
Feb 4, 2018
Apologies for a tangential question but does anyone know if you:
1) Pop a larger, PS3-compatible hard drive in an external enclosure
2) Back up your PS3 to it
3) Put that hard drive in the PS3
Will it work?

Or do you have to:
1) Back up your PS3 to a separate external hard drive
2) Put the larger hard drive in the PS3
3) Restore from the external to that drive after installation
Option 1 will not work. Option 2 is fine and will work.
Dec 9, 2018
New Jersey
Can Sony please just fucking chill out already? Are they eager to do things that annoy people? Just make good games and keep gamers happy. Why is that so difficult for them?


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Man, honestly, PS3 gen it was already pretty common, but for the PS4, the moment patches are unavailable, basically the whole generation becomes paper weight.

Do hacked consoles also get to "pirate patches" like they can with games? Just get the patch from a torrent or whatever and install it manually? I think you could do that with firmware updates, right? I vaguely remember doing that because it was too slow to download through the console itself.
Hacked console are super easy to install patches. It seems the patch files are still up but for some games the xml file telling where those patches are is what is missing and causing games not being able to update.


Oct 25, 2017
Are these games that patch using PSN or games that use their own patching methods?


Almost all games that had their own patching methods are all down as of like years ago. Resistance, Motorstorm, etc. all had their servers taken down a long time ago and thus the ability to patch them. Pretty stupid. I don't know of any that got adjusted to allow for PSN updates.


The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
This fucks up post-launch DLC purchases, which almost universally required a title update to make them functional. This is not a small problem.
Yep - This is not just about fixing glitches etc. The majority of DLC that launched outside of launch will simply no longer be able to be installed any more without the patch. Also means that if you had an exsisting save that had DLC or even was connected to a high patch, could mean that save is now inaccessible.
Oct 25, 2017
Hacked console are super easy to install patches. It seems the patch files are still up but for some games the xml file telling where those patches are is what is missing and causing games not being able to update.
I guess I'll refuse any future updates on the PS3 (if any) and wait for a hack that works on whatever version my OS is on now. That's fantastic news.


Sep 22, 2020
On 360 you could install updates from a pendrive, is that possible here? If so, it may be possible to preserve the patches and share them online.

Really shitty of Sony though, they're failing to provide the bare minimum.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
For those getting larger internal drives. IIRC the limit is 1.5TB (could be wrong)

I'll need to get my PS3 out of storage :(


"I'd buy that for a dollar!"
Oct 25, 2017
The digital future isn't what you should be worried about, Microsoft and valve for example seem to manage it just fine. It's Sony's digital system that you should be worried about investing in
Microsoft has a history where they shut down a digital game store and service and then prevented the ability to redownload purchased content. We can't say Microsoft has done just fine.


Oct 28, 2017
It's not actually rough, it's running at near full speeds for a surprising amount of games, and again, this was done entirely in the blind with no access to documentation. Sony have all the actual documentation, for them to create one without the bugs that a community sourced hobby project has would be easy. And the reason that the other emulators were brought up is fairly simple, it was to support the argument that the challenge with backward compatibility for Sony isn't technical, it's one of desire to actually do something about it
I guess I'm not that up to date on it. I think I looked at it in like 2017 or so. I agree that Sony could do it faster, but saying it is easy just isn't true.

As far as your assertion that Sony has no desire, they obviously put in the effort to make BC work on the PS5. So it's not a completely bleak landscape. For all we know they have been working on something but it's just not ready to announce yet. I get that it's easy to be skeptical but Sony has been pretty quiet on most fronts positive or negative the past few years. I mean the PS5 can't even support SSDs yet and that was announced a year ago. Some perspective here and realizing that Covid really messed with timelines here helps. It also doesn't help that no matter what Sony says it gets twisted.

I just don't understand the negativity around here sometimes. It's almost like people want Sony to fuck them over so they can all feel justified that Jim Ryan is some kind of moustache twirling villain. I'd love access to all generations of PS gaming and I honestly feel it will come eventually regardless of who is at the helm.


