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Oct 25, 2017
You're asking for tone policing, dude
actually a little more "tone policing" would probably help the general tone of the site? we've curated an environment where it's OK to casually insult people and be generally vitriolic as long as it's for the "right reasons" and then mods get all :shockedpikachu: when that anger and vitriol is turned back on them when some parts of the community feel (rightly or wrongly) that they've suffered some injustice
Oct 25, 2017

Traffic growth rate of their sites, which is pretty darn impressive for most of them. Seems like their system does work to that end.

I checked a couple of them, and they really don't have any non-gaming discussion on their forums. I'm really curious to see how this all goes down in the end. Especially the EtcetEra side. I wonder if they'll put up a front page with content and guides generated by the community.


Oct 25, 2017
It's not about you either but you seem to be pushing your concern as a general forum concern. There's one instance of confusion in this thread which appears to largely be a misstep in assumption. Outside of this, and to the general point of its use and how it's been used prior, I don't think there are many that are confused beyond the "it's alright to be racist against white people now?" type of response. Which is what my post you quoted was actually referencing, since we had examples of it following the initial use by Nepenthe. You can point to this individual back and forth but it, – meaning the use of the term – isn't new on the forum and I don't think one instance of it being applied incorrectly indicates a forum-wide confusion around what is or isn't a precedent now as a result.

You are conflating several things here, mostly my intent, or the interpretation of my words. I never said "it's okay to be racist to whites now?" I'm asking there to be a clear standard set because now I and several other users have confusion over what is acceptable. That should be addressed by staff. It's irrelevant if it was a misstep, or if the users in question had malice for the white devil in their hearts when they used the term cracker. I'm speaking strictly administratively.

What factually occurred in this thread is that nonwhite users used white racial epithets to describe other nonwhite users. I did not know that kind of behavior could fly. There is a nonwhite user with the tag "Cracker Whisperer", which is also something I didn't know was acceptable.

I'm asking for clarity on this matter in the thread that largely adjudicates those sort of questions.


Scratching that
Oct 25, 2017
I checked a couple of them, and they really don't have any non-gaming discussion on their forums. I'm really curious to see how this all goes down in the end. Especially the EtcetEra side. I wonder if they'll put up a front page with content and guides generated by the community.
From what I just read, it sounds like MOBA was already looking to diversify their portfolio since last year at least and ResetEra might be their first foray into that space, which is interesting. After reading the report, I do get the impression that MOBA has their shit figured out when it comes to traffic growth, and I believe even more now that it would be in our interest to talk with them/ask some questions to figure out what a healthy growth and conversion from Traffic to community growth might be as we know our needs and the people this forum might attract better than anyone else, especially if they still try to figure out how a different type of forum might work for them.

But that report is legit.. the first semi optimistic thing I read about this topic.
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Oct 25, 2017
Institutionally I want to examine this because it's less about "white people getting their feelings hurt", and more about leadership normalizing slurs in a way that can become a confusing precedent. Some slurs have been contextually allowed before now, which makes sense because language and intent matter a great deal in communication. But the way cracker(ly) has been thrown around in this thread - used by nonwhite users and used on nonwhite users - has gone against the de facto standard most users are engaged with on this forum. There have been several posters questioning that sequence of events in this thread which culminated in a user being given a tag with a racial epithet in it; as far as I know something that hasn't occurred before. And the answer up to now has largely been a deflection away from the key implication by either claiming cracker isn't a slur, or saying "white people can take it."
I get your sentiment, it's just that this feels like a trivial point to debate. Either

A. The disparity of institutions is so great that cracker has no teeth compared to genuine racial slurs against minorities that it's not worthy of moderation, atleast no more than less racialized insults like idiot. Or...

B. As a slur, it's use ought to be discouraged to move towards unity. Which is fine, but even then it can never be regulated to the degree real racial slurs are. Additionally, there should still be a word for when white perform ignorance regarding racial issues because that is an extremely common white practice. We have the female specific form of it with 'Karen' and no one has a problem with that, so there should be a general term for it, no?

