
Oct 30, 2017
They most likely used the game's development cycle as R&D for the current-gen upgrade of their engine. The game was a "byproduct" of that.

Which in my opinion means that the next Ratchet & Clank release date will coincide with PS6 release.

Yeah, considering the polish and presentation of the game (not to mention the ground breaking tech), I think $80 mill is absolutely a rational number for what it would cost to make Rift Apart.

It's certainly not in league with a Halo Infinite ($500 million) or whatever.


Jan 26, 2023
They most likely used the game's development cycle as R&D for the current-gen upgrade of their engine. The game was a "byproduct" of that.

Which in my opinion means that the next Ratchet & Clank release date will coincide with PS6 release.
There is a slide from an Insomniac presentation that the next Ratchet and Clank development started this year. The team is scheduled to double mid-2024 and then that same team size is working on Ratched and Clank until it's release five years later.

I really think that this team is rather tech-savvy and is upgrading the engine for PS6 gen, and using R&C to test.


Oct 28, 2017
Not surprised honestly, it is a real shame that pretty much every first party sony game that interests me always underperforms in the sales. I was hoping it'd be different since felt like the game actually got decent marketing but alas.
Nov 11, 2017
It was a launch game that showed off the power of the ps5. People still think ps5 is 'faster' because of it. I don't think it can be considered a loss.


Oct 26, 2017
Tbh, like I said in the other thread, i neevr expected this to not meet at least the spent money on the budget. I know they will continue doing more of it but this may scare ND to even try discussing reviving J&D.
I wish the platformer era didn't die with past gens.


Oct 25, 2017
We now have more recent numbers which puts the game at 2.340 million sell through, 2.7+ sell in, almost two years ago so I guess it wasn't as bad as this thread implied. That was before the PS5 became readily available too. The game has continued selling and will continue selling in the future too. It's a popular game.

Not sure what the mods here are doing tbh.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Also it seems to be Sony's best selling PS5 exclusive. Before Spider-Man 2 of course.


Oct 25, 2017


(Feb 2022)


May 24, 2018
United States
I like R&C well enough but we're on something like the 14th entry at this point. And it's never really been a massive seller. Would love to see Insomniac do another new IP or reboot Resistance or something alongside the Marvel pipeline and let R&C come back for PS6.


Oct 26, 2017
Coping as a little bit, with 2.2 mil numbers and 8mil needed to get it even, in theory a game sale that profits 30 dollars would require 266k more units, and I even checked by inflation (8 mil in 21 is 9 mil in 23), needs to clear 300k more sales.

The new information clarifying sales at 2.7mil are promising. Also, we are not quite yet at half way point so the game has time to sell even more.

How much money does Sony even make from singular 1st party game sale? Because not only did it reach 2.7 mil fast, it seems Rift Apart is profitable now, and its assets can be used in future too.

EDIT: And it seems its net sales are 145mil vs 80 mil budget as well.


Oct 25, 2017
sure it didn't make its budget back but its the perfect kind of game to have on ps plus for people to try when they get it. looks wonderful and shows off what the console can do and is family friendly. you're not gonna get much better games like that for their service.


Oct 25, 2017
Coping as a little bit, with 2.2 mil numbers and 8mil needed to get it even, in theory a game sale that profits 30 dollars would require 266k more units, and I even checked by inflation (8 mil in 21 is 9 mil in 23), needs to clear 300k more sales.

The new information clarifying sales at 2.7mil are promising. Also, we are not quite yet at half way point so the game has time to sell even more.

How much money does Sony even make from singular 1st party game sale? Because not only did it reach 2.7 mil fast, it seems Rift Apart is profitable now, and its assets can be used in future too.
There are no new numbers "clarifying" 2.7 million. The sell-in was 2.7 million before the PS5 was even readily available on the market, almost two years ago. It's practically impossible to deduce anything from that tbh. It could be at 4 or 5 million for all we know. Or still at 2.7. The only thing that has been proven is that the premise of this thread was incorrect.
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Oct 25, 2017
Rift Apart is an all-ages showpiece title for a popular console.

Of course it kept on selling past the point of the latest "available" report.


Oct 26, 2017
There are no new numbers "clarifying" 2.7 million. The sell through was 2.7 million before the PS5 was even readily available on the market, almost two years ago. It's practically impossible to deduce anything from that tbh. It could be at 4 or 5 million for all we know. Or still at 2.7. The only thing that has been proven is that the premise of this thread was incorrect.
2.7mil was from Feb 22? Damn, that honestly makes it look even more promising. I read the news about 2.2mil earlier but that Feb 22 - 2.7mil seems very important info. There is incredibly high chance if not practically confirmed the game did just fine.
Oct 29, 2017
Wow, that game was a BANGER. I'll be double dipping on it for PC in due time, just spending too much money right now.