Keeper of the White Materia
Oct 27, 2017
lol cool turns out PS3 doesn't automatically give you the latest version of a given game when you download it, so even though I've been putting all my PS3 games on one hard drive, I will still have to update them all. Metal Gear Rising had a 401MB update for example. Probably necessary for the DLC bundle I bought.

Yep, I had to go through every disk game I owned and do a manual check for patches. It took a couple of hours.


Oct 25, 2017
Microsoft has a history where they shut down a digital game store and service and then prevented the ability to redownload purchased content. We can't say Microsoft has done just fine.

I only know of a couple instances of this. Like, GRID 2's DLC (base game I think can download just fine), and like minecraft story mode, which is also true on playstation.

Do you have more examples?

Yep, I had to go through every disk game I owned and do a manual check for patches. It took a couple of hours.

I hate this console man lol. Fuck.

Has some cool games on it though and dang it I like trophies.


Oct 28, 2017
Hacked console are super easy to install patches. It seems the patch files are still up but for some games the xml file telling where those patches are is what is missing and causing games not being able to update.

You can use DNS redirection to get the patches from custom hosts. We just need custom hosts that have all the patches though.

Assy Grass

Mar 30, 2021
Microsoft has a history where they shut down a digital game store and service and then prevented the ability to redownload purchased content. We can't say Microsoft has done just fine.
That history is more than a decade old and on a completely different platform. It's not reflective of their current efforts to preserve digital compatibility going backward and forward. While I do think it's smart to be cautious with digital in general I also think it's smart to differentiate between varying degrees of caution
Oct 29, 2017
"At least you can download your games!"

Well so much for that. If the updates are now unstable (which is especially destructive for games that are MP focused like SF3 Online) then how long until we can't download our games?

Yep, this is incredibly alarming. Nintendo is the second-worst offender of this since they shut down all downloads for the Wii (and I think DS?) including for stuff you already bought but at the very least they gave a year's (afaik) notice.


Keeper of the White Materia
Oct 27, 2017
I just thought of something, can you install patches from a USB drive?


Oct 28, 2017
Holy shit. The absolute contrast between Sony and Microsoft in terms of backwards compatibility and support is astonishing.
Problem with PS3 OS; Work Around


Sep 27, 2020
Given there so little consistency between games (not that there's a lot that's been impacted anyways) and regions it's hard to guess at, but it doesn't sound like an intentional thing unless more games get impacted.

Yeah, so, I checked myself and the .xml served for one of the games that isn't updating correctly both serves current version data and has a working update .pkg url from the CDN. I can download it on my PC perfectly fine. It seems to be an issue with the PS3 OS specifically?

You could theoretically download the .pkg and move it to a flash drive to install on the PS3 manually, if you've already installed CFW to do that.


Oct 25, 2017
That history is more than a decade old and on a completely different platform. It's not reflective of their current efforts to preserve digital compatibility going backward and forward. While I do think it's smart to be cautious with digital in general I also think it's smart to differentiate between varying degrees of caution

That being said who knows who will be running the show for MS in 10 years and whether preservation will be a priority. I just don't think we can ever really expect these companies to preserve their games the way movie studios preserve movies

Assy Grass

Mar 30, 2021
I only know of a couple instances of this. Like, GRID 2's DLC (base game I think can download just fine), and like minecraft story mode, which is also true on playstation.

Do you have more examples?
Games for Windows live fucked over a whole generation of PC games

I guess I'm not that up to date on it. I think I looked at it in like 2017 or so. I agree that Sony could do it faster, but saying it is easy just isn't true.