But my assessment either way, this just feels like a trivial issue. PoCs need ways of calling out white supremacy shenanigans. If not crackery, then it needs to be another word. I leave it to the poc community to decide what it should be, but its got to be something.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
You are conflating several things here, mostly my intent, or the interpretation of my words. I never said "it's okay to be racist to whites now?" I'm asking there to be a clear standard set because now I and several other users have confusion over what is acceptable. That should be addressed by staff. It's irrelevant if it was a misstep, or if the users in question had malice for the white devil in their hearts when they used the term cracker. I'm speaking strictly administratively.

What factually occurred in this thread is that nonwhite users used white racial epithets to describe other nonwhite users. I did not know that kind of behavior could fly. There is a nonwhite user with the tag "Cracker Whisperer", which is also something I didn't know was acceptable.

I'm asking for clarity on this matter in the thread that largely adjudicates those sort of questions.
I'm not, you quoted my post and I clarified what I was referencing when posting it since you seemed to take it on a tangent beyond the intent I had. I doubt whether you have a sincere confusion around what precedent is set on a forum level off the back of one misapplication of the term though. Despite that feel free to continue on in your confusion until you have an answer that resolves it from a member of staff. Not being one there's nothing much I can offer other than to respond to you with my thoughts in response to your replies. Which I have done and, as before, it seems like we're at an impasse.

You do seem pretty pressed about that "Cracker Whisperer" tag though.


Scratching that
Oct 25, 2017
I get your sentiment, it's just that this feels like a trivial point to debate. Either

A. The disparity of institutions is so great that cracker has no teeth compared to genuine racial slurs against minorities that it's not worthy of moderation, atleast no more than less racialized insults like idiot. Or...

B. As a slur, it's use ought to be discouraged to move towards unity. Which is fine, but even then it can never be regulated to the degree real racial slurs are. Additionally, there should still be a word for when white perform ignorance regarding racial issues because that is an extremely common white practice. We have the female specific form of it with 'Karen' and no one has a problem with that, so there should be a general term for it, no?

But my assessment either way, this just feels like a trivial issue. PoCs need ways of calling out white supremacy shenanigans. If not crackery, then it needs to be another word. I leave it to the poc community to decide what it should be, but its got to be something.
As for my 10 cents, I think its fine if mods arent moderating this word in general, its just weird to use it themselves as it still is somewhat of an insult and as you put it... in the name of unity not helpful. In the forum I managed, I wouldnt have allowed my mods to use wording that angered users, especially when they already stated it feels insensitive to them. Its kind of annoying but as the ones managing a community, its always easier in the long run to take the high road even if it pissed me off to no end sometimes not to be able to slap people around :p

But again, small issue overall compared to the thread topic.


May 5, 2018
You are conflating several things here, mostly my intent, or the interpretation of my words. I never said "it's okay to be racist to whites now?" I'm asking there to be a clear standard set because now I and several other users have confusion over what is acceptable. That should be addressed by staff. It's irrelevant if it was a misstep, or if the users in question had malice for the white devil in their hearts when they used the term cracker. I'm speaking strictly administratively.

What factually occurred in this thread is that nonwhite users used white racial epithets to describe other nonwhite users. I did not know that kind of behavior could fly. There is a nonwhite user with the tag "Cracker Whisperer", which is also something I didn't know was acceptable.

I'm asking for clarity on this matter in the thread that largely adjudicates those sort of questions.

If you go back about three pages one of the mods said that they're not going to be banning the use of the word 'cracker.' I don't know how they can be much more clear than that.

And speaking as a white person, that's perfectly fine. Cracker does not, and never will, have the same weight as slurs used against minority groups and as such I think it's normal to moderate it differently.


Nov 20, 2017
Manchester, NH
That is a very cool report. Can someone threadmark this as well? @Mods
So mobafire is 80% of thier traffic, where the discussion boards there are dead; like you mentioned it's all about web searches for particular topics that drives everything. Guides, shit like that. The 'communities' mean little, especially non-gaming related ones. They make money from ads when you search for 'far cry 6 tips' and a big OT on resetera for example, is high in the google results. Or am I misinterpreting?

Does anyone know if the gaming side drives the bulk of resetera traffic, or?