John Harker

Knows things...
Oct 27, 2017
Santa Destroy

Game earned only $73m in revenue while it costed a whopping (for this type of game) $81m to make.

Shame that people didn't invest in imho the one and only "true" next-gen -in terms of visuals- video game in market right now. Playing Rift Apart feels like a game running on one of those huge ILM/Pixar workstations. And gameplay was so effin' fluid and organic, especially in 60fps.

No wonder why the next RC won't be out till 2028. (And how the hell that was even green-lit by Sony).


that budget is pretty on average-to-low end of what AAA costs these days.
I guess you'd be surprised!

I enjoy Rift Apart, but I didn't find it especially wow-ing.
The visuals and characters were fun, but the gameplay was pretty run of the mill, straight forward. you had a lot of tools, but what you did with them wasn't particularly novel and over time they felt kinda samey.

I should say that it's my first R&C game


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Besides the obvious morality and humanity concerns over how this information has leaked, there are some messages here about the state of console gaming I think we all need to take to heart.

The picture painted here is that even for a studio, like Insomniac, that has their shit together and can crank out quality content as fast as anyone in the industry - they would rather give up 20% of their potential profits to partner with a "known" IP than create something that they would own and keep 100% of the pie.

The timeline slides of release dates and resources shows the reasons why. Games have become so complex in their development that the amount of resources you need to invest (money/time/people)to get a product out the door isn't worth the risk forging your own path.

As a 51 yr old gamer who has been in this since the dawn of gaming it's a sad thing to see. It use to be an abundance of innovation with new characters and stories coming from every developer. Then we hit the 3D brick wall.

Since polygon worlds have taken root, the resources needed to innovate have just continued to grow and grow. The pace of ambition outreaching the grasp of those creating content has just continued to accelerate.

Besides the loss of quantity of titles available, we have lost the creativity of new and unique experiences being the norm and known IP based content being the minority.

I don't know how long this can be sustainable by the industry because it seems now even if a small studio takes their time to create something unique, as soon as it hits the market - they get absorbed into the assembly line of franchises.

The divide between big and small games seems to be continuing to grow. Even the small success stories like Hollow Knight and Cuphead struggle to make it to their next at bat.

While I am a Nintendo fan, there is something very smart about them getting off the technology express train. By being behind the curve, they really do benefit from fully fleshed out developer tools and understanding that Sony and Microsoft teams simply can't rely upon being on the frontlines of the tech battles.

For the developers sake and the overall health of the industry, hopefully this generation of tech will be around long enough for everyone to learn it well enough to make their content profitable and when it's time to move ahead - do it smarty and focus on making the pipeline as efficient as possible.

5+ yr development gambles are too risky for most to bet on coming up with something uniquely theirs.

I didn't see this thread; but, posted my thoughts over in the big leak thread.

Obviously, if Insomniac can't turn a profit with their own IP, then it's going to be hard for any good developers to take the same risks.

This industry is seriously unhealthy at the moment when it comes to development. This shit has become too complex and time intensive for anyone to gamble on their own ideas.

The model in place is if you are a small studio to hopefully make a big enough splash on your own with your first project to land a contract to crank out an IP franchise the next time up to bat.

At some point, the consumer (us) is going to have to accept either every game is a 5+ yr IP AAA title or some indie studio. There is no middle ground anymore it seems.

The loss is quantity of titles overall with drastically fewer new experiences being exchanged for familiar worlds that the IP beings.

Sad times all round for everyone.

I really feel for everyone at Insomniac and everyone that is now being confronted with the harsh reality that is the current state of play with console games.


Oct 25, 2017
The danger of people springing to make threads about every piece of news that comes out of a massive leak when most of it is just out of context internal presentation slides with no dates. At one point Rift Apart had sold 2.2M units this is true.

When that was? No fucking clue.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
AAA gaming industry is on its knees. They've been trying to include GAAS elements to prop it up, but that's too contentious. I think AI is where the relief will really come from, which is also incredibly and understandably contentious, but also easier to hide.


Apr 2, 2018
There's a good example that looks aren't enough to sell the game. I got sucked in too when i was considering getting a PS5. It looked and was marketed as something amazing

I finished it a few months ago and the core gameplay was something out of 2015. Lets not pretend they re-invented the wheel with RnC. It was an okay game that looked pretty.

The sales reflected that.
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Apr 20, 2018
That's the ecosystem Sony created for itself. It's not like these kinds of games can't sell, they just can't sell on a Playstation anymore because that's not the audience Sony spent the last decade cultivating.

There's an alternate timeline where Ratchet and Jak never stopped being on the Playstation Mt. Rushmore.

