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Started a revolution but the mic was unplugged
Oct 27, 2017
I am baffled by the consensus that the first chapter is 'boring'. I was gripped immediately. It's so elegantly and deliberately paced. Y'all are fuckin' weird.
Yeah I thought the opening was great. It reminded me of The Hateful Eight. Very atmospheric. Enjoyed the quietness and seclusion of the whole chapter.


Oct 25, 2017
So, any feedback on the drugstore hidden room? Ways to rob it and make a clean escape? Someone must have done this...

I kinda wish selecting the fists in the weapon wheel makes you not draw your gun out or something. But all things told, it doesn't really happen all that often, so it doesn't really bother me.

It only bothers me if it forces me to re-load and then I'm far outside town etc... it doesn't happen that often though, so I can live with it as a by-product of such a detailed game world.

M. Wallace

Oct 25, 2017
Why are people spending their money when they have a bounty? I'm still able to do what I want in towns and I have multiple bounties and over $3K in funds.


The Legend Continues
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 26, 2017
Do you guys also have the feeling of missing something when playing the good guy? So far I never robbed someone or did more harm then needed. I also mostly don't want to involve myself into trouble during travel.
i even spied on the doctor in Valentine but didn't want to crash into his back room business

I also paid off my bounty after one mission (thanks Micah) so now I don't have enough money to expand the camp and poker doesn't earn you enough.

I guess I should not try to be myself in this game. lol


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Can't raise my camp supply. I donate like crazy but still everything is low. Still chapter 2.

Use the ledger (do Strauss' mission in Ch 2 to unlock it if you haven't yet) to refill the ammo and provisions/medicine reserves. For food just keep donating animal parts/carcasses to Pearson at the butcher counter in the camp until the food supply status changes.


Oct 25, 2017
How do the core drain percentages work? If my stamina drain rate is +5.35 percent, is that good or bad? I would think bad, but the game seems to say otherwise.

For example, I'm currently underweight which it says should benefit stamina. But it shows that plus percent on the drain rate.


Oct 27, 2017
So, I surrendered to the sheriff once because I thought that would be cheaper than paying the bounty but I had to pay the exact amount after. Any other way to get rid of bounties?

It is so annoying that the second you commit any kind of crime (or even just bump into someone because of the clunky controls) the law will immediately know where you are and swarm you with no other options but to kill them all.
It's really unrealistic (and infuriating) that every single lawman you encounter knows about your bounty or wanted status immediately.
There has to be a delay for the AIs to get this information or a chance for them not to recognize you at all. I don't understand why in a game about outlaws, that even has an honour system, you are still heavily punished by behaving like one.

Another annoyance: There is a walking speed between walking and sprinting that is only available with the standard controls. I can't use these because I need to use the camera and therefore the right stick while running around.

I'm ok with the shooting even though it is more of a chore than fun (maybe that's what R* wants because realism? lmao). Maybe I'll try free aim though because the lock-on is super annoying, especially with moving enemies because it makes leading your shots almost impossible.

All in all, I'm having fun with the game and think most of the sim elements are cool and immersive. Some stuff takes way to long though, like eating provisions making your satchel close or cooking each peace of meat individually.
The mentioned issues really detract from the experience though, not even mentioning the atrocious PS4 Pro version that makes nearly everything look blurry and out of focus.
Oct 14, 2018
Not sure if this is common knowledge, but I'll repost what's on Reddit: You should be using eagle eye indoors to see all lootable items. Then when you open a drawer, hold square to pick up all items inside.


Oct 26, 2017
Twice now people have got in the way as I am hitching my horse and have been hit by my horse, I then get wanted level!

Bung Hole

Jan 9, 2018
Auckland, New Zealand
When I do dead eye I end up loading 6 shots into the first person I hover over. What am I doing wrong?
Yeah this happened to me too. Unloaded into 1 NPC at close range with a shotgun before I could move the cursor to another enemy.
And it was during a random ambush which I hate because I always get killed in the open when there is no cover.

Twice now people have got in the way and have been hit by my horse I then get wanted!
Sure hope rockstar patches this shit because its fucking annoying. Other option is to lead your horse around town but that'll mean it would take fucking ages to move around towns to different locations


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 26, 2017
Yeah this happened to me too. Unloaded into 1 NPC at close range with a shotgun before I could move the cursor to another enemy.
And it was during a random ambush which I hate because I always get killed in the open when there is no cover.
manual dead eye is unlocked with a chapter 2 main mission


Oct 26, 2017
Holy fuck at some of the garments at the trapper lol. I'm glad you really don't have to do any hunting if you don't feel like it, but man do you miss out on some hilarious cosmetic stuff in particular if you don't.

But as much as I love these hats, I'm not gonna try to get a perfect muskrat pelt. Or any perfect pelt for that matter.


