting USA decades back by religious extremism. These last months has just been constant attacks on LGBTQ rights and abortion rights in republican states, and it was clear something like this was bound to happen. Really worrisome development.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
So let me get this straight. We need 60 non Manchin/Sinema Dems to get anything done. This will never happen. So how exactly is voting gonna solve this?

And to be clear, I'm not saying don't vote or throw in the towel. But saying wait till November and hope we get a bigger majority is the dumbest fucking thing in the world. Women are going to be dying from this far before November comes around.

How do they solve this? By having the fucking balls to actually getting rid of the filibuster. But they won't do it because of decorum or whatever nonsense reasons they give. Without the filibuster in play things could get passed with 50 votes.


Oct 25, 2017
Elf Tower, New Mexico
I feel so fucking helpless. It's insane the slow coup that has happened and has been allowed to happen over the course of a decade. Changing voting laws, jerrymandering, over turning roe. That a minority in this country can control the vast majority is so fucking insane.

What can we even do? We can walk out of work but who can fucking afford that. They've made sure the we are too poor to protest in vast numbers. It was part of the plan.


Oct 27, 2017
So, if I have understood the common law correctly, what differentiates it from European law is that important issues are decided by jurisprudence in a trial, am I wrong? It sounds crazy. Maybe I'm not understanding what is happening.


Oct 27, 2017
Kind of bothered that a lot of the reporting focuses on how unprecedented the leak is. This reeks of civility before anything else.
That's absolutely what it is. The country has a habit of focusing on the act that reveals the whole story rather than the whole story because then they'd have to cop to the fact that they helped get us to this point in the first place thanks to the false premise that all ideals are equally valid.


Oct 25, 2017
Kind of bothered that a lot of the reporting focuses on how unprecedented the leak is. This reeks of civility before anything else.

mostly because the lede here has been a foregone conclusion since RBG died. we already knew RvW was getting repealed, the leak is unexpected and "unprecedented," and a fresh angle for news outlets to take


Aug 1, 2018
So, if I have understood the common law correctly, what differentiates it from European law is that important issues are decided by jurisprudence in a trial, am I wrong? It sounds crazy. Maybe I'm not understanding what is happening.

Essentially. Judges basically make laws from the bench.

Kind of bothered that a lot of the reporting focuses on how unprecedented the leak is. This reeks of civility before anything else.

Agreed. It's okay to point out the leak is unprecedented but who gives a fuck right now when folks are going to lose their right to an abortion.


No Fear, Only Math
Oct 25, 2017
So, if I have understood the common law correctly, what differentiates it from European law is that important issues are decided by jurisprudence in a trial, am I wrong? It sounds crazy. Maybe I'm not understanding what is happening.

three branches of us government:
legislative branch (congress) has the power to create laws. they are either created in the house of representatives and go to the senate or they are created in the senate and go to the house, but both chambers of congress need to vote for the law.
executive branch (in this case, the president), has the power to sign law or veto law. if a law is signed, then it becomes law of the land. if it is vetoed, then congress can still vote to override the veto, but they need supermajorities to do it. overriding vetoes basically never happens.
judicial branch (courts) interpret the law and whether it is in adherence with the constitution. they're supposed to make sure laws are not unconstitutional.

this is basically the us government at the state level as well as the federal level. except at the state level there are governors, state legislatures, state supreme courts, etc, to interpret a state's constitution. whenever you hear 'states rights', it's bullhorn dogwhistle that conservative/fascist/racist/sexist states should do conservative/fascist/racist/sexist things.

all this shit was basically devised in the late 1780s through the early 1800s with the idea of judicial review - the whole interpretation thing itself, not explicit in the constitution. the supreme court kinda just did it for a case, and no one challenged it, and it stuck.

instead of a country like france or spain or germany that had to go through growing pains for 200 years and have all come up with new constitutions in the last 80 years or so, america's been riding on what some 18th century old white dudes thought up.

also: the way us supreme court justices (and judges) are elected are through appointments. and they're lifetime appointments. the president makes the recommendation and the senate votes on them. that's why we still have clarence thomas, because of the days of george hw bush's 1989-1993 administration.
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The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
That's absolutely what it is. The country has a habit of focusing on the act that reveals the whole story rather than the whole story because then they'd have to cop to the fact that they helped get us to this point in the first place thanks to the false premise that all ideals are equally valid.
Very true. See: Edward Snowden.


