
Oct 27, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Also didn't someone say things were placed in the demo for ..demo purposes .. like for example the shotgun won't be in that location in the final game
There was a Capcom rep who posted here that the items and ammo won't be in the same place and that the shotgun won't be gotten so easily because the weapon locker keycard won't be in that room

Here's the post
Need not worry. It's going to take a lot longer to get to that shotty in the full game. The access card will not be placed in the same location.

In short, some of the item placements have been shuffled around and optimized for the abridged 30-minute demo experience.


Nov 3, 2017
Took too damn long soaking it all in and didn't finish in time. Got the spade key so I was close.

I don't know if it's because I'm coming from just playing the amazing-looking Detroit: Become Human, but I was a little let down by the visuals on my base PS4. Ran smooth, though, and the shooting was fun. I love how you can see the impact of your bullets on enemies. I kept turning zombie heads into pulply messes and I loved it. Even the knife shows cuts.

Will still definitely pick it up. Gotta finish Spider-Man first, though.


EIC of Theouterhaven
Oct 27, 2017
Claymont, Delaware
Played it again, only this time I decided to ignore the warnings and play it at max settings, 3440x1440 and with the textures at 6GB. Also no DX12 this time, why this shit is terrible no matter the game escapes me. The entire playthrough was around 90-100 since I capped it to 100FPS and I rarely saw it high under 70. There were a few places where the volumetric lighting caused the framerate to drop but there were few places that did that.

I'd post the video but for some reason there are audio skips toward the end.

I'm impressed. Now I need to hook this PC up to my 4K TV, since my streaming PC only has a GTX 1080 and see what those results are. Capcom worked that magic with the RE Engine this time.


Oct 28, 2017

Huh, that's weird, that Zombie never came to life in any of my playthroughs for me.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah this was a shame and something I noticed as well, but a lot that looking back at it was basically just a way for the game to describe what was in the environment when the backgrounds weren't quite good enough to show you, now you can clearly see what things are and what they're meant to be.
had nothing to do with the backgrounds having bad graphics or so.
I'm just watching a playthrough of 2.
for example you can press X on a shelf in the STARS office and Claire then says "Several files from old cases. Nothing usefull here."
and you can see that it is a shelf with folders with no problems.
but that stuff was just neat and sometimes had interesting stuff for you.

How About No

Oct 25, 2017
The Great Dairy State
had nothing to do with the backgrounds having bad graphics or so.
I'm just watching a playthrough of 2.
for example you can press X on a shelf in the STARS office and Claire then says "Several files from old cases. Nothing usefull here."
and you can see that it is a shelf with folders with no problems.
but that stuff was just neat and sometimes had interesting stuff for you.
heh I was watching Game Informer's RE1 Super Replay and "Nothing major" became a running joke XD


Oct 26, 2017
had nothing to do with the backgrounds having bad graphics or so.
I'm just watching a playthrough of 2.
for example you can press X on a shelf in the STARS office and Claire then says "Several files from old cases. Nothing usefull here."
and you can see that it is a shelf with folders with no problems.
but that stuff was just neat and sometimes had interesting stuff for you.

Same, that's how I noticed that a lot of them are kinda generic. The backgrounds are fine, but the playthrough I've been watching is on the most recent port of the game, on an emulator, with a HD mod. Trying to see those backgrounds back in 98 on the PS1 wasn't quite so easy (though in my case it was a little later on dreamcast and windows 95).

I wish they were still in, at least to like, a more limited degree that just had the characters commentating on it similar to like, how RE4 did it. Just that a lot of what those text lines did can be done with just looking now.


Oct 25, 2017
I just posted a much more polished version of my fixed camera angle mod video. This one is much better.


Dutch Masters

Jun 7, 2018
Don't think it'll be in the game but I really want a Defend the House style type of mode, it could really take advantage of the window boarding mechanic and it would be fun to play something similar to when you hold off the horde with Luis in RE4 but with a Night of the Living Dead twist.


Oct 27, 2017

Gavin Stevens

Team Blur Games
Oct 27, 2017
Telford, Shropshire
Sat back down with the 1X version on my 65" C7 OLED. Turned off all the lights, saw I had 6 minutes left and knuckled down to what needed to be done...

Addressing the lighting.

Ok, so... First of all, I turned HDR off before loading the game up. Nothing you will do will get the HDR lighting looking correct. Not a damn thing. Likes broken beyond belief.

Then I messed with the settings... And for me, it was as follows...

- First screen one notch or so below max.

- Second screen one notch or so below minimum.

- Last screen about one notch over middle.

Now you will right away, you will notice that you can control a LOT more than you can with HDR. Anyway, with these, well... the lighting was spot on. As in, blacks were black, everything popped, and when I was in a dark coridor, god damn it I was in a DARK CORIDOR. No more blue/green weird lighting, no more coloured shadows... it looks utterly stunning.

So yeah, I'm convinced that I can get the final game looking good. Damn good. But unless something changes, that HDR is getting turned the F off...


