
Oct 25, 2017
President Donald Trump and his top political advisers were huddling in the Oval Office earlier this month discussing the state of the Democratic primary when they arrived at an increasingly pressing topic: What to do about Bernie Sanders?

Sanders was surging, and some of the Trump advisers were salivating at the thought of a self-described democratic socialist as their general election opponent. As the president listened, they argued for taking steps to elevate him in the primary to boost his prospects.

But others warned that Sanders wouldn't necessarily be the pushover he might seem. They told the president, who was joined in the meeting by top officials including campaign manager Brad Parscale and pollster Tony Fabrizio, that the Vermont senator's authenticity and populist appeal could draw some of the blue-collar voters who propelled the president to the White House.
With the Iowa caucuses less than a week away, Trump advisers and supporters are split over whether to wage an effort to bolster Sanders. While proponents think Sanders would be an ideal opponent, others are wary that the liberal firebrand could make for a dynamic challenger — with the ability to make inroads in the Rust Belt states likely to decide the outcome of the election.

"It's a big mistake for Trump supporters to assume that if Bernie Sanders gets the nomination there's no chance somehow he can win," said Matt Schlapp, a prominent Trump backer who heads the American Conservative Union.

Schlapp stressed that he thought Trump would win regardless but the party shouldn't expect it to be guaranteed if his opponent is Sanders.
Among those pushing for a pro-Sanders offensive is the anti-tax Club for Growth. On Monday, the pro-Trump group launched a TV ad in Iowa that attacks Sanders but does so in ways that could help him with Democrats. The commercial calls Sanders "too liberal" and says that he supports "liberal health care policies" and giving "government health insurance to everyone." The spot also compares Sanders to Democratic heroes Barack Obama and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and says he would spend trillions to combat climate change.

The Trump reelection effort, meanwhile, has spent much of the last several weeks focusing its attacks on Sanders — a gambit that two people close to the campaign described as a deliberate effort to draw attention to the Vermont senator. The campaign has used its Twitter account as an anti-Sanders messaging machine and urged prominent surrogates to train their fire on him. Their working assumption is that the presidential attention will only boost his standing among anti-Trump Democratic voters.
Destroy the establishment if old.
Oct 25, 2017
Trump risking impeachment to get dirt on Biden, only for Bernie to get the nom would be cosmic justice, he's clearly very afraid of Sanders


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey

'The Only One I Didn't Want Her to Pick': In Secret Recording, Trump Admits Fear of Clinton Picking Sanders as VP in 2016

Leaked 2018 audio recording of president was released by legal team of Lev Parnas, close associate of Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani. "You know, [Sanders] basically says we're getting screwed on trade," said Trump. "And he's right."

Bernie is the best shot we've got.

Imagine Trump's admin trying to get dirt on Biden in the chance of a Biden nomination for all this time just for Bernie to win the nomination and blow him out by cutting Trump's legs out from under him. It would be poetic.
Feb 1, 2018
A Sanders Vs Trump election would be one for the history books, two populists going at it and all. Trump campaign is definitely afraid of him, they know he's the only one that can defeat them. Biden doesn't have that kind of electricity/x-factor or appeal with certain 2016 trump voters that the articles in OP mentioned

Deleted member 176

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
bernie out here uniting top republicans and democrats in their mutual fear of him winning the nomination. a true unity candidate!

Blue Skies

Mar 27, 2019
A Sanders Vs Trump election would be one for the history books, two populists going at it and all. Trump campaign is definitely afraid of him, they know he's the only one that can defeat them. Biden doesn't have that kind of electricity/x-factor
But also every single billionaire and millionaire in this country will put all their will behind trump. It's gonna get messy as fuck


Apr 11, 2019
A Sanders Vs Trump election would be one for the history books, two populists going at it and all. Trump campaign is definitely afraid of him, they know he's the only one that can defeat them. Biden doesn't have that kind of electricity/x-factor

Yeah that's why they've been spending months trying to get dirt on biden because their afraid of sanders. Lmao


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
But also every single billionaire and millionaire in this country will put all their will behind trump. It's gonna get messy as fuck
Not Every Billionaire!


