
Oct 25, 2017
1. Tyler Perry's A Madea Family Funeral
2. Rampage
3. Pacific Rim: Uprising
4. Creed 2
5. Mary Poppins Returns

You know I'm right.


Oct 27, 2017
1. Infinity War
2. Incredibles 2
3. Solo
4. Jurassic World
5. Deadpool 2

Almost put Incredibles in the #1 spot. The kid market is strong: Beauty and the Beast is going to be (presumably) #2 in 2017, despite being mediocre.


Oct 27, 2017
1. The Incredibles 2
2. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
3. Avengers: Infinity War
4. Solo
5. Deadpool 2

Gonna mix my list up so it's not the same as everyone else's.


Nov 9, 2017
I honestly thought the Spider-Man animated thing was going to be a non-theatrical release. I'm still not expected to see it go wide.


Don't F5!
Oct 25, 2017
Hamburg, Germany
1. Avengers: Infinity War
2: Solo - A Star Wars Story
3. Jurassic World
4. Black Panther
5. Alita Battle Angel

6. Fantastic Beasts
7. Ant-Man
8. Friday the 13th
Oct 25, 2017
1. Infinity War
2. Jurassic World
3. Solo
4. Deadpool 2
5. The Incredibles 2

I could see Black Panther making the top 5 as well though.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I was hoping for some outlandish guesses but most people have gone with the likely options.

1. Avengers: Infinity War
2. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
3. The Incredibles 2
4. Solo: A Star Wars Story
5. Black Panther

I think Solo and Deadpool 2 may cannibalise each other a bit.

EDIT: I used Finding Nemo -> Dory as my basis for an Incredibles 1 -> 2 jump but I had no idea Nemo grossed that much. I still say 350m but that's probably not good enough for 3rd.
Last edited:


Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
1. Avengers: Infinity War
2. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
3. Solo
4. Deadpool 2
5. Black Panther


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I'm going to use all that cut-off as necessary to make a call incase some trailers drop over the next week. I'll just list some of my initial thoughts to help others, then have a full list up sometime later.

Infinity War/Fallen Kingdom - Probably the safest bets, you would be a mad man not to include either on your list somewhere.

Incredibles 2 - Another safe bet as it's basically got all of June to itself animation wise, it's only competition will be Hotel Transylvania 3 in July

Deadpool 2 - A good bet to make due to how well the first did and the 2nd likely to follow suit, has a niche that no one else is going to try and take. The Risk is that it's an R rated which does put a cap on how well it can do. Still makes it one to watch.

Solo: A Star Wars Story - Interesting one to watch, espicially with the divisive opinion on The Last Jedi, it'll be best to see a trailer to tell how this will go. I wonder if it will keep the May release date or if it will get pushed back to December

Black Panther - One people shouldn't overlook, the reaction to the first trailer was great, it's got all of February to itself and most of March, it's biggest competition will be Pacific Rim Uprising and Ready Player One 5 weeks later, if word of mouth is strong it could bring in it's own crowd just like Wonder Woman did and have an incredible run. Just don't put it above Infinity War on your list, this won't be a Justice League/Wonder Woman style situation.

Ant Man and The Wasp - Watch how much the advertise The Wasp in this one to see how well it does, people will already come for Ant Man but it will be the Wasp that can swing things, if she gets a good role in Infinity Wars? That could be even better for her. I don't see this one coming ahead of Black Panther myself though.

New Mutants/Dark Phoenix - Hard to see any of them pass Deadpool 2 results. Dark Phoenix has to shrug off the bad word of mouth from Apocalypse which I don't think it will do.

Aquaman - Pahahahahaha. Slim chance after Justice League. Would need the advertisement campaign on 2018 to crack top 5... which might be possible considering the Suicide Squad campaign, huge doubts though.

Venom - Film might not even come out in 2018, it might get pushed back, avoid this pick.