Oct 30, 2017
Twente (The Netherlands)
So, if I have understood the common law correctly, what differentiates it from European law is that important issues are decided by jurisprudence in a trial, am I wrong? It sounds crazy. Maybe I'm not understanding what is happening.
I'm not from the United States, but the Supreme Court seems to test if laws are in accordance with the constitution. This is a good system that strengthens the rule of law, but only if the Court is unbiased. The US Court is definitely biased though. Germany has a similar system I think.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not from the United States, but the Supreme Court seems to test if laws are in accordance with the constitution. This is a good system that strengthens the rule of law, but only if the Court is unbiased. Germany has a similar system I think.
I understand the Supreme Court/Constitutional/Whatever it's called in every country system, what surprises me is that something as important as the right to abortion was approved in a trial, what surprises me is that something as important as the right to abortion was approved in a trial, that Roe vs. Wade.


Oct 25, 2017
Chesire, UK
Women's rights first on the chopping block first, then it'll be LGBT rights (say goodbye to any employment protections, anti-discrimination laws, and the right to marry), then minority rights (see previous section, don't think interracial marriage is safe from these ideologues), etc.

The worst part is there's nothing that can be done about this. The only solution is to pack the courts and the Democratic Establishment have made clear that's not on the table.

The Fundamentalist Right won, and the Centre-Left refuses to fight back.

48 democrats are, 2 are not. 50 republicans are also not on board. That's 52 to 48. The Democratic Party, as a whole, is not the problem. Biden is not the problem.

They are absolutely the problem.

Do you think the GOP are going to stand up for the rights of the marginalised? Do you think the GOP are going to fight for abortion rights, LGBT rights, minority rights?

Because I don't think they will.

That leaves the Democrats, and they have singularly failed, while controlling all three branches of the American government, to do jack shit about any of these issues. No new legislation. No court packing. Nothing that would protect women or minorities from this totally predictable and very obvious assault by fundamentalist ideologues.
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Aug 1, 2018
Women's rights first on the chopping block first, then it'll be LGBT rights (say goodbye to any employment protections, anti-discrimination laws, and the right to marry), then minority rights (see previous section, don't think interracial marriage is safe from these ideologues), etc.

The worst part is there's nothing that can be done about this. The only solution is to pack the courts and the Democratic Establishment have made clear that's not on the table.

The Fundamentalist Right won, and the Centre-Left refuses to fight back.

I don't think they'll revisit Bostock, which gave LGBTQ+ folks employment protections. It was 6-3 with almost the same Court, just replacing RBG with Barrett. It would still be a 5-4 decision in favor of LGBTQ+ employment protections.

The rest is absolutely on the table.


Oct 29, 2017
The fact he even let republicans in on negotiation talks was the most the stupidest shit. There was never gonna be a number they would agree with.

forgot he also said Roe needed to be codified so that's two Democratic Presidents in a row that apparently need civics lessons according to a lot of people in this thread

you can see why people are cynical about this stuff


Oct 26, 2017
I'm so glad I'm getting my wife out of South Dakota at the end of the month and getting her out here to California (we've been separated due to me heading back home for a job and Iwas staying with my parentsfor few months). We may be in a conservative part of California (Lassen), but it's still better then South Dakota.

She's needs birth control to help control her periods, and I don't know what we're going to do if the assholes in the Supreme Court take away her ability to get them.

To say I'm scared is a massive understatement.

I know it's not directly related to the topic at hand, but in a way it is and I haven't been able to fall asleep (which is going to make work really fun today).


Oct 27, 2017
They are absolutely the problem.

Do you think the GOP are going to stand up for the rights of the marginalised? Do you think the GOP are going to fight for abortion rights, LGBT rights, minority rights?

Because I don't think they will.

That leaves the Democrats, and they have singularly failed, while controlling all three branches of the American government, to do jack shit about any of these issues. No new legislation. No court packing. Nothing that would protect women or minorities from this totally predictable and very obvious assault by fundamentalist ideologues.
This makes absolutely zero sense… it's not the 50 republicans and 2 Dems fault for blocking every single piece of progressive legislation, it's the 48 Dems trying to get it passed? It's Biden's fault for not having the power to stack the Supreme Court on his own? Okay.


Oct 27, 2017
Horrible. "It's time we turn over your human rights to the fascist uprising that's being elected in your local, gerrymandered elections" is basically their opinion. This only furthers the divide in America, and it will only continue. And yes, there is absolutely a problem with fascism in America. Reagan and Trump lead the charge, and the republicans fell in line. At some point the federal government should be protecting the people from themselves.
My mom keeps always asks me about moving to Florida to be closer to her. I tell her how many basic human rights I would lose moving from NY to Florida. Add one to the list.