Rune Walsh

Too many boners
Oct 25, 2017
Because I live in a neighboring state, I've been inundated with these political ads while I watch Jeopardy. I was wondering who the hell ran that and what the purpose was. I'm standing in the kitchen just nodding, like, "Hell yes this is what I want."


Oct 25, 2017
A Sanders Vs Trump election would be one for the history books, two populists going at it and all. Trump campaign is definitely afraid of him, they know he's the only one that can defeat them. Biden doesn't have that kind of electricity/x-factor or appeal with certain 2016 trump voters that the articles in OP mentioned

It would be interesting, build the wall vs Medicare for all. Trump's populist message is going to be seriously challenged by his actual actions in office.

I was confidant Trump could beat Hillary as he was making his way through the primary. I'm confident Sanders can beat Trump.
Oct 25, 2017
There has been a not-insignificant boost that Bernie has gotten, I think, from Trump and his antics. I mean, first of all -- and this really may be the most salient point I'll make -- Trump has actually put in the good word for Bernie on numerous occasions. No, the two aren't anything alike, and I won't be caught dead drawing ridiculous comparisons between the populism that backs each, or their extremities as candidates, or their 'outsider-hood'; that's surface level shit that I think obscures the more impactful stuff that could help Bernie win which Trump has unknowingly done, or done as a calculated risk. But, anyway, like I said Trump has, more than a couple times, underscored how poorly Bernie has been treated. I honestly believe that Trump has, up until recently, seen Bernie as a candidate who had no chance of winning, so he felt free to discuss how the DNC dealt with him, how Hilary dealt with him, how unfair the Warren attack was, or how the media has worked to hide him. Some of these things actually *are* things Trump saw during his rise; remember, it took the Republicans a long time before they kind-of-sort-of got in line and supported him, and during that time he was knocking down their establishment favorites one-by-one. His populism was both a shield and a weapon, and of course, he rallied his 'troops' under the banner of "The system is rigged." That bit may actually sound pretty familiar.

Hilariously? This may be a big part of the thing that topples his Presidency. Bernie is starting to appear like an "independent option" for even those who would vote R, but just ... can't. And it's in part, I feel, because Trump has never put his sights on him -- he's been allowed to walk and talk at the same time without any of the really nasty hit jobs Trump has conjured for others. Now, should Bernie be the nominee, of course the major attacks will begin, but I actually feel it'd be too late: Trump has done enough to bolster Bernie and paint him as an enemy of establishment, and a sometimes friend in a weird way. He's at least painted him as trustworthy.

Bernie's chances are looking far better this time around, and, to TLDR all of this: I'd say that's in part due to Trump. That's not to say they are buddies or something; Bernie is nearly the complete opposite in every way that matters, but I wouldn't be surprised if he does turn out to be the nominee and, God willing, he wins in the general, we might be able to trace a logical line through his candidacy that reflects some of Trump's rise. And we'll spot more than a few openings that Trump, in his inane stupidity, opened up himself.

Lost Lemurian

Nov 30, 2019
The reason I could believe that Trump is afraid of Bernie is because he has nothing to hit him with. Trump can't paint Bernie as corrupt, or as a beltway insider. He can't reduce him to an insulting epithet (like "Pocahontas", for instance). None of his usual tactics work. And Bernie would definitely be able to capture plenty of the "I don't actually know about policies, I just want an older white guy who seems like an outsider" voters that Trump has.


Oct 27, 2017
New Jersey
The reason I could believe that Trump is afraid of Bernie is because he has nothing to hit him with. Trump can't paint Bernie as corrupt, or as a beltway insider. He can't reduce him to an insulting epithet (like "Pocahontas", for instance). None of his usual tactics work. And Bernie would definitely be able to capture plenty of the "I don't actually know about policies, I just want an older white guy who seems like an outsider" voters that Trump has.
So far he's referred to him as "Crazy" but that's really it. No hardballs.

I don't think he's labeled Bernie as a communist yet (maybe he did back in 2016) but I'm sure that's coming momentarily.
Feb 1, 2018
Yeah I think the only conspiracy he can hit Bernie with is some made up story about how he's a "radical militant leftist" and combine it with those black and white pictures of him protesting in the 70's or getting handcuffed or whatever

It really doesnt hold any water tbh. A lot of retiree white racist trump voters were probably hippies in the 60's

Lost Lemurian

Nov 30, 2019
So far he's referred to him as "Crazy" but that's really it. No hardballs.