Pacific Rim Uprising - With the lack of Del Toro, It comes down to word of mouth on the film. I just don't see it making top 5 even if it is one of the best action films of the year.

Ready Player One
- I have doubts on this one, probably the riskiest pick of them all, if Spielberg pulls it off then people will be coming back to try and spot all those easter eggs, if it gets bad word of mouth then it'll sink quickly. If it's bad but has a Twilight like fanbase than who even knows...

Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 - This on the other hand feels like a safe bet, if the Comic Con footage is true where Disney are going to throw in all of their IPs like Marvel, Star Wars and even have all of the Disney Princess, should take the holidays by storm, unless a grinch comes and ruins it.

The Grinch - Speaking of which, I'm surprised people are ignoring this, Illumination has been one of the most reliable money makers in recent years (Film quality is another topic). This is Illuminations only release next year, so you know they will go hard on the advertisements on this. It's one set back is that it will be competing with Wreck it Ralph 2. But Secret Life of Pets and Finding Dory still cracked 5th and 2nd when they competed against eachother. It's a safe bet to have The Incredibles and one of these 2 in your top 5.

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Gridenwald - Depends on peoples tolerance for Johnny Depp, a lot of people were annoyed when it revealed that he was Gridenwald at the end of the first film so making him the focus on the second film is an questionable choice regardless of how important of a character he is in the potterverse.

Bumblebee the Movie - All the transformers movies have been on a gradually falling spiral and this one doesn't have Michael Bay Directing in it which is who I imagine the audience wants to see. Sorry Travis Knight, your film is probably going to be better than all the other Transformers films but I can't see this one breaking out.

Alita: Battle Angel - Only worth mentioning in case James Cameron's Dark Box Office Magic returns again.

Sgt. Demblant

Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
1) Infinity War
2) Jurassic World
3) Black Panther
4) Deadpool 2
5) Solo

Solo and Incredibles 2 are the big unknowns, but I'm fairly confident about the top 2 at least. BP could blow up and do Wonder Woman numbers (so around 400) and Deadpool 2 will see a drop I imagine but should still do well. Ready Player One will bomb or do mediocre numbers.


Oct 25, 2017
1. Infinity War
2. Jurassic World
3. The Incredibles 2
4. Deadpool 2
5. The Grinch

Although Solo is an obvious snub, Travis Knight is doing Bumblebee, which I would assume makes it marketed toward a younger audience...and as long as the trailers look good, I could see this cleaning up. I know so many families who have kids that want to see these movies, but with how kid-inappropriate they are at times, the parents never go. If this one is truly aimed at kids and isnt downright terrible, Bumblebee could definitely break $350m+ imo


Nov 2, 2017
1. Infinity War
2. Incredibles 2
3. Solo
4. Jurassic World
5. Ready Player One

I feel like Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom and Ready Player One's positioning are dependent on their reviews. Personally feel like JW2 will review very badly, and RPO has Spielberg behind it so it's in good hands. But everyone else seems to think JW will obviously make more so I'll copy them :P


Oct 29, 2017
1( Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
2) Avengers Infinity War
3) The Incredibles 2
4) Solo. A Star Wars story.
5) Deadpool 2

Edit. Changed the 5th place.


Oct 25, 2017
It looks like to break the top 5 next year a movie is going to have to make at least $300-350M. With that in mind, let's take a look at some of the movies coming out in 2018, and some comparable movies to get some idea of how well or poorly they can do.

The likely candidates:

Avengers: Infinity War - Almost certain to have the highest opening weekend of the year. Even if we were tooking at a repeat of the Avengers to Age of Ultron percentage drop (which is arguably the worst case reasonable scenario), that's still $338M.

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom - I think everyone is expecting a drop from Jurassic World, but that movie did so well that even a good sized drop results in a pretty large number. A repeat of the Jurassic Park to The Lost World percentage drop still leaves you with $418M.

