Mecha Meister

Next-Gen Guru
Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
World's First Look At Red Dead Redemption 2 (No Gameplay)
Red Dead Redemption 2 - Who is Arthur Morgan?
Why Red Dead Redemption 2 Is More than Just a Prequel

How Rockstar Is Making Its Open Worlds Even Better
Red Dead Redemption 2's Biggest Potential Strength Is Your Lack Of Power

GTAForums - RDR2 Press Previews Info

Red Dead Redemption 2: New Gameplay Details, Map Size - EVERYTHING You Need to Know

Based on everything we've seen so far, we already know that Red Dead Redemption 2's protagonist Arthur Morgan is a hard man . He's a killer, a thief, and comfortable with a host of other jobs that are just as dirty. But that doesn't necessarily make him a bad man - at least, not the complete jerk that some might think he is as after his debut in Red Dead 2's second trailer. After seeing a day in Arthur's life and talking to his creators at Rockstar, it seems that despite his rough exterior, Mr. Morgan has the potential to be one of this year's more compelling protagonists.

In addition to being the Van der Linde gang's chief enforcer and burliest muscle (seriously, we watched the guy deadlift a 5-point buck like it was nothing), Morgan is also Dutch's right-hand when it comes to leading the crew. When he's not robbing trains or running from the law, he can be found providing the outlaw's camp with much needed food or supplies. While he doesn't necessarily have to shoulder these burdens, it's with a good-natured (and charmingly drawled) "Well, alright then," when he does.

He often finds himself the de facto mediator in disputes between members of the gang, as well - when he's not involved with them directly, that is. Even then, he shows himself to be a reasonable and fair-minded leader. We saw an instance wherein Arthur found himself the target of Bill Williamson's ire after a stick-up gone wrong, calling him out on the fact that "every time I get in trouble, I'm called a fool and an idiot, but when you get in trouble, 'ohhhh, it's just one'a them things.'" Despite the fact that anyone who's spent time around Bill can tell there's probably a great deal of difference between the two scenarios, Arthur puts the solidarity of the camp before his own pride and agrees to help Bill with a favor. He knows that sometimes you have to put family first, and Dutch's band of gunslingers, runaways, and outcasts is the closest thing to family that Arthur's ever known.


  • You can take pelts from animals or put them on your horse.
  • Using bows to get clean kills makes what you hunted worth more.
  • Killed animals decay overtime.


  • You can build a bond with your horse. Improving the bond will make your horse trust you more, it wont run away in a firefight, and it will be able to hear your whistle from longer distances.
  • Heavier weapons are left on your horse, such as the Winchester Rifle.
  • If your horse dies you have to restart the bonding process with a new horse.






Some notes from the IGN Interview from those who can't listen. Wanted to break down what they say incase anybody has to read at work. This is from the video in the OP of the two guys giving impressions.