Oct 25, 2017
Wait a minute. Why in my game when i played it the front hall main door outside was all boarded up and blocked? I remembered people saying you could go outside so i tried and couldnt. I just watched someone stream it and there was nothing blocking the door. Wtf?


Dec 24, 2017
Wait a minute. Why in my game when i played it the front hall main door outside was all boarded up and blocked? I remembered people saying you could go outside so i tried and couldnt. I just watched someone stream it and there was nothing blocking the door. Wtf?
It's blocked once Marvin saves you but unblocked at the very beginning of the demo.


Oct 27, 2017
Always wanted to play it, remember seeing ads for it in EGM years ago

Might have to get it on Steam now, didn't know it was a mix of fixed camera and OTS
It's not a completely static camera, it's more like the Outbreak games, a moving 3D camera which doesn't change perspectives, also can't say how well the game may have aged after so many years...



Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 5, 2017
It's not a completely static camera, it's more like the Outbreak games, a moving 3D camera which doesn't change perspectives, also can't say how well the game may have aged after so many years...

Man, Cold Fear, such a great Game! Would love a new one!


Jun 8, 2018
I played on this on pc, xbox and ps4 and the HDR10 is absolutely fine. The dolby atmos was great also but need more time with it to say its demo sound worthy.

Not sure what settings people have their TVs set to and not sure what they're doing with the initial HDR settings but maybe they're best sticking to SDR as it would be a shame if they get the brightness and contrast wrong.

Gavin Stevens

Team Blur Games
Oct 27, 2017
Telford, Shropshire
I played on this on pc, xbox and ps4 and the HDR10 is absolutely fine. The dolby atmos was great also but need more time with it to say its demo sound worthy.

Not sure what settings people have their TVs set to and not sure what they're doing with the initial HDR settings but maybe they're best sticking to SDR as it would be a shame if they get the brightness and contrast wrong.

I'm a game developer who works with content every day, my sets are calibrated perfectly fine, all of them. There are issues with the HDR. It's lerfectly easy to get a good result in the main hall. But once you go under the metal shutter, the lighting goes crazy and suddenly your looking at grey and blue shadows.

I'm not the only developer to say they can see this, I'm not the only person. In fact, so far, you're the first person I've seen say otherwise.


Oct 28, 2017
Man I am just not feeling that new soundtrack. Probably gonna buy the deluxe edition. Still think its an incredibly scummy move to lock old soundtracks behind deluxe editions

Edit: also, no descriptions when you interact with things. Is this gonna be in the final game? All that happens is, the inventory pops up for you to use something.


Oct 30, 2017
I'm super excited for this game but there are few things i didn't like in this demo.

-the zombies are very easy to avoid and are very slow.
-no doors opening animations makes things looks awkward
-mostly no music, music was one of big pillers of OG RE2, I'm gonna buy the ost and use it immediately.


Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
Man I am just not feeling that new soundtrack. Probably gonna buy the deluxe edition. Still think its an incredibly scummy move to lock old soundtracks behind deluxe editions

Edit: also, no descriptions when you interact with things. Is this gonna be in the final game? All that happens is, the inventory pops up for you to use something.

you can buy the old soundtrack+ old SFX separately, i don´t think it is locked behind deluxe edition


Oct 27, 2017
Are zombies not supposed to die even after being shot in the head? They just don't stay dead in my playthrough!


Oct 25, 2017
One thing that really bothers me in all of these games... there's no fucking way a zombie grabbing at Leon's feet would be able to pull him down and devour him like in that above gif.

Or when a zombie grabs you and you spend far too long trying to shove it off you.

Are zombies not supposed to die even after being shot in the head? They just don't stay dead in my playthrough!

I almost wish they were much harder to hit (more lurching) and were a one shot kill if you hit them square in the forehead. Right now it takes 2-3 shots, unless I'm doing it wrong...


Oct 25, 2017
Vancouver BC
I spent half the time gawking at the visuals and atmosphere so I didn't get very far, but I didn't get bit, scored nothing but headshots, and evaded the 3 zombies just before meeting Marvin perfectly.

Can not wait for this game. It's a dream come true.


Oct 25, 2017
Only managed to get to the second floor locker room with the steam pipe before it ended lol. Going in I was worried it would be crappy Revelations 2 style movement and controls but this seems better, still a bit loose but it was fine for the most part. Had trouble finding the right settings for brightness but I did not fiddle with it too much since it was only a 30 min demo.

Shooting felt weak as hell; the sound effects really don't sell the weapons very well.

The way you board up windows was odd, just a static image on top of another static image. It would have been better if the screen faded to black and then when it came back it showed the character finishing up the action, the way it is now just seems to take you out for a brief second which makes it kinda jarring. I hope the boarding up mechanic is used in the main game well; I think it is an interesting take on the crimson zombie mechanic from RE1 but less dramatic.

Don't like the way there are icons over all the interactable elements, I guess they did it for gameplay purposes but maybe have them over key objects and not literally over everything would have been better for me. At least they only show up when you a certain distance away from them.

Didn't convince me to get the game but I don't think a a 30 min demo that you can only do one time is the best way to do that. You either knew you wanted to get this day one or you didn't, this demo would have not changed your mind all that much I think.