
One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
From the studio that brought you garbage stories with terrible racist depictions of black people and hundreds of photoshop pictures of employees made to mock them without their consent comes their enlightened take on racism.


Oct 27, 2017
I confirm that from a French perspective all lives matter just mean that every life is important
Black life Matter Seams to imply that only black life are important and could be viewed as racist.

even without knowing the American context of "all lives matter", this is an extremely problematic take. How the fuck could a movement trying to stand up for systematically murdered black Americans be racist? And if you don't know that's what BLM is about, you probably shouldnt be tweeting about it or in this thread at all


Oct 26, 2017
Makes sense when you play this Disaster of a Race Allegory. In Detroit if you demand your Freedom and act with Riots the humans don't like you and shoot you down. You are being represented as evil. When you are peaceful, even when the Military starts Shooting at you, and you show the World that you have Emotions by Singing some Kumbaya Shit, while being again almost killed by the Military then you are granted Freedom. Detroit is by far the most Tasteless Game i have ever played, because you realize quickly that it's creator in no way shape or form was ever confronted with Racsim in the real World nor did he ever speak to Victims.
Fuck this Company!
Yep, perfectly said. Only made worse by the fact that this is after literal depictions of concentration camps, so I guess Cage was trying to tell us that the jews simply should have not resisted and sung a song together to stop the Nazis.


Oct 28, 2017
Every few months, I think about David Cage's comment about what Detroit: Become Human isn't and then being an obvious liar once it launched and had many allegories/references. Seeing this trash is pretty on-brand.


Oct 27, 2017
This dude screamed all lives matter before attacking black protestors with a bow and arrow, after watching the video, please explain to me how is All Lives Matter not a whitw supremacist dog whistle and how are you not an enabler for defending it?

Man aims bow and arrow at protesters before crowd tackles him

Brandon McCormick screams 'All Lives Matter' before he starts swinging the hunting weapon.

Damn Silly

Oct 25, 2017

That reminded me of one of my favourite Twitch clips of all time from the folks at LoadingReadyRun

I should say that from what I remember, the point they were at wasn't far it at all, hence why them saying it wasn't about race (or anything) yet was valid. But then Cage comes in a swinging.
Jan 9, 2018
These tweets absolutely shit, but there's quite a lot wrong with Quantic Dreams as an employer too and that's why I don't expect anything better from them.


Jan 22, 2019
The all lives matter thing needs to stop. Totally undermines BLM and prevents actually change from happening. Really sick of it.


Oct 28, 2017
The thing about "all lives matter" is it transcends it's current cultural context. Right now, it has a history in the US because of it's use in opposition to Black Lives Matter.

Take it outside that context, it's still a bullshit attempt to distract from the actual problem. What is it supposed to achieve?

"Oh, all lives matter? We have forgotten the general oppression that all races equally suffer from. You're right, we've gotten over-excited and let this whole thing run away from us"

It exists only to divert conversation. You can't have discussion on female oppression without a man asking about men's rights. You can't have a discussion about lack oppression without a white person pondering if you can be racist to white people. You can't have a discussion about climate change without someone wondering whether it exists or if it is driven by human actions.

Even if I believed that QD didn't know the context and ramifications of that phrase, then it would still reflect badly on them. It shows they fundamentally don't understand why large parts of the US are out protesting right now but are more than willing to add their take and promote their game.


Oct 27, 2017
I mean, it COULD'VE made sense if:
- Their game actually tackled the specific issue directly
- They didn't try the "apolitical" point of view previously

As it is, this is just laughable corporate greed.

Lukemia SL

Jan 30, 2018
This dude screamed all lives matter before attacking black protestors with a bow and arrow, after watching the video, please explain to me how is All Lives Matter not a whitw supremacist dog whistle and how are you not an enabler for defending it?

Man aims bow and arrow at protesters before crowd tackles him

Brandon McCormick screams 'All Lives Matter' before he starts swinging the hunting weapon.

All lives matter, except the lives I'm trying to take 🤨🤔

Dee Dee

Nov 2, 2017
"All lives matter" is basically like adding the "but some are more equal than others" line to "All animals are equal" in Animal Farm.

Also, Detroit was such a bad game when it comes to meaningfully exploring issues of race, modern slavery and forms of political change, that I can't for the life of me imagine why in a time where people are asked to educate themselves and be more pro-active as allies he would tell people to play this massive turd instead. As people have said, he is either so high on his own farts that he really does believe this shitshow game to contribute anything meaningful to the conversation (oh boy), or he's a soulless corporate shill that probably already suggested putting the game on sale in support for Black Lives Matter (without actually diverting any of the funds of course). Both plausible explanations!


Oct 27, 2017
France LOVES assuming they have the moral high ground, while exhibiting the exact same kind of behaviour, if not worse.
And I say that as a french person.

It's like a huge part of the country has blinders on when it comes to this.

Gentle reminder that many colonies are STILL paying colonial taxes to France. Yet nobody ever talks about this.

Deleted member 18944

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Can't expect your local white French man to understand a movement he'd probably classify as communautarisme on any other day.


