
Feb 13, 2023
Launching a brand new console - the next-generation Xbox - in 2026 makes sense. Try the Xbox 360 route: Launch a next-gen experience before the competition, come out swinging with some great games, and try to win a large set of consumers before the competitor has even launched.

Microsoft got lucky Sony fumbled the PS3 so badly right out of the gate. I don't think they will be that lucky again.


Oct 25, 2017
We all knew this was going to happen. Once we got the mid gen refresh last gen we should have all known it would be standard.


Oct 27, 2017
Series S we barely knew ye :P

Would be a bold move if true, but also time has been fucky with the pandemic. It still does my head in thinking we're already 3+ years into the gen. Once whatever this ends up being comes out...ya'll ain't seen nothin as crossgen periods go, so strap in.


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Oct 29, 2017
Microsoft got lucky Sony fumbled the PS3 so badly right out of the gate. I don't think they will be that lucky again.

Not to mention, we also have a different situation where people aren't as free as they once were to drop a platform. Consumers have been building libraries and investing thousands of dollars in a platform's online storefront for over 10 years now.

People aren't gonna be as quick to jump ship as they were back in the day, unless their platform of choice does some pretty egregious shit, that outweighs all they've invested in it.


Oct 26, 2017
Microsoft got lucky Sony fumbled the PS3 so badly right out of the gate. I don't think they will be that lucky again.

I mean, I know this is a bit controversial but the Series X is a better machine (looks, size, power) than the PS5 and launched at the same price point. Microsoft's hardware has been pretty on point (RROD and Xbox One vanilla aside!). Sony have more of a history of hardware head scratchers imo.

I know many will disagree.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, been hearing chatter about this since PS5 Pro rumors started picking up steam.

Its a choice, that's for sure.

Might be interesting to see what effect an "Series 2" compared to an "5pro" has.
It would be a "new generation" vs. a "revision".

Of course it doesn't just come down to that, and the "5pro" could be changed to a "6".

Based on the actual specs whenever they get revealed, naw.

MS launching their next gen early is whatever. Sony would be smart and wait until 2028.


Nov 1, 2017
United States
I think if we take the tweets at face value 2026 makes the most sense. RDNA 5 might be available by then, offering a massive uplift in performance and visual quality. Dedicated AI and ray acceleration hardware, AI supersampling, AI supported frame gen, path tracing, all of it might be on the table.

And MS can always do a mid gen refresh to compete with the PS6 hardware.

Here's the thing. The PS6 will have cross-gen games atleast for a couple of years after release. So we're unlikely to get proper next gen releases until 2030. Which should allow a 2026 Xbox to compete just fine, and by 2030 they could release a mid-gen refresh that can handle games that push the hardware.

Xbox could treat 2027 and 2028 as their cross-gen years, where devs release games on both the new machine and the XSX, XSS. After that they could transition fully to the new one.

And I think devs will be okay with supporting the 2026 Xbox and the mid gen refresh over the course of the next generation. Shouldn't be much different to supporting the XSS and the XSX. Sure, there have been issues with the XSS, but they're mostly related to cut-down memory, which shouldn't be a problem in future hardware.

An early gen might piss off existing Xbox consumers though. But I think it might be a reaction to the PS5's mid-gen refresh. Xbox can't compete with the timing of that hardware since they didn't plan for a mid-gen refresh. Not releasing anything will probably see them butchered in sales. And releasing a mid-gen refresh two years after your competitor makes no sense. So this might be the only option they had.
I kinda like all this. I'm not a believer but this is a compelling case imo.


May 2, 2018
I hate how we have become accustomed to these long 8 year generations, lol. With cross gen releases becoming the norm, there is no reason for Pro to exist and no reason for generations to be so long.
Co-signed. This just strikes me as MS leap-frogging a Pro system and going straight to next-gen.

Traditional ~8yr generations just don't make much sense for MS given their 2-SKU-&-PC model. They have to support such an enormous envelope of hardware configs across PC already, so why not keep pace with consoles.

