
Nov 6, 2017
Won't the headline that he refuses to play a video game with women reflect more badly on him than an unbased rumor regarding his romances ever would?


Apr 23, 2018
Putting words I did not say at all in my mouth but straw man attempt at best.

Not sure what words they are?

You're still not looking at this from his perspective as the largest streamer and all that being that entails. .

So because I don't agree with him, I haven't looked at it from his perspective? Maybe I have, and just seee it as a dick move?

If my wife asked me not to do this I would do it for the sake of her and our relationship well being. I would not care what others thought because I would put her before anything else.

His wife hasn't asked him to do anything.

It surprises me not at all that most people in this thread cannot relate because most have not been in his shoes to this scale. You're completely disregarding the environment he is dealing with and putting him in a place were he isn't a twitch streamer which this is not the case.

The enviroment that he himself has help perpetuate by his shitty practices?
He isn't the victim, he is the perpetrator.


Jun 6, 2018
I think people who think that Ninja alone can solve the issues that made him take this stance aren't acknowledging that this issue is much much much much bigger than Ninja.

Who then should folks wait for to address the issue of sexism on twitch specifically? Twitch staff could have stepped up and said "If Ninja decides to stream with women, we'd provide extra support with modding the behaviors in the channel". Twitch staff could have taken action against that type of behavior way earlier when people constantly brought it up as an issue.

But nah, none of them seem to have the courage to support one another to face that. Just sweep it under the rug and wait for someone else to deal with it.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I don't think it really changes things but he has commented further on it just now:



Oct 25, 2017
If we flip everything and it's a woman who won't stream with men (everything else being the same), it's not because she is sexist right? I personally wouldn't call it sexism in that case either.

So people saying he is excluding women, therefore sexism...should really think about what you're saying. If you really believed that 100%, would you not also claim the same of a woman refusing to stream with a man? Is she equally sexist?

What if you try to explain to me there are reasons that her case is different and I shut you down at every turn saying she is excluding men, therefore sexism?

I can go further though in that case and imagine we're saying the same things about her as we are about him. Oh she's a coward. She should just suck it up and deal with the harassment and rumors in the name of doing what's right! If she doesn't she's a scum bag and fuck her and her family and so on and so forth.

Except we don't say that. We wouldn't. Due to the way the real world is.

It's full of biases that everyone should be working together to recognize and point out and learn from and deal with. That's how we'll eventually make real progress imo.
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Oct 25, 2017
It's full of biases that everyone should be working together to recognize and point out and learn from and deal with. That's how we'll eventually make real progress imo.
what kind of progress are you looking for?

seems like ninja garnered a toxic fanbase and just doesn't want to deal with the consequences of it

Kaz Mk II

Oct 27, 2017
I don't think it really changes things but he has commented further on it just now:

Seems like a solid statement on the matter. Hopefully this is where the story ends for him with this particular controversy.

Maybe he'll organically come to the conclusion that his counter harassment measures are a bit extreme. He'll probably still be getting shit over this for months.


Oct 25, 2017
what kind of progress are you looking for?

seems like ninja garnered a toxic fanbase and just doesn't want to deal with the consequences of it
Equality....work place, Twitch/internet, life in general. I want progress to where there is true equality for every single human being on this planet because it should be no other way. I don't care if god himself were to argue against that, he'd be wrong imo. So until we're there (or at least much closer to it) there's progress to be made in every facet of life.

And yes he clearly has many toxic fans, and he should fight against that in any way possible imo. If he's not, then he needs to do better. Maybe he needs to be better.


Dec 7, 2017
Los Angeles
Poor ninja would have to deal with rumors and online trolls while the women he won't stream with have to deal with less avenues for success bc he's too weak to deal with said rumors.