Oct 26, 2017
That original Tweet is some of the most brainless, opportunist, and ignorantly racist messaging imaginable. Hocking an already tacky game, but going back on earlier spinelessness about its subject matter, while insisting on using the white supremacist "all lives matter!" tagline as retort to the actual BLM protests is min-boggling.
Last edited:


Apr 4, 2020
Checked out of Hard Rain since I thought it was an atrocious game. Glad that I haven't been supporting this studio considering all the negative things that have come out about it's ownership.


Oct 6, 2018
Racism, in any shape or form, is shameful, stupid and must be fought against, everywhere and always. Hollowed lives matter. We are all equal regardless of skin colour, armour level, sex, humanity, soul level or else. DARK SOULS is PRECISELY about that.

Racism, in any shape or form, is shameful, stupid and must be fought against, everywhere and always. No lives matter. We are all equally worthless regardless of skin colour, religious belief, sex, sexual orientation, or else. GTAV is PRECISELY about that.

Racism, in any shape or form, is shameful, stupid and must be fought against, everywhere and always. Demon lives matter. We are all regardless of demon type, planet, religious belief, or else. DOOM is PRECISELY about that.

Racism, in any shape or form, is shameful, stupid and must be fought against, everywhere and always. Boy lives matter. We are all regardless of mythology, realm, age, species, or else. GOD OF WAR is PRECISELY about that.

Jesus Christ what a tone-deaf tweet. Don't expect more from Quantic Dream though.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Trash company. Glad to say I have never supported their shitty mediocre "video games."


Dec 14, 2017
"I don't advertise my game, but it's still one of a kind about these themes, so buy it"


Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
White Europeans, ladies and gentlemen.

White people in Europe are just as tone deaf to issues of race, white privilege and their continued systemic oppression of black people as white people in America. What more needs to be explained?

So... white people in general, then? It seemed weird for you to single out and snipe at Europeans considering what's going on in the US.

What did it read like? Genuine question.

Genuine answer: it read like white Europeans are worse than white people from other continents, which again seems weird in the context of US police routinely murdering black people.

(I mean, did it really need to be spelled out to you?)


Oct 28, 2017
Using the circumstance to promote their game was obviously a mistake although if you try not to be cynical about them maybe the reference is out of the desire (after so many shadows have been casted on them) to prove that they cared about those issues way before what happened recently in the US.
But yeah even in the case they shouldn't have mentioned their products in the tweet.


Dec 14, 2017
So... white people in general, then? It seemed weird for you to single out and snipe at Europeans considering what's going on in the US.

Europeans are particular about this, and more particularly about americans since there is a superiority bias, like "hopefully we are not like these rednecks" when, even if not as bad on some point we are particularly bad too


Oct 25, 2017
So... white people in general, then? It seemed weird for you to single out and snipe at Europeans considering what's going on in the US.

Does it matter? Especially when my post is the illustrate the fact that despite Europeans constantly acting all high and mighty about their progressiveness in terms of thought compared to the US, they're not much better, if at all. The racism just manifests differently.


The Wise Ones
Oct 27, 2017
I read the first one pre edit and yeah it's pretty gross to throw all lives matter in anything. I read the second and thought hey that's better, then I realized the at Detroit game was for the game and not the studio, tacky AF. It's one thing to make a statement that your studio stands behind this (theirs doesn't) but to promote a game? Ridiculous.

Deleted member 14377

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
This studio and their games have always been fucked up in their depictions of shit. Rape and racism is kinda their forte.


attempted ban circumvention by using an alt
Jan 8, 2018
User Banned (1 month): Dismissive commentary
If you get angry for that tweet, you need to calm down.

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
it's almost like this thread is about something specific

Again (and I'm frankly baffled that I keep having to explain this), the point is that it's particularly tasteless and hypocritical to single out Europeans in general for the actions of a specific, well-known out of touch studio, especially considering the situation in the US that got us here in the first place. If you guys want to play coy about it so you can feel superior and preserve some of your American pride, go ahead; I'm done here.


Oct 25, 2017
Again (and I'm frankly baffled that I keep having to explain this), the point is that it's particularly tasteless and hypocritical to single out Europeans in general for the actions of a specific, well-known out of touch studio, especially considering the situation in the US that got us here in the first place. If you guys want to play coy about it so you can feel superior and preserve some of your American pride, go ahead; I'm done here.

I'm not American, and it's exactly why I called out Europeans. Because as a black man living in Europe, almost all of my encounters with racism has been at the hands of white Europeans. Nice try though.

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
"I don't advertise my game, but it's still one of a kind about these themes, so buy it"


Color me surprised they are doubling down on this.

Anecdotally, I'm seeing a lot more of this "Schrodinger's politic messaging" from companies: "it's political when it's convenient for us to be, totes apolitical when it's not".


Dec 14, 2017
User Banned (2 Weeks): Insensitive commentary
even in the original tweet he is speaking against racism. just because he wrote the phrase "all live smatter" you cant pretend the rest of the things were not written. And the game really is about that, he is not "promoting" it, he is just pointing that out.