
Oct 31, 2017
The hard disk bracket of my PS4 got damaged because of screws I couldn't get out, its in storage I think without a harddisk.

The Gold Hawk

Jan 30, 2019
I still have my PS4, fished it out last year so my partner could play the Last of Us. My PS4 Pro, I sold to my brother in law.

Sold my original Xbox one to a former co-worker and my One X is in a box.


Mar 28, 2024
My PS5 and Series X are both in my living room, so I have my PS4 in my bedroom in case I want to play something before I go to sleep.


Oct 28, 2017
Thanks for reminding me.. I need to hurry up and finally play P.T. and then sell it.

Edit-or actually maybe give it away to a family member.

Version 3.0

Oct 27, 2017
Same thing I do with all my consoles: leave them right where they are. And I do still use them. Install space is limited, after all, so I leave PS4 games on the PS4 unless there's a good reason to move them over to PS5. I still play Rocket League on PS4, for example, and Rock Band 4 on Xbox One.

Nov 13, 2017
I tend to keep my old consoles forever, more or less. My PS4 Pro is currently with a friend who wanted to play the 60fps for Bloodborne. Otherwise it sits in its box in a cabinet. I gave my base PS4 to a friend years ago.


May 10, 2024
I sold cheap my PS4 to my parents. I did the same with my OG Switch, and got a OLED Switch with that money. I plan to sell them my Xbox Series S and get a Series X, I think I have enough retro games in the Xbox for my mom, and I hope I can convice her to play Elden Ring with me.


Feb 1, 2019
Cleaned it, changed the thermal paste, put it back in it's box, to be used (probably) by my daughter someday.
Empyrean Cocytus

Empyrean Cocytus

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Upstate NY
Couple years late with this topic lol. Haven't had either of them basically since these new consoles launched

With the new consoles having been out for over 4 years now I just wanted to see what people were doing with their old ones since there's no real reason to have them hooked up. I've still got my 360 and PS3 hooked up for reference, since they have games that aren't forward compatible.


Oct 27, 2017
Sold them during that dumb GameStop deal when they couldn't get enough consoles to sell. Literally lost $20 a piece on both pros. Bought digital games for 2 years with GameStop credit


Dec 16, 2023
With the new consoles having been out for over 4 years now I just wanted to see what people were doing with their old ones since there's no real reason to have them hooked up. I've still got my 360 and PS3 hooked up for reference, since they have games that aren't forward compatible.

More than one time I've though about dragging out my 360 to play New Vegas, but it's just not worth the effort. If I had unlimited room I'd probably keep all the consoles out and ready to play, like that poster above or a couple of friends of mine.


Nov 10, 2020
I never had an Xbox but for the PS4 I gave it to my cousins with a lot physical games.

I'm thinking of getting the PS5 Pro so I would probably give them the PS5 as well in Christmas.

Adam Tyner

Oct 25, 2017
I gave my X1X to my sister and traded my PS4 Pro into GameStop. (I offered her the PS4 as well, but she wasn't interested.)


Oct 30, 2017
I got rid of my ps4 pro. Kinda wish I didn't cause it looked cool in white. The one I had was quiet too. As for xb1, I got rid of it a while back because I didn't use it at all. I have a xsx now though.


Nov 5, 2017
I kept my ps4 for a bit but then gave it to my sister about a year after ps5 launch. Didn't touch it a single time in that year and didn't see the point keeping it around since the ps5 is backwards compatible.

I also had a ps4 pro that I sold around the launch of the ps5


Nov 6, 2017
With the new consoles having been out for over 4 years now I just wanted to see what people were doing with their old ones since there's no real reason to have them hooked up. I've still got my 360 and PS3 hooked up for reference, since they have games that aren't forward compatible.
If you only play games on one TV then there might not be a reason to have them hooked up, but with multiple TVs it is certainly viable to have some older consoles connected. I still have a PS4 Pro hooked up to an older TV setup despite having multiple PS5/XSX consoles around the house and this summer I'm planning to move the PS4 Pro to our outside kitchen area so that I can use it while cooking at the grill or hanging out by the pool.
Mar 15, 2019
Same thing I do with all my consoles: leave them right where they are. And I do still use them. Install space is limited, after all, so I leave PS4 games on the PS4 unless there's a good reason to move them over to PS5. I still play Rocket League on PS4, for example, and Rock Band 4 on Xbox One.


yo, that's actually crazy

feeling a bit jealous, can't lie lol


Oct 28, 2017
Seattle, WA, USA
My old consoles shift to different rooms in my house. My PS5 took over my main TV in my primary living room along with a Switch.