Actually knows the TOS
Oct 25, 2017
actually a little more "tone policing" would probably help the general tone of the site? we've curated an environment where it's OK to casually insult people and be generally vitriolic as long as it's for the "right reasons" and then mods get all :shockedpikachu: when that anger and vitriol is turned back on them when some parts of the community feel (rightly or wrongly) that they've suffered some injustice
I don't think you're necessarily wrong, but tone policing almost always disproportionately affects minorities that are tired of having to politely abide casual bigotry. This is ultimately a relitigated discussion that has been had between staff and communities several times. The tradeoff for allowing a (relatively) unique space for diversity and gaming is that people be allowed to pop off in ways that might not be allowed in other places that more closely mirror the culture of the Global North.


Rap Genius
Oct 27, 2017
Dark Space
Every poster/dev/whatever can't be fucking racist, sexist or a homophobe as I often see being inferred by the moderation.

Disqualifying a person's opinions because they happen to be a different color/sex/orientation than you is lame as fuck.

I'm still applauding your efforts and still remaining in your corner but it's only been met with derision.

You wonder why you face derision, when you make wild, insane statements like the one I singled out right here? This is why I say you are in the Twilight Zone, because if this is how you think the mod team sees the world, you are not in the same reality as us. Point blank period. I don't need to respond to anything else you say, when the premise of your words is coming from the idea that we see things this way. Your post is the literal definition of gaslighting.

You see us as some crazy blinded extremists, yes I'm going to respond publicly instead of taking it to private messages. I deserve to push back on that in the open.

I'm not even upset or typing this in an agitated manner, so please don't read any negative energy in my words. I'm just stating plainly that you are incorrect in your perception of how we operate around here.

I was once told, "You feelings aren't wrong, but your perceptions which affect those feeling can be inaccurate." This may be the case here for you, so I'm not trying to shut you down or invalidate your voice in how the forum prospers. Your input matters. I just need your data to be correct so the output matches.
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Scratching that
Oct 25, 2017
So mobafire is 80% of thier traffic, where the discussion boards there are dead; like you mentioned it's all about web searches for particular topics that drives everything. Guides, shit like that. The 'communities' mean little, especially non-gaming related ones. They make money from ads when you search for 'far cry 6 tips' and a big OT on resetera for example, is high in the google results. Or am I misinterpreting?

Does anyone know if the gaming side drives the bulk of resetera traffic, or?
Thats also how I am reading it. And considering that they dont care about the state of the discussion, I can actually see how they literally dont care how we handle things on here ourselves, which is actually pretty darn fine by me. Ideally, and I am just talking about most wishful thinking here, this would increase Reseteras visibility as a brand for inclusiveness that their growth model advertises to more people in general, so more people that might be in need of such a community could find it.

The downside of this is more moderation work, and if I was part of the mod team, I would try to find out how to find new mod structures quickly to compensate for that before it becomes too hard to manage that with a huge influx of new users constantly.

In the most optimistic way, this seems a bit like a blank slate with a lot of opportunities for us, but I am going to repeat again, that we need some decent community/admin team unity and work to achieve that as it would be helpful to know what they plan exactly with us and how things work under their umbrella so we and the mod team can make some informed decisions and planning (see my catalog of questions here )
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Oct 25, 2017
Chesire, UK
More info on MOBA Network from Redeye, this is actually pretty interesting and easy to understand.

Traffic growth rate of their sites, which is pretty darn impressive for most of them. Seems like their system does work to that end.

Now this is the good shit. Lovely meaty report that.

So mobafire is 80% of thier traffic, where the discussion boards there are dead; like you mentioned it's all about web searches for particular topics that drives everything. Guides, shit like that. The 'communities' mean little, especially non-gaming related ones. They make money from ads when you search for 'far cry 6 tips' and a big OT on resetera for example, is high in the google results. Or am I misinterpreting?

Does anyone know if the gaming side drives the bulk of resetera traffic, or?

Yeah, and we're about to become their number 2 with a bullet, though with much better engagement metrics (longer visits and lower bounce rates).


Oct 25, 2017
I get your sentiment, it's just that this feels like a trivial point to debate. Either

A. The disparity of institutions is so great that cracker has no teeth compared to genuine racial slurs against minorities that it's not worthy of moderation, atleast no more than less racialized insults like idiot. Or...

B. As a slur, it's use ought to be discouraged to move towards unity. Which is fine, but even then it can never be regulated to the degree real racial slurs are. Additionally, there should still be a word for when white perform ignorance regarding racial issues because that is an extremely common white practice. We have the female specific form of it with 'Karen' and no one has a problem with that, so there should be a general term for it, no?