Oct 28, 2017
Get a majority of votes across the country, yet 3 judges were placed on a court by an impeached president that will impact everyone


Oct 25, 2017
Chesire, UK
This makes absolutely zero sense… it's not the 50 republicans and 2 Dems fault for blocking every single piece of progressive legislation, it's the 48 Dems trying to get it passed? It's Biden's fault for not having the power to stack the Supreme Court on his own? Okay.

You think there are 48 Dems in the Senate actively trying to fix this? Because fixing this means packing the the Supreme Court.

You think Biden is actively trying to pack the Supreme Court?

Again: The Dems control all three branches of the American Government. They decide the business of the day.

I don't see Biden nominating a new Supreme Court Justice every day.
I don't see Dick Durbin holding confirmation hearings for those nominees every day.
I don't see Chuck Schumer holding floor votes in the Senate to confirm those nominees every day.

These are all things within the Democrats power. They are choosing not to have these fights because they think they will lose. Well guess what: They are losing anyway, but it's the women and marginalised people's of America who will suffer the consequences.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm going to preface my comment by pointing out I'm not american, and not a woman.
The political news coming from the usa over the past 6 years has been insane and exhausting to be honest..
But if this news turns out to be real, I hope we will finally see massive protests all over the country. And I mean massive, everything stops right now massive. This is insane, this is evil, this can not be tolerated.. This makes me so mad, and so sad. I'm sorry..

Snake Eater

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Honestly, the Democrats have only one option and that's to pack the courts and if you're not gonna do that I have a real hard time ever voting for them again

nel e nel

Oct 27, 2017
three branches of us government:
legislative branch (congress) has the power to create laws. they are either created in the house of representatives and go to the senate or they are created in the senate and go to the house, but both chambers of congress need to vote for the law.
executive branch (in this case, the president), has the power to sign law or veto law. if a law is signed, then it becomes law of the land. if it is vetoed, then congress can still vote to override the veto, but they need supermajorities to do it. overriding vetoes basically never happens.
judicial branch (courts) interpret the law and whether it is in adherence with the constitution. they're supposed to make sure laws are not unconstitutional.

this is basically the us government at the state level as well as the federal level. except at the state level there are governors, state legislatures, state supreme courts, etc, to interpret a state's constitution. whenever you hear 'states rights', it's bullhorn dogwhistle that conservative/fascist/racist/sexist states should do conservative/fascist/racist/sexist things.

all this shit was basically devised in the late 1780s through the early 1800s with the idea of judicial review - the whole interpretation thing itself, not explicit in the constitution. the supreme court kinda just did it for a case, and no one challenged it, and it stuck.

instead of a country like france or spain or germany that had to go through growing pains for 200 years and have all come up with new constitutions in the last 80 years or so, america's been riding on what some 18th century old white dudes thought up.

also: the way us supreme court justices (and judges) are elected are through appointments. and they're lifetime appointments. the president makes the recommendation and the senate votes on them. that's why we still have clarence thomas, because of the days of george hw bush's 1989-1993 administration.
What's even more aggravating is that those same old white dudes actually wrote in to have Constitutional Conventions in order to update or rewrite the constitution to ensure it changed with the times. But no, we got a whole section of the population that treat it as some sort of written in stone commandment that should not be changed, and if you suggest there should be a constitutional congress, then you're an un-American commie or some shit.


Apr 1, 2022
I'm just really fucking tired of idiots who talk about how the system is rigged and whine but never actually offer any proactive solutions. Like yeah the system is rigged, it's unfair, it sucks. But recognizing that is pointless if you don't have any actual suggestions for improving it rooted in reality. Complaining about politicians doesn't spur them to action. The fact is the system sucks, but we either have to play within the system or you need to be aiming for armed revolution, which frankly speaking will never take off with the majority of Americans right now, even ones who are deeply unsatisfied with the system. Any plans you make need to actually take into account other people, what the general populace thinks and feels about things. Any plan that hinges on an idea that the public will never buy is worthless no matter how good the end result will be. Having a plan that works when it's implemented is great, but you actually need plans on how you'd implement it, which involves how to convince those in power and the public of it's merits. You have to accept that a lot of people don't share your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and opinions and work from there, not hope some secret silent majority will support you if only given the opportunity
Eh, I don't think the onus isn't on the people calling this out for the bullshit it is, to also offer solutions.
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Oct 25, 2017
Now that I've had time to listen to several experts discuss this I'm definitely now in the camp that believes it was someone connected to one of the conservative justices that leaked this. Most likely Roberts.