My PS4 moved to my Bedroom mounted on the wall behind my TV there, along with a second dock for Switch.

My office/back living room used to be where I had my 2nd Switch dock, but now it is just where I do all my PC gaming.


Apr 28, 2018
Both are packed away probably still gathering dust. My Xbox was wrapped in a pillow case and stored away.

My ps4 (an Arkham Knight themed console) is still in the original packaging.


Dec 12, 2018
My Xbox One X is in a spare room, mostly use it for streaming, but it works for games and Moonlight and stuff.

My PS4 is on the floor in the same room because, while it works, it beeps every few seconds while playing. It also still has PT installed, which is neat.

I don't think I'll sell them, might give them away if I move, but for now they're serving a purpose. Though I don't really see the point of selling the Xbox, since literally every game that's playable on that is playable on the new one. That might also be true for the PS4, but it does have PT installed on it, which as I said, is neat.


Oct 27, 2017
Same as what I've done with every console I've owned all the way back to my NES. Put it away in the under the stairs storage and bring it out when I want to use it.


Nov 16, 2017
I have 0 idea what to do with mine

The only real reason I'd want a PS5 is purely just to finish my PS4 library

So I have no actual reason to have one. Have 0 idea if anyone would find it valuable enough to buy from me


Oct 25, 2017
I have a cardboard box in the basement that is nothing but old game consoles and the cables for them. It goes there, never to return.

Don't really know why I keep them, still have my childhood NES from the 80s in there. I've always preferred to use emulation to play older games, even if I own the original hardware.


Oct 27, 2017
Toronto, Canada
As much as I'm not playing either of my ps4 or ps5 atm, I do plan to keep it since my ps5 is digital and I have a number of ps4 disc I still want to play.
Oct 27, 2017
I switched to Xbox for the first time this gen due to my interest in Game Pass, the PS+ price hikes and the lower number of PlayStation exclusives compared to their previous consoles, so my PS4 is still connected to a TV. I didn't have an Xbox One, but I imagine I would have sold it or gave it away if I did.


Oct 25, 2017
Traded it in for like $250 off my ps5. No reason for me to keep old consoles around.


Oct 25, 2017
Traded PS4 Pro in. Literally no reason to keep it around.

Did the same thing going PS4 > PS4 Pro

Did the same thing going Launch Switch > Switch OLED

And for my Steam Deck, I ended up selling it on Swappa and and buying an OLED Steam with those funds (stacked with steam cards I bough discounted a while ago).

Not sure what I'm going to do for the next generations of each of these if they are all backwards compatible. Despite being slightly annoyed with PS5 performance when playing FF7 Rebirth, I don't feel the urge to upgrade to PS5 Pro (yet).

Not buying a Switch until they have one with an OLED display.


Apr 14, 2019
My One X is in my bedroom. Its connected to my tv but i cant remember the last time i turned it on. I keep it in standby, and it gets warm. Its my senior cats favorite nap spot so i dont have the heart to get rid of it.


Shinra Employee
Sep 13, 2022
Sold the ps4 pro and one x
Couldn't find someone to buy the xbone so just left it in the house when we moved.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Philadelphia, PA
I gave my PS4 Pro to my niece once I got a PS5. I still have my Xbox One X despite trying to sell it here on the B/S/T forums twice. At this point I'm likely to just put it up on Ebay for $150 and call it a day.


Unshakable Resolve
Nov 21, 2019
I put the PS4 in one of my kid's rooms but they don't hardly touch it.


Aug 5, 2020
Due to work travel, I spent months withouth my PS5 and I use the PS4 instead. I have been unable to access my PS5 for 3 months and aside for a few exclusives, I have to say I was expecting to miss the console more, but the fact is..... that I don't care. I have been playing P3 Reload and The Witcher 3 on my good old launch PS4 and I'm more than fine.

I love videogames, it's my main hobby, but I suppose I'm not a high specs super graphics guy.