  • As you walk around in the game world, NPCs will react to you differently based on your disposition... E.g., if you're carrying your gun out of your holster, they'll be stand-offish, nervous, hostile, etc. But if your gun is holstered they'll be normal.
  • Approaching people (NPCs) in the open world you can press one of three face buttons to say something or treat them in a certain way... Triangle is a congenial greeting, circle is antagonize, and square could be to rob them.
  • You can rob people in the game without drawing your weapon, "You can bully them into giving them your money."
  • These prompts change as you play (unsure of whether this is based on your actions, or if it's fixed progression style). These prompts are also context sensitive, with the example that a fisherman may give you different prompts and will react differently, while a tough or a bar drunkard might react in a different way and give you different prompts.
  • NPCs treat you differently based on what you've done, your reputation, what you're wearing, etc.
Gangs & Camp:
  • Your gang has a gang camp with a life to it
  • Much of the descriptions are around open world interactions within your camp
  • The gang gives you ambient missions / challenges, for instance, as you're walking around camp one of your gang members might let you know that they could use provisions (meat, etc) which prompt you to go off hunting
  • WHile there is a management aspect to the gang & camps, it's an extra that's there if you want to use it, but it's not something you have to stay on top of... Sounds pretty optional with bonuses if you do it, but it's not a management game.
  • There is a reward for how much you put into the camp.
  • Description sounds roughly similar to how in GTAV you kept your crew, though more active and more omnipresent. Personal thought is I'm hoping they have a good expansion of this, e.g., aquiring tough guys or people who are skilled at certain things, giving you an incentive to keep them around, but it's not as annoying/overbearing as the settlement feature from FO4.
The World
  • New area called "New Hanover" was where most of the demo took place
  • Varied areas, swampy, snowy, industrializing towns
  • New Hanover was an alpine, mountainous, forested, has a town called "Valentine"
  • Describes a very "living, breathing world," which they say is cliched, but a lot of detail from the descriptions.
  • "It looked incredibly impressive," running on a base level PS4.
  • "It's an open world game that looks as good as anything I've seen on PS4."
Hunting & Providing for your camp
  • Hunting has been greatly expanded from the sounds of it
  • Multiple ways to skin your captures with different effects
  • Kills can be latched onto your horse or you can just keep the pelt
  • Lots of animal animations about hunting...... but they sound very detailed, and as an animal lover sounds pretty striking. Description sounds sad for me, haha, not sure if I'll be able to really do that.
  • Value of the animal varies on how well you kill it, either with bow, buck shot, bullet, etc.
  • Animals you capture will decay and rot over time, both visually, and the value of it. NPCs will give you odd reactions (From what it sounds like) if you're riding around with a rotting, dead buck on your horse.
  • Connection you make with your horse is much greater, emotional & gameplay connection
  • "RDR, Horse was a disposable vehicle." (Rockstar). In RDR2, horse relationship is much stronger, the stronger a relationship you have with your horse, the better performance and attributes of your horse.
  • Unique animations, unique open world examples, the closer you get with your horse.
  • You keep a lot of your best gear on your horse, and so keeping your horse near you (through a better bond) the quicker access to your wider gear
  • If your horse dies...... you have to restart that bonding process.
  • Horses can get injured and you can use medical tools to bandage and save it.
  • "For something to mean something, it has to cost something."
  • Ambient music as you start missions similar to GTAV
  • As you approach robberies and missions, they bridge out based on choices, for instance, one of the members of your gang plays a character to cause a distraction in a bank, allowing you to get a surprise on the staff
  • "One continuous camera movement," soudns almost similar to the camera work in that True Detective scene carrying you through a missiong
  • Option to crack a safe v. blowing up, with different rewards and risk
  • Very detailed animations for all of this
  • Shootout begins as you come out after robbing the bank, which introduces more of the action
  • Action sounds consistent with the last RDR
  • Dead eye returns
  • Some kills would give you a cinematic camera
  • The fight doesn't end when you flee the town, fight continues on horseback, ALA RDR missions from the sounds of it
  • In one scene, the characters hat gets shot off, and because he flees... he doesn't get it back. If you want it back, you have to go back at a later time and get it back.

Some extra details from HobbyConsola that someone on GTAF translated.
I transalte the most interest questions of the interview of HobbyConsolas to Rob Nelson.

Can we expect any change in the shooting system and the Dead Eye, respect to the first Red Dead Redemption?

We have tried to improve what we had in the previous game and make it evolve when it makes sense. We have spent a lot of time playing and we realized that it holds up pretty well for what it is. I think we are aware that we have to change the things that people are too used to. You do not want to change simply because of the change, but yes, it has definitely evolved and has more levels and is more faithful. It looks better, it feels better, but it will behave in a familiar way.

And the deaths in slow motion? Do they occur automatically when you make a good shot?

They are dynamic, they appear in a mission or during a fight, but also during the phases in the open world, if you get into trouble with the law or with another band you can wait for them to appear dynamically. They are dynamic, and procedural and they are intelligent and they frame the action based on what you do. You can get very spectacular sequences in ample places where the camera has room to make a broad approach. Everything is because of the consistency of the experience, whether you are in a mission or not. You still feel that you are playing the game, with the same character and seeing the same things: it is the same visual and mechanical language.

Surprise us with an example of how far the persistence in the world of Red Dead Redemption 2 has come?

We are still adjusting how long the effects of your actions in the world will last. It is something that you feel. I think we can leave the animals for a long time, they do not cause too much trouble, and you will see scavengers approaching. If you kill a person, you will see the vultures approach and throw themselves on the corpse, you will also see coyotes approaching and start eating it. But at other times, like in the cities, if you cause problems, you want to be able to escape, you want them to disappear with time, so we have balanced it taking into account what is more practical.

For example, will the ranch we have seen under construction end?