I would not say selling more than 2m when the system still had a low userbase is a failure. The development costs are perhaps a bit higher due to the it being the first Ps5-only game.

That said, I thought the game looked extremely pretty, but gameplay wise it didn't really do anything special.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
I'm sure an executive out there somewhere would crucify me for saying this, but I think it's okay to just about break even on some games, even if it's based on an established IP. You can't have all winners, that's why you have a broad portfolio.

Plus I'm sure with some creative accounting you could say adding the game to PS+ provided some kind of value back.
I think some executives agree with you, but maybe just the ones that own platforms though. Hence why they were planning another one.

I think it would make sense if this chart was made when Spider-Man 2 crossed 10.5 million in sales. I think thats why the sales numbers for it dont match what youd expect.


Oct 25, 2017
Hasn't a sequel already been greenlit? So it can't all be doom and gloom, they may see the value in the franchise to add variety for marketing purposes.

Maybe Sony is happy to let Insomniac make something different every now and then.
I mean that schedule has it years down the line so it's possible they're still observing the tail sales to see if it can have legs and the sequel could easily still be canceled. It's on a schedule, but schedules are changed all the time in the industry and a game that's not even in preproduction yet getting canceled would hardly be surprising


Jan 3, 2023
Calling it a bomb or a flop is very malicious.
It wasn't a big earner but it most likely will turn a healthy profit at the end including late sales and % of PS+ however Sony accounts for that.
To me it was exactly the kind of game that made sense as an early exclusive.


Feb 3, 2019
Why not? -10% ROI is a flop. It isn't a bomb like Immortals of Aveum perhaps. Plus I'm sure it got some non-monetary value like awards/praise for its technical aspect. And in a super PS5 constrained situation it's not a bad performance. But I was just curious as Returnal came out in a similar window and seems like that would be even less than RC.

If a decent chunk of that $81m budget was spent with the intention of (a) this is R&D for our engine improvements going into PS5, and (b) we're giving Insomniac this much as the project is meant to be marketing for the PS5's capabilities, then it's hard to attribute it as a flop even if it didn't ROI on paper (although turns out it did). Considering when the next greenlit Ratchet is supposed to come out, sounds like it could be a repeat for the PS6.

Like, the ROI for a tech demo is, on paper, -inf%.
Oct 25, 2017
*reads update*

Thank christ, I'll take it. And that was an early PS5 title too. They're total wizards for pulling off what they did on just 80 million, to this day it's a showcase title for the console.
If a decent chunk of that $81m budget was spent with the intention of (a) this is R&D for our engine improvements going into PS5, and (b) we're giving Insomniac this much as the project is meant to be marketing for the PS5's capabilities, then it's hard to attribute it as a flop even if it didn't ROI on paper (although turns out it did). Considering when the next greenlit Ratchet is supposed to come out, sounds like it could be a repeat for the PS6.

Like, the ROI for a tech demo is, on paper, -inf%.
Well put. If it wasn't Ratchet eating the cost for the devtools and R&D they put together for a new console, it would have been something else. These things don't often take account systems they can build future games with.


Nov 14, 2021
Calling it a bomb or a flop is very malicious.
It wasn't a big earner but it most likely will turn a healthy profit at the end including late sales and % of PS+ however Sony accounts for that.
To me it was exactly the kind of game that made sense as an early exclusive.

Exactly demons souls, returnal and this are both impressive looking "high quality" games on a more mid sized budget they work as padding for the bigger apparently 300mill budget games to release to a larger player base.

In the cas of the ratchet the sequal it having the longest lead time of any of the insomniac fillow ups likely means it's also a ps6 exclusive in the same vein and a tech experimentation.


Oct 27, 2017
Thank god for the update lol. I wish it was a bigger seller, as it's one of my favorite series (been playing since Christmas 2002), but at least it's enough to keep making more.

I appreciate that Insomniac has enough love for R&C to keep it going all this time. The snippets about the next game seem amazing, even though it's so far away.


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
Some of you have interesting definitions of "flopped" and "did quite well".


Mar 13, 2020
I don't know what people were expecting. There is no market for a $70 action-platformer game aimed to younger audiences on the PS5. We are not in the Nintendo 64 era anymore.


Oct 30, 2017
If a decent chunk of that $81m budget was spent with the intention of (a) this is R&D for our engine improvements going into PS5, and (b) we're giving Insomniac this much as the project is meant to be marketing for the PS5's capabilities, then it's hard to attribute it as a flop even if it didn't ROI on paper (although turns out it did). Considering when the next greenlit Ratchet is supposed to come out, sounds like it could be a repeat for the PS6.

Like, the ROI for a tech demo is, on paper, -inf%.

I tried explaining this earlier in the thread and got called delusional.