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Oct 29, 2017
The Last of Us is my favorite game of all-time. It lands gameplay and nuance while still featuring gay, POC, and female characters in prominent positions of agency and narrative importance that don't feel arbitrary or tokenized. I believe that all of the heft of its gunplay, beauty of nature's reclamation, level design, and quality of its acting will carry onto its sequel in May.

I do not believe, however, that its overall quality will match its forebear.

The Last of Us owed a serious nod to the works of Cormac McCarthy, specifically The Road but with the telling, anarchic violence of Blood Meridian and No Country for Old Men. Even the game's final words are indebted to the film adaptation of The Road. Relying less on a roadmap from the world's greatest living author and more on original authorship from Neil Druckmann and television screenwriter Haley Gross is certainly a risky proposition for the diegesis.

Moreover, current Naughty Dog seems obsessed with fatalism. They don't allow Nathan Drake to be plucky and autodidactic and skilled of his own making - no; he's from a whole family of antiquarians and just following a literal and figurative map written by his famous archaeologist mother and pre-routed by his equally talented long-lost antiquarian brother. Chloe Frazier, meanwhile, is also fated to follow in her ancestor's footsteps - with a famous historian father initiating her pursuits. Both of those backstories were penned this generation. It's hard to believe that while crushing their characters' merit and determinism they won't bring up a Chosen One or Happenstance situation where say, Ellie learns she's been engineered for immunity or Joel stumbles upon survivors present and culpable in Sarah's murder or his Salt Lake General culling.

The Last of Us Part II will also rely on a "Cult of Women" in which Ellie remains in pursuit of or pursued by. While the exact details surrounding this are as of now unknown, Marlene has already voiced the implausibility and difficulty for female survivors in the post-apocalyptic landscape, and the game reinforced this with commentary on the sparse female representation among both Fireflies and scavengers (Hunters). The game will need deft direction to undo its prequel's own commentary in service of verisimilitude though there is also a real possibility that its enemy variety is largely female and the game takes flak for its jarring violence against women. Either way, it's a loaded proposition.

Unlike its prequel, The Last of Us Part II will not sport a multiplayer component. The Firefly / Hunter skirmishes were a surprisingly immersive, enjoyable way to linger within the game's world and partake in its hefty, visceral combat against real-world players. It also had a Firefly or Hunter campaign attached with actual stakes. It was hardly a throwaway addition and will be dearly missed in The Last of Us Part II.

With all this uncertainty and my wavering faith in present Naughty Dog to not retcon motivations and story arcs that are perfectly functional as-is, I don't believe that The Last of Us II will reach the same high water mark as The Last of Us.

What are your thoughts for the title? Will it reach the same heights as the first game or exceed them?

Deleted member 2229

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Every game will dissapoint someone or some group of people. I don't know why these threads keep getting made like its some profound observation.


Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
I think that The Last of Us Part 2 will have multiplayer, just not attached to the game. If that makes sense?

Still holding out for Naughty Dog's The Last of Us free to play battle royale. It would be such a good fit, even the name, The Last of Us, screams battle royale. At the end, it could say YOU ARE THE LAST OF US or something dumb.

So, while I'm disappointed that it's missing multiplayer, I'm still hopeful ND will come through on that front.


Oct 28, 2017
I think it will set a new bar in storytelling and animation. I have no reason to think it will disappoint.


May 30, 2019
I don't really care about the multiplayer aspect, but I kinda agree. I think it'll be somewhat disappointing. There's no way this game will be as good as the first one. Sadly.


Nov 7, 2017
I think that The Last of Us Part 2 will have multiplayer, just not attached to the game. If that makes sense?

Still holding out for Naughty Dog's The Last of Us free to play battle royale. It would be such a good fit, even the name, The Last of Us, screams battle royale. At the end, it could say YOU ARE THE LAST OF US or something dumb.