Doesn't necessarily mean they'd be doing away with generations - they'd just shift to an Apple like model, where older systems are progressively phased out. Series S will be dropped first, then X, etc.


Dec 13, 2017
6-7 year console life seems normal to me, so if we do get one in 2026 it wouldn't be that surprising. 2024 or 2025 is what I would consider launching early, for example the xbox 360 came out 4 years after the original xbox.


Feb 7, 2021
Launching a brand new console - the next-generation Xbox - in 2026 makes sense. Try the Xbox 360 route: Launch a next-gen experience before the competition, come out swinging with some great games, and try to win a large set of consumers before the competitor has even launched.
I mean, I don't know how much of this applies today given how entrenched everyone is in their respective ecosystems. You could get away with it during the PS360 gen since you were effectively starting over from scratch. Not to mention that if MS goes along with this idea, they have to convince already existing X/S owners how launching next-gen in 2026 is beneficial to them. This route sounds specifically targeted at trying to get new users on board but I'm not sure how effective that might be no matter how much they come out swinging.


Mayor of Clown Town
Jun 8, 2019
I'm hearing it's actually gonna be tomorrow. Keep your eyes peeled.


Oct 27, 2017
I'd rather go back to the 6 year generation as opposed to the mid-gen refresh as I felt the past two gens overstayed their welcome, so I'd be fine with it. Developers however... I think they would hate it given how long new games can take, so it would be a pretty risky manoeuvrer for MS if this dude is accurate.


Oct 27, 2017
I wonder if this is Xbox finally leaning into the iterative nature of PC upgrades with more HW upgrades. Don't know how well this will work in the console space if this is real but I would be cool with it.


Dec 18, 2018
I'd rather go back to the 6 year generation as opposed to the mid-gen refresh as I felt the past two gens overstayed their welcome, so I'd be fine with it. Developers however... I think they would hate it given how long new games can take, so it would be a pretty risky manoeuvrer for MS if this dude is accurate.

I don't even think it'd be that big of a problem for developers, they are already putting their games out on PC.


Jan 24, 2018
This makes no sense to me, honestly. I'm not even a fan of the mid gen refresh but this just doesn't seem right.


Nov 1, 2017
United States
Microsoft got lucky Sony fumbled the PS3 so badly right out of the gate. I don't think they will be that lucky again.
They did get lucky, but they didn't JUST get lucky. Launching early did help jumpstart the install base. And then they had great exclusives lined up before and during PS3 launch. Gears launched same time as PS3. And ESIV launched in the first year. Now there's an idea. By the 2 year mark, they had launched Bioshock, Mass Effect, Gears, ESIV, Forza Motorsport 2, PGR 2, and Halo 3. Also, starting the gen early could get you better versions of games for that gen because the tools will be more mature when PS6 hits in 2028. Not better than PS6, but just better support and easier development that makes it harder to skip since you've got 2 years of knowledge out there.

All this to say, I personally don't think they are doing this, but there are benefits to trying it. Benefits that they have reaped in the past. There are also plenty of negatives to trying it that are valid. Though, another thing I'm seeing a lot here is the idea that people would somehow be turned off or feel cheated. That sure didn't happen with a 4 year Xbox where you couldn't even bring ANY of your games with you to the next gen. People ate up the new tech and great games.


Keeper of the White Materia
Oct 27, 2017
I hate how we have become accustomed to these long 8 year generations, lol. With cross gen releases becoming the norm, there is no reason for Pro to exist and no reason for generations to be so long.

You're right, why buy a mid-gen refresh like the Pro when you have next-gen technology now, especially when that next-gen tech can run current gen games? If this rumor is true, then I'll probably skip buying the Pro, because why would I drop $500-$600 next year for the Pro, then drop another $500-$600 in 3 years for the next-gen PS?


