
One Winged Slayer
Nov 17, 2017
Boston, MA


TacoTamale said:
  • Physical media won't be gone completely, but it will basically be an installer disc and a huge chunk (if not the majority) of game sales will be digital.

  • I think it's real easy to say tables will dwarf PC sales. More people buy tablets for everyday use than people buy PCs for gaming.

  • Steam will keep losing its monopoly on PC gaming as more services with similarly good sales and usability appear.

  • I think that Nintendo will mainly become a software developer, and drop out of the hardware race. I mean, they make great games, but not everyone wants a wii, WiiU or DS of any sort.

    I just can't see them lasting much longer in the race.

    EDIT: At least I found two that ended up being completely right, even though the latter is kinda sad when you realize it.

  • IOS gaming will have remained the same; a large and varied market where the exploitative games and piles of crap too often bury the genuinely good/entertaining titles.

  • One of the more revered figureheads of Nintendo will have left the company/retired. I want to say Miyamoto, but it could be someone else entirely.

A much longer list of things listed out 5 years ago:

jocamar said:
  1. PS4 is the leading console followed by the X1. The X1 won't be a trainwreck and will actually be pretty decent, but it will still fall behind the PS4 nearly everywhere. Kinect will still be largely unused for core gaming but some fun quirky games will make use of it and people will use it to control the console. Both consoles will have systems very similar to Steam with sales and lots of indie games. They will sell less than their predecessors. The Wii U is last with a strong core of Nintendo fans after games like Smash Bros release (maybe it'll be selling at GC levels).

  2. HL3 won't be released and we'll probably have either a sequel to L4D2/Portal 2 or a new IP from Valve.

  3. Call of Duty will have lost a lot of popularity and will probably tone the amount of releases down to one every 2/3 years or be on a hiatus for some time until it is time to reboot it . Battlefield will still be around but it will lose some popularity as the next cash-in game theme appears (Titanfall?, League of Legends?).

  4. PCs will still be pretty good for gaming because you just can't get the same type of control as on a smartphone or tablet. We will see more good games on phones especially as they get to be as powerful as a PSV but most will still be short games that satisfy different people than regular PC games. Core gamers will still prefer the PC and while it may lose some popularity there will still be plenty of good games on it (most FPSs will still be made for the PC for example).

  5. Blizzard's new MMO will release to good reviews but it won't have the same success as WOW and will probably be competing with other Free2Play MMOs. They will also announce another game, either Warcraft 4 or their own MOBA. WoW will be Free2Play by that point.

  6. The Kickstarter craze will die down a bit as some projects run into problems or don't reach the expectations of the backers. In the end it will be more healthy since only games with a really good pitch, and something to show to prove they can make it, will get funded.

  7. Steam will keep losing its monopoly on PC gaming as more services with similarly good sales and usability appear.

  8. AC will also lose a lot of popularity and will either tone down their releases or go on a hiatus. Watchdogs will be the new main Ubisoft franchise.

  9. SW Battlefront won't be as good as the second one and will be quite CoDized but it will still be a decent game. Same with Mirrors Edge because they'll try to cram in more combat.

  10. Occulus Rift will be a moderate success and have a good amount of support from indie games and maybe even some AAA games but it still won't reach mass appeal. We may get more VR headsets announced maybe even from the big 3 companies (VR may well become the new motion control if the Rift gets any traction).

  11. We'll have a lot of games with mobile integration but by that time the novelty will be starting to wear off a bit.

  12. Physical media will be a lot rarer if not outright dead. Almost everyone will buy stuff from online stores.

  13. Fallout 4 will be out and we will either have TES6 or a new RPG franchise from Bethesda announced. On that note, TESO will be about as successful as TOR and will bring very little to the table with most people just wishing it were TES6.

  14. A lot of games on the new consoles will have persistent open worlds and MMO like features.

  15. Dark Souls 2 will be a great game and even more sucessful than the first one. We may have another Souls game announced by that time.

  16. The Witcher 3 will be another success and will probably set the bar for open world medieval RPGs. Cyberpunk will probably have come out already by then too and will be a good game as well though I don't know if it'll be as good as TW3.

  17. Godus will deliver on the large procedural world and will be a decent god game but its weather patterns will probably be very simple and will not be the "chaos theory, butterfly effect" that Molyneux will hype it out to be. I see it having some success on tablets and phones as a nice quirky game to play as a distraction.

  18. We may be starting to see a couple of games use Raytracing engines on the PC but they still won't look as good as most games that use more traditional rendering methods.

  19. The new Everquest MMO will actually be pretty successful and possibly compete with Blizzards MMO. They may both have destructible/shiftable environments paving the way for new types of sandbox MMOs. They still won't be as successful as WoW was in its prime.

  20. Doom 4 will bring a lot of new technical improvements but will be criticiced for it's story/gameplay.

  21. Command & Conquer will basically be the same as AoE Online. It will have moderate success at first and then die down once more Pay2Win stuff is added.

  22. Halo 3 will have come out on the PC possibly as a Windows 8 exclusive and will be a decent port that will have a cult following for many years to come. There will be a Halo anthology announced for PC and consoles that will have the original trilogy and maybe Reach and ODST.

  23. The 3DS will have 2 or 3 more versions and will be approaching the end of its lifecycle with a new console announced or about to be announced. It will have many of the same abilities as a smartphone and will bridge the gap between handhelds and smartphones. Nintendo will probably abandon the home console market if the Wii U is lagging behind by a good amount and focus solely on these handhelds.