But my assessment either way, this just feels like a trivial issue. PoCs need ways of calling out white supremacy shenanigans. If not crackery, then it needs to be another word. I leave it to the poc community to decide what it should be, but its got to be something.
If you go back about three pages one of the mods said that they're not going to be banning the use of the word 'cracker.' I don't know how they can be much more clear than that.

And speaking as a white person, that's perfectly fine. Cracker does not, and never will, have the same weight as slurs used against minority groups and as such I think it's normal to moderate it differently.
I'm not, you quoted my post and I clarified what I was referencing when posting it since you seemed to take it on a tangent beyond the intent I had. I doubt whether you have a sincere confusion around what precedent is set on a forum level off the back of one misapplication of the term though. Despite that feel free to continue on in your confusion until you have an answer that resolves it from a member of staff. Not being one there's nothing much I can offer other than to respond to you with my thoughts in response to your replies. Which I have done and, as before, it seems like we're at an impasse.

You do seem pretty pressed about that "Cracker Whisperer" tag though.

Since we're focusing on essentialism instead of administrative candor, maybe an illustrative example will work better.

As a black person, if any of you niggas call me a cracker, we will have nothing further to talk about.


Oct 25, 2017
Thats also how I am reading it. And considering that they dont care about the state of the discussion, I can actually see how they literally dont care how we handle things on here ourselves, which is actually pretty darn fine by me. Ideally, and I am just talking about most wishful thinking here, this would increase Reseteras visibility as a brand for inclusiveness that their growth model advertises to more people in general, so more people that might be in need of such a community could find it.

The downside of this is more moderation work, and if I was part of the mod team, I would try to find out how to find new mod structures quickly to compensate for that before it becomes too hard to manage that with a huge influx of new users constantly.
The fact that they won't care about matters on the forum is sort of a double edged sword though. They won't interfere with moderation but they also won't listen to complaints towards intrusive or inappropriate ads or other concerns like looser registration requirements.

I'm getting some real "high quality" ads on mobafire at the moment for example and some of their other sites have those auto playing videos on each page. I think we can expect them to go big on the most profitable ad setup without regard for the user experience.



Oct 27, 2017
No one is saying that cracker is even in the same level as insults that target minorities. Further discussing that is only a way to divert attention and dilute the issue.
But why should cracker directed at a user be allowed? What's the value of that word in a discussion in this specific forum being used at these specific users? What's the purpose of the word? It can simultaneously not be as important and offensive as other racial slurs (not even close) while still being a racial slur and offensive. The two aren't mutually exclusive.

blame space

Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
No one is saying that cracker is even in the same level as insults that target minorities. Further discussing that is only a way to divert attention and dilute the issue.
But why should cracker directed at a user be allowed? What's the value of that word in a discussion in this specific forum being used at these specific users? What's the purpose of the word? It can simultaneously not be as important and offensive as other racial slurs (not even close) while still being a racial slur and offensive. The two aren't mutually exclusive.
they want to seem cool


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Involuntary restoration of deleted OT content has a straightforward explanation when that content is so important for the business model of the new owners (search results). I'm sure the other community considerations mentioned are important as well but that angle makes it pretty cut and dry.


Oct 27, 2017
The fact that they won't care about matters on the forum is sort of a double edged sword though. They won't interfere with moderation but they also won't listen to complaints towards intrusive or inappropriate ads or other concerns like looser registration requirements.

I'm getting some real "high quality" ads on mobafire at the moment for example and some of their other sites have those auto playing videos on each page. I think we can expect them to go big on the most profitable ad setup without regard for the user experience.

Those have been there for ages, and there have been threads made just for those particular ads.

It has nothing to do with what's going on now with the ownership, lol.


Scratching that
Oct 25, 2017
The fact that they won't care about matters on the forum is sort of a double edged sword though. They won't interfere with moderation but they also won't listen to complaints towards intrusive or inappropriate ads or other concerns like looser registration requirements.

I'm getting some real "high quality" ads on mobafire at the moment for example and some of their other sites have those auto playing videos on each page. I think we can expect them to go big on the most profitable ad setup without regard for the user experience.