Use this leak as a trial balloon to gauge the public reaction which will then convince one of Kavanaugh or Barrett to back down a bit by agreeing to a 15 week ban rather than a total ban. They'll then hope that the majority of Americans would be okay with that because it's not as extreme as the initial leak.
Aug 12, 2019
lol they're mad someone spoiled the surprise, get fucked

I mean, they fucked around and found out when it comes to this.

As if the Supreme Court decision itself wasn't going to tear apart the fabric of the institution that had at best been seriously wounded and created a near inexhaustible skepticism about the court's role in the US. Now, the court is so partisan you've effectively detonated a core institution of the US that people don't have any recourse on. Like, we're about to get into some potentially really crazy territory if people decide this was the last straw.

Which, unfortunately, the past 14 years have shown me that a large enough, geographically placed minority with majority rights do not care and the other half talks a bigger game while losing the momentum on relevant movements such as climate change, wall street, January 6th, failing to materialize police reform and healthcare reform in 2020 despite having the fuses lit on bigger reforms. There's a lot of talk about pushing back and even protests, but they're increasingly showing to be ineffective and people just do the usual accept this is the situation and move on despite knowing the system is broken and salvageable at this point...

I mean, this might manage to propel Dems to holding on to the trifecta with enough sustained backlash... but it's hard to see what else tangibly is going to come of this too and I suspect Blue and Red states will just be even further divided with conservative lawmakers presumably calling for insane border laws about pregnant women going to Illinois and California from surrounding states or some crazy shit.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
You think there are 48 Dems in the Senate actively trying to fix this? Because fixing this means packing the the Supreme Court.

You think Biden is actively trying to pack the Supreme Court?

Again: The Dems control all three branches of the American Government. They decide the business of the day.

I don't see Biden nominating a new Supreme Court Justice every day.
I don't see Dick Durbin holding confirmation hearings for those nominees every day.
I don't see Chuck Schumer holding floor votes in the Senate to confirm those nominees every day.

These are all things within the Democrats power. They are choosing not to have these fights because they think they will lose. Well guess what: They are losing anyway, but it's the women and marginalised people's of America who will suffer the consequences.

I don't know if you call what we have now controlling the Senate. Its a shitty consolation prize for underestimating how entrenched Trumpism was when we were supposed to have a clear senate majority: now we need to rely on a West Virginia Senator to pass far leftist ideas like child tax credits, lol.

I will say Sinema does feel like an unforced error considering there were other valid D candidates who could have had her slot.


Oct 27, 2017
You think there are 48 Dems in the Senate actively trying to fix this? Because fixing this means packing the the Supreme Court.

You think Biden is actively trying to pack the Supreme Court?

Again: The Dems control all three branches of the American Government. They decide the business of the day.

I don't see Biden nominating a new Supreme Court Justice every day.
I don't see Dick Durbin holding confirmation hearings for those nominees every day.
I don't see Chuck Schumer holding floor votes in the Senate to confirm those nominees every day.

These are all things within the Democrats power. They are choosing not to have these fights because they think they will lose. Well guess what: They are losing anyway, but it's the women and marginalised people's of America who will suffer the consequences.
This conversation is a waste of time. You, clearly, have absolutely no idea how the US government functions. You don't seem to understand that Democrats do not have any control over the Senate unless all 50 democrats are on board. There are two that refuse to join the other 48. Hell, that would be fine if we could get 2 (out of 50) republicans on board instead. Anyway, I'm out. Not going to spend anymore time trying to explain this.

Ignatz Mouse

Oct 27, 2017
That leaves the Democrats, and they have singularly failed, while controlling all three branches of the American government, to do jack shit about any of these issues. No new legislation. No court packing. Nothing that would protect women or minorities from this totally predictable and very obvious assault by fundamentalist ideologues.

The Democrats haven't controlled all three branches of government since the 70s.

If you mean 2 branches of the government including both houses of the legislature, a bare majority doesn't get you anything.

"The Democrats have failed us" is exactly the rhetoric that suppressed turnout in 2016 and allowed this to happen. It's bullshit to lead with that now.
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Sky Chief

Oct 30, 2017
The system sucks, gerrymandering sucks, the electoral college sucks, it all sucks. Unfortunately, as far as elections go, this is what we have to work with for the foreseeable future.

I understand the frustration when voting in a state that was already either heavily for or against what you supported has diminishing returns. Your criticisms are not without merit. However, I feel those living in swing states have less room to complain.