Can we have our own Time Capsule moving forward from now?
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Deleted member 2791

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I think that Nintendo will mainly become a software developer, and drop out of the hardware race. I mean, they make great games, but not everyone wants a wii, WiiU or DS of any sort.

I just can't see them lasting much longer in the race.


also where's the sega revival prediction

Deleted member 1759

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I think that Nintendo will mainly become a software developer, and drop out of the hardware race. I mean, they make great games, but not everyone wants a wii, WiiU or DS of any sort.

I just can't see them lasting much longer in the race.
That's what I was hoping for/thinking as well. The Switch proved me wrong.


Oct 25, 2017
Western Canada
Lol you could open a time capsule from any point in the last 30 years and it would contain the "Nintendo will surely go 3rd party within the next 5 years" prediction.


Prophet of Regret - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Are digital sales bigger than physical now? I now that the gap has been closing in, but I'm sure that most AAA games still sell more on retail stores than on digital ones


Editor at Nintendo Wire
Oct 27, 2017
I wouldn't say Steam has lost its monopoly but I feel like competing services have been getting more and more popular lately? Don't know the statistics though

And to be fair on the Nintendo predictions it wasn't too farfetched considering the Wii U debacle. If they carried on going down that road it'd be a disaster, the Switch was them basically upending the table in a way they haven't really done for decades

And the Iwata realization :(

I'd be all for a Resetera time capsule, though, but it'd have to disappear from the internet completely outside of a few downloaded archives


Dark Souls Man
Oct 24, 2017
Global tablet shipments 2017: 164 million
Global PC shipments 2017: 262 million

I guess it was real easy to say :P


self-requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
Well that was kinda bittersweet in regards to the Nintendo predictions. Massive lols at the dropping out of hardware one but the one about the loss of a Nintendo figurehead hurts man... :(


Oct 25, 2017
I'm constantly amazed by the people who want Nintendo to go 3rd party. Think about how well that worked out for Sega. They're not going to get the same quality or quantity of titles.


Oct 25, 2017
Orlando, FL
Nobody remembers or cares about Anita Sarkeesian.

As it should be right now. If you want this to happen, stop feeding her the attention she craves.

great predictions i guess :eyeroll:

Um I think that was the case 5 years ago

Overall most games are played digital. Sales wise though I think physical still beats out digital for $60 / $40 full releases

Stuff like PUBG, Fortnite, Mobile Games, LOL, ect. severely skew the total income to digital though.

Stuff like Madden, Call of Duty, God of War, Battlefield and those types of releases will still be majority physical.


Oct 25, 2017
Well that was kinda bittersweet in regards to the Nintendo predictions. Massive lols at the dropping out of hardware one but the one about the loss of a Nintendo figurehead hurts man... :(
Considering the age of most of Nintendo current patriarchs, saying that someone would leave is basically a guaranteed statement. Only shocking part was it was cancer.


Oct 25, 2017
Bold predictions!

Jokes aside, among 20-30 predictions, some of them turning out close to the truth is not magic.

Also, not really difficult to guess who will sell the most when you have 3 manufacturers, or where a market that is reaching its maturity will go.


Oct 25, 2017
Here's the best one from /u/Jamcram in reference to Nintendo.

They are not going to leave the home console market, they are going to combine them. Have one mobile platform that plugs into your tv that you can play on the go or buy extra controllers for couch co-op.

Edit: I think this one is good because this is actually legit prediction.


Cute Animal Whisperer
Nov 3, 2017
Oh I wasn't saying they were spot-on, but I do feel like things are slowly trending that way. Steam isn't as universally beloved as it was 5 years ago, at any rate

- to make that statement (or rather your feeling) true, you need to state the competitor that slowly takes away Steams status.
- How do you measure Steam's love? The love of its users? the Love of its Publishers?
- Steam got a heavy loving boost just this month after the Linux announcement.


533.489 paid youtubers cant be wrong
Oct 28, 2017
Bold predictions!

Jokes aside, among 20-30 predictions, some of them turning out close to the truth is not magic.

Also, not really difficult to guess who will sell the most when you have 3 manufacturers, or where a market that is reaching its maturity will go.

Pretty much
It's not such a hard task to have some accurate guesses judging the market we're talking about. Also maybe its just me but i don't find a time capsule for 5 years ago particularly noteworthy? Maybe i'm one of them OLD FOLKS but five years is really not THAT LONG ago.


Nov 6, 2017
Yo everyone keeps predicting Nintendo's failure and is proven wrong every time.

Talent always prevails.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'm down for a 2023 time capsule, but my predictions aren't that exciting. Basically, we'll be 3 years into the next generation, with the Xbox family of platforms competing fairly evenly with the PS5 in the US, but the PS5 up world wide. Meanwhile, the Switch is still the flagship Nintendo console, with legs helped by a "Pro" version similar to the New 3DS. Nintendo has at least 3 more established IP mobile games, and 2 new IP mobile games. Somehow, GTA V and Mario Kart 8 still chart each month on NPD.


Oct 27, 2017
Dark Souls 2 will be a great game and even more sucessful than the first one.

Oh how I wish this was true.


Oct 27, 2017
Putting "Nintendo will be doomed" in a time capsule is cheating cause even right now people are sure that in 2-3 years Nintendo will be dead.


Dark Souls Man
Oct 24, 2017
Now break that down to enterprise vs. consumers. I'll bet it's a lot closer.
The prediction was that tablets would dwarf PC sales. Given that PC sales are actually significantly higher, I think you can introduce a lot of constraints and still not get close to it being true.