That is exactly what I am talking about though. If we actually are their first foray into a new userbase, we might actually have a case where they might be interested in listening as they want more people to find the traffic and also more people that the content is relevant for. Thats the whole Facebook Ads model: show the ads to people they are relevant for. If this community predominantly includes and attracts minorities / left progressives, its in their financial interest to investigate if possibilities like ad reporting make sense or not.

But if we just ignore everything and keep our heads in the sand and arent looking for a discourse, of course they are going to try the same thing the other sites have, why wouldnt they?


Oct 27, 2017
Involuntary restoration of deleted OT content has a straightforward explanation when that content is so important for the business model of the new owners (search results). I'm sure the other community considerations mentioned are important as well but that angle makes it pretty cut and dry.
That deletion/restoration had nothing to do with what the new owners want, and if you're going to jump into that conversation to make a point, you should probably actually read what happened those 30+ pages ago when it actually happened.


Scratching that
Oct 25, 2017
Involuntary restoration of deleted OT content has a straightforward explanation when that content is so important for the business model of the new owners (search results). I'm sure the other community considerations mentioned are important as well but that angle makes it pretty cut and dry.
I really dont think the mods/admins care about the new owners business model at this point. I dont entirely agree with how it was handled, but we dont need to bring in weird unrelated ulterior motives.


Dec 10, 2018
Tulsa, Oklahoma
The fact that they won't care about matters on the forum is sort of a double edged sword though. They won't interfere with moderation but they also won't listen to complaints towards intrusive or inappropriate ads or other concerns like looser registration requirements.

I'm getting some real "high quality" ads on mobafire at the moment for example and some of their other sites have those auto playing videos on each page. I think we can expect them to go big on the most profitable ad setup without regard for the user experience.

Those ads have nothing to do with the ownership change. They been around for months and we've had multiple threads about it.


Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
Thats also how I am reading it. And considering that they dont care about the state of the discussion, I can actually see how they literally dont care how we handle things on here ourselves, which is actually pretty darn fine by me. Ideally, and I am just talking about most wishful thinking here, this would increase Reseteras visibility as a brand for inclusiveness that their growth model advertises to more people in general, so more people that might be in need of such a community could find it.
FWIW, if you've ever googled Restera, you'll know our SEO results kind of suck, so if these guys *are* planning to do something on that end to direct people to OTs and stuff I'd be very happy about it.

Maybe we can even get our wiki page back!

The downside of this is more moderation work, and if I was part of the mod team, I would try to find out how to find new mod structures quickly to compensate for that before it becomes too hard to manage that with a huge influx of new users constantly.
And we do have some ideas we're kicking around on this.
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Nov 20, 2017
Manchester, NH
I'm getting some real "high quality" ads on mobafire at the moment for example and some of their other sites have those auto playing videos on each page. I think we can expect them to go big on the most profitable ad setup without regard for the user experience.

Ya, based on that- everything seems to point to #1: way more intrusive advertising, and #2: them getting involved when a big game (CP 2077, Harry Potter etc) that is not in line with the current site values, getting pushed through regardless of mod pushback etc to drive that sweet, sweet traffic. Everything else will prob be hands off because, who cares, it won't hurt the bottom line.


Scratching that
Oct 25, 2017
Ya, based on that- everything seems to point to #1: way more intrusive advertising, and #2: them getting involved when a big game (CP 2077, Harry Potter etc) that is not in line with the current site values, getting pushed through regardless of mod pushback etc to drive that sweet, sweet traffic. Everything else will prob be hands off because, who cares, it won't hurt the bottom line.
I dont... even think they will care about that. Honestly. If they dont care to invest into the health of their communities that ultimately creates these type of content (letting their user base dry out, which by that logic will prevent people making that content in the first place), then I really think its a far cry (ha!) from being so invested that they will mandate discussion about a certain game. By now and especially after reading that report, I am really damn convinced they dont give a rats ass what we do here as long as they control the backend and monetization means.


Oct 25, 2017
No one is saying that cracker is even in the same level as insults that target minorities. Further discussing that is only a way to divert attention and dilute the issue.
But why should cracker directed at a user be allowed? What's the value of that word in a discussion in this specific forum being used at these specific users? What's the purpose of the word? It can simultaneously not be as important and offensive as other racial slurs (not even close) while still being a racial slur and offensive. The two aren't mutually exclusive.

