Deleted member 1102

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
The idea of RE3 being remade just like this has me


Deleted member 1102

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
Didn't the devs say that their goal if RE2 does well is to remake 3? I swear I heard that a couple of days ago unless I'm going crazy and imagining things.

Fancy Clown

Oct 25, 2017
I have a feeling RE2 and 3 are the only remakes they'll be doing for the foreseeable future. 2 and 3 are the only ones not available in some form on current systems/steam, and CVX feels kind of like an outlier to me. Wasn't it not even made by a Capcom internal team or something?

I think after the (hopefully) inevitable RE3 REmake they just continue to make new games...ideally including a RE spinoff series that uses the classic camera angles.


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Y'all asking for an RE4 remake next and I kind of want them to do REREmake lol.


This remake needs to be the new gold standard

Incredible mix of what made RE4 amazing with elements of the old games and most importantly... something new


and people gonna complain why game look more actions

but it doesn't look more action-y, that's the thing. It has the over-the-shoulder perspective that RE4 has, but the similarity stops there. The game's producer, on the official Capcom stream, literally called the game "a metroidvania survival horror game". And that's exactly what the videos show. The player cannot kneecap the zombie and supplex them like Leon could in RE4, ammo is scarce and enemies are aplenty.

Also, considering just how mediocre Code Veronica was, that's one more reason why I want them to remake it just like RE2.


Mar 28, 2018
but it doesn't look more action-y, that's the thing. It has the over-the-shoulder perspective that RE4 has, but the similarity stops there. The game's producer, on the official Capcom stream, literally called the game "a metroidvania survival horror game". And that's exactly what the videos show. The player cannot kneecap the zombie and supplex them like Leon could in RE4, ammo is scarce and enemies are aplenty.

Also, considering just how mediocre Code Veronica was, that's one more reason why I want them to remake it just like RE2.

RE 2 is first time that leon and claire fight B.O.W.s.
Unlike RE 3,CV and later RE game that RE Character become action hero.


Fancy Clown

Oct 25, 2017
I played CVX for the first time last year. Overall I enjoyed it, but it's so uneven. What it does well is awesome, but what it doesn't is generally just straight up broken.

On the one hand, the level design and gated puzzle stuff is the most comprehensive complex of any of the classic games outside 1/REmake. It's really takes the Byzantine layouts to their absolute extreme which is pretty cool, but then the item box locations blow so backtracking can be made frustrating. The game is too long for the classic style too. The island is great, but Antarctica wears thin, since it's not as well designed.

The game has a really cool baroque gothic vibe to it (the Ashford residence is so good) but the real-time graphics look really bland compared to the gorgeous prerendered PS1 trilogy.

There are some wacky enemy decisions too: The bandersnatches are terrible enemy that hit you from off screen and take way too many hits and are used far too frequently, the bats that swarm you for like 5 floors in the Ashford residence are annoying, and most notoriously the unlimited spawning poison moths right outside the save room in Antarctica are one of the most bafflingly irritating design choices in the series.

And then just about every single boss fight in the game is straight up broken and requires you to cheese it in some method. Not a single one is fun.

Overall the ambition on display in regards to the classic formula means I still really like it, but it is a weaker entry in the series due to its massive flaws. Still a better classic RE than Zero though, which for all its beauty is fairly uninspired in terms of its game design, and the lack of item boxes is far more ruinous than even the plethora of headscratchers in CVX because it pervades the entire game.

CVX doesn't touch 3 though, despite the two games seemingly locked in an eternal pissing match.
Oct 26, 2017
Alone in the Dark was the true trend setter, though. RE1 is an example of a game that ran into development problems and solved them by finding a popular game and aping it while adding a few twists of its own.
AitD was first but hardly a trend setter. RE1-3 were basically the template for every horror game until RE4. Even AitD later copied their design to a t.

Capcpom set the standard. After RE4 they just chased every trend and fad

Deleted member 3010

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The attention to details simply is stunning.

I couldn't ask for a better remake, honestly, and I fucking wanted fixed cameras.

The execution is perfect so far.