Oct 25, 2017
Equality....work place, Twitch/internet, life in general. I want progress to where there is true equality for every single human being on this planet because it should be no other way. I don't care if god himself were to argue against that, he'd be wrong imo. So until we're there (or at least much closer to it) there's progress to made in every facet of life.

so to get equality we just need to refuse to game with any women because we might be harassed

lets not try and fix the community or anything


Oct 25, 2017
so to get equality we just need to refuse to game with any women because we might be harassed

lets not try and fix the community or anything
I dont know where youre getting that from. No. It's nonsensical. Yes, the community absolutely should be fixed. First and foremost in this particular case imo. And if Ninja can help with that, then he should be.


Oct 25, 2017
This thread:


How hard is it to NOT be sexist or downplay sexism? Or, you know, maybe not post about it if you are considering so many have been banned in this thread?


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think it really changes things but he has commented further on it just now:

I mean it's literally just reiterating what he already said and doesn't change anything.

No one argued that he has something against women, that was never the debate, ever. The debate was that just because his initial intentions were understandable, that doesn't justify the conclusion of discriminating against women in an attempt to avoid harassment. Especially since, I don't really think it stops harassment. If someone really wanted to create drama and harassment for him and his wife, they could easily do it without him being on stream with a woman. All this does is set women back even further in gaming, perpetuating this idea that women aren't welcome, and/or just create drama. While I, and many others realise this was probably not his intention, that is inevitably the end result of his decision.


Oct 26, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
I don't think it really changes things but he has commented further on it just now:

I'm assuming he was naming some female streamers at the end?
If people are going crazy with the shipping (as claimed), how is playing and meeting them in person going to be different than on Twitch? Isn't he going to be shipped if he plays with females IRL too with the end result being the same?

I'm not quite sure he actually understands why people found his original statements problematic.


Apr 23, 2018
adjective: sexist
relating to or characterized by prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex.

To be clear I don't believe this is sexist of him. I'd agree he can do better with his actions and that he isn't helping the issue so far through his actions. In the future, I hope he does/he should.


Oct 28, 2017
Putting words I did not say at all in my mouth but straw man attempt at best. You're still not looking at this from his perspective as the largest streamer and all that being that entails. If my wife asked me not to do this I would do it for the sake of her and our relationship well being. I would not care what others thought because I would put her before anything else.

It doesn't really matter "why" he is doing it. Regardless of how you sugarcoat it this is sexist. If you do something for the sake of your relationship and your wife that's fine but that doesn't mean what she is asking you to do isn't sexist and isn't contributing to sexism in gaming.

This isn't really hard to grasp. Hiding behind his relationship is just deflection.


Oct 25, 2017
adjective: sexist
relating to or characterized by prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex.
Right. We're getting into semantics but It's not prejudice or stereotyping or discrimination on his part imo. If we go further and look up those definitions they use words like "unjust" treatment. I would call his actions "just" for the reasons he gives. Others clearly have an opposing opinion there.

And like I said before, if we go by your interpretation, would it not also be sexism if the roles were reversed? More something to think about than an actual question.


Oct 25, 2017
Don't ya hate when your wife makes you do sexist shit? Thinking about it, why doesn't he just stream with her? If she's down for it, unless I missed something


Oct 25, 2017
North Carolina
I'm assuming he was naming some female streamers at the end?
If people are going crazy with the shipping (as claimed), how is playing and meeting them in person going to be different than on Twitch? Isn't he going to be shipped if he plays with females IRL too with the end result being the same?

I'm not quite sure he actually understands why people found his original statements problematic.

It is actually specifically the online culture he is trying to avoid, as it does differ from in real life


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 1, 2017
Passing judgement on this scenario is difficult because its hard to relate to this sort of Twitch fame, he probably has more insight on how to handle these sorts of things than most. I could not handle that kind of life, seems exhausting.


User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
There is a lot of bans here. Goodness.

Because this thread is embarrassing and the next time we have a "why are you embarrassed to call yourself a gamer" thread I'm just going to link to this thread. The community doesn't want to fix shit, they just wanna play their vid ya games.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
I don't think it really changes things but he has commented further on it just now:

Uh, 99% of the criticism here at least had nothing to do with the fact that he has something against streaming with women.