Yes, we have several areas like that. As time passes you will see them evolve. If you are looking for something spectacular, we believe and hope it is amazing how you interact with other beings: people and animals. (...) In GTA V you saw a person sweeping or doing anything and if you bothered them they would release their broom and they left. Or if you behaved in an aggressive way with them, they would run away or be aggressive with you. That is all they could do. We wanted to get something else, so we had to go back to the basics of our system and rebuild it, and that's something that was only possible with the new hardware.

We have grown our teams dedicated to gameplay, animations and Artificial Intelligence to support this improvement (...) basically we allow you to choose anyone and talk to him and interact with them in ways that are not limited to the barrel of your weapon.

Imagine that you lost your horse when you needed one, and you see someone riding on the road. Before, the only way to get on that horse was to shoot the rider, which usually scared the horse and forced you to chase it. We wanted you to be able to ask the rider to stop. Maybe he did not, but if he did then you should be able to ask him to get off the horse. so you can get things from people without resorting to physical harm. (...)

If you are in a town and you approach a person who is sitting and you begin to invade their space, they will not panic and run away, that would be weird. But surely they ask you what you are doing, and if you continue, they will react. If there is someone nearby, that third person may be involved. There's a lot of difference between trying to rob someone in public or grabbing him, and the way the other characters react.

Here is the link if you want ot read the full interview:
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Oct 26, 2017
It looks like that this leaked info from a while ago was kinda true

"You play a gang leader named Arthur. The biggest change made to the game is you have a posse. If I remember correctly, the story kind of starts when you find out someone in your outlaw gang is a pinkerton spy. The pinkertons end up having you on the run through most of the game. You acquire lots of members of your gang such as abigal, little jack, marsten, and others. The core mechanic of the game is having to maintain and continuously move your outlaw camp. When you go on a mission you will choose who to take with you, similar to mass effect or dragon age. The game spans five zones. A directive they keep getting is to make the environments more interactive like skyrim. Whatever that means.

There is kind of a game plus like like the last one had.
You end up at beechers hope and switch control to Jon marsten
. The are then lots of quests etc dealing with building up your ranch. You literally will do x And Z to build a gazebo. I heard someone designed a mini game where you help a mare give birth that had people laughing. The last I heard, which was a few months ago, the game was kind of stuck in development hell of sorts. Then team kept remaking a vertical slice demo for the leaders of rockstar and they aren't impressed... They didn't find it different enough or innovative enough. Hopefully they got out of that rut.

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One Winged Slayer
Dec 28, 2017
Based on how far up he is in Dutch gang, he's SOOO going to die at end. Otherwise we would go after him in RDR.
Obviously he's not making it out of the game alive but I wonder if he dies in the same scenario that they leave John for dead in. Would be weird cause they never mentioned him a single time in the first game


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
I'm happy to hear they're taking NPC interactions to the next level!

Wow! There are even dialog choices with random NPC's??!


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Good to see the protognist isn't a complete asshole. Which means he gonna be dad


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
Hyped! So hope that fishing mini-game rumours turns out to be true.


Oct 25, 2017
This sounds way more ambitious than RDR. Sounds like it has immersive sim DNA in placing you in the shoes of being a gang enforcer and leader figure, how you're interacting with your gang and them in turn reacting based on how you interact with them

Trying to gamify the gang dynamic we've seen in so many Westerns beyond stats and companion choice and flavor text should make for an interesting approach to a Western game, compared to RDR's more singular protagonist story structure



Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
Wow! The demo they saw was on base PS4! Not even a Pro.

Is the trailer also on base PS4?


Oct 25, 2017
There's a sense of connection in Red Dead Redemption 2 I've never seen in a game before. Everything has its place and everyone has a purpose. Importantly, it's not just a veneer either. Other games give the appearance that life continues around you regardless, but stop for a second and it's easy to see past the façade – the guy with the broom isn't really sweeping his porch, he's stuck in an never-ending cleaning loop that even a gun to the head cannot break.
How he presents himself has a similar effect: travel with your gun holstered and you'll likely get a warm reaction, but carry it in your hand and passers-by react more severely.
Has... IGN not played a modern game?

I feel like I'm going to be reading about next-gen enabled fish AI next.


Oct 28, 2017
  • You can take pelts from animals or put them on your horse.
  • Using bows to get clean kills makes what you hunted worth more.
  • Killed animals decay overtime.


Oct 25, 2017
Gameplay will be miles better than the stuff they've been showing so far in the repetitive story trailers. All about them little contextual interactions and world interactions. They must take it to a new level with this game and I'm very much looking forward to it.
Nice bullshots btw.