The myopia of the defenses centering whiteness in every expression of the conversation is exhausting, and illustrative of why this forum continues to have issues with minority communities and tension cross-forum. No one asked to ban all slurs, no one came close to equating the term cracker to any slur used to describe a minority, all anybody did was simply point out how allowing the contextless and casual use of a racial epithet subverts the very intention of this forum to be equitable. It's irrelevant what the racial epithet was.

And to receive that feedback, and reduce it to "reverse racism", is so self superior that it again centers whiteness and white sensibilities that the fact a nonwhite being called a cracker - or being described acting like a cracker - doesn't deserve being actioned. And to be told that the use of cracker is a tool used to describe white supremacy is actually really insulting, because everyone knows that insults are no weapon against the historical and fundamental institution of racism. Me or anyone calling any of you (or any white person) a cracker on this forum is not going to stop a single bullet or build a single community or hold any institution accountable.

Really a masterclass in missing the point and lacking intersectional empathy, and I'd rather outline that hypocrisy than call anybody a cracker ass cracker.
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Oct 27, 2017
Ya, based on that- everything seems to point to #1: way more intrusive advertising, and #2: them getting involved when a big game (CP 2077, Harry Potter etc) that is not in line with the current site values, getting pushed through regardless of mod pushback etc to drive that sweet, sweet traffic. Everything else will prob be hands off because, who cares, it won't hurt the bottom line.
See the several posts above.


Scratching that
Oct 25, 2017
And we do have some ideas we're kicking around on this.
Good to know <3

And as my question catalogue has been ignored so far (:p) and I cant be on your ass all night about it as I need to sleep at some point, I really would love to know how you guys/girls on the mod team are dealing with that whole situation personally? How is the mod team handling it? I understand you guys also need to vent some frustration and have better things to do than moderate a 200 page thread, but how are you all holding up?


Oct 7, 2021
I didn't need to tell them that I was a moderator, for starters (well, former at the time). Without going too deep into it, the report system and some other mod tools this forum software currently uses is incredibly similar to what Zendesk is like currently. So when I started the job and they began training me, I took to Zendesk incredibly fast because of my time here.
Oh I see. My question was in a different direction. I was a staff writer once for a website but they wanted us to use nicknames to sign our articles and it was very difficult to prove I had that experience, so I was curious as to how you'd gotten around it.


Scratching that
Oct 25, 2017
Oh I see. My question was in a different direction. I was a staff writer once for a website but they wanted us to use nicknames to sign our articles and it was very difficult to prove I had that experience, so I was curious as to how you'd gotten around it.
I think in the history of Resetera threads, quoting a post that is just 2 days old, but was 3.000 posts prior must be some kind of record contender.
Some questions answered


Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
Good to know, as my question catalogue has been ignored so far (:p) and I cant be on your ass all night about it as I need to sleep at some point, I really would love to know how you guys/girls on the mod team are dealing with that whole situation personally? How is the mod team handling it? I understand you guys also need to vent some frustration and have better things to do than moderate a 200 page thread, but how are you all holding up?
Ah, doing alright.

As for your questions, I not really 100% on all that many of them. But let's see...

1. MOBA's statement is threadmarked on the first page, I don't know the history of prior statements, if they made any; we're a lot bigger than most of their acquisitions.

2. They're apparently very hands off, which is part of the appeal of them as a seller, per Cerium's statement. Ad strategies are sort of an open question at this point, but they seem to use a very similar ad server and setup to the one we use (assuming you're logged out), which is somewhat encouraging.

3. We're feeling alright overall with the sale, but folks have posted their thoughts in here piecemeal, and I'll leave representing them to themselves. No direct contact yet with the swedes.

4. We're working on a few ideas for expanding the team. Always looking for good mods. We don't have an applications process because honestly sorting through them and trying to figure out who's sincere and who's applying because they're under the profoundly deluded belief that it'd make for a nice power trip (it does NOT, believe you me) is too much of headache. I'll leave off going into our longer-term plans until we've hammered out the details.

5. Cerium goes over his impression of the owners in the OP. If you're looking to address specific concerns, this is the thread for it, but as I've said, we don't have a ton of concrete answers as yet.

