
Feb 8, 2018
The PS5 UI feels super sterile and corporate to me. I honestly don't know why, I mean I prefer the steam interface, and that literally is built as a storefront that also happens to launch games. The only thing I like about it the PS5 UI is the snappiness, which is probably a function of the SSD integration more than anything else.
They should call it the Jim Ryan OS.


Sep 24, 2018
I really miss PS4 UI and the season changing background from the PS3 UI.

Man, the PS5 UI is ugly as fuck

Finale Fireworker

Love each other or die trying.
Oct 25, 2017
United States
Goes to show how different the priorities can be between players. The absolute last thing I want to see is a bunch of information about what people other than me are up to.

The PS5 UI is missing a ton of features and functionality, but the feeling of privacy and the cleanliness of the aesthetic is what I'd call its strongest feature. No bull shit - just your games and what you want to do.


Nov 2, 2017
My biggest annoyance is the PlayStation button functionality, it feels like they've got it in reverse with regards to what short press and long press should do.

I also want VRR functionality prioritised over online social stuff. I play mainly single player so I know I'm in the minority as it seems most are obsessed with online games.

Goes to show how different the priorities can be between players. The absolute last thing I want to see is a bunch of information about what people other than me are up to.

The PS5 UI is missing a ton of features and functionality, but the feeling of privacy and the cleanliness of the aesthetic is what I'd call its strongest feature. No bull shit - just your games and what you want to do.

Totally agree.

I personally disable ALL notifications, I just want to pick my game and get started.

I actually really like the barebones switch UI as there's nothing to it aside from some icons lol.


Tools & Automation
Oct 28, 2017
It's a terrible UI all around.

It's like everything I want to do with it takes more steps than it should. Viewing trophies for the current game I'm playing is an awful experience. I have to go on my profile, then trophies, then select the game. Why? Viewing the trophies list for the current game should be immediately available from the home menu. The card-based list of trophies is also horrible and provides less information at one glance than a good old fashioned vertical list would.

Putting the console in Rest Mode is the most likely thing I'm about to do at any time I'm using the console, and for this I have to press the Home button, wait around 2 seconds for the menu to appear (why is there a delay at all?), navigate all the way to power options, then choose Rest Mode, then accept. Like holy shit this should be as simple as holding the home button for 3 seconds and DONE.

I really hope they gather user feedback and try to address it in future updates. For how much time they spent hyping up the fact that they were optimizing it down to microsecond delays, they sure haven't taken any time to focus on actual usability or have any actual gamers play test it for any decent amount of time. Those issues would have popped right up!


Dec 27, 2017
Sony makes absolutely stellar huge budget AAA titles. At this point, you should expect virtually nothing else from them.

Lube Man

Jan 18, 2021
So many things present in PS4 that I took for granted are missing on PS5. It's stupid spending 6+ years improving the UI only to throw it away next-gen.


Oct 29, 2017
I actually like a shiny new OS, built with the hardware in mind. I don't have any trouble figuring out new interfaces. I'm not going to lie - though it has some catching up to do. It's not awful.


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah the delay with the Home button is weird. I mean it's only 2 seconds but still, I would have expected the PS5 to bruteforce these UI delays.


Jan 15, 2019
I am still bit annoyed that you can't long press the PS button for rest mode etc. I also would prefer it took you to the homescreen than the popup menu.

Also the menu for trophies is always laggy and slow for me. Not a fan of the new layout either with scrolling sideways.


Feb 28, 2019
But I don't do multiplayer and trophies are a distraction I don't want.
Like me. My friends aren't playing video games so, yes, PS5 is a solitary exeperience for me.
So I am not bothered by the UI.
When I push the PS button it takes like 2 second to open the control menu...
I find it quite nice.

The only thing that I miss is faster way to put the console into rest mode.
This. As much as I have no problem with the overall UI, everything about control menu is completly undercooked and slow.


Oct 30, 2017
The things that I need:

- Folders. Tiers. Tags. Something to organize my Lib.

- Hide betas and demos.

- Easier access to PS5 ou PS4 SKU of a game.

- More than one Storage Drive.

- Allow games to write directly on the Storage Drive. You still need free space on the main drive to install (copy) on the externals.


Oct 25, 2017
The UI to communicate with other people is atrocious. The party system feels like it was created by aliens who have never interacted with a console before.

Sabrina Rei

Oct 30, 2017
LOL. It's my favorite Sony UI ever, all stuff I care about, gets me to games super quick, makes it easy to differentiate between games and media. It's so easy to get into games or chat with friends and do what I need. Actually works well with the App. The only thing I would change is that "..." button. The PS4, PS5 version tab should make it a lot clearer what it's doing. Also, "Manage Game Content" is confusing.


Oct 26, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
Yup. I actually like the social feed as long as it just includes my small number of friends.

I hate the gamebase...its takes so long just to send someone a simple msg.
Oct 27, 2017
I miss features that were present in previous gens and am as baffled as anyone at why Sony always removes them just to add them back later (along with stability, ofc).

On the other hand, there are some improvements. I think the quick menu and share menus are much improved, and it also loads much faster. That's great for me as I keep taking loads of shots in both Miles and Control's photo modes.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't think it's horrible, but it's certainly style over substance. I don't really care for this whole "Game Base" thing and I don't like how I need to take extra steps just to see who's online or even get to my trophies. I miss the "What's New" tab too since the Explore thing blows, I don't need to be greeted with an ad or promotion for a game I don't even own or other useless information when I turn the system on. Update History also seems to be missing from PS5 games which is really weird.

Honestly I would have taken a complete copy and paste from PS4's UI, but I'm sure over time it will get better.
Oct 30, 2017
My real issue is with party organization and the amount of button presses it takes.

