
Oct 25, 2017
Growing up I knew some of the names of the most famous wrestlers and even played a few of the video games on Nintendo 64 learning moves and catch phrases, but whole the allure of spectacle was lost on me. I would go to a friends house and watch them get red faced jumping up and down while yelling at the TV for their favorite spandex clad warrior and I just couldn't understand why.

A few years later I would discover Dragonball Z on Cartoon Network, and go on to become a big fan of anime who on occasion (in the private confines of his domicile) would be known to yell and cheer at his favorite moments in the medium. Still the idea of ever being able to enjoy wrestling seemed like an impossibility in my mind.

The other day out of the blue my roommate mentioned his friend's brother helps organize a local wrestling show. He too had never been a fan of wrestling but was curious to go. I agreed, as I had always wondered what a wrestling show might be like live and in person. As we walked into the old, musty community center I didn't really know what to expect. The well worn ring was positioned in the middle of the room, with fold out chairs lined up on three sides. Behind the back of the ring a large black curtain ran nearly the length of the wall, helping conceal the performers preparing for their moment on stage. The audience was filled with all ages and backgrounds, a really diverse group of people all gathered in anticipation for the show to come.

Fast forward several hours later and it was over. In the end I walked away with a great appreciation for the performers and the striking realization that there are many parallels between wrestling and anime, particularly the Shounen genre. Basically wrestling fans are anime fans who just don't know it yet.

1. Reaction Moments

Wrestling: A wrestler lands a heavy blow. Their opponent reels back from the force of it. The crowd gasps.

Anime: An anime character lands a heavy blow. Action lines emphasize the weight of it. The characters and the audience gasp together.

2. Outrageous Villainy vs Justice

Wrestling: In wrestling "heels" are meant to draw the ire of the crowd and inject the matches with emotional weight that wouldn't otherwise be there. At this particular event the heel told a 5 year old girl in the crowd to "sit down!" (which was amazing) and proceeded to best the female protagonist with a cheap surprise blow which caused a chorus of boos.

People were way more excited to see this story play out than the final marquee match with unquestionably the highest level of technical skill on display. That showcase couldn't compare to the roar the crowd derived from the epic battle of good (justice) vs evil. When the female protagonist later beat the heel in embarrassing fashion cheers filled the room, and the 5 year old girl was giving a standing ovation.

Anime: Villains are important to any good vs evil story, and finding dramatic ways to make villains look particularly heinous is something anime excels at. It's a great feeling when an antagonist is set up well and the hero (after great trial and tribulation) ultimately delivers the final blow!

3. Uncertainty of Outcomes

Wrestling: The villain flies through the air and strikes the hero with tremendous force sending him out of the ring and into the cold linoleum floor with a sickening smack. The event crew rushes to his side as he cries out in pain. Is he hurt? Should someone call 911? As the hero rises to his feet the room starts to realize it was part of the act, and cheers the hero onward.

Anime: The protagonist receives a sequence of blows up leading up to his enemy's ultimate attack. He flies back from the force is crashes into ground at tremendous speed and a dust cloud rises up to conceal his ultimate fate. Time passes and the dust clears. The hero steps out of the smoke, ready to fight some more.

4. Iconic Named Special Moves

Wrestling: Tombstone Piledriver. Rock Bottom. Stone Cold Stunner.

Anime: Getsuga Tenshou. Gomu Gomu No Pistol. Jan Ken Guu!

5. Unique Groups/ Personas

Wrestling: At this particular show there were a group of fans who would refer to themselves as the "1 Percenters", taunting the crowd and wrestlers alike while supporting a competitor with a bourgeois demeanor. My personal favorite was a wrestler named "Safety First" who would stop mid-fight to readjust the table he was going to throw you into in the name of safety.

Anime: Similarly group affiliations within an anime can help you find a band to identify with to keep you invested emotionally, just like how I know I would be in either Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff in Harry Potter.

Furthermore characters with strong identifiable traits make the experience more memorable.

6. Catch Phrases

Wrestling: Can you smell what the Rock is cooking? You just made the list. Ohhh Yeah!

Anime: Omae wa mou Shinderu. I going to be the Pirate King! Dattebayo! I'm all fired up!


tldr: Not sure how this turned into a sprawling essay, but basically I think professional Wrestling and (Shounen) Anime have a lot in common and might appeal to similar audiences. Wrestling fans, I don't know enough about wrestling to cite famous examples for most of my points. Any anecdotes, youtube videos, or gifs are welcome.

Any similarities I missed? Did you grow up watching wrestling to discover you like anime later in life? Do you think this is a dumb thread and are wondering why I wasted my time creating it?

Kage Bunshin no Jutsu + DDT me if lame/old?.



Oct 25, 2017
goddamn, i dont think i've ever agreed with something so hard as this right now.


Oct 25, 2017
Anime fans at least know it's fake... I know plenty of wrestling fans who don't think that.


Herald of Stoptimus Crime
Oct 25, 2017
I've always felt like there was actually a pretty big crossover between casual anime fans and professional wrestling fans.



Oct 25, 2017
I always thought hip-hop had the most in common with pro wrestling, but the OP is onto something here. Hmm...
Nov 19, 2017
If only Vince would see this and realize the best way to get Roman over is a One Punch Man gimmick.

* everyone goes down to one superman punch and sells it like they've been shot in the head*

Fans: Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


It'd be magic, maggle.
Oct 25, 2017
I've been watching Lucha Underground recently and goddamn it's basically Jojo's bizarre adventure.
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Oct 25, 2017
i saw a gif of a wrestling audience doing some corny gesture pointing towards the sky and it looked just like an idol concert

wrestling fans/otaku whatever is the same