As far as your assertion that Sony has no desire, they obviously put in the effort to make BC work on the PS5. So it's not a completely bleak landscape. For all we know they have been working on something but it's just not ready to announce yet. I get that it's easy to be skeptical but Sony has been pretty quiet on most fronts positive or negative the past few years. I mean the PS5 can't even support SSDs yet and that was announced a year ago. Some perspective here and realizing that Covid really messed with timelines here helps. It also doesn't help that no matter what Sony says it gets twisted.

I just don't understand the negativity around here sometimes. It's almost like people want Sony to fuck them over so they can all feel justified that Jim Ryan is some kind of moustache twirling villain. I'd love access to all generations of PS gaming and I honestly feel it will come eventually regardless of who is at the helm.
The issue is that PS4 support isn't what people are worried about, it's clear Sony has no trouble acknowledging and supporting PS4, its everything that came before. We have sufficient examples that even when the technical know how for backward compatibility pre PS4 exists (as it does internally for at least every single PlayStation system except PS3) they won't support it regardless. Covid is something I can accept as a reason for things being delayed, I can't accept it as explanation for them not doing something at all. PS4 era didn't have any covid, and they still chose to not support any PS1 bc on PS4 even when that very literally was a very easy thing for them to do. It's a matter of them thinking pre-PS4 BC doesn't align with their corporate vision or direction, it's not about technical challenges anymore.


Oct 26, 2017
Microsoft has a history where they shut down a digital game store and service and then prevented the ability to redownload purchased content. We can't say Microsoft has done just fine.

I absolutely agree that we need to be clear-eyed that no company is immune to this, but that said, I think the important thing is to share our frustration and apply pressure in our buying habits whenever the problems arise.

What you're doing here feels closer to deflection than sharing perspective. And I do think it's important to highlight the successes of Valve and Microsoft here, as contrast to what's currently being done to multiple generations and platforms by Sony.


Oct 25, 2017
Garden Grove, CA
I bet Jim Ryan doesn't want to do a live E3 conference due to the booing he would receive from the gamers in the crowd. Yes the PS5 is selling and from a numbers standpoint he's doing his job, but eventually the arrogant decisions will come back to bite Sony. I still have my PS3 hooked up and ready to play next to my PS5.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I have a few unplayed PS3 games that likely require patches. With my PS3 packed up, I don't feel like digging it out to patch these games. Why would Sony do this? In the future, will people have to resort to some level of piracy or hacking to get their legal games patched?

Assy Grass

Mar 30, 2021
That being said who knows who will be running the show for MS in 10 years and whether preservation will be a priority. I just don't think we can ever really expect these companies to preserve their games the way movie studios preserve movies
Ya like I said some degree of caution across the board is warranted
Oct 27, 2017
Columbus, OH
My question would be is it possible to clone one drive to another.

I have a 1TB HDD, but I kinda wonder about like just using my PC to clone it to a 1TB SSD. But I dunno if that will work or if the console won't like it.
I'd be interested to know this as well. I found one page suggesting you could, but they were also selling drive cloning software so I have no idea if it's legit.


Oct 28, 2017
The issue is that PS4 support isn't what people are worried about, it's clear Sony has no trouble acknowledging and supporting PS4, its everything that came before. We have sufficient examples that even when the technical know how for backward compatibility pre PS4 exists (as it does internally for at least every single PlayStation system except PS3) they won't support it regardless. Covid is something I can accept as a reason for things being delayed, I can't accept it as explanation for them not doing something at all. PS4 era didn't have any covid, and they still chose to not support any PS1 bc on PS4 even when that very literally was a very easy thing for them to do. It's a matter of them thinking pre-PS4 BC doesn't align with their corporate vision or direction, it's not about technical challenges anymore.
Fair enough. I hope you're wrong though. I have a lot of optimism about this generation of consoles. Both new consoles are great, and I'm hoping we see a Switch revision that lines up nicely as well.

Assy Grass

Mar 30, 2021
My question would be is it possible to clone one drive to another.

