Does Resetera do enough to protect insiders? (please answer in detail why)

  • Yes, I think Resetera's doing enough for the insiders.

    Votes: 154 47.1%
  • No, I'm in favor of the topic starter's suggestion.

    Votes: 146 44.6%
  • No, I have another suggestion (explain).

    Votes: 27 8.3%

  • Total voters
Mar 31, 2018
Dear ResetEra administrators, moderators and members

Over the years, various insiders have been driven away from here or have been active in the background by the aggressiveness of others who use social media - to which Resetera herself belongs, as a forum. I've been thinking about how we can better protect them. They apparently have the right to create another account if it gets too hot under their feet, but we have to go further.

I am in favour of a shared account that is used by all insiders (confirmed by the administrators). It will have an inconspicuous name such as "ResetEra Insider" without a specific avatar. There should be no possibility to get in touch with that account, so they will not be bothered by hate messages and requests. The insider behind the account will also not have any specific media attention because of the discrete name.

I would appreciate it if your administrators and moderators would use all means to protect the insiders here, by preventing them from encountering toxic experiences with others, both inside and outside the forum.

I know this topic may not be allowed on the forum, because it is a matter for those who are hierarchically above me... But still, the opinions and suggestions of the members could be interesting, I think. I apologize in advance if this topic is against the rules.


Oct 25, 2017
Sometimes I wonder why Resetera hasn't implemented something like SecureDrop:

Newspapers and news outlets like The Globe and Mail and CBC use it so people can securely and safely share sensitive information. Might be worth looking in to.


The King of Games - One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
The answer is to remove the toxic individuals from the site. Your suggestion would mainly remove the "insiders" credibility and accountability.


Oct 25, 2017
Why don't we work on making actual marginalized communities feel good about using ERA before worrying about this.


Oct 28, 2017
To me this is only suitable if someone is leaking about toxicity in the industry and they want to protect themselves. Like bad working conditions, racism (any ism), stuff like that.

Not because they are leaking that one console has higher TF than another or something like that.


Oct 25, 2017
I dunno, I feel the value or rumors/leaks is always highly dependant on the leaker's specific credibility.

To me this is only suitable if someone is leaking about toxicity in the industry and they want to protect themselves. Like bad working conditions, racism (any ism), stuff like that.

Not because they are leaking that one console has higher TF than another or something like that.

Unless for stuff like this I guess.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not super into the shared account idea because this is a forum, and it's difficult to have conversations when one party doesn't have an identity. There are plenty of real news outlets if all you want to do is share info.

But, I'm broadly in favor of strategies to make insiders feel more welcome/safe/etc.

Deleted member 25606

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
Yeah how about no. They are not journalists, not breaking need to know stories. If anything most from the pattern I have seen are taking advantage of friendships at best, disgruntled or breaking NDA's at worst.

All so you can know the setting of the next AC. That doesn't need protection.


Oct 28, 2017
They should be more accountable for their bullshit

They are already protected by "plans change"


Oct 28, 2017
Most of era "insiders" are broken clocks, why era need to "protect" something with 50/50 success ratio?
the only thing i can think is the "insiders" show true confirmed evidence to the admins before post
Oct 26, 2017
The answer is to remove the toxic individuals from the site. Your suggestion would mainly remove the "insiders" credibility and accountability.
Yep. Almost always comes down to setting higher expectations for member conduct and responding accordingly. Not sure of the breadth of the problems leakers face here though tbh. Most of the time I notice them when users are mad over someone pulling their leg because apparently video games are super serious business. Seems like there's some lowkey talk about leakers getting doxx'd in here?

Why don't we work on making actual marginalized communities feel good about using ERA before worrying about this.
Also yep.


Oct 28, 2017
Lol @ "insiders."

Sorry - personally, considering how poor the track record has been, I'm more inclined to say let's just not have insiders. But I'm doubtful that would be a popular suggestion.

At best, the good information usually only comes a day or so before any actual good news, anyway. Any time it's earlier - even if it is right - there's so much doubt and lack of confidence across many I'm not sure it offers much.

To be clear, I'm not hating on those that wanna share what info they think they have. I've never sent a bitter note or PM on Reset to anyone claiming insider knowledge, but I also avoid most the threads built on rumors from here because I've found they very rarely amount to much.

Deleted member 5028

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Why don't we work on making actual marginalized communities feel good about using ERA before worrying about this.
Yep. Era team has enough work to do (and it's happening every day) rather than protect people who want to leak information willingly - and the good news is they're doing something about that:

Asian Era Meeting

Hello everyone, and welcome. The purpose of the meeting today is for ResetEra staff and Asian members to meet and discuss concerns and issues that the Asian community has, so that staff can work to create a more welcoming and safe environment for all Asian members on the forum. Guidelines and...

So, uh, July Is Minority Mental Health Awareness Month

🤩 Content Warning: Mental Illness and Suicide 🤩 Hi, Era. I didn't see a thread for this and figured I'd make it. This is my very first one, though, so please be patient with me and anything I've missed. 🙏 So here it is. Some of you might be aware of May being Mental Health Awareness Month...

