
Apr 29, 2018
What's the good stuff?
The first movie is a setup for the showdown. The first hour of the second movie is yet more setup for the showdown.

The rest of the second movie is the actual showdown. Almost constant action, explosions and special effects - I thought some of this was quite good (albeit entirely unsurprising and unmemorable).


Oct 25, 2017

This is a pretty good video that explains a lot about Snyder, from the man himself.

"I think that in the early days when I would use [slow mo] it was much more premeditated and really designed, and now I like it as a tool, and maybe it's partly because the Phantom is so convenient and easy to work with."

Ignoring that I'm not a fan of the man's work in general, it is hard not to see the ease of tools and of the process that has grown alongside his career has fundamentally affected his craft, and not for the better. He has been hit with the Anti-"limitation breeds creativity" Equation. Whatever he wants to do in the moment he can do, anything he wants to change after the fact he can pretty much change. For someone who the 'Visionary' label has been attached to, he actually doesn't seem to have a guiding vision at all, and I don't mean that as a jab at him but rather that he seems to be totally running on gut instinct.

And 'running on gut instinct' is good for some things but I think it is pretty poorly situated for storytelling(at least without a strong editorial hand on the backend).


Oct 25, 2017
The first movie is a setup for the showdown. The first hour of the second movie is yet more setup for the showdown.

The rest of the second movie is the actual showdown. Almost constant action, explosions and special effects - I thought some of this was quite good (albeit entirely unsurprising and unmemorable).
Some action is good in the second half but not memorable. Ooph lol, can always just youtube the action then.


Oct 29, 2017
why does this empire with huge ships and high tech is so in need of these crops that some dudes are harvesting by hand? is this going to be explained


Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
Even the action was tedious and video game-y in the worst way possible. Impressively bad. Laughed out loud at the set up for a third film


Oct 27, 2017
The person behind that Less Than Perfect Shot twitter account has got about 2 weeks worth of material from this film.

It's quite staggering that this is Snyder's 12th film and he doesn't seem to have learned anything in terms of film making; if anything he's gone backwards in almost every respect
Oct 28, 2017
Why have they been cutting wheat and throwing it in the air for so long and so slowly? I slightly enjoyed the first one but this is even worse.


Oct 27, 2017
The person behind that Less Than Perfect Shot twitter account has got about 2 weeks worth of material from this film.

It's quite staggering that this is Snyder's 12th film and he doesn't seem to have learned anything in terms of film making; if anything he's gone backwards in almost every respect

It's not his fault. It's the cinematographer he's been using for his past few movies. That guy is downright incompetent at his job. If I were Snyder I would never work with that guy again.


Oct 27, 2017
It's not his fault. It's the cinematographer he's been using for his past few movies. That guy is downright incompetent at his job. If I were Snyder I would never work with that guy again.
Maybe but the buck stops with him and it shouldn't take much to see just how badly filmed it is

Slim Action

Jul 4, 2018
Maybe but the buck stops with him and it shouldn't take much to see just how badly filmed it is



Oct 26, 2017
Knowing myself, I'll probably watch this at some point, but man it's hilarious how this is seemingly somehow even worse than the first movie.

Maybe but the buck stops with him and it shouldn't take much to see just how badly filmed it is
It's a joke, Snyder is the cinematographer for his last few movies (Army of the Dead and the Rebel Moon films).


Oct 25, 2017
Why is there slo-mo in the harvesting scene? lmao.

This is fantastic!


EDIT: I will never be understand how productions of this size with the resources they have can make such poorly choreographed action scenes.

Characters running across battlefields randomly shooting in slo-mo while entire groups of enemies have them at point blank range but they somehow don't get shot. It looks ridiculous the first time, the fact it keeps happening is just absurd and almost feels like a parody at times.

I've also not been this bored during an action scene in a long time.
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Oct 27, 2017
Surprised people think this is worst than the first one. I mean it's no great but this one at least has an actual structure to it


Oct 25, 2017
I'm now rooting for Netflix to continue the series because I want to see how low that RT can sink


Oct 25, 2017
I like trashy action films, but there's almost nothing good about this.

I don't know how they managed to make a final even more anti climactic than the first film, but bloody hell they did it! I think I enjoyed a single action sequence in the entire thing (the hallway fight against the sword guy) and even that wasn't great. There's the hint of cool world building somehere in the rubble, but it's completely squandered.

The reveal at the end came out of nowhere and almost feels like they thought it up at the last second just so they could make another.


My ass legally belongs to Ted Price
Oct 17, 2019
I still think about "It's a deconstruction of the Star Wars Cantina scene" from time to time...


Aug 3, 2021
Hear this is as bad as the first and still clearly cut everywhere to not show blood just so he can release his directors cut later this year.

I still like a lot of his movies, but man he is getting insufferable. He shouldn't write any scripts and be his own cinematographer. Movies get significantly worse if he does, it is clear as day.