Deadpool 2 - Deadpool is looking to move in to the summer and play with the big boys in terms of comic franchises, and the marketing so far has been just as on point as for the first movie. The comp I'm looking at here is another record breaking R rated comedy, The Hangover. A Hangover to Hangover 2 level percentage drop still puts it at $332M.

The Incredibles 2 - The last time Pixar made a sequel to one of their more well liked movies from the early 00s, it made almost $500M. And this movie doesn't have an Illumination movie to cut off its legs. A Finding Nemo to Finding Dory percent bump puts it at $374M. Even a Monsters Inc to Monsters University percentage bump puts it pretty close at $275M.

Solo: A Star Wars Story - There's not much hype around this, and Lucasfilm is being oddly quiet in terms of marketing, but Star Wars is still the biggest brand in movies, and it's still opening on a weekend that can be really good for new releases (Memorial Day). A Phantom Menace to Attack of the Clones percentage drop from Rogue One still puts it at $372M.

Black Panther - Marvel has done pretty well at introducing new heroes recently, and this has taken Deadpool's February slot with little to compete with for weeks afterward. I think the floor here is Doctor Strange's domestic gross ($232M), with the ceiling being somewhere around Homecoming's domestic gross($334M).

The dark horses:

Mary Poppins Returns - Jumanji is looking to make over $200M with the same basic idea (a family friendly movie for around the holidays) and close to the same release frame. And Mary Poppins is a more well known brand/IP than Jumanji is.

The Grinch - It's an Illumination movie, and they've been on a good run over the past few years. Plus The Grinch is a well known character, and people might be interested in a new take on it. The biggest strike against it is that it has Wreck it Ralph 2 opening 2 weeks later to affect its legs (would you look at that, a Disney movie affecting Illumination's legs instead of the other way around).

The long shots:

Ready Player One - Spielberg is one of the greats when it comes to directing blockbusters, but the truth is that he hasn't had a movie gross more than $100M since Lincoln, and he hasn't had one gross over $200M since Crystal Skull. And let's not talk about The BFG.

Wreck it Ralph 2: Ralph Breaks the Internet - The first was generally well liked in nerd circles, but didn't do well enough that a bump up to this level is very likely. Even a Toy Story to Toy Story 2 percentage increase only puts it at $242M.

Aquaman - It has to deal with even more DCEU baggage than Wonder Woman did, with the added negative of it taking place after Justice League, so it can't just ignore everything about the movies like WW was able to by setting itself in the past. The release slot is nice, but unless the movie is absolutely fantastic, I just don't see it getting there.

Ant Man & The Wasp - The first Ant-Man was the least grossing Phase 2 movie by a decent amount, and even a First Avenger to Winter Soldier percentage bump for the sequel still only puts it at $265M.

Venom - While this is a movie based off a Marvel property, it isn't a "Marvel movie" and Sony hasn't done that well when left to its own devices for comic book movies lately. There's interesting talent in front of the camera, but the truth is that this movie is a big success if it can even get to $200M.

Dark Phoenix - The franchise is pretty clearly in decline post Days of Future Past, and even spinning this as a finale before they get merged into the MCU probably won't help it. The unrealistic best case scenario would be a First Class to DOFP percentage bump from Apocalypse, and even that only puts it at $247M.

Bumblebee - Another franchise in sharp decline, this one also has the problem of being a spinoff entry. Even if it's good, the effect on the box office probably wouldn't be seen until the Transformers movie that comes after this.

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald - This is probably the most likely of these long shots to make it, but even the mainline Harry Potter movies had a decrease between the first and second movies.

No chance:

The New Mutants - Best case scenario here is Logan's domestic run.

A Wrinkle in Time - Nothing we've seen so far suggests a breakout success. This is looking more like another Tomorrowland than another Pirates.

Pacific Rim: Uprising - First movie only made $100M domestic. This is a movie that's looking to make its major increases in other territories.

Oceans 8 - Even the biggest of Sodebergh's Ocean's movies didn't even hit $200M domestic. It doesn't even make $300M adjusted for ticket price inflation.

