Oct 27, 2017
I'm more referring to Phillips' own talk about the movie, he's repeatedly played up the 70's influence (which of course has led to a lot of fans parroting that same point).

Right, but you mentioned grain, so I figured you were talking about the cinematography. Sher, as far as I'm aware, shot Joker on ARRI Alexa 65--same camera he used for Godzilla as well, I think. I've never really considered Sher inspired by Chapman's work, but I know the Phillips was drawn to doing a character study, which really aren't made all that much anymore, at least for a wide audience. Only PT Anderson and Aronofsky come to mind for current directors who get their material out for wide release.

I believe Philips mentioned he wanted people to actually see his movie, and just basing it on a comic book character was the easiest way to do that. I think Joker would be as well received without the comic book trappings, but I highly doubt we'd see so many threads about it.
Oct 26, 2017
What kind of gamer is this Joker?

That's an ancient gamer? Who made that, a ten year old?


Jul 21, 2018
If some comic book movie guy saying "Joker is the first ANARACHIST superhero movie" or "A cross between Taxi Driver, King of Comedy & Network " doesn't send you running for the hills I don't know what to tell you.
Lol what? Is this sarcasm? That sounds like a way to convince most people who like good movies


Alt account
Feb 7, 2019
what is 'r/movies core' and is that what those particular twitter users are?

comic book movies, Star Wars, Del Toro, Villenueve, Nolan, etc

Right, but you mentioned grain, so I figured you were talking about the cinematography. Cher, as far as I'm aware, shot Joker on ARRI Alexa 65--same camera he used for Godzilla as well, I think. I've never really considered Cher inspired by Chapman's work, but I know the Phillips was drawn to doing a character study, which really aren't made all that much anymore, at least for a wide audience. Only PT Anderson and Aronofsky come to mind for current directors who get their material out for wide release.

I believe Philips mentioned he wanted people to actually see his movie, and just basing it on a comic book character was the easiest way to do that. I think Joker would be as well received without the comic book trappings, but I highly doubt we'd see so many threads about it.

I don't really buy the "character studies arent made anymore" thing at all.

I mean, what was Lady Bird? Moonlight? The Revenant? Roma? Nightcrawler? That term doesn't really mean anything.


Oct 25, 2017
I think dafoe has a chance too tbh.

The Lighthouse looks insane.

That looks like movie of the year for me (though im getting pretty hyped for this too the more i hear impressions about phoenixs performance)

But i feel its too niche and quirky to get that kind of awards attention sadly

I'm more surprised that this came from the director of the Hangover movies. I guess it's easier to go from comedy to drama than the other way round, just like with actors?

And one of the writers of the hangover trilogy created chernobyl this year. 2019 is their redemption arc lol


Oct 25, 2017
Guys, Violet is only interested in True Kino, not this dreadful capeshit. Best not to argue with someone who is truly enlightened to Cinema With A Capital Cee, especially given that you are all blinkered, tasteless comic book fanbaby nerdlets


Oct 25, 2017
But what about the early script reviews with all them yikes? But won't someone please think of the possibility of right wing misogynist incel morons identifying with a villain?

But seriously can't wait. Phoenix is the best actor in tthe game right now.

The first script was bogus. The actual script leak had people saying it could go either way and would come down to direction and Joaquin


Alt account
Feb 7, 2019
The twitter users in the OP don't seem to fit that description

I mean, CinemaBlend's twitter header is literally just MCU characters. If that doesn't scream "youtube critic" I dunno what does.

I'll watch the movie and then form my opinion. Dunno?

No one is stopping you from watching or liking movies I think are bad.

Guys, Violet is only interested in True Kino, not this dreadful capeshit. Best not to argue with someone who is truly enlightened to Cinema With A Capital Cee, and not a blinkered, tasteless comic book manbaby nerdlet

It's not like I'm changing all Joker screenings to secretly show Syndromes and a Century instead or anything I just have no patience for boring movies masquerading as groundbreaking ones


Oct 25, 2017
If more than 5 people without film studies degrees enjoyed a film, it isn't Kino
Also, everyone at film festivals are apparently also blinded by capeshit and thus 8 minute standing ovations and effusive praise for what seems to be an excellent performance must be ignored

Book One

Oct 25, 2017
I mean, CinemaBlend's twitter header is literally just MCU characters. If that doesn't scream "youtube critic" I dunno what does.

That's one, but even then a website banner is some shaky reasoning. More specifically, the ones you quoted directly in your criticism don't seem to fit that description.
Sep 17, 2018
lmao they used the pull quote from Ehrlich's negative review. I'm dying.