Summary of February 2020 meeting between the Black Community & ResetEra Staff and an update on our Community Relations team

As many of you may have seen, we recently had a meeting with black members of the community. During this meeting, the staff had a public discussion where we discussed concerns from the Black Community, and came up with solutions to address these concerns. The entire team would like to thank...

Speaking of trans issues let's talk about racism and the general disregard of brands when we call them out for it.

Hiya gaming era it is I the spookiest motherfucker you ever met who also made a thread just two days ago about trans issues in eras community. (I'm not exactly great at making threads ) this thread Hey it's minority mental health awareness month Hey era I figured it would be apt if I placed a...

When we put leakers and insiders on the same level as actual minorities it shows a severe lack of awareness of what matters to people who are part of resetera.

People can choose to leak on the forum. It's fun to get news before its ready yeah? Well the thing about these individuals is that they can choose to be insiders and it's up to the moderation and admins to decide on how to to protect these people . What people can't choose is to be a minority on this site - and I would prefer to see Resetera staff continue to engage with minorities before putting energy into something which they handle pretty well.


Editor at Nintendo Wire
Oct 27, 2017
I feel like most of the toxicity I've witnessed came from other social media platforms. I could have missed stuff, but when things didn't pan out as expected regarding last week's Direct Mini I'm pretty sure most folks were quick to call out those who were being toxic babies about it to the insiders.

But yeah I think an anonymous vetting and approval system would work, though I can understand the risks involved with that (Nintendo could try to strongarm the admins into sharing info on leakers).


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Like you mention they can create a new account (with any name), can verify with staff, opt not to have a 'I work at X' tag and turn off the ability to be PM'd. Unsure what the need for a shared 'mystery' account is, unless I'm mistaken on any of that?
Oct 25, 2017
They could call the account...Crazy Buttocks on a Train

Okay but seriously I doubt moderation here wants to spend time independently verifying who they do or do not consider to be reliable insiders and then posting for them. There's hardly a good system to verify that anyway, it's not like leakers would reveal their sources to moderation. And if they did, creating a centralized system of insider verification potentially puts all of their identities in one risky pot together.

But if you can convince management here that they should be curating leaks themselves then go for it
Easier to just be harsher on assholes who hassle them

Like you mention they can create a new account (with any name), verify with staff, opt not to have a 'I work at X' tag and turn off the ability to be PM'd. Unsure what the need for a shared 'mystery' account is?
Yeah this seems to already cover the bases for those looking for more anonymity

Deleted member 176

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
in all seriousness this is a really bad idea. out of the few insiders who are on this site, they all have various levels of credibility. if they had a shared account you'd never know if you were getting info from somebody who actually knows stuff, or from somebody who is purposely leaking false information in a clever spider's web of trickery to confirm information.


Oct 25, 2017
Don't voluntarily post innaccurate information and don't be a dick. Problem solved.


Oct 26, 2017
Lol @ "insiders."

Sorry - personally, considering how poor the track record has been, I'm more inclined to say let's just not have insiders. But I'm doubtful that would be a popular suggestion.

At best, the good information usually only comes a day or so before any actual good news, anyway. Any time it's earlier - even if it is right - there's so much doubt and lack of confidence across many I'm not sure it offers much.

To be clear, I'm not hating on those that wanna share what info they think they have. I've never sent a bitter note or PM on Reset to anyone claiming insider knowledge, but I also avoid most the threads built on rumors from here because I've found they very rarely amount to much.

I'll echo this, though it seems discussing leaks have become such a central(and understandably fun) activity here that removing insiders will chase away many users.

Deleted member 5028

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
in all seriousness this is a really bad idea. out of the few insiders who are on this site, they all have various levels of credibility. if they had a shared account you'd never know if you were getting info from somebody who actually knows stuff, or from somebody who is purposely leaking false information in a clever spider's web of trickery to confirm information.
That's how you end up with CBOAT


Oct 25, 2017
Don't active mods and admins have enough on their plate without also having to put up with unaccountable voices being given blessed protected status from posting incomplete, nonjournalistic dreck about videogames


Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco, CA
I think this is the role of serious journalism, not a forum.

I don't think Resetera (either its moderators or members) should be in the business of vetting insider sources and the information they provide.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
They should be more accountable for their bullshit

They are already protected by "plans change"
Plans do change, though? Have you ever worked for multimillion dollar projects?

Demon's Souls remaster has been rumored for several years now. It finally showed up. That's the industry.


Oct 26, 2017
Mmmm i see what youre gettin at. That particular idea might be worth implementing for ringing the bell on abuse and miscinduct, but not dropping gaming related hints.

For gaming stuff, theres probably a measure that can be taken, but not what you would call a solution. Don't neccesarily want something that elevates their status any more to than those sketchy verified tags do.

9/10 times, the problem is fanboys starting a witchhunt at the drop of a hat. There's a very broad grey are between legit criticism and whatever, but some of the stuff ive seen let by has been egregious.

Maybe its worth a chat or maybe we just let them do their thing on twitter and not worry about having them here.


Best Avatar Thread Ever!
Nov 20, 2017
Kingdom of Corona
Okabe and Adookah will forever be the best insiders for me, and will always have my respect.


Oct 25, 2017
Why does it matter if the insiders are wrong?

Why do people need to attack them for being wrong?

How does being wrong justify getting online harrassment?