You cannot gerrymander the Senate.

You cannot gerrymander the Presidency.

Thanks to Republican obstructionism, one party needs to control both of those if any court nominees are to be confirmed.

Hillary lost by about 80,000 votes across 3 swing states. Had people not stayed home in those states, where their votes absolutely fucking matter, Hillary might have been elected, she might have carried Democrats into control of the Senate with her, they would have filled that vacant seat, and it would have been less likely that we would be in this mess right now.

I'm in Arkansas. My state could have gone to Hillary in 2016 and she still would have lost. I still stay informed. I still vote and I will continue to vote in every single election no matter how futile it seems. And I don't think it's too much to ask that liberals in relevant states do the same.

The Senate and Presidency are both gerrymandered by stupid fucking arbitrary state lines. The Electoral College is complete bullshit and the 50 Democratic Senators represent 40 million more Americans than the 50 Republican Senators do.
Jun 10, 2018
I have voted in every midterm and national election I've been eligible for, including the one that turned Georgia Blue.

My rights are still being shredded.

I get to fucking bitch about that.

I also get to fucking bitch about the fact that my loyalty is very rarely rewarded because the white liberals who run the show don't care about Black people like that. Y'all bang the drum about how heroic we are for our voting consistency every election before you turn around and tell us why cops need an extra billion added to their budget, or blame our issues for losing key races. Two-faced pieces of shit.

I also get to fucking bitch about the moral grandstanding about voting that happens every single time my rights are on the chopping block, because A.) Democrats have won the majority of popular votes for most of our lived experiences and yet here we fucking are, with Roe v. Wade about to be up and flames and B.) Liberals don't fucking DO anything else BUT vote.

You all act as if that is the only thing you can do for people.

Fucking get up on a weekend and perform some mutual aid. Get out there and actually make a physical difference in someone's lives. Get involved in the organizations that are actually trying to work outside of the system that we all know is rigged to the best of their ability and establish lifelines for the vulnerable. The amount of money that fucking passes to Patreon and Onlyfans and video game publishers can certainly go to the minorities willing to do the work that the majority of people in this topic acting like they're hot shit because they do the bare minimum and vote blue every two years just can't fucking be bothered with.

Seriously, if I get one more motherfucker telling me "vote harder" or I deserve what I get I'm going to lose my fucking mind. DEMOCRATS REGULARLY OUTVOTE REPUBLICANS. IT'S NOT WORKING.
As always thank you for being the voice of reason in a sea of shit.

Voting zealots are always pressed to utter their dogma to an already participating audience but can't be arsed to talk to their racist ass family members who more than likely are in positions of power.


Oct 29, 2017
This conversation is a waste of time. You, clearly, have absolutely no idea how the US government functions. You don't seem to understand that Democrats do not have any control over the Senate unless all 50 democrats are on board. There are two that refuse to join the other 48. Hell, that would be fine if we could get 2 (out of 50) republicans on board instead. Anyway, I'm out. Not going to spend anymore time trying to explain this.
Where these full throated defenses of Democrats at the federal level fall apart is that we can actually look at the state level party apparatus in places where they have overwhelming majority control and see, just like at the federal level, the Democratic Party is almost universally unwilling to push for the sorts of necessary transformative changes needed to meet the moment and as such, what tends to happen is institutional corruption remains unchecked or uncorrected on a structural level.

Police reform is a perfect example, where instead of meeting the moment of the call for transformative change, the party simply paralyzed itself by punching left and running to the right and largely doing nothing. Which is basically the blueprint for how every major issue gets dealt with by this party. While the core leadership structure turns a blind eye and refused to take a hard position in favor of advancing a populist or transformative agenda, so things just die out.

Failing to meet the moment with the necessary transformative change and instead solidify the status quo is essentially the story of the modern Democratic Party. And frankly, no I don't really think even with 63 senators, the party would do anything truly transformative either. And that's a disturbing situation because it basically means the only viable opposition party in America is essentially determined to run back the playbook of SPD party of the 1920's in Germany, and other center-left coalition parties that got run over by fascists willing to go to the extremes necessary to secure power while they whined about process, punched to their left, and had every excuse for why they simply couldn't have done anything differently.
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Oct 25, 2017
The Senate and Presidency are both gerrymandered by stupid fucking arbitrary state lines. The Electoral College is complete bullshit and the 50 Democratic Senators represent 40 million more Americans than the 50 Republican Senators do.

The Electoral College is indeed stupid but state lines aren't being redrawn for gerrymandering purposes.