And WOW, that Leon death gif up there, holy shit. These are the scariest zombies I've seen in a game, seriously.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
This game is looking perfect. My wishlist over the original would be fleshing out anything that isn't the precinct (which I'm sure will happen) and actual good boss fights. GOAT incoming. I'm already daydreaming about releasing night, cranking up the graphics and turning out the lights.


Mar 16, 2018
they need to remake 3 after this one and of course a re8
we're already getting a re4 remake, at least on pc


Oct 25, 2017
I like CV but it would be a whole lot of work to redo if they want it to be a serious horror game like this looks to be. Steve, the Ashford siblings, and matrix Wesker would all need to be heavily reworked or removed.

Though I'd be happy anyway. After playing through the whole series it's frustrating how Jill and Claire got shafted once the series went full action.

I clipped Leon's death animation and made it brighter so you can actually see it.


Hell yeah


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
People asking for an RE4 remake should just acquaint (or reacquaint) themselves with the RE4 HD project. Just need a copy of the steam version of the game and a half decent PC. The full release is coming soon.
Dec 6, 2017
I feel like the original soundtrack won't quite match the new level of tension early into the game. Then there's the matter of what they'll do with new areas.

I really hope other parts of the game do a better job of incorporating some of original music into the game, including the 1.5 tracks.

You make some good points, especially the bolded. Never really considered that aspect. I think I'll probably keep hoping that the actual reworked music isn't relegated to a once-in-a-while nostalgia tug in the background and then do a second run after with the original OST tunes. Definitely won't do it the first time around.

Hahaha, I love Resident Evil 7 and the fact it is in First Person perspective. 2's scenario is just a better one and the gameplay looks really tense with a waaay better variety of enemies and we haven't even seen the rest.
What I can say is they seem to be meshing many different things from other Resident Evils into this remake.

I definitely meant it as a lighthearted joke. I really liked RE7's entire middle section...the beginning and entire ending were borderline nap-inducing for me however. I just can't help but think that this RE2 Remake is what fans have been fucking asking for, screaming for, since after RE4 and it just feels like they finally managed to slowly drag themselves there after so many false starts. Just...who knew this was even possible anymore for this franchise.

I also think RE7 had many great ideas in its own way but in hindsight when looking at gameplay videos of this, that game feels more like a spinoff than RE2 Remake currently looks at least for someone like me who's been there since RE1. I think RE7 was more like a good trial run for a hopefully much improved and fleshed-out RE8, it's a great foundation if they can strip the bullshit and iron out the glaring kinks.

Edit: Should clarify I'm just really hyped and who knows, maybe this also takes a nosedive off a cliff after a few hours and turns into an on-rails shooter or some shit...
Dusk Golem

Dusk Golem

Local Horror Enthusiast
Oct 25, 2017
The last page reminds me of one of the biggest tips I ever got for working on games: Be picky of what critique you take on the games you create, many gamers don't know the differences between actual critique and personal preference.

I see a lot of people stating personal preference as fact or a critique everyone would agree with (on preferences for what they should remake), which frankly is not true, and just got me thinking about that old piece of advice.
Dec 6, 2017
People asking for an RE4 remake should just acquaint (or reacquaint) themselves with the RE4 HD project. Just need a copy of the steam version of the game and a half decent PC. The full release is coming soon.

That's some truly great work. Steam version isn't an option for me right now, don't have even a half-decent PC outside of work, but I'm raising a beer for everyone getting to enjoy this.


Oct 27, 2017
Loved that intro back then and Code Veronica was awesome.

I think the very best of Code Veronica, especially if you went in blind (like I did, no internet at home back then) is when you thought you beat the game and then you realise you're not even halfway through the first character's scenario. You all know what moment I mean lmao. For me, it was the game that kept on giving, like "holy shit, there's still more".


Oct 25, 2017
Czech republic
The last page reminds me of one of the biggest tips I ever got for working on games: Be picky of what critique you take on the games you create, many gamers don't know the differences between actual critique and personal preference.

I see a lot of people stating personal preference as fact or a critique everyone would agree with (on preferences for what they should remake), which frankly is not true, and just got me thinking about that old piece of advice.
Wise word mister.