Nov 1, 2017
Man the beginning of this game fucking suuuuuucks. I just did the deer hunting tutorial and I don't even feel like playing anymore lol. Whoever thought slowly riding horses through the snow for two hours was a good way to start this game was very wrong.


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
That's weird, I left without a bounty. Maybe because I killed litterally everybody. Anyways, I'd spend what money you have. Expose yourself to a officer and immediately surrender. They'll throw you in jail and take what money you have left. Then you should be good after.
Thanks I appreciate that, fascinating how everyone got something different. All that good karma just dwindled away as I helped out Micah. Every person I shot, negative karma, negative karma. Horrible

s y

Nov 8, 2017
Some of these robbery tips are so off lol. Watson's cabin is "just north of strawberry" according to the game. I spent the last hour trekking through mountains. Went on YouTube and Watson's cabin is past Big Valley and closer to the Grizzlies than Big Valley smh.


May 31, 2018
So I save three outfits to my horse and... only one of them is actually one my horse.

This game can be so damned obtuse somtimes.

Tophat Jones

Alt Account
Oct 26, 2017
Holy fuck at some of the garments at the trapper lol. I'm glad you really don't have to do any hunting if you don't feel like it, but man do you miss out on some hilarious cosmetic stuff in particular if you don't.

But as much as I love these hats, I'm not gonna try to get a perfect muskrat pelt. Or any perfect pelt for that matter.
It was the moment I met the trapper that I knew I'd be playing this gane forever.

Those outfits looked fucking amazing. But I'm a trash hunter.


Oct 26, 2017
Sure hope rockstar patches this shit because its fucking annoying. Other option is to lead your horse around town but that'll mean it would take fucking ages to move around towns to different locations

I know, the thing is I was trying to hitch my horse and I pressed the triangle button and the horse moved about and hit some guy.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Game is beautiful easily one of the best looking games ever.

But honestly the story/missions are boring as fuck. I'm still in chapter 2 so plenty of time to pick up but i wish they started with something big.

Other little nitpicks. Item navigation is clunky, not a fan of the health system, and the stealth seems broken. On a couple of missions I'm crouching to stealth kill and either they turn instantly around for no reason or it triggers a gun battle. Red eye doesn't really feel fun either, forget it's there half the time.


Oct 30, 2017
Oh man, Pearson is soooo confusing, so I dug in and learned all about him and threw it all into this video. Hope it helps!! Suggestions?



Oct 29, 2017
I was in the same boat for a while. Until i figures out that holding the L2 trigger on any given animal if your close enoigh shows the quality under its name deaignated by three stars for perfect quality. Just run around and get close enough on horseback to see if it 3 stars then just track it as normal. Ive been using the springfield for one good headshot just dont hit the body and ruin the pelt. Also a good way to hunt is to sneak up close enough and call out the animal with square the moment it pops its head up dead eye it in the face. Been really enjoying the hunting in this game.

I followed a deer into the water that slowed it down and killed it there coildnt skin it in the water coz it was drifting away with the current. So i lassoed the corpse and dragged it to land then skinned it a perfect pelt.

The game doesnt explain many of its systems but finding out things like this yourself is such a joy.

It can be satisfying to organically figure stuff out, but it's also frustrating to spend a bunch of time actively wondering how things work.

The pelt condition thing is good to know, I that it was only whether you shot their body that determined pelt quality.


Oct 25, 2017
Ok, this is getting far too frustrating now...

how the hell are we supposed to rob the room at the back of the drugstore?

I was given the tip by Tilly at camp, and it tells me in my log to investigate the Doctor's Office under the header Shop Robbery. And it pops up and tells me when I'm in the shop that I can rob the place.


As soon as I enter the hidden room, they start shooting, and the law is alerted.
There is no way to open the back door of the hidden room and escape, the only way out is back out through the shop's front door...

And that leads me into the arms of the law, and the townsfolk, and an immediate bounty.

The game is saying "rob this if you want", but there seems to be no way to do this and actually get away...

Is the only way to rob, fight my way out, and deal with the consequences? There's no way to rob and make a clean break?

And I guess his goes for all other types of robbery, too...


Oct 25, 2017
Does anyone know how to retrieve your horse? It's not in the stable. I lost it when:

when I got the oil tank for the train mission


<<Tag Here>>
Oct 25, 2017
It does, go to cinematic mode (hold the big camera button) whilst you're on a road, viola, auto ride (no hands required) all the way to your checkpoint/waypoint set.

Now, it's worth keeping an eye on though, as strangers and situations pop up normally so you dont wanna totally miss out on stuff whilst making a cup of tea between checkpoints...when I found this out, pure gamechanger.
Will it take me direct to my waypoint?
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