Oct 25, 2017
Its better than the first, but that isn't saying much. It resembles a film this time.
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Oct 25, 2017
Because I am an ass who can't help themself:

Rebel Moon Part 2: THE SCARGIVER

Thoughts in rough sequential order:

  • Anthony Hopkins intro narration is something. One particular thing is that he says that after Kora defeated Noble at the end of the first film, our heroes returned to Veldt to collect their pay because they stopped the Dreadnought...but they didn't? And I never got the idea from the first film that that was what the characters assumed, that they had won and were returning in victory.
  • And then the characters' newfound assumption of victory is immediately discarded. Why bother?
  • I know this is one of those questions one shouldn't ask but why is Noble revived? He is just a guy, a guy who lost at that, so why bother bringing him back? If the story had made him the top badguy then, sure, his cronies would revive him. But he is just a cog in a bigger villains machine.
  • The flashback to the death of the royal family was terrible even by Rebel Moon standards.
  • Slo mo faming!
  • More slo mo farming!
  • Slo mo Djimon Hounsou getting water from a barrel!
  • Slo mo milling of grain!
  • Village girl gives our heroes gifts, ones based on how she sees them, but, um, at no point does she ever interact with them to make any of this makes sense. "Tarak, you are untamable. Milius you shine like the sun. Nemesis you are the storm." Wtf, they have done nothing but farm for you.
  • This all being about a village's worth of grain is insane. And it was the grain that could be harvested in 3 days, that is a tiny, tiny amount of grain.
  • When they are training the villagers, a woman is attacking a strawman and (according to the subtitles)Tarak has a couple of lines("Great. Looks like we got a natural." or something of the like) but he sounds weirdly digital. @37:50-ish. Only noting this because it is the oddest thing to hear, so much so that I listened to it like a half a dozen times.
  • I was not expecting a literal sitdown with the characters explaining their backstories to each other, and it was all so perfunctory.
  • It is wild how small the film feels. And I don't mean narratively, or the stakes, or anything. But you can just feel the artifice and soundstage-ness of it all, even when there aren't soundstages.
  • Nemesis' death. What a monumental letdown.
  • Jimmy the Robot's arrival into the battle is so embarrassing. He is just not a character so his grand entrance is nothing but *deflating balloon sound*

Why did Snyder do a riff on Seven Samurai anyway? It is readily apparent that he has no interest in the majority of the characters making up our band of heroes. Random blonde villager man and Den(?) are just as impactful and given as much prominence as Nemesis or Milius or Tarak or Jimmy.

The moody Veldt farming music.
Djimon Hounsou's still got the gravitas and his singing was a nice moment.
It was better than the first, for what little that is worth.

Unless Snyder does something really different, a straight drama, a romcom, a horror film, something, I can't see myself ever watching another one of his films. He is a filmmaker who not only is really bad at storytelling but he is getting worse and worse without the good grace to do it while getting interesting or weird. He is just getting worse and boring.


Oct 28, 2017
Watched Argyle earlier this week which prepped me for this. This wasn't as bad as Argyle and wasn't as bad as Part 1. But it wasn't good. Sofia Boutella really has some bad luck.


Oct 25, 2017
It's weird, first one was so fast paced you don't get to know the characters this one is so slow paced and you still don't know these characters besides their sad backstories and somber looks lol


Oct 25, 2017
Snyder and Netflix are not a good partnership. He's just indulging in all his worst filmmaking habits without any oversight. Snyder desperately needs a producer to tell him "no Zack, it's not a good idea to use slo-mo in every fucking scene"

Maybe Netflix finally realized this which is why they sent this shit out to die with zero fanfare. I didn't even notice it was out until I saw people laughing at the reviews on twitter.
Feb 16, 2022
I'm probably one of the biggest Snyder fan in this forum, and even I haven't watched either Rebel Moon films. Why are y'all hate watching it. It would only make the numbers go up. Do some people really just... would subject themselves to something they obviously would hate just to be able to say they know what they're talking about when they're talking trash about it? Even if it means ensuring it would help the movie be considered a "success" in one metric?


Nov 1, 2017
For the love of god, someone has got to remove the camera from Snyder's hands. The man cannot shoot a movie. He can direct just fine, but god damn … allowing him to shoot his own movies should be a punishable offense.


Sep 16, 2020
I'm probably one of the biggest Snyder fan in this forum, and even I haven't watched either Rebel Moon films. Why are y'all hate watching it. It would only make the numbers go up. Do some people really just... would subject themselves to something they obviously would hate just to be able to say they know what they're talking about when they're talking trash about it? Even if it means ensuring it would help the movie be considered a "success" in one metric?

I enjoyed his cut of Justice League and was hoping to get some entertainment value or cool visuals out of these, but they're just dull.