Mar 28, 2018
Honestly,i dont think capcom gonna make RE3,CV Remake be Serious Horror like RE2 Remake
Like i say above RE Character start become action hero in RE3,CV since their was experience to fight B.O.W.s

RE 3 introduce dodge/push system (that become please x to dodge/attack in later game which RE3 Remake could be use it)

Red Barrel in some area and Nemesis use Rocket Launcher in some his boss fight.

CV gameplay not action much as 3 (since made by different team) but character do some Matrix move in cutscene

and capcom could be use many assets in RE3 Remake on CV Remake.
Last edited:


Oct 26, 2017
AitD was first but hardly a trend setter. RE1-3 were basically the template for every horror game until RE4. Even AitD later copied their design to a t.

Capcpom set the standard. After RE4 they just chased every trend and fad

Resident Evil is also a good game. So there's that difference.
You make some good points, especially the bolded. Never really considered that aspect. I think I'll probably keep hoping that the actual reworked music isn't relegated to a once-in-a-while nostalgia tug in the background and then do a second run after with the original OST tunes. Definitely won't do it the first time around.

I definitely meant it as a lighthearted joke. I really liked RE7's entire middle section...the beginning and entire ending were borderline nap-inducing for me however. I just can't help but think that this RE2 Remake is what fans have been fucking asking for, screaming for, since after RE4 and it just feels like they finally managed to slowly drag themselves there after so many false starts. Just...who knew this was even possible anymore for this franchise.

I also think RE7 had many great ideas in its own way but in hindsight when looking at gameplay videos of this, that game feels more like a spinoff than RE2 Remake currently looks at least for someone like me who's been there since RE1. I think RE7 was more like a good trial run for a hopefully much improved and fleshed-out RE8, it's a great foundation if they can strip the bullshit and iron out the glaring kinks.

Edit: Should clarify I'm just really hyped and who knows, maybe this also takes a nosedive off a cliff after a few hours and turns into an on-rails shooter or some shit...

RE2 does have some unused tracks that you can hear if you play a Japanese demo that came with a dualshock version of RE1. There might be tracks that they can pull for the unused areas, but who knows. I'm going to take a wild guess and say that 1.5's tracks might be the best fit, though.

It will be very interesting to see what boss fights sound like. I haven't heard it for myself, but I'm a little concerned by the fact that the save room music apparently doesn't resemble the original. Like, why? It's beginning to sound like a "once-in-a-while nostalgia tug" is a little more than we get.

The "Family" in RE7 may have been exciting upon first playing the game, but upon completing it, I'm personally not a huge fan.


Oct 26, 2017
The dodge mechanic should probably replace defensive weapons in the (hopefully) inevitable RE3make. But make it so that you can't just dodge infinitely. Maybe a stamina meter under your health that slowly refilled could determine your likelyhood of performing a successful dodge. Upon completing the game, turning it off could be an option for those who wanted to attempt a no damage run.

Dr. Caroll

Oct 27, 2017
AitD was first but hardly a trend setter. RE1-3 were basically the template for every horror game until RE4. Even AitD later copied their design to a t.
Pretty much the entire RE1 template was taken verbatim from AitD. AitD predates Resident Evil by four years and was a very popular game. The entire reason RE1 looks and plays the way it does (fixed camera angles, male and female protagonists, things breaking through windows, survival horror mechanics, etc) is because during development Mikami discovered AitD, and RE1 was rebooted.

I think the biggest factor with Resident Evil vs Alone in the Dark, to be completely honest, is that it was the first time a lot of console audiences had played a game like that. Adventure games were a predominantly PC-oriented genre. A console imitation of a PC game will typically overshadow the PC original with general audiences who are typically console gamers. You just have to look at something like STALKER and Far Cry 2. Console audiences tend to think Far Cry popularized design elements such as weapon degradation and "hardcore" open world FPS design, and will say stuff like, "Metro: Exodus seems to be taking a lot of influence from Far Cry 2!" PC gamers roll their eyes and say, "That was all in STALKER a year earlier."
Resident Evil is also a good game. So there's that difference.
Both RE1 and AitD have significant shortcomings. IMO, RE2 was the first truly good RE game. And it is really, really good. RE1's big problem is that it's not scary but it pretends to be scary. And the atmosphere is terribly undermined by the acting. AiTD is a much moodier game despite its more limited visuals, with a sense of dread and menace. AitD's shortcoming of course is the latter half of the game with its poor pacing and lacklustre ending, and that while it discourages combat by giving you very few weapons and little ammo, your melee attacks are OP.