And the cynic in me laughed at the plugging at the end, it's not a big deal bc I have female streamer friends basically. Whatever. Only way this makes sense is if there's serious marital issues, otherwise the dude is a dolt.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
I'm assuming he was naming some female streamers at the end?
If people are going crazy with the shipping (as claimed), how is playing and meeting them in person going to be different than on Twitch? Isn't he going to be shipped if he plays with females IRL too with the end result being the same?

I'm not quite sure he actually understands why people found his original statements problematic.
And no comment on the gay shipping either.

I brought that up to a friend of mine and he said "well yeah why would he care about something that doesn't bother him" while defending his actions. What???? Yeah, the issue is the dude has no problem with ignoring idiots and clickbaiters shipping him as gay but somehow if he streams with a woman his marriage is going to fall to pieces. Either he's actually as dumb as I think on this matter or his marriage is shit.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
I know it's not the best comparison but I just thought of an actor in movies saying this and laughed.


Self-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
Ninja is an absurdly popular streamer, and a lot of his fans are kids. He can control what goes on on his stream and in his chat, but he can't control people on Twitter or Youtube making shitty rumors about him that his young gullible fanbase will eat up. Many women on the internet get harassed just for existing, you think that his wife won't get bombarded with dumb messages any time Ninja interacts with another woman? I would think that this forum could at least appreciate him trying to make things easier for his wife even if you disagree with the way he does it.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
Ninja is an absurdly popular streamer, and a lot of his fans are kids. He can control what goes on on his stream and in his chat, but he can't control people on Twitter or Youtube making shitty rumors about him that his young gullible fanbase will eat up. Many women on the internet get harassed just for existing, you think that his wife won't get bombarded with dumb messages any time Ninja interacts with another woman? I would think that this forum could at least appreciate him trying to make things easier for his wife even if you disagree with the way he does it.
I guess he shouldn't have put out that response where he mentioned female streamers then. If his wife was private and they wanted to maintain a more private personal life I would understand.

They don't. Active social public media accounts, she streams too, apparently she manages a lot of his stuff.... It doesn't really hold as much weight once you realize these things.

Ploid 6.0

Oct 25, 2017
""I look forward to the opportunity to meet and play with all kinds of Fortnite players in future tournaments and events." - Tyler

So that answers my question about if he avoids or demand to not play with women or girls in productions outside of his solo streaming thing. I kinda figured he didn't since I found the Fortnite Celebrity Tournament clip of him taking an interview with a woman while smiling and not seeming awkward, but this seems like confirmation that it's just about his stream. Though I don't know if he play + voice chat with random men or boys that aren't connected to his friends in any way.

And another thing I questioned, if he ever hosted female streamers. Turns out he did.
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Oct 26, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
""I look forward to the opportunity to meet and play with all kinds of Fortnite players in future tournaments and events." - Tyler

So that answers my question about if he avoids or demand to not play with women or girls in productions outside of his solo streaming thing. I kinda figured he didn't since I found the Fortnite Celebrity Tournament clip of him taking an interview with a woman while smiling and not seeming awkward, but this seems like confirmation that it's just about his stream. Though I don't know if he play + voice chat with random men or boys that aren't connected to his friends in any way.

Which makes no sense. How is two people being seen together interacting IRL at an event not going to result in the same "rumors/shipping" just like if they were playing on a stream?

Ploid 6.0

Oct 25, 2017
Which makes no sense. How is two people being seen together interacting IRL at an event not going to result in the same "rumors/shipping" just like if they were playing on a stream?
At that event he's at work, a more normal work he can't solo in his room. A work that is more closer to Mike Pence or an actor in Hollywood. I wondered if he avoided women there, or refused to team with them in those tournaments.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Apr 27, 2018
I can understand why, but it's something I'd never agree with. He just ignores the problem instead of trying to change it. His name is already used in all the clickbait videos out there so I don't see a difference.