Reminds me of the time Legend hid a 2-star review in its poster



Oct 28, 2017
screaming at that happening to ehrlich. lmao.

he deserves it, i still like him tho


Alt account
Feb 7, 2019
If more than 5 people without film studies degrees enjoyed a film, it isn't Kino
Also, everyone at film festivals are apparently also blinded by capeshit and thus 8 minute standing ovations and effusive praise for what seems to be an excellent performance must be ignored

festivals exist for standing ovations, that's why a bunch of critics had to change their letterboxd ratings for Three Billboards after they realized it wasn't good when you aren't in a packed theatre who want to love every movie

So since you've seen the movie in its entirety, care to tell us about it?

again, this is a pre-release thread. If you want to ban any discussion of anything until it's released and we've all seen it, that's one thing. But hope the next time a Sonic the Hedghog trailer comes out and people think it looks bad, you're telling everyone they better not dare say anything until they watch it in full.

That's one, but even then a website banner is some shaky reasoning. More specifically, the ones you quoted directly in your criticism don't seem to fit that description.

Yeah I'm not saying that they are all RedLetterMedia, just that the average Indiewire or Vulture critic generally looks at and appreciates very different types of movies than like...... someone from Film Comment or ReverseShot. It's not even to say they're hacky or anything. It's like, a hardcore gamer doesn't look to Time Magazine for game criticism. It serves a purpose, it's just not for me.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah I'm not saying that they are all RedLetterMedia, just that the average Indiewire or Vulture critic generally looks at and appreciates very different types of movies than like...... someone from Film Comment or ReverseShot. It's not even to say they're hacky or anything. It's like, a hardcore gamer doesn't look to Time Magazine for game criticism. It serves a purpose, it's just not for me.
I can already see Reverse Shot eviscerating this. Mainstream film criticism has really taken a nose dive over the past few years.

Donald Draper

Feb 2, 2019
War Dogs is an under rated movie and people should watch it. If only for Jonah Hill who is great in it.

Feels like that was Todd's test run.
Dec 2, 2017
Perri's a huge horror fan so if this unsettles her to where she has to sit and think about it this must be one hell of a movie.

I have not seen it but as I mentioned in an earlier thread a good friend of mine was at Venice. He said that the film is brutal and unapologetic in its brutality. It's basically the downward spiral of one man with little handholding when it comes to morality. That's up to the viewer to decide. He also said the film is brilliant and that it's about high time a mainstream film dares to shake the audience out of its comfort zone again.


Dec 4, 2018
I don't think people will get a wrong impression of mental. Illness from joker. At which point in time has the joker not be considered mentally ill? Making him the result of an indifferent society is a cool move I believe, as his force is as big as the evils of the world that created him.


Oct 27, 2017
again, this is a pre-release thread. If you want to ban any discussion of anything until it's released and we've all seen it, that's one thing. But hope the next time a Sonic the Hedghog trailer comes out and people think it looks bad, you're telling everyone they better not dare say anything until they watch it in full.

These are reactions from people who have seen the film, not a thread of people reacting to a trailer. The fact that you're aghast that people are interested in a movie that is favourable compared to something like Taxi Driver just comes across as you just trying to be edgy and contrarian for the sake of it. Taxi Driver is one of my favourite movies and if this movie is going for that tone then it makes it more interesting to me, not less.


Alt account
Feb 7, 2019
These are reactions from people who have seen the film, not a thread of people reacting to a trailer. The fact that you're aghast that people are interested in a movie that is favourable compared to something like Taxi Driver just comes across as you just trying to be edgy and contrarian for the sake of it. Taxi Driver is one of my favourite movies and if this movie is going for that tone then it makes it more interesting to me, not less.

I'm not aghast at people liking it. People like Frank Zappa, any crazy opinion is possible. Wrong opinions sure but I'm sure it'll make 800 million dollars with or without me.

Cokie Bear

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
I'm not aghast at people liking it. People like Frank Zappa, any crazy opinion is possible. Wrong opinions sure but I'm sure it'll make 800 million dollars with or without me.

How do you get by in life being so arrogant? Or are you only his arrogant online?


Oct 25, 2017
It's going to be a herculean effort to unseat my movie of the year (Last Black Man in San Francisco), but if anyone could it's Joaquin.

Deleted member 2840

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Oh God, the incels from Venice managed to cross the ocean into Canada. We're screwed. We should build a wall between the US and Canada to keep the incels and clowns there, it's the only way.