Deleted member 1102

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
For some reason the death gif I posted earlier doesn't work on mobile, so here's a YT upload for those that can't see it.



Oct 26, 2017
Pretty much the entire RE1 template was taken verbatim from AitD. AitD predates Resident Evil by four years and was a very popular game. The entire reason RE1 looks and plays the way it does (fixed camera angles, male and female protagonists, things breaking through windows, survival horror mechanics, etc) is because during development Mikami discovered AitD, and RE1 was rebooted. I think the biggest factor with Resident Evil, to be completely honest, is that it was the first time a lot of console audiences had played a game like that. Adventure games were a predominantly PC-oriented genre. A console imitation of a PC game will typically overshadow the PC original. You just have to look at something like STALKER and Far Cry 2. Console audiences tend to think Far Cry popularized design elements such as weapon degradation and "hardcore" open world FPS design, and will say stuff like, "Metro: Exodus seems to be taking a lot of influence from Far Cry 2!" PC gamers roll their eyes and say, "That was all in STALKER a year earlier."

Both RE1 and AitD have significant shortcomings. IMO, RE2 was the first truly good RE game. And it is really, really good. RE1's big problem is that it's not scary but it pretends to be scary. And the atmosphere is terribly undermined by the acting. AiTD is a much moodier game despite its more limited visuals, with a sense of dread and menace. AitD's shortcoming of course is the latter half of the game with its poor pacing and lacklustre ending, and that while it discourages combat by giving you very few weapons and little ammo, your melee attacks are OP.

Whether or not RE1 is a good game isn't really dependent on whether it's scary or not, although I think it can be considered a weakness the game has. Neither games are scary, but Resident Evil is a great game that runs well.

Edit: I'm not saying that the fact that RE1 lifted several elements from AitD isn't notable, however.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
I'm of the ind that RE4 could use a better remastering than it previously got but not a complete remake. I would love to see the RE4HD project work get used by Capcom (shout outs to those guys for their amazing work) and see RE5's combat and animation improvements implemented in RE4. (RE4 also has a lot of audio bugs in Mercenaries which I'd like to see fixed.)


Oct 25, 2017
The last page reminds me of one of the biggest tips I ever got for working on games: Be picky of what critique you take on the games you create, many gamers don't know the differences between actual critique and personal preference.

I see a lot of people stating personal preference as fact or a critique everyone would agree with (on preferences for what they should remake), which frankly is not true, and just got me thinking about that old piece of advice.

What does this even mean?


Mar 28, 2018
The dodge mechanic should probably replace defensive weapons in the (hopefully) inevitable RE3make. But make it so that you can't just dodge infinitely. Maybe a stamina meter under your health that slowly refilled could determine your likelyhood of performing a successful dodge. Upon completing the game, turning it off could be an option for those who wanted to attempt a no damage run.

like RE6 ?

Dr. Caroll

Oct 27, 2017
Whether or not RE1 is a good game isn't really dependent on whether it's scary or not, although I think it can be considered a weakness the game has. Neither games are scary, but Resident Evil is a great game that runs well.