I have a 1TB HDD, but I kinda wonder about like just using my PC to clone it to a 1TB SSD. But I dunno if that will work or if the console won't like it.
I'd be interested to know this as well. I found one page suggesting you could, but they were also selling drive cloning software so I have no idea if it's legit.
So once more this is a guess but if the copied drive is put on the same system that the original drive was attached to it should work, while if you backed up a drive, copied the backup, and in the meanwhile got a new PS3 and tried to use the backup with that PS3, that might not work because I think the drives are encrypted with system specific keys

Assy Grass

Mar 30, 2021
Fair enough. I hope you're wrong though. I have a lot of optimism about this generation of consoles. Both new consoles are great, and I'm hoping we see a Switch revision that lines up nicely as well.
I agree too ya, I hope I'm wrong and all this is just some poor communication from Sony and we're going to see some nice plans on maintaining BC from them soon. But I just think with these companies it's not a bad thing to be prepared for the worst case


Oct 25, 2017
Games for Windows live fucked over a whole generation of PC games

Oh that.

I mean, to be fair that was the "does not give a shit about PC at all" Steve Balmer and Mattrick era, and it's probably impossible to convince anyone there to reinvest in that.

They SHOULD fix it, but still. Idk. It's probably not high on the priority list. I mean recently it took a lot of effort from some internal people to get windows phone to recognize achievements again, and that's pretty tiny, and a big part of why that was was because no one knew who knew how to do what, and many of the people who worked on that stuff are gone. So fixing that is a major challenge.


Oct 25, 2017
My question would be is it possible to clone one drive to another.

I have a 1TB HDD, but I kinda wonder about like just using my PC to clone it to a 1TB SSD. But I dunno if that will work or if the console won't like it.
I did a system backup from an HDD, and restored to a 1TB Samsung 860 EVO SSD and it's running well.

Oh, you're thinking of doing it via PC, nevermind then.

Makoto Yuki

▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
This is a bummer, other than MGS4 are there any other patches that made drastic changes to the base game?

I can't think of any of the top of my head.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
People should really be looking into hacking their PS3 instead of relying on backup method by the PS3. That's still reliant on PSN being up and being able to reauthenticate the account and licenses. With a hacked PS3, you can make backup licenses of your games that can allow you to reinstall it without the need of PSN.


Oct 25, 2017
So once more this is a guess but if the copied drive is put on the same system that the original drive was attached to it should work, while if you backed up a drive, copied the backup, and in the meanwhile got a new PS3 and tried to use the backup with that PS3, that might not work because I think the drives are encrypted with system specific keys

Yes, I do know the part about you can't transfer between systems.

(Can you do that with Vita though? Just wondering).

Assy Grass

Mar 30, 2021
Oh that.

I mean, to be fair that was the "does not give a shit about PC at all" Steve Balmer and Mattrick era, and it's probably impossible to convince anyone there to reinvest in that.

They SHOULD fix it, but still. Idk. It's probably not high on the priority list. I mean recently it took a lot of effort from some internal people to get windows phone to recognize achievements again, and that's pretty tiny, and a big part of why that was was because no one knew who knew how to do what, and many of the people who worked on that stuff are gone. So fixing that is a major challenge.
Ya I agree it's a different company today with different people in charge and different priorities. In the last 10 years Microsoft has done really well with the digital compatibility stuff. I can only hope that 10 years from now they won't have changed their priorities again.


Oct 25, 2017
I did a system backup from an HDD, and restored to a 1TB Samsung 860 EVO SSD and it's running well.

I was hoping to avoid the PS3 back up system lmao. It's so SLOW. I didn't even bother upgrading from my 320 to 1TB.

But I might have to next time because this is a royal pain in the ass to download, install, and patch everything. I hate this console lol.

Ya I agree it's a different company today with different people in charge and different priorities. In the last 10 years Microsoft has done really well with the digital compatibility stuff. I can only hope that 10 years from now they won't have changed their priorities again.

yeah it's a fair worry. We need to as someone else said put pressure when this happens.