Nov 1, 2017
They know they need to get rid of the Series S model and unify under a single hardware SKU ASAP


Nov 1, 2017
United States
You're right, why buy a mid-gen refresh like the Pro when you have next-gen technology now, especially when that next-gen tech can run current gen games? If this rumor is true, then I'll probably skip buying the Pro, because why would I drop $500-$600 next year for the Pro, then drop another $500-$600 in 3 years for the next-gen PS?
I was going to buy the Pro for sure since I was resigned to the idea that Xbox was skipping a mid-gen refresh. But, if they announce their Nextbox before PS5 Pro launch, I'll wait. It's exactly how they got me last gen. I would have bought the PS4 Pro but Xbox came out first and said 6TF so I waited. I definitely wouldn't wait until 2028 but 2026?


Dec 18, 2018
Don't know why you guys are assuming this is how they'd drop the XSS. XSS will be supported as long a the XSX, and they'll probably release an XSS2.


Oct 28, 2017
I don't believe this news…BUT..

Techie people help me out, lets say there really is an all new next-gen Xbox home console launching in like Fall 2026..what are some realistic spec/performance specifications at say $599?? (which I think in 2026 would be a reasonable price point).


One Winged Slayer
Nov 14, 2020
Oh that would be dope if Xbox took a constantly interactive approach, kinda like pc. Would be a neat way to differentiate from PlayStation


Feb 11, 2019
I am not buying another console when we barely have games for this generation as it is. Stupid move


Oct 27, 2017
Don't know why you guys are assuming this is how they'd drop the XSS. XSS will be supported as long a the XSX, and they'll probably release an XSS2.

Because mandating that developers now support three different versions of your platform with wildly different power thresholds is not going to work.

At one end we would have the Xbox Next with 24+ GB GDDR6X, Zen 4 CPU cores, and an RDNA 4 GPU with dedicated hardware for ray-tracing and upscaling....and at the other end we would have the Series S. And then the Series X in the middle.

Developers would go crazy being forced to optimize for those 3 consoles given the power differential among them.

If Microsoft is truly taking the "iterative" approach, then that means consoles at the lower end get dropped more quickly. In which case the Series S gets dropped, Series X becomes the new baseline ($350), and the Xbox Next is the new upper end platform ($550).


Oct 25, 2017

Sorry, I don't get it. I'd developers to wring every bit of power out of consoles and not just jump to the next one. Further more this ain't a cheap hobby, I don't want to spend 500 bucks on a console that will obsolete in a year. Someone suggested moving to the Apple model, FUCK THAT.
May 25, 2019
Don't know why you guys are assuming this is how they'd drop the XSS. XSS will be supported as long a the XSX, and they'll probably release an XSS2.

There has to be a reason they named these things "Xbox Series" and then a letter. I've always thought that they would just introduce a new model and use the letters to show what model a game is playable on. Maybe you buy Elder Scrolls 6 and it has "Playable on Xbox Series X and Y" on it, but not S. But then something like Perfect Dark says "Playable on Xbox Series S, X, and Y".

I'd just like to think there was a reason they went with the Series moniker and the letters beyond just maintaining the comparison of the One S and One X in peoples minds


Dec 18, 2018
Sorry, I don't get it. I'd developers to wring every bit of power out of consoles and not just jump to the next one. Further more this ain't a cheap hobby, I don't want to spend 500 bucks on a console that will obsolete in a year. Someone suggested moving to the Apple model, FUCK THAT.

I don't particularly care about wringing every bit of power out of a console tbh. Seems like a waste of development resources. And I'm not asking for yearly, I'm asking for 4 or 6 years
Feb 19, 2023
Sorry, I don't get it. I'd developers to wring every bit of power out of consoles and not just jump to the next one. Further more this ain't a cheap hobby, I don't want to spend 500 bucks on a console that will obsolete in a year. Someone suggested moving to the Apple model, FUCK THAT.

Releasing a next gen console every 5-6 years instead of 8 years doesn't warrant this type of reaction, lmao.


Jun 16, 2018
im all for raising the floor. bring in the new xbox asap and drop the xbone support. we need to raise the floor for current gen games. higher. already. because the dev time is longer and the worst you can do is develop for 5 years for a system that maybe 2-3 times that age. Getting rid of the ps4/xbone era is the best thing they can do. it raises the floor. lets do it.