Edit: I'm not saying that the fact that RE1 lifted several elements from AitD isn't notable, however.
To clarify, the point I'm making is that quite a few people are caught up on this idea that Resident Evil shouldn't imitate other games. That it should be a leader, and not a follower. What I think is critical to understand is that the entire reason RE1-3 are the games we know and love (presumably, not everyone loves them) is because Capcom were willing to shamelessly rip off the most popular horror game on the market. It would be like Capcom rebooting Dead Rising 5 into something that plays like Five Nights At Freddy's with some cool Japanese twists. There's absolutely nothing wrong with Resident Evil adopting ideas, however broadly or deeply, from contemporaries. The entire reason Resident Evil was such a hit was because Capcom were willing to throw out their existing work and replace it with something deeply unoriginal that WORKED. What has changed is that in 1996 most PS1 gamers didn't recognise where RE1's "Hey, it works!" design came from. But in 2018, literally everything about modern Resident evil is nitpicked as "Oh, great, they're just ripping off <insert popular horror game here>, why doesn't Resident Evil innovative?" The sometimes false belief in the originality and innovation of particular Resident Evil titles has led to the modern games copping a lot of unfair flack, I feel. When RE7 was revealed you had people scorning it as a "PT knockoff". Resident Evil has always been about liberally borrowing from other games series and then fitting it all together into a nice package with some really solid game design holding everything together. Something as fundamental as "Should Resident Evil have fixed camera angles?" is quite often discussed without the important context that the only reason why it had them in the first place is because AitD had them and they seemed like a great idea -- a decent compromise between tech limitations and gameplay considerations. Same with tank controls.
Dec 6, 2017
To clarify, the point I'm making is that quite a few people are caught up on this idea that Resident Evil shouldn't imitate other games. That it should be a leader, and not a follower. What I think is critical to understand is that the entire reason RE1-3 are the games we know and love (presumably, not everyone loves them) is because Capcom were willing to shamelessly rip off the most popular horror game on the market. It would be like Capcom rebooting Dead Rising 5 into something that plays like Five Nights At Freddy's with some cool Japanese twists. There's absolutely nothing wrong with Resident Evil adopting ideas, however broadly or deeply, from contemporaries. The entire reason Resident Evil was such a hit was because Capcom were willing to throw out their existing work and replace it with something deeply unoriginal that WORKED. What has changed is that in 1996 most PS1 gamers didn't recognise where RE1's "Hey, it works!" design came from. But in 2018, literally everything about modern Resident evil is nitpicked as "Oh, great, they're just ripping off <insert popular horror game here>, why doesn't Resident Evil innovative?" The sometimes false belief in the originality and innovation of particular Resident Evil titles has led to the modern games copping a lot of unfair flack, I feel. When RE7 was revealed you had people scorning it as a "PT knockoff". Resident Evil has always been about liberally borrowing from other games series and then fitting it all together into a nice package with some really solid game design holding everything together. Something as fundamental as "Should Resident Evil have fixed camera angles?" is quite often discussed without the important context that the only reason why it had them in the first place is because AitD had them and they seemed like a great idea -- a decent compromise between tech limitations and gameplay considerations. Same with tank controls.

What everyone, including me, really means when they level that against any game is that they're not ripping off the thing you personally want them to rip off. I'm 100% guilty of that and cool with it.
Jan 12, 2018
I think the licker might also appear in the front hall. My take is that Marvin is going to get killed by a licker and his blood will splatter on the statue. We saw a screen with the bloodied statue, and in this shot, Marvin is looking at something with his gun out


This is the first time I noticed that Marvin is equipped with a Browning HiPower. Nice little attention to detail, as that was the gun Claire carried in the original (and the intro to CODE: Veronica).

The description of Leon's handgun even states that it is a non-standard issue, which is a nice explanation as to why he was the only RPD officer whoever seemed to carry one.
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Oct 28, 2017
This is the first time I noticed that Marvin is equipped with a Browning HiPower. Nice little attention to detail, as that was the gun Claire carried in the original (and the intro to CODE: Veronica).

The description of Leon's handgun even states that it is a non-standard issue, which is a nice explanation as to why he was the only RPD officer whoever seemed to carry one.

It's also retroactively named Matilda if I'm not mistaken.
Jan 12, 2018
The original Resident Evil 2 was decidedly more action-oriented than the original Resident Evil (so much so that Mikami himself once stated in an interview that he considered CODE: Veronica the "true" sequel to the first Resident Evil ), but I would contend that Resident Evil 3 was the true starting point of the greater emphasis on action in the series (though, let us be honest here, even the original Resident Evil had its share of action). Having said that, the series somewhat backpedaled afterward with the releases of CODE: Veronica, REmake, and Resident Evil 0, so I can understand why people might tend to forget or otherwise overlook the contributions Resident Evil 3 made to the series on that front.

It's also retroactively named Matilda if I'm not mistaken.

It is.