
Oct 27, 2017
This thread and its responses are kinda fucked up

ERA can be kinda (really) shitty when it wants to be.

I dunno man, I never knew anyone who went around shitting their pants and jerking off in class. Granted I didn't know many people being bullied for watching anime. I just hung out with people I knew who did and we left it at that.
Oct 25, 2017
Gordita Beach
ERA can be kinda (really) shitty when it wants to be.

I dunno man, I never knew anyone who went around shitting their pants and jerking off in class. Granted I didn't know many people being bullied for watching anime. I just hung out with people I knew who did and we left it at that.
Like I said earlier I think most of it is joking around. That said, I'm sure there are people who are serious about their weird side-eyes for anime avatars, and that is ridiculous considering the forum we're on.

Besides, wrestling is just as bad as anime.


Oct 27, 2017
Like I said earlier I think most of it is joking around. That said, I'm sure there are people who are serious about their weird side-eyes for anime avatars, and that is ridiculous considering the forum we're on.

Besides, wrestling is just as bad as anime.

Every fandom has people who are cringey, and people who are legitimately shitty. Wrassling, comics, video games, anime, sports, pop music--you name it, if you're a part of that fanbase you've run into "those" fans. Ones who you don't wanna claim.
Oct 26, 2017
The thing about the anime genre is that, it's an extreme form of escapism. Or you can call it a type of fantasy literature that has lease amount of realism or connection to history. Western fantasy usually borrow heavily from the past, particularly medieval history.

My pet theory is that the Japan has shitty history and they don't like to literature genre that's too "real world."

Now I am not comparing "high school bottom class" to the Japanese, but I think they like to escape the real world for different reasons.
Spoken like someone with no idea how popular historical dramas are in Japan. Or really, anything about Japan at all. Most adults are not watching anime, they're watching American or Korean dramas and reading detective stories and thrillers, much like people in America. Just a godawful take.


Dec 3, 2018
Surprisingly, at my high school we didn't actually have that kind of social hierarchy.There were group of friends but no group was significantly more popular than any other per say. I guess it helps that my year had a small number of students (90).


Oct 25, 2017
Like I said earlier I think most of it is joking around. That said, I'm sure there are people who are serious about their weird side-eyes for anime avatars, and that is ridiculous considering the forum we're on.

Besides, wrestling is just as bad as anime.
Nah, not in my personal opinion. Sure all fandoms/hobbies have people who make you ashamed to be a part of it but... Anime is fuckin' real special with the asshole weebs. And I say that as a huge fan when I was a teen (who admittedly kept very quiet about it IRL and mostly talked online) and someone unfamiliar with wrestling. Wrestling doesn't have a substantial amount of people who want to diddle animated children and also post on 4chan/8chan/Kiwifarms/Stormfront/Other alt-right sites and then want to go onto shoot up schools or something. Maybe it's just the modern incarnation but the meme Fat4all posted feel so true. So many alt-right weebs man... It could just be my experience though.

But that really doesn't matter here since this place is real fucking strict on that stuff. So giving anime avatars the side eye is pretty weird. No one tries to justify the bad stuff and a ton of it is pointed out. So ERA is way better for reading discussion on anime shows or games. And the mods are good at banning people who would defend that shit.

And no obviously not all anime fans. I'm just saying the worst of wrestling fans don't match the shittiness of the worst of anime fans.
It ain't 2008 anymore dude
So where would a furry fit in that pyramid?
Well if y'all wanna know, I talked with my sibling who is still in HS as a senior. For reference this is one of the better public schools in the state:
- No one is physically bullied, just avoided, and people will talk shit about the 'weirdos'.
- Academic kids are at the top, Furries are at the bottom. Not at the very bottom, that space is reserved for fucking creeps, which includes incel types and whatnot.
- Weebs can be included in that bottom group but there are a ton of anime fans in school who are somewhat normal.
- Most people are well rounded or have a variety of interests.
- There is a hierarchy but it's not as pronounced.

Not sure how true this is but that's from her perspective.

Edit: Fuck, so many grammar mistakes. My bad.


Oct 27, 2017
In high school I used to just use the computers at library on my lunch break and eventually the librarian tried to set me up with the anime club saying she thought I'd like it....... but no that was all extremely unappealing and I very much preferred being alone on the computer >_>

University an entirely different beast though since everything I take is computer science or Japanese language/humanities and it's simply a lot of normal people that are all just cool with everything at different levels


Self-requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
At my high school the Academic kids were worshipped as gods. We competed with each other to be at the top of the interim report cards that teachers liked to print out and tape on the class door.


Oct 26, 2017
In this thread I learned that, in US high-schools, anime creeps shit their pants in class... I mean I've seen at least 3 guys reference this behavior.


Nov 6, 2017
Where the Fenians Sleep
Let people have their own interests? I was never much of an anime fan but to study the fact that anime fans are looked down upon?

People researching something that is happening is quite obviously not causing it to happen. Society has hierarchies. It's difficult if not impossible to study society without paying attention to those hierarchies. It sounds like you're just against the idea of the social sciences in the first place.

What makes you think you're more qualified than the researchers and people that funded the grant to determine what is and isn't wasteful?


Nov 6, 2017
I don't really care what people are into. They can enjoy whatever they want.
But when it start affecting others around them, like jerking off and shitting their pants in school, that's a problem.


Nov 6, 2017
At my high school the Academic kids were worshipped as gods. We competed with each other to be at the top of the interim report cards that teachers liked to print out and tape on the class door.
In my time there was a TV quiz show called Reach For The Top. Each school picked a team of 4 and they would compete against other schools. The students that made the team were super smart and got treated like friggin' rock stars. That show was broadcast nationally, so it was a really big deal.
The dummies who thought it was uncool to be smart were not popular at all. They were considered the losers and low on the social scale.

Baji Boxer

Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
The thing about the anime genre is that, it's an extreme form of escapism. Or you can call it a type of fantasy literature that has lease amount of realism or connection to history. Western fantasy usually borrow heavily from the past, particularly medieval history.

My pet theory is that the Japan has shitty history and they don't like to literature genre that's too "real world."

Now I am not comparing "high school bottom class" to the Japanese, but I think they like to escape the real world for different reasons.
Your pet theory is racist.
Nov 26, 2018
I don't think it's really "anime" that makes the social group less appealing than other isn't really their love of anime, but rather some other stereotypes that come with the group, such as socially awkward kids that don't realize they're kind of jerks themselves. Perhaps I'm speaking from personal experience, as I was kinda in a weird space of multiple social groups, anime fans can be jackasses to those who don't look and act like them.