6. I would actually reference some of Kyuuji 's posts in here on #6, they line up well with my own personal beliefs - that this is a place worth keeping going, and coming here does not really analogize well to buying a product from a bigot. But this is ultimately a personal decision; I can't tell you or anybody else how to feel about it.

7. Sure, I can threadmark, uh, myself.

8. Not sure how things are getting divvied up on the tech/administration front yet.

9. Yes, you can still report problematic or malicious ads. Like I said, they seem to use a similar ad setup to us, so it shouldn't be too much of an issue. Only so much can be done there, though; just like now, ad servers have their own processes and people get around them on the regular.
I think in the history of Resetera threads, quoting a post that is just 2 days old, but was 3.000 posts prior must be some kind of record contender.
Not remotely. You must've missed the election night (week) superthreads.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Since we're focusing on essentialism instead of administrative candor, maybe an illustrative example will work better.

As a black person, if any of you niggas call me a cracker, we will have nothing further to talk about.
Sure, not something I'm likely to run afoul of but I can appreciate that.


Scratching that
Oct 25, 2017
Ah, doing alright.

As for your questions, I not really 100% on all that many of them. But let's see...

1. MOBA's statement is threadmarked on the first page, I don't know the history of prior statements, if they made any; we're a lot bigger than most of their acquisitions.

2. They're apparently very hands off, which is part of the appeal of them as a seller, per Cerium's statement. Ad strategies are sort of an open question at this point, but they seem to use a very similar ad server and setup to the one we use (assuming you're logged out), which is somewhat encouraging.

3. We're feeling alright overall with the sale, but folks have posted their thoughts in here piecemeal, and I'll leave representing them to themselves. No direct contact yet with the swedes.

4. We're working on a few ideas for expanding the team. Always looking for good mods. We don't have an applications process because honestly sorting through them and trying to figure out who's sincere and who's applying because they're under the profoundly deluded belief that it'd make for a nice power trip (it does NOT, believe you me) is too much of headache. I'll leave off going into our longer-term plans until we've hammered out the details.

5. Cerium goes over his impression of the owners in the OP. If you're looking to address specific concerns, this is the thread for it, but as I've said, we don't have a ton of concrete answers as yet.

6. I would actually reference some of Kyuuji 's posts in here on #6, they line up well with my own personal beliefs - that this is a place worth keeping going, and coming here does not really analogize well to buying a product from a bigot. But this is ultimately a personal decision; I can't tell you or anybody else how to feel about it.

7. Sure, I can threadmark, uh, myself.

8. Not sure how things are getting divvied up on the tech/administration front yet.

9. Yes, you can still report problematic or malicious ads. Like I said, they seem to use a similar ad setup to us, so it shouldn't be too much of an issue. Only so much can be done there, though; just like now, ad servers have their own processes and people get around them on the regular.

Not remotely. You must've missed the election night (week) superthreads.

Thank you and I do mean that I was participating in this conversation because I do care about the community in general. Moderation can be hard and excruciating, I was lucky to have had 20 stellar moderators working for me back then that I still occasionally meet from time to time. Its a big emotional and time investment that users usually dont find the means to appreciate. So thank you again, please extend it to all team members. Your efforts are very appreciated.


Scratching that
Oct 25, 2017
LOL They were quoting me though. I only look at ERA when I'm at work and I was off for the last three days.
Haha, yeah, just found it funny and apparently its not a record though, sorry to have raised any record breaking expectations. =P

Deleted member 40853

User requested account closure
Mar 9, 2018
User banned (permanent): Hostility towards staff. Multiple prior bans for hostility.
This is an amazing thread. You gotta love the performative wokeness of the staff that they spend like 30 pages going to the mat for a white woman calling a black man a cracker, but the mildest suggestion that hey, maybe you guys shouldn't work for free for a guy cashing out millions, it devalues labor ya know, turns into a 120+ page didactic slap fight. How DARE you! These users are hypocrites! They are the evil ones! You have to really admire the utter insanity of proclaiming that large swaths of the community are toxic, hostile, and bigoted while insisting that you want to moderate that community for free. That cannot possibly be healthy. Some real "we are the shields against the darkness" energy going on here. Incredible stuff. Cerium could not have asked for a better crew, so props to him on the payday.

God damn I love me some petty ass mod drama. I'm getting real 2004 vibes from this thread. Can't wait to see what happens next!
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