Otherwise the UI is quite good. It's snappy, quick, and let's me easily shareplay.


Oct 27, 2017
Its like they looked at the ps4, copy/pasted it but there were some formatting issues and missing items and they just said fuck it its good.

The Last One

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I want folders and being able to turn off my console holding que the PS button. Also theme pls, it's also easy money for them.

But in general is a much better UI than PS4's one. I love the look and how I can manage my parties and friend list without minimizing my current played game.


Mar 6, 2018
PS5 UI has a lot of cool stuff, but it feels so clumsy to use. I miss the PS3's XMB UI, it was so simple and easy to drill down into menus, PS4 and PS5 UI should have been an evolution of it, not a convolution of it.


Oct 25, 2017
As a solitary gamer (i.e. I don't play multiplayer games and only have a friends list for chat purposes), it suits my needs perfectly. It's mostly fast and easy to work with. There are things I want improved but that will come over time.


Mar 23, 2018
I like a lot of things about the PS5 UI, but you are right. The friend and community aspect is so buried right now.
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
It's a terrible UI all around.

It's like everything I want to do with it takes more steps than it should. Viewing trophies for the current game I'm playing is an awful experience. I have to go on my profile, then trophies, then select the game. Why? Viewing the trophies list for the current game should be immediately available from the home menu. The card-based list of trophies is also horrible and provides less information at one glance than a good old fashioned vertical list would.

Putting the console in Rest Mode is the most likely thing I'm about to do at any time I'm using the console, and for this I have to press the Home button, wait around 2 seconds for the menu to appear (why is there a delay at all?), navigate all the way to power options, then choose Rest Mode, then accept. Like holy shit this should be as simple as holding the home button for 3 seconds and DONE.

I really hope they gather user feedback and try to address it in future updates. For how much time they spent hyping up the fact that they were optimizing it down to microsecond delays, they sure haven't taken any time to focus on actual usability or have any actual gamers play test it for any decent amount of time. Those issues would have popped right up!

too many essential features are buried behind too many clicks. Sony is out here actually finding ways to take backward steps with UI. In 2021.


Oct 27, 2017
The Milky Way
4 months in and I still hold the PlayStation button down and then wonder where the fuck the power off option is.

After 13(+) years of that being the way to turn off a PlayStation (or Xbox) it's really difficult to get used to just the short press and then navigating to the icons at the bottom.

Also another PlayStation that won't let you have a secret late night gaming session, with their insistence of not letting you turn off that nasty loud start up beep that is reminiscent of 90s PCs.

But if that's all I've got to complain about then they haven't done too badly. I much prefer the customisation of the Xbox UI though and wish PS5 had similar, but I do love the native 4k.


Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
I literally only use it for single-player games, so I don't really interact with the UI. Although, I've intentionally kept my Xbox One X connected as my media hub since the apps are more mature


Oct 27, 2017
It's so weird that so many functions went back to zero. Feel like this also happened when going from ps3 to ps4

Can't even see patch notes or history of patches lmao

what the fuck are they doing
I don't know why they'd remove such a useful function. Like that's something MS should have adopted, not get dropped by Sony


Nov 24, 2017
4 months in and I still hold the PlayStation button down and then wonder where the fuck the power off option is.

After 13(+) years of that being the way to turn off a PlayStation (or Xbox) it's really difficult to get used to just the short press and then navigating to the icons at the bottom.

haha this so much!
maybe my brain would have been re-wired by now,
if i didn't also have xbox and not constantly switching between 2 consoles.
but now i keep mixing this all the time.


Nov 5, 2017
Counterpoint: i don't want all that social and marketing shit on my initial view when booting up a gaming OS. Just give me an alphabetical list of my entire game library and maybe a slice of my recently played games on top of that. Somehow though, the PS5 UI is terrible at both scenarios.


Oct 28, 2017
I absolutely hate that pulling up the overlay pausing content on the screen. If I want to adjust the volume in my headphones I want to hear what is happening on the screen so I can adjust accordingly. Having the content pause is just insane.


Oct 25, 2017
The worst part of the PS5 UI is that it defaults to showing you a full screen ad when you start up and there's no way to remove that component


<<Tag Here>>
Oct 25, 2017
Some of the UI I love, some of it I hate.

For example, inviting friends to chat is weirder now and I hate the way trophies are left to right instead of top to bottom


Prophet of Regret
Apr 17, 2020
I feel you. As I've said before we knew how the UI looked and all that, it's always the same for me with new OS during next gen transition. At first I am happy about the change and like the exploration aspect of it, because it's new. But then a few hours or days later, the reality kicks in and I am starting to miss lots of features from previous generations.

Thus my hope for PS6 is that it doesn't have a complete overhaul OS/UI. Just keep improving and this doesn't mean changes aren't allowed. If there is something to improve from a UI design standpoint, do it. But feature wise and so on, just keep improving and stop deleting features.
The vanilla Xbox One UI in 2013 was a mess. How far we have come šŸ‘


Oct 31, 2017
Sony always removes features for their UI in their new hardware and then bring it back afew years down the line. It's how they like to "add new features" to their UI.

This is an area I really wish they would just copy Microsoft on if they can. Friends/Parties are just so much better on Xbox as opposed to Playstation.


Keeper of the White Materia
Oct 27, 2017
God, I'm with you OP. I can't believe I miss the What's New section. I miss seeing what trophies my friends have collected or events they've completed. I miss being able to see the patch notes for games. Now completely gone for PS5 games. When I get PS5 trophies, they're not shown on the What's New screen for PS4, so my friends can't keep up with what I'm playing.

Another thing I hate is for compilation games, you can't see all the trophy stats like you could on PS4. Also no media server support.

Dammit Sony just give us the PS4 UI at 4K.