So, while I'm disappointed that it's missing multiplayer, I'm still hopeful ND will come through on that front.
Yes this this this. It is the perfect fit for it and i hope they do it. I really don't think Sony realises the potential here


Oct 25, 2017
I think that The Last of Us Part 2 will have multiplayer, just not attached to the game. If that makes sense?

Still holding out for Naughty Dog's The Last of Us free to play battle royale. It would be such a good fit, even the name, The Last of Us, screams battle royale. At the end, it could say YOU ARE THE LAST OF US or something dumb.

So, while I'm disappointed that it's missing multiplayer, I'm still hopeful ND will come through on that front.

I hate how much I like that win phrase


Dec 8, 2018
TLoU is one of my favourite games ever and UC4 is one of my biggest disappointments this gen so I can definitely see it. Still hyped af though.


Oct 29, 2017
Nah. People set their own expectations, but considering TLOU is probably my favourite game of all time, I have no doubt that we're in for a wild ride. Seeing the nuance that went into the first game reassures me that the project is in the hands of people that really know what they're doing. Plus I think from a pacing and directorial perspective, some lessons were learnt from U4's encumbered nature.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
I think it'll be a lot different than people expect. Probably divisive in a lot of ways.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Every game will dissapoint someone or some group of people. I don't know why these threads keep getting made like its some profound observation.
Threads are made to complain about tweets in era. This is by far a much better example of a good thread and something i am interested in cause i share the same opinion. So if we can have useless threads about tweets, we can def have one where we can discuss this.


Weight Loss Champion 2018: Biggest Change
Oct 25, 2017
Man we're all really fucking bored here right now, aren't we?


Oct 28, 2017
I think that The Last of Us Part 2 will have multiplayer, just not attached to the game. If that makes sense?

Still holding out for Naughty Dog's The Last of Us free to play battle royale. It would be such a good fit, even the name, The Last of Us, screams battle royale. At the end, it could say YOU ARE THE LAST OF US or something dumb.

So, while I'm disappointed that it's missing multiplayer, I'm still hopeful ND will come through on that front.
Man if the game came out a year or so earlier I could totally see a Last of Us BR working in some strange way. It probably still could, but given the market for those games these days, it would probably be a novelty blip on the radar to most.


Feb 22, 2019
No game is perfect but from their amazing trajectory I can't see them fucking this one up.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't care about TLoU on a scale of greatness. I just want to see what ND thinks what themes fit a broken society in 2020. Will they go full nihilism, and see power as something purely born out of violence or will they try to deal with how social contracts are made.

The worst thing would just be a by the number revenge plot, but even with that I would still have the engineering aspect of it to marvel at.

R dott B

Oct 27, 2017
Well Uncharted 4 and the lost legacy were both underwhelming so I wouldn't be surprised if TLOU2 was also.


Oct 27, 2017
Ipswich, England
i'll prbably have the exact same opinion as i did with UC4

it'll put 95% of games to shame, but in the end i won't care for it

as much as the Naughty Dog formula is best in show, i'm starting to get a bit tired of it now

where's that space joint at? gimme something completely new and different...

Tiago Rodrigues

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 15, 2018
You literally start your post by saying the first game is your favorite game of all time.
The only way for it to surpass that, is to be even better than your already favorite game of all time...which is hard.

I do think the game will be much more controversial than the first game and we'll see Ellie taking a lot of weird decisions like Joel at the end of the first game. Why? Cause she was born into that savage world already. And i have a weird feeling a lot of people won't even think about that. Think about Walter White character progression on Breaking Bed. Starts as a hero, ends kind of like an anti-hero...and not everyone will appreciate it.

That said...i can already imagine how the game will push even further in terms of mo-cap, storytelling, that secret Naughty Dog sauce, etc.

If Death Stranding can look like that as an open world game...imagine a finished Naughty Dog game right at the end of this generation's life.

EDIT: Also...there's a lot of "ifs" in that OP. We have no idea about most of the story or what's happening. And "Ellie learns she's been engineered for immunity" sounds better than "Ellie just happened to be the only person IN THE WORLD who's immune for no reason whatsoever"
Last edited:


Aug 29, 2018
Omni just killed the thread in the first post.

i too have my concerns but i trust in ND. and yes, the Multiplayer is coming.


Nov 11, 2017
I strongly hope the multiplayer part, which is supposed to be some kind of standalone I believe, will NOT feature battle royale. Stick to what made the success of Factions. Winning formula. No need for battle royale crap.


Oct 29, 2017
I can see some people getting turned off by the doubling down on the extreme violence. The first game was very violent too, of course, but 2 seems to be aiming for something unprecedented.


Oct 25, 2017
Never doubt ND. Also, I hope multiplayer gets added during those delayed months. It's gonna be my main attraction because I know when I beat the game I'll never play it again for years.


Alt account
Feb 7, 2019
I think the potential for it to be underwhelming relies less on the quality of the game dipping in a big way and more about what has changed in the industry since the first game came out.

I'm not a huge fan of the first game (personally I enjoy the gameplay but the story didn't connect with me at all, it felt like bad Cormac McCarthy cosplay) but I think people connect with it because it had an somewhat "mature" story for a AAA game. That just isn't quite as novel now as it was 8 years ago.


Oct 26, 2017
I think it'll be absolutely fine. What do you class as underwhelm though: being poor, or not being considered the universal best game of the generation?

I know it's a different type of game, and there was a slightly larger gap between them, but people saying RDR2 would be bad and rushed, and nowhere near the quality of the first game, then it comes out and is an absolutely phenomenal achievement in the medium that blows the original out of the water.

Moreover, current Naughty Dog seems obsessed with fatalism

This however is something I've not enjoyed with 4 and Lost Legacy.
Feb 10, 2018
I think it will be a quality game with high 90+ scores.
But I don't think the animations and melee combat encounters will match what we saw in that early gameplay demo.

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
The original is one of my favorite games of all time and I think the combat is suuuuuper lacking. The amount of potential for growth in combat alone gives me faith in TLOU2.


Oct 25, 2017
TLOU1 didn't set the bar very high so it'll be hard for it to disappoint me. Just be an evolution of Left Behind/Lost Legacy and I'll probably really like it.


Oct 25, 2017
Game will imo for sure deliver and become one of this gens highlights :)

SP campaign seems to be really meaty, so I am fine with no MP at launch.


Oct 29, 2017
I think it will be a quality game with high 90+ scores.
But I don't think the animations and melee combat encounters will match what we saw in that early gameplay demo.

I'm confident that if we see a scaling back of what's been demoed, the inevitable PS5 Remaster will floor that footage anyway. That doesn't factor into my opinion.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
This is something I feared when we still had no idea a sequel was in the works. The first game is magnificent, among the best ever even, so naturally producing a sequel that is even better would pose a gargantuan task.
I'm trying to keep my expectations in check for the sequel, I'm aware it might not grab me like the first game did (I've played through it 10 times), but I'll be happy as long as it's a great game that in some ways lives up to the first installment.
With that said, gameplay is being improved upon what was already a very solid base, so I'm really excited for the encounter in this game.


Jun 19, 2019
Well, it's always better to go with moderate expectations so that something surprises you. In the same way I think tlou 2 is going to be a great game, I don't know if it will beat the first one, and I don't think I should do it either for you to enjoy it.


Oct 18, 2019
I think that The Last of Us Part 2 will have multiplayer, just not attached to the game. If that makes sense?

Still holding out for Naughty Dog's The Last of Us free to play battle royale. It would be such a good fit, even the name, The Last of Us, screams battle royale. At the end, it could say YOU ARE THE LAST OF US or something dumb.

So, while I'm disappointed that it's missing multiplayer, I'm still hopeful ND will come through on that front.

Naughty dog already confirmed that the MP part will come at a later date.
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