I don't think he's labeled Bernie as a communist yet but I'm sure that's coming momentarily.
They called Obama and Hillary communists. They've watered the term down to the point that it's kinda meaningless now, and I think Trump knows that.


Oct 25, 2017
It'll be interesting to see what happens if his actually gets the nomation and how effective the right wing hate machine is on him as he has yet to get its full force, but what they have lobbied at him hasn't been very effective.


Oct 25, 2017
Brasília Brazil
We welcome their hatred.

Everyone knew the attacks were coming, i just don´t think the establishment has found a good way to shit on Bernie.

As for the general, a populist x another populist would be a great match up. Trump will eat up if Democrats nominate a regular corporate friendly candidate. Sanders is the best chance they got.
Oct 27, 2017

'The Only One I Didn't Want Her to Pick': In Secret Recording, Trump Admits Fear of Clinton Picking Sanders as VP in 2016

Leaked 2018 audio recording of president was released by legal team of Lev Parnas, close associate of Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani. "You know, [Sanders] basically says we're getting screwed on trade," said Trump. "And he's right."

Bernie is the best shot we've got.

Imagine Trump's admin trying to get dirt on Biden in the chance of a Biden nomination for all this time just for Bernie to win the nomination and blow him out by cutting Trump's legs out from under him. It would be poetic.
This. All the dems would vote for him regardless. The difference is that he 'd also win young to middle age white working class males. I recently lived in a place where the enthusiasm for Bernie among this demographic group reached a fever pitch in the 2016 primary. When he lost to Hillary, it seemed like most wound up voting in the GE for Trump....That was the general sentiment I could observe as an outsider anyway.


Oct 27, 2017
Honestly, I believe it. Anecdotally, I have a couple of idiot friends on Facebook I haven't deleted due to sheer morbid curiosity about their status updates, and they only like Trump or Sanders. It doesn't make any sense to me, but they would say things like "we need an outsider like this who can get things done!" (this was back before the last election). Not saying all Bernie supporters are just drawn to his charisma and personality, but I think people overlook the fact that a lot of the general electorate just like someone who feels authentic and will upset the status quo.


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
Gonna be real, all these things coming out talking about how Trump is afraid of Bernie feels like ratfucking to me.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Trump is a deranged psychopathic narcissist with the IQ of a sponge. Who cares what he's afraid of? He barely has a grasp on what's going on.


No Fear, Only Math
Oct 25, 2017
Gonna be real, all these things coming out talking about how Trump is afraid of Bernie feels like ratfucking to me.

this is my take too.

although democrats secretly wanting trump because they thought he'd be the easy one to crush backfired pretty hard on them so idk.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
This. All the dems would vote for him regardless. The difference is that he 'd also win young to middle age white working class males. I recently lived in a place where the enthusiasm for Bernie among this demographic group reached a fever pitch in the 2016 primary. When he lost to Hillary, it seemed like most wound up voting in the GE for Trump....That was the general sentiment I could observe as an outsider anyway.

Its also a tons of independents who are disaffected by the Democratic party both left and right leaning. And yes even a percentage of right wingers point out Sanders as someone who they would uniquely get behind against Trump.

Its because Bernie is the anti trump. He destroys the whole 'outsider appeal' of Trump by being even more outsider, and Trump cant go to his left in the way he can for corporate democrats like Biden or Clinton who have huge Achilles heels in their historical record which would not only not get those other votes, but not turn out the base properly in the areas that Dems need to beat Trump.
Oct 25, 2017
Bernie scares the shit out of me because he seems uniquely situated to win a progressive democratic primary and then land like a wet fart in the general.


Oct 25, 2017
Dems would get absolutely slaughtered in the midwest. Drop the "socialist/communist" commercials and no one over 60 (the people that actually vote) is voting for him.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
But also every single billionaire and millionaire in this country will put all their will behind trump. It's gonna get messy as fuck

Exactly. It is the entire fight between the grassroots and the corporate elite. But Sanders whole campaign is about grassroots and the fact that the normal people outnumber the elites when the fight is properly contextualized and so the scenario you present is the best case scenario. It only boosts Sanders appeal as someone against the establishment and most clearly highlights the actual fight.