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Oct 25, 2017
In most cases, the concept of 'man likes tweet' is not news/thread worthy. But when it's this man and this tweet, from today?


As a reminder about Tim Soret & The Last Night (From Polygon)


Soret has tried to backtrack a bit, but if you look at his tweets in the past year, he's still that guy. Geoff also follows Tim Soret on twitter, so it's probably not just an accidental like. And that's not Keighley's only problematic fav:


You can see their twitter friendship here:

As a reminder, Musk is anti-union, and probably got people killed duing the pandemic:


Keighley's tweeted at or about Musk several times (At least 10-20), most of them well after his anti-union stances & covid issues were very very obvious. Putting him and Todd Howard on stage together that year was also well after a lot of the shine started to come off of the Musk apple.

I post this stuff because Geoff Keighley is one of the most powerful and influential single people in the gaming industry today. Hundreds of millions of views and viewers on the shows he creates means that he has tremendous reach, and with that reach should come a certain level of responsibility. The more people he can affect, the more careful this guy should have to be with the things that he celebrates, elevates, and presents to the world. He's far from the worst person on earth, and my real end goal here is not for Geoff Keighley to be cancelled into oblivion(this is not me decrying 'cancel culture', deplatforming works), but to educate himself and really think about the implications of celebrating these absolutely harmful people.

It's really not hard to see how these things can cause tangible harm:

Imagine a young person that likes and follows Geoff, discovers Elon Musk through him, listens to Musk and doesn't take COVID seriously, and then gets an at-risk person sick. There are real consequences when popular & powerful people are careless about this kind of stuff. And 'careless' is me being generous! Geoff Keighley has a 1.3 million followers. He's got to do better than this.

I recognize that he's also used his power for good more than once, but things like this show that there is absolutely room for improvement. And this is coming from someone that mostly likes Geoff! I think his shows are well made and that he's helped cultivate/curate some cool things in the past. But that has to come second to the fact that being ignorant or apathetic to real world politics is something that can get other people hurt, when you're as influential as he is.
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The Fallen
Jan 22, 2018
you know, I was going to make a post about The Last Night and how this dude fucked himself up so much to the point where "pretty pixel game with hella good lighting" is super common now.

Like, look at the Replaced trailer, and compare it to The Last Night trailer from four years ago.


Oct 27, 2017
you know, I was going to make a post about The Last Night and how this dude fucked himself up so much to the point where "pretty pixel game with hella good lighting" is super common now.

Like, look at the Replaced trailer, and compare it to The Last Night trailer from four years ago.
The Replaced devs be like


Mar 20, 2018
Liking tweets are not endorsements of a persons entire belief system. Not everyone crawls the internet for a developers comments on feminists. Put the pitchfork down


Oct 26, 2017
imediatly knew what this was about when I saw the title, as I just saw that he liked the tweet minutes ago.

Like I get it, he's liking the tweet because its a game that gameawards announced (and looks awesome unfortunately) but yeah, bad look for Keighley


Oct 27, 2017
I don't like Elon Musk, but the fact that you're acting like Geoff liking a tweet of his, he supports all that shit Musk does, is just weird.


Dec 10, 2017
If we cancelled everyone that liked a tweet, we'd have nobody left to cancel. Then what would we bitch about?


Nov 13, 2017
I don't see something as trivial as a like on Twitter as an endorsement of someone's entire belief system and/or past decisions, attitudes, behaviour, etc.


Oct 27, 2017
I imagine even if Keighley doesn't agree with them, he won't go out of his way to distance himself or the platform he has.

Not even saying this to be negative, he just needs to have options available.


Nov 2, 2017
All because he liked his tweet?
Such a black and white, good and evil view of people here sometimes.
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