Mission Impossible 6 - The recent Mission Impossible movies have both ended up around $200M domestic, and I don't see this one breaking out enough to justify a huge bump from those two.

Alita: Battle Angel - Robert Rodriguez's biggest movies have only made $112M domestic, and they were both kids movies (Spy Kids 1 and 3). Even Cameron magic won't get this there.

Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation - Second movie only made $170M and the reception wasn't that great in terms of driving interest to a sequel.

Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again - Honestly, they'd better hope they don't see a Greek Wedding percentage drop.


Oct 25, 2017
Black Panther is going to beat Incredibles 2, Deadpool 2, and it might beat Solo. Maybe.

My money is also on Infinity War over Jurassic World.


Oct 25, 2017
1. Avengers: Infinity War
2. The Incredibles 2
3. Solo: A Star Wars Story
4. Jurassic World 2
5. Black Panther


Oct 28, 2017
I'm still percolating on my list. Avengers and JW are locks of course, even if they have huge locks, I don't see either of them falling below like 400M (personally, I think JW2 will drop a bit, and even without a drop, avengers will still demolish it). Where I'm more conflicted is with these release windows. Gotg2->WW->homecoming had a month between each other, giving each other plenty of space to breathe (and solo being 3 weeks after IW might crowd it a bit, but it's still pretty empty between them), but look at this freaking June:

While an argument could be made that they are targeting different markets, I'm not convinced that they're not going to be canabalizing each other's sales with only 2 weeks between runs. If only because there's only a finite number of screens to show stuff on. Some of these runs will get cut shorter. Especially with newer releases cutting into the higher revenue IMAX/Dolby/RPX/whatever ticket sales as it switches to the new release. The earlier movies would definitely be hit harder, I'm Bearish on DP2 and Solo in particular. Incredibles might survive only because it's counterprogramming kids in a way that some of these blockbusters might, but I'm still not sure it'll match Dory's gains.

On the other side of the coin, maybe it's just by comparison to this year's ridiculous lineup, but Nov/Dec look incredibly empty, and I'm hedging my bets that #5 will come from there, just not sure which one. Nov has Dark phoenix at the start, and then Fantastic beasts and Wreck it ralph closer to the middle for thanksgiving. December has the Miles Morales animated movie (which might be might pick as a dark horse candidate that wasn't mentioned before, since other than ralph 2 weeks earlier, it looks like it basically has the Christmas kids market all to itself), Mary Poppins on christmas day, and Aquaman and Bumblebee (meh and meh) in the middle.

My list so far (not final, obv) is 1. Avengers (better than Avengers 1, worse than TLJ) 2. JW2 (worse than JW1, but probably still above 400M, making it an easy second), 3 and 4. Some of the other films from that clusterfuck in June, and/or wherever my guess of Black panther a hair shy of 300M would fit in there, and 5. a shot in the dark at a Holiday movie rising above the crowd


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Southern California
1. Infinity War
2. Solo
3. Incredibles 2
4. Jurassic World
5. Mary Poppins Returns

Is everyone listing Deadpool aware it's coming out a week after Star Wars and a week before Incredibles 2?


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
It hasn't been over 10 years since the last Jurassic Park movie like last time.

I think Avengers will beat the next Jurassic World movie as well.
Avengers adds Guardians to this. Between the new Thor, Guardians 2 and Civil War Marvel will be opening Infinity War with a ton of audience goodwill. Jurassic World, however, made a lot of money but rarely seems to be remembered fondly.

Miles X

Oct 27, 2017
1. Infinity War ($600m)
2. Jurassic World 2 ($480m)
3. Incredibles 2 ($450)
4. Deadpool 2 ($400)
5. Solo ($380)


Oct 26, 2017
1. Avengers Infinity War
2. Jurassic World 2
3. Incredibles 2
4. Mary Poppins